Fonds 619 Northern Tribune fonds

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Summary information

Repository: South Peace Regional Archives
Title: Northern Tribune fonds
Reference code: 0619
Date: 1932-1939 (date of creation)
Physical description: 340 editions
Language: English
Dates of creation, revision and deletion: Exported from AoR and added to new database Oct. 2022 – JL

Administrative history / Biographical sketch

The Northern Tribune was a weekly newspaper founded in Grande Prairie in 1932 when three employees of the Grande Prairie Herald left to set up a competition to the Herald. They were J.B. Yule, editor; Jimmie Duncan, in charge of the presses; and George Duncan, in charge of the composing room. They were joined by Arthur Jackson as the linotype operator. In 1938, the Tribune, along with 90 other Alberta newspapers, received a Pulitzer Prize for their role is fighting the Alberta Social Credit Party’s “Muzzle the Press” Act. They continued in competition with the Grande Prairie Herald until July/August of 1939 when a fire burned the Herald and all its assets. The two newspapers amalgamated to form the Grande Prairie Herald-Tribune.

Custodial history

This set of Northern Tribunes was collected by Isabel Campbell and deposited at the Grande Prairie Public Library some time before her death in 1998. In 2015, the Grande Prairie Public Library passed the records on to the South Peace Regional Archives.

Scope and content

The fonds consists of 340 issues of the Northern Tribune newspaper, from June 30, 1932 to August 10, 1939.

The paper was published weekly every Thursday; all issues from June 30, 1932 to August 10, 1939 are within the fonds, with the exception of the following issues:

1932- Sept. 22, Dec 15

1934- Nov. 22, Nov. 29, all of December

1935- Sept. 26, Dec. 19

1936- Nov. 19

1937- Jan. 21

1938- Apr. 14

In addition to these issues not included within the fonds, the Dec. 22, 1932 issue is missing it’s front page and the Dec. 29, 1939 issue is missing a large potion of each page.

There are also two Special Issues published as second sections to the July 23, 1936 paper (Peace River Exhibit for the 4th Anniversary of the newspaper) and March 18, 1937 paper (Hotel Section).


Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title of fonds based on contents

Alternative form available

Digital copies of the Northern Tribune have been made available by the University of Alberta, where they are word searchable.

Access points

  • Textual record (documentary form)
  • Communications* (subject)