Fonds 546 Women of Unifarm Beaverlodge Local 107 fonds

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Summary information

Repository: South Peace Regional Archives
Title: Women of Unifarm Beaverlodge Local 107 fonds
Reference code: 0546
Date: 1955-1980 (date of creation)
Physical description: 19.5 cm of textual records
1 photograph
Language: English
Dates of creation, revision and deletion: Processed by Patricia Greber October 2013
Exported from AoR and added to new database August 2022 – TD
Note: This fonds has been identified as having Indigenous related content. Researchers may encounter language that is outdated and offensive. To learn more about Indigenous records at the South Peace Regional Archives please see our guide.

Administrative history / Biographical sketch

The Women of Unifarm is an auxiliary organization to the United Farmers of Alberta. Originally called the Farm Women’s Union of Alberta, the name changed to the Women of Unifarm in 1970. The Beaverlodge Local #107 has an unknown start date, but they were active in the community as early as 1955. The minutes highlight that the organization planned community suppers, sponsored local events such as trophies for the 4-H clubs, and gave money and blankets to families who were “burned out” of their homes. The ladies attended monthly meetings that were held in member’s homes and made efforts to send delegates to the annual convention in Edmonton. Apparently they sometimes met jointly with the men’s organization the UFA, as at one meeting the ladies made note that the men were absent on account of a hockey game in Hythe. The ladies often welcomed guest speakers at their meetings to give talks on a variety of subjects such as parenting, farming and homemaking.

Committee members listed in 1956 roll call are Ruth Albright Pat Carrell, Ellen Graff, Daisy Brown, Mary Sylvaniuk, Mary Nychka, Ruth Bristow, Kathy Harcourt, Doris Harris, Ruth Johnson, Mrs. Longson, Olive McNab, Alice McGuffin, L. Jewitt, E. Hotte, Mrs. Cleland, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. McLean, Mrs. Farnquist, A. Hotte, Mrs. Hauger, Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Bauman, Annie Lowe and Isabella Dewar.

Custodial history

The records were preserved by Betty Longson, secretary of the Women of Unifarm Beaverlodge Local 107. They were deposited in South Peace Regional Archives by her son, Dalton Longson, in 2011.

Scope and content

The fonds consists of records pertaining to the Beaverlodge Local of the Women of Unifarm from 1958-1980. They include minutes, financial records, correspondence, material from conventions, and pamphlets produced by the Women of Unifarm.


Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title of fonds based on contents.


There was no discernable original order in the records when they arrived. Order was imposed in them by the archivist based on the content of the records.


No accruals are expected.

Access points

  • Textual record (documentary form)
  • Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)
  • Women (subject)
  • Agriculture (subject)
  • Alberta (place)

Table of contents

0546.01, Minutes, 1955-1968

0546.02, Financial Records, 1958-1968

0546.03, Correspondence, 1964-1980

0546.04, Conventions, 1967-1980

0546.05, Pamphlets, 1969-1980

Series descriptions

Series 0546.01: Minutes

Date: 1955-1968 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of two minute books and some loose leaf pages containing minutes of regular meetings, membership roll calls, and balance sheets for the club account and “tea money”.

Physical description: 2.5 cm of textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Series 0546.02: Financial Records

Date: 1958-1968 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of a green ledger book from 1958-1968, a list of secretary expenses and 1959 roll call, receipts from 1961-1967, a deposit book 1970-1976, and bank statements from 1971-1979.

Physical description: 3 cm of textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Series 0546.03: Correspondence

Date: 1964-1980 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists mainly of newsletters, newsflashes and bulletins from the parent organization of Women of Unifarm, including information on upcoming conferences, Alberta Education Newsletters, a news clipping from the Edmonton Journal about FUA, information on the Goldeye Foundation, and a list of sellers and buyers participating in a 1980 4-H cattle sale from the Valhalla, Beaverlodge and Hythe clubs in the Hythe Arena. There are also two thank you cards, one with a photo enclosed of a young man sitting on a horse.

Physical description: 10.5 cm of textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0546.03.01 Item – F.W.U.A Bulletin May 20, 1968 1 page
Scope and content:

This bulletin was written by Maisie Jacobson (Director, District 14) about the employment situation of Indigenous peoples. She writes about vocational training, job placements, and adult education on reserves. Additionally, she writes about vocational schools away from reserves.

0546.03.02 Item – F.W.U.A Bulletin – Citizenship May 20, 1968 1 page
Scope and content:

This bulletin was written by Martha Scriba and is titled “Citizenship”. The United Nations declared 1968 International Human Rights Year. Scriba defines what human rights are, and then goes on to talk about discrimination, particularly against Indigenous peoples in Alberta.

0546.03.03 Item – F.W.U.A Bulletin Sept. 20, 1969 1 page
Scope and content:

This bulletin was written by Maisie Jacobson (District 14 Director), and it is titled “The Changing Role of the Indian.” This bulletin describes some of the new projects and initiatives taken on by Indigenous peoples in Alberta including co-ops, cattle feeding, and bus driving for schools. The Saddle Lake Reserve has brought new acres under production because of an ARDA grant which has created more employment. There are also new education initiatives at Lethbridge Jr. College.

Series 0546.04: Conventions

Date: 1967-1980 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of booklets from the 1977-1980 Women of Unifarm conference in Edmonton, notes taken from a conference in 1972, and a booklet from the annual convention and papers from a Communications Seminar.

Physical description: 3 cm of textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Series 0546.05: Pamphlets

Date: 1969-1980 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of pamphlets from the Unitarian Service Committee and the Farm Union Youth Seminar, as well as helpful pamphlets on communications, the Canadian Grain System, Effective Meetings, Farm Service Rights, and Parliamentary Procedure.

Physical description: 0.5 cm of textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)