Fonds 363 Grande Prairie Hockey Legends

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Summary information

Repository: South Peace Regional Archives
Title: Grande Prairie Hockey Legends fonds
Reference code: 0363
Date: 1920-2014 (date of creation)
Physical description: 4 cm of textual records

19 TIFFs

Language: English
Dates of creation, revision and deletion: Added to new database Dec. 2022 – TD

Administrative history / Biographical sketch

The Hockey Legends of Grande Prairie Committee assembled and conducted their first meeting on November 24, 2003. They formulated their purpose statement: “To enhance and publicize Grande Prairie’s rich hockey history by selecting and paying tribute to individuals who have been instrumental in the development of the game of hockey in our community.” Committee members include Darren Foley, Roy Borstad, Ken Head, Jim Patterson, Marv Bird, John Lehners, Joe Haakstad, Cam Henning, and Stan Neufeld. Sponsorship has come from the Royal Bank and The Grande Prairie Storm. The Crystal Center is the home for Hockey Legend memorabilia. Beginning in 2004, 21 inductees have been named (up to 2010) as Grande Prairie Hockey Legends.

Custodial History

The records were donated to the South Peace Regional Archives by Stan Neufeld in 2010

Scope and content

The fonds consists of 19 photographs of hockey teams and players in Grande Prairie, notes about the Hockey Legends project, and six booklets: “2006 Hockey Legends”, “2008 Hockey Legends”, two copies of “2010 Hockey Legends, Grande Prairie”, “2014 Hockey Legends” and “2015 Hockey Legends”. Authors of the booklets are Stan and Ron Neufeld. The booklets tell the stories of Grande Prairie Hockey Legends including: Johnny Macdonald, Leo Auger, Roy Peterson, Charlie Turner, Garry (Duke) Edmundson, Peter Wright, Roy Borstad, Ken Head, Max Henning, Bob Neufeld, Marv Bird, Johnny MacMillan, Jim Patterson, Ken Solheim, Fran Tanner, Oscar Blais, Marj McAusland, Terry Bangen, Doug Rigler, Galen Head, Grant Menzies, Clint Malarchuk and Darren McAusland.


Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title of fonds based on contents.

Location of originals

The booklets are located in the Reference Files, in file 0510.26.047. The photographs were all donated as TIFFs and are located on the server.

Access points

  • Graphic material (documentary form)
  • Textual record (documentary form)
  • Sports, recreation and leisure* (subject)

Series descriptions

Reference code Title Dates Physical description
2010.15.01 Item – Lake Saskatoon Hockey Club  1921-1922 1 TIFF : b&w
Scope and content:

Lake Saskatoon’ Hockey Club: Top L-R: W. Roberts, J. Third, F. Willsey, F. Evans. Bottom L-R: D.J. MacDonald, E Hopkins, E Matheson, H Trelle

2010.15.02 Item – Grande Prairie Hockey Club  1923-1924 1 TIFF : b&w
Scope and content:

The first known hockey team in Grande Prairie. The Grande Prairie Men’s Hockey Club for the 1923-24 season: W. Taylor, F. Donald, J. Third, H. O’Brien, F. Schenk, J.E. Basted, L.C. Porteous, H.F. Hammond, J.E. Shields, H.A. Brick.

2010.15.03 Item – Grande Prairie Ladies Hockey Club  ca. 1920 1 TIFF : b&w
Scope and content:

Women’s hockey has a long history in the Grande Prairie area. Grande Prairie Ladies Hockey Club. Erma Boucher is identified as one of the players.

2010.15.04 Item – Grande Prairie Red Devils Hockey Team  1938-1939 1 TIFF : b&w
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie Red Devils Hockey Team. Front L-R: C.W.S. Turner, A.W. Wright, E.D. Parrish, F. M. Edmundson, H.S.D. Spicer, Roy Davis, R.W. Wright. Back L-R: D.G. Law, J.E. Shields, A.P. Power, H.E. Oxley, R. H. Shantz, R.K. Card.

