Fonds 287 Grande Prairie District Old-Timers’ Association fonds

Summary information

Repository: South Peace Regional Archives
Title: Grande Prairie and District Old Timers’ Association fonds
Reference code: 0287
Date: ca. 1910-2019 (date of creation)
Physical description: 157 cm textual records

64 photographs

1 cm artwork

Dates of creation, revision and deletion: Processed by Karen Burgess, December 2009
Added to new database August 2023 – TD

Administrative history / Biographical sketch

The Grande Prairie District Old Timers’ Association was organized in September 1928, by a large enthusiastic meeting of the Pioneers in the Herald Hall in Grande Prairie. The goal was to be “a social and benevolent association,” and its objectives were “to cultivate a social intercourse among its members” and “create a fund for charitable purposes on their behalf”; “to collect and preserve in authentic form a library of… materials illustrative of the history of the Grande Prairie district”; “to rescue from oblivion the memory of its early pioneers and to obtain and preserve narratives of their exploits…”; “to promote the study of the history of the Grande Prairie District… “; “and in all appropriate matters to advance the interests and perpetuate the memory of those whose sagacity, energy and enterprise induced them to settle in the Grande Prairie District.”

P.J. Tooley chaired the first meeting when Mr. Wm. L. Caldwell was elected president, Mr. Henry Roberts Honourary President, and J.J.E. Clarke as secretary. The executive included a representative from each district: Mrs. Hugh Allen, Beaverlodge; Mrs. T. Edmund Cooke, Grande Prairie; Ellsworth Foy, Sexsmith; William Garrett, Glen Leslie; Geo. W. Jebb, Wembley; Hilmar A. Johnson, Northfield; James McFarlane, Lake Saskatoon; and John Oatway, Clairmont.

The district represented by the association is from the Peace River south to the Wapiti River, and from the Alberta-British Columbia border to Valleyview. These pioneer settlers came first over the “Long Trail” from Edmonton through Athabasca or Swan Hills to Grouard, Peace River, Dunvegan and south to the Grande Prairie, a distance of five hundred miles. In the fall of 1911, the Edson-Grande Prairie Trail was completed. This trail cut the mileage in half, but had more and steeper hills, and in a wet summer, weeks of slogging through the muskegs. Most of the travel on these difficult trails came to an end when the Edmonton, Dunvegan & British Columbia Railway was built in 1916.

Membership in the Old Timers’ Association is made up of those who came in over the trails and their direct descendants. In the first two years of the organization, membership reached 327 members. That declined somewhat to an average of 158 members for the first ten years. Membership increased in the 60s and 70s so that the average was around 200.

One of the suggestions at the original meeting was that short stories of the lives of the old timers be collected and kept with the organization’s archives. This was enlarged in 1967, when as a centennial project the Association sent out 300 letters to its members requesting them to send in stories about their families during the pioneer days. In the fall of 1973, it was decided to combine all of the stories in book form, and in 1975 “Pioneers of the Peace” was published.

Scope and content

The fonds consists of executive records such as constitution and by-laws, legal agreements and insurance records; membership lists and applications for original and succeeding members in the Old Timers’ Association; financial records beginning with the first cheque issued by the organization; correspondence and activity files; material related to special events; and files for the creation of “Pioneers of the Peace”, a book they published in 1976. There are also some copies of placemats used at the Old-Timers’ Banquets, two over-sized posters, one listing the executive members over the years and one listing the scholarship donors and recipients; and a photograph album (ca. 1910-1915) containing photographs from the collection of W.D. Albright.


Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title of fonds based on contents.

Access points

  • Textual record (documentary form)
  • Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)
  • Graphic material (documentary form)
  • Family and personal life (subject)
  • Settlement and Immigration (subject)

Table of contents

0287.01, Executive records, 1928-2004

0287.02, Financial records, 1928-2002

0287.03, Correspondence and Activities, n.d.

0287.04, Membership records, 1928-2010

0287.05, Scholarship Records, 1975-2005

0287.06, Banquets and Special Events, 1919, 1958-2019

0287.07, “Pioneers of the Peace”, ca. 1973-1980

0287.08, Art Work, [ca. 1984]

0287.09, Photograph Album, [ca. 1910-1918, 1960]

Series descriptions

Series 0287.01: Executive records

Date: 1928-2004 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of records relating to the administrative activities of the Old Timers’ Association.

Physical description: 12 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Subseries 0287.01.01: Minutes

Date: 1928-2004 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of records relating to the minutes of meetings of the association. The records include a minute book 1928-1953 and loose papers 1953-1991. Included in with the minutes are lists of officers, directors, members and some financial information.

Physical description: 7 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0287.01.01.01 Item – List of Old Timers’ Association Executive Members  1928-2004 1 poster
Scope and content:

Poster created for the 2004 annual banquet containing the names of the presidents and secretary-treasurers of the Old Timers’ Association from its establishment in 1928 until 2004.

Subseries 0287.01.02: Incorporation Papers

Date: 1929-1994 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of records relating to the incorporation of the association and its continuance. The records include two versions of the Constitution and By-Laws (1929 and post-1971), and annual returns for the association from 1980 to 1994 with accompanying documentation including correspondence with the Alberta government, lists of officers, and financial statements.

Physical description: 2 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Subseries 0287.01.03: Insurance

Date: 1978-1980 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of records relating to insurance that was purchased by the Association.

Physical description: 0.5 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Subseries 0287.01.04: Legal Agreements

Date: 1984-1997 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of records relating to agreements made by the Old Timers’ Association. The records include Joint Use Agreements between the Grande Prairie County Agricultural Society and the Grande Prairie and District Old Timers’ Association for the Old Timers Cabin in Evergreen Park.

Physical description: 0.5 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Series 0287.02: Financial records

Date: 1928-2002 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of cheque stubs detailing the expenses of the Old-timers Association from 1928-1986; a record of deposits from 1958-1979; an accounts ledger from 1980-1997; receipts 1982-2004, and financial statements from 1975-2003.

Physical description: 12.5 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Series 0287.03: Correspondence and Activities

Date: n.d. (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of correspondence which shows the activities of Old-Timers Association. The regular annual events were the Annual General Meeting in the late winter, the Old-Timers Picnic in July, and sending flowers to funerals of Old-Timers. Much of the material in this series relates to special projects such as collecting stories for “Pioneers of the Peace.”

Physical description: 20 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Series 0287.04: Membership records

Date: 1928-2010 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of records relating to application for and maintenance of membership in the Old Timers’ Association. The records include membership applications for original members, listing where and when the person was born, their occupation, when they came to the Grande Prairie District and to what location. Many of these applications have biographies or obituaries attached to them. The succeeding generations applications for membership include occupation, place of birth and birthdate, which pioneers they are related to and how, and what trail they arrived on. There are also hand-written membership lists, member’s stories and a Record of Scrolls which were given to approved members in the 1970s.

Surnames of people whose pioneer stories that are in this collection:

A – Andress, Anderson, Alstad, Alms, Alexander, Abernethy, Albright, Allen

B – Binks, Brown, Baker, Blair, Brekken, Bienderra, Beatty, Benson, Balisky, Bezanson, Boyd, Bagnall

C – Carveth, Crerar, Campbell, Callion, Clark, Cleland, Connors, Cooke, Cranston, Card, Cameron, Carrell, Clifford, Clendennan

D – Donohue, Doal, Dixon, Dewar, Dunlop, Davis, Dubry

E – Elliott, Edgar, Edgerton, Ellie

F – Foy, Foster, Fitzpatrick, Friberg, Ferguson, Fowler, Finch, Field, Falk, Forbes

G – Grant, Guertin, Graves, Gunn, Gutherie, Graham, Gudlaugson

H – Hovelebo, Heller, Horte, Hooks, Hardy, Hurley, Henn, Horneland, Hosker, Hoton, Henderson, Holton, Harris