2010.15.05 Item – Grande Prairie Red Devils Hockey Team  1952-1953 1 TIFF : b&w
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie Red Devils Hockey Team. Front L-R: Bill Bessent, Al Bell, Harvey Merryfield, Mike Malarchuk, Lou Giroux, Cary Gudryn, Cliff Rigler. Back L-R: Bob Rigler, Charlie Turner, Max Henning, John McMillan, Gliff Gittard, Roy Bell.

2010.15.06 Item – Grande Prairie Red Devils Hockey Team  1953-1954 1 TIFF : b&w
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie Red Devils Hockey Team. Back L-R: Bob Rigler, Roy Blais, Jim Patterson, Leo Auger, Charlie Turner, Maurice Nicholson. Front L-R: Marv Johnson, Rene Roucau, Al Bell, Cliff Guittard, __ Belford, Don Swanston, Cliff Haiste, Pete Mesik.

2010.15.07 Item – Grande Prairie D Coy Army Hockey Team  n.d. 1 TIFF : b&w
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie D Coy Army Hockey Team.

2010.15.08 Item – “D” Company Hockey Team  1943-1944 1 TIFF : b&w
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie “D” Company Hockey Team. Back Row: Bob Kelly, John Blais, Pete Wright, Frank Edmundson, J. Hunter, Gerry Halverson, Max Swanson. Front Row: Capt. Jack. Mantle, J. Swanston, Oscar. Blais, Doug Guittard, Herb Shields, Bill Spicer, Cec Swanson, D. Miller, Sgt.-Maj. Ewing, “D” Coy C.S.M., Duke Edmundson, (Stick Boy)

2010.15.09 Item – Grande Prairie Legionaires  1947-1948 1 TIFF : b&w
Scope and content:

Back Row: A. Buckland, T. Cook, J. Paquette, E. Ayre (Coach), J. Starck (Manager), J. W. Bird (Manager), R. Bowen, D. Crough, A. Flom, W. Heikkila. Front Row: Frank Tissington, W. Barker, John Griffin, Charlie Turner (Captain), Jerry Griffin, H. Cunningham, C. Walden, B. Rigler (Mascot).

2010.15.10 Item – Legion Hockey Team  1950-1951 1 TIFF : b&w
Scope and content:

Legion Hockey Team 1950-1951.

2010.15.11 Item – Grande Prairie Athletics  1954-1955 1 TIFF : b&w
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie Athletics 1954-1955. front Row L-R: Gerry Rigler, stick boy; Don Repka, Bryan Edmundson, Mike Malarchuk, Eddie Klick, Ralph Hamlett

2010.15.12 Item – Grande Prairie Athletics – Peace Country Senior Hockey Champions
Paquin Photographs Ltd.
1956-1957 1 TIFF : b&w
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie Athletics, Peace Country Senior Hockey Champions 1956-1957. Back Row: Tom Issacs, Brian Mc Curdy, Don Swanston, Percy Wolf, Larry Hodson, Roy Blais, Don Menzies, Leo Auger, Cal Love, Cliff Rigler (equipment), Harley Hodson, Jim Phillips, Grant McKeen, Oscar Blais, Bob Neufeld, Bob Rigler, Al Pack (equipment manager) Front: Mike Malarchuk, Gordon McKie (coach), Mel Rodacker (manager), Charlie Turner (captain), Herb Shields G.P.A.A. director, Abe Friesen (first aid man), Don Le Rose.