I – Irish, Ireland, Innes

J – Johnson, Johnston

K – Kjareng, Kerr, Knechtel, Kenny, Konschak, Knezevich, Kynaston, Kozina

L – Lampert, Letang, Ludington, Lukey, Leslie, Lacy, Lozeron, Lee, Lazoruk, Lane, Lablond

N – Noyes

M – MacDonald, MacDonell, Macklin, Mair, Marek, Manning McAusland, McDonald, McFarlane, McQuarrie, Melsness, Mercer, Miller, Mills, Moe, Monkman, Moon, Moore, Morgan, Mosenko, Mund, Murchie, Myronyk

O – Oatway, Oliver

P – Patterson, Parks, Paul, Pederson, Peebles, Pellerin, Peschong, Pickering, Podulsky, Pool, Postman, Powell, Pratt

R – Ray, Redmond, Roberts, Robinson, Ross, Rosser, Ronning

S – Sandboe, Sanderson, Saul, Sawyer, Schaik, Schenk, Semak, Sexsmith, Sherk, Somerville, Smith, Spacil, Sproule, Stewart, Stoll, Storm, Stredulinsky, Sutherland, Swanson

T – Talbot, Thompson, Throness, Tissington, Tomshak, Tuffill, Twambly

V – Van Horne, Velve

W – Ward, Warden, Watcher, Watson, Webb, Webber, Wekved, Wellwood, White, Williams, Willianson, Wilson, Wishart

Physical description: 78.5 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Series 0287.05: Scholarship Records

Date: 1975-2005 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

This series consist of applications of scholarship hopefuls as well as 10 photographs of students.

Physical description: 0.5 cm textual records

10 photographs

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

Publication status:


File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0287.05.01-.10 Item – Scholarship winners  1992-1997 10 photographs : color ; 6 x 9 cm
Scope and content:

Ten photographs of scholarship winners Laura Harrison, Pamelyn Remple, Diana Davidson, Candace Leiren, Tila Peletier, Heather Davidson, Wayne Jackson, Devon Sandboe, Stacey DeShipper, and Susan Jenner.

0287.05.11 Item – List of Scholarship Donors and Recipients  1975-2005 1 poster
Scope and content:

A list of the Old Timers’ Association scholarship donors and recipients from 1975-2005.

Series 0287.06: Banquets and Special Events

Date: 1919, 1958-2019 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of a 1919 telegram about a murder of John Francis Dougherty at Lake Saskatoon, 1955 list of members at a picnic, 1958 list of people who registered when Grande Prairie became a city, 4 souvenir programs from the dedication of the cairn at the Beaverlodge Experimental Station for William D. Albright 1959, program for banquets 1962-1973 missing 1970, proposals for a memorial at Lake Saskatoon, program from the 1978 Golden Jubilee Celebration of the organization and 9 guest books, tickets from banquet dinners held 1959-1967, 1969 -1971 & 1979, 2 polaroids of Gerald Carveth, and four placemats for banquets in 1997, 2000, and 2001 based on art by Betty McRae.

Physical description: 11.5 cm textual records

4 photographs

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

•                Graphic material (documentary form)

Publication status:


File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0287.06.01 Item – 1931 Picnic Poster  1931 1 poster
Scope and content:

Poster from the Oldtimers’ Picnic at Saskatoon Island with activities listed as swimming, races, refreshments, Old-Time fiddler & step dancer.

0287.06.02 Item – 1935 Picnic Poster  1935 1 poster
Scope and content:

Poster from the Oldtimers’ Picnic Poster at Saskatoon Island.

0287.06.03 Item – Placemat of the Edson Trail  1935 1 placemat
Scope and content:

Placemat of a map of the Edson Trail.

0287.06.04a-b Item – Photocopies of newspaper articles  1928 2 pp. textual records
Scope and content:

Two photocopies of newspaper articles about the formation of the Oldtimers’, they appear to have been made to be used as placemats.

0287.06.05a-c Item – 50th Anniversary Placemats 1978 3 placemats
Scope and content:

Three placemats celebrating 50 years of the Oldtimers’ Association. In the center is a poem by Guy Ireland.

0287.06.06 Item – Certificate of Appreciation 1978 1 certificate
Scope and content:

Certificate of appreciation for 25 years as secretary of the Old Timers Association for Gerald V Carveth

0287.06.07a-b Item – Two copies of placemats with drawings by Vern Volden  [ca. 1980] 2 placemats
Scope and content:

Two Placemats in “In Appreciation of 25 years dedicated service as secretary” with a drawing of Gerald Carveth.

0287.06.08a-b Item – Gerald Carveth  [ca. 1980] 2 photographs : colour ; 8.5 x 11 cm
Scope and content:

Two photographs of Gerald Carveth sitting in a chair.

0287.06.09-10 Item – The Oldtimers’ Cabin at Evergreen Park  [ca. 1980] 2 photographs : colour ; 10 x 13.5 cm
Scope and content:

Two photographs of the construction on the Oldtimers’ cabin. One the back is written “building the Oldtimers rest area at the new fair grounds, Summer 1982.”

2019.044.05 Item – 2019 Placemat, 90th Consecutive Banquet – “Local Sports”  2019 1 placemat
Scope and content:

2019 Placemat, 90th Consecutive Banquet – “Local Sports”

Series 0287.07: “Pioneers of the Peace”

Date: ca. 1973-1980 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of records relating to the production of the “Pioneers of the Peace” book in 1975 through the stages of planning, writing and proofreading, and finances and sales .

The “Correspondence” file includes correspondence with the printer and Alberta Culture, a 1974 Alberta government news release for the Regional History Award, planning documents relating to the photographs and artwork appearing in the book, a 1975 statement of books sold, handwritten financial statement from January 1976, and 1976 invoices from the Order of the Royal Purple for banquet expenses and for the society’s incorporation fee.

The “Planning documents” file includes a document from a History Book Workshop, correspondence soliciting submissions, a handwritten submission for Truman and Hubert Manning, planning notes, notes on sources, lists of names of pioneers arriving in various years, an sample proof page, and a document outlining Suggestions re. Proof Reading.

The “Financial records” files include bank statements, returned cheques, advice to customer forms, and deposit slips for the Old Timers’ Book Fund, and a book sales book.

The “Copy” files include a copy of the book with proofreading marks.

Physical description: 15 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Series 0287.08: Art Work

Date: [ca. 1984] (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of art work done by Euphemia McNaught and Betty McRae. Four of the drawings are done by Euphemia with the drawing only around outside edge and center remaining empty. These drawings have a western theme with horses, oxen, wagons and cabins. The drawings by Betty McRae include 2 pencil drawings, 1 copy of the Old Timers Cabin in 1984, and 1 copy of a drawing of deer overlooking mountains and a cabin.

Physical description: 7 pp. artwork

Access points:

•                Graphic material (documentary form)

Publication status:


File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0287.08.01 Item – Old Timers Cabin Pencil  [ca. 1984] 1 p.
Scope and content:

Pencil drawing of Old Timers Cabin by Betty McRae

0287.08.02 Item – Old Timers Cabin Pencil  [ca. 1984] 1 p.
Scope and content:

Pencil drawing of the Old Timers Cabin by Betty McRae

0287.08.03a Item – Old Timers Cabin Ink  [ca. 1984] 1 p.
Scope and content:

Ink drawing of the Old Timers Cabin by Betty McRae

0287.08.04a Item – Deer Drawing in Ink  [ca. 1984] 1 p.
Scope and content:

Ink drawing of two deer in a mountain scene by Betty McRae

Series 0287.09: Photograph Album

Date: [ca. 1910-1918, 1960] (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of an album with copies of photographs from the collection William D. Albright. The pictures depict early pioneer life in the Beaverlodge and surrounding area. There are photos of early travel, farming, social gatherings among the pioneering families. There are also typed descriptions of the photographs done by the photographer.