2010.15.13 Item – Grande Prairie Athletics 1958-1959 1 TIFF : b&w
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie Athletics, 1958-1959

2010.15.14 Item – Grande Prairie Athletics  1978-1979 1 TIFF : colour
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie Athletics, South Peace Hockey League Champions 1978-1979. Fornt: L-R: Merlin Jenner, Joe Haakstad, Guy Spencer, Greg Remple, Al Reid, Jim Spurgeon (stick boy). Center Row L-R: Ken Head( coach) Gord Head, Darrell Radbourne, Nick Peewar. Lorne Mc Leod, Darcy Listhaeghe, Henry Hollman, Rick Walker (trainer). Back Row L-R: Jack Lefley, Stan Neufeld, Denis Prefontaine, Cam Henning, Bob Labrier, Kevin Widdifield, Lyman Haakstad, Doug Rigler, Dennis Tink.

2010.15.15 Item – Grande Prairie Athletics  1978-1979 1 TIFF : colour
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie Athletics, South Peace Hockey League Champions 1978-1979. Fornt: L-R: Merlin Jenner, Joe Haakstad, Guy Spencer, Greg Remple, Al Reid, Jim Spurgeon (stick boy). Center Row L-R: Ken Head( coach) Gord Head, Darrell Radbourne, Nick Peewar. Lorne Mc Leod, Darcy Listhaeghe, Henry Hollman, Rick Walker (trainer). Back Row L-R: Jack Lefley, Stan Neufeld, Denis Prefontaine, Cam Henning, Bob Labrier, Kevin Widdifield, Lyman Haakstad, Doug Rigler, Dennis Tink.

2010.15.16 Item – Grande Prairie Athletics  1988-1989 1 TIFF : colour
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie Athletics, Central Peace Hockey League Champions 1988-1989. Front Row: L-R: Scott Peace, Roy Borstad (President), Keith Sauverwald, ‘A’; Bob Bedier, Playing Coach; Brian Wornstaff, Asst. Coach; Brad Kezema, ‘C’; Rod Arabsky, ‘A’; Blake Gemmill, General Manager; Dave Reid. Second Row: Gord Davis, Trainer; Darryl Waters, Grant McNamme; Dion Drader; Troy Farkvam; Blaine Demchuk; Grant Menzies; Jim Blanchette; Doug Tordoff; Bob Leslie, Asst. Manager. Back Row: Lyle Karpisek; Al Boyd; Murray Head; Craig Ingebrigtson; Ron Head; Ray Savage; Curtis Kramer; Missing: Greg Hartman; Ray Prefontaine

2010.15.17 Item – Grande Prairie Athletics C.P.H.L. Champions  1991-1992 1 TIFF : colour
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie Athletics, C.P.H.L. Champions, 1991-1992. Back L-R: Lorne Smith, Ray savage, Ron Payou, Ian McAmmond, Martin Sawyer, Dwayne Skaley, Steve Skiba, Denis Rochette. Middle L-R: Keith Sauverwald (Coach), Clyde Goodswimmer, Jim Blanchette, Brad Kezerna, Wade Strandquist, Ken Casault, Floyd Goodswimmer, Td Nessman, Mike Russell, Bob Leslie (General Manager). Front L-R: Trevor Kramer, Duane Didow, Glen Leavins, Scott Peace, Greg Hartman, Cam Lazoruk, Shawn Tissington. Missing: #9 -D.J. McLandress, Gord Davis – Trainer.

2010.15.18 Item – Grande Prairie A’s  2003-2004 1 TIFF : colour
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie A’s, 2003-2004. Back Row: Mike Mohr, Dean Watson, Kevin Biehn, Rob Kimble, Morgan Hall. Middle Row: Manager Richard Stranaghan, Trainer Peter Spiers, Trevor Laboucan, Randy Dorscheid, Lorne Kimble, James Seney, Craig Parker, Clint Atkinson, Derek Ray, Jordan Bombier, Dustin Oakford, Ryan Stranaghan, Kirk Kimble, Coach Mike Rappel. Front: Jason Lorenz, Darby Olson, Rod Bowers, Travis Head, Cory Kinnon, Malcolm Bassett. Missing – Scott Vyse.

2010.15.19 Item – Lawrence Blais  ca. 1955 1 TIFF : b&w
Scope and content:

Lawrence Blais in hockey uniform.