Physical description: 52 photographs

Access points:

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

Location of originals:

All photographs in this series, other than 0287.09.52, are copies. Some originals exist in other SPRA fonds. Some originals are held by the Glenbow Archives: Details are included at item level descriptions.

Conditions governing use:

Contact the Glenbow Archives for permission to reproduce photographs for which they hold originals.

Publication status:


File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0287.09.01 Item – A man hand-threshing  [ca. 1910] 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 18 cm
Scope and content:

Hand threshing photograph taken at Beaverlodge Experimental Station. Used to take out stock of pure seed.

0287.09.02 Item – Old Town of Beaverlodge
W.D. Albright
[ca. 1910] 1 photograph : b&w ; 9.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

The old town of Beaverlodge from the southwest showing left to right: Anglican church, one of I.E. Gaudin’s warehouses, Mr. Gaudin’s combined store and home, Beaverlodge school. E.A. Smith’s restaurant and R.C. Lossing’s script house, where the first post office was kept.

0287.09.03 Item – Threshing at Stoney Point  [ca. 1910] 1 photograph : b&w ; 5.5 x 12 cm
Scope and content:

Threshing at Stoney Point in the spring of 1911, oxen on sweep power. First threshing outfit in the Beaverlodge District. Separator belonged to a company of 25. Sweep owner belonged to O. H. Johnson. O. Johnson on thresher, Sam Sargent on power outfit and Clarence O. Pool on right.

0287.09.04 Item – Mr & Mrs. William Pierce with child
W.D. Albright
[ca. 1910] 1 photograph : b&w ; 11 x 17 cm
Scope and content:

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (Billy) Pierce, of Beaverlodge, and Daisy. Mr. Pierce came to Beaverlodge in 1909.

0287.09.05 Item – First school in Beaverlodge  1911 1 photograph : b&w ; 9 x 13.5 cm
Scope and content:

The first school in Beaverlodge erected June 1911.

0287.09.06 Item – E.A. Smith with his Ox
W.D. Albright
[ca. 1915] 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

“Charlie”. One of the oxen with which E.A. Smith had his strenuous trail trip in the winter of 1910-11. The old ox was never the same again but served well for years after and was finally bought by the author William Albright in 1913. used a year on the farm and then slaughtered for beef. Mr. Smith holding him. Even after all those years he was difficult to fell.

0287.09.07 Item – Pioneers ready to leave Edmonton for Beaverlodge  1911 1 photograph : b&w ; 9 x 12 cm
Scope and content:

Leaving Edmonton Feb. 14, 1911 are O. Pool hauling grain separator, Bob Steel’s team and behind him Bert Elcome. In the background is the Royal Temperance Hotel.

0287.09.08 Item – A Northern Prairie Schooner
W.D. Albright
1913 1 photograph : b&w ; 10.5 x 16.5 cm
Scope and content:

A Northern Prairie Schooner. Settlers on their way to Pouce Coupe via Edson in the winter of 1913-14. Photographed at Beaverlodge.

0287.09.09 Item – Gaudin’s Store in Beaverlodge  [ca. 1913] 1 photograph : b&w ; 9 x 14.5 cm
Scope and content:

Mr. Gaudin’s first store in Beaverlodge, N.E. 36-71-9/W6th. D’arcy Gaudin in foreground.

0287.09.10 Item – Home of Rede Stone  [ca. 1913] 1 photograph : b&w ; 8 x 12 cm
Scope and content:

Home of the late Rede Stone, one of the three first permanent white settlers in the Beaverlodge neighbourhood. Mr. Stone squatted and afterwards homesteaded along the Beaverlodge River, about two miles west by southwest of the new town of Beaverlodge, in which he lived. He retired just prior to his death in the State of Washington, where he had gone repeatedly for eczema treatment at Soap Lake.

0287.09.11 Item – Robert Steele’s Homestead  [ca. 1913] 1 photograph : b&w ; 8.5 x 14.5 cm
Scope and content:

A man with 2 horses, two building, piles of logs and some fence.

0287.09.12 Item – Field Day at Beaverlodge
W.D. Albright
[ca. 1915] 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

A Field Day at Beaverlodge (May 24th) in the early years. A line of people with a farm seen in the distance.

0287.09.13 Item – Hudson Bay Trading Post
W.D. Albright
[ca. 1915] 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

Hudson’s Bay Co. trading post west of Saskatoon Lake.

0287.09.14 Item – Clarence F. Lossing heading on the Edson Trail
W.D. Albright
1913 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

Clarence F. Lossing starting out for Edson in the winter of 1913-1914. Freight racks loaded with baled hay, sacks of chop and grub stake. Some of the feed would be cached at convenient stopping places enroute awaiting the return trip.

0287.09.15 Item – Threshing Crew at Beaverlodge
W.D. Albright
[ca. 1915] 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

The Beaverlodge Industrial Company Ltd.’s threshing outfit at Rede Stone’s. Purchased 1914 and freighted in over the Edson Trail.

0287.09.16 Item – Charles McNaught & Mr. Finnegan on the Edson Trail  [ca. 1913] 1 photograph : b&w ; 9 x 11 cm
Scope and content:

Charles McNaught on a hill on the Edson Trail. Mr. Finnegan driving snatch team of horses.

0287.09.17 Item – R. C. Lossing’s stable with horses
W.D. Albright
[ca. 1913] 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

Some of the Gladu band of range horses which R.C. Lossing was looking after on a share basis winter of 1913-14. Some had never seen the inside of a stable. Mr. Lossing’s stable in background.

0287.09.18 Item – First Automobile to Beaverlodge  [ca. 1915] 1 photograph : b&w ; 8.5 x 13 cm
Scope and content:

Claimed to be the first car at Beaverlodge. Raymond (Boody) Sprague can be seen at the corner of building and Jim Bauman over the top of the steering wheel.

0287.09.19 Item – First Bridge in Beaverlodge  [ca. 1915] 1 photograph : b&w ; 7.5 x 11.5 cm
Scope and content:

The first bridge built across the Beaverlodge. Built by donation work just before a new bridge was erected by the Department of Public Works.

0287.09.20 Item – Beaverlodge Sub-Station
W.D. Albright
[ca. 1915] 1 photograph : b&w ; 9.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

Early view of the site of what became the Beaverlodge Sub-Station.

0287.09.21 Item – Rede Stone’s Home  [ca. 1915] 1 photograph : b&w ; 9 x 12 cm
Scope and content:

Home of the late Rede Stone, one of the three first permanent white settlers in the Beaverlodge neighbourhood.

0287.09.22 Item – Beaverlodge Station’s shelter belt
W.D. Albright
[ca. 1918] 1 photograph : b&w ; 10.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

Beaverlodge Station’s shelter belt in the early days.

0287.09.23 Item – Ralph and Harry Carrell  [ca. 1918] 1 photograph : b&w ; 7 x 11.5 cm
Scope and content:

A photo of two men’s heads on top of small bodies captioned “ How the Carrell boys (Ralph and Harry) are supposed to have come into the Peace River country from the State of Washington.”

0287.09.24 Item – Mrs. W.D. Albright and her father R. C. Lossing
W.D. Albright
1913 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

Mrs. W.D. Albright with her father R.C. Lossing and daughter Eileen, arrived at Beaverlodge, October 26, 1913, after a month’s journey from London, Ontario.

0287.09.25 Item – Grouard
W.D. Albright
1913 1 photograph : b&w ; 10.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

A ferry and the edge of the water at Grouard, the west end of Lesser Slave Lake, in October 1913. The railroad was then expected to pass through Grouard and the author has resisted in Edmonton a temptation to invest in a lot of two at $300.00 each.

0287.09.26 Item – Bear Head Stopping PlaceW.D. Albright  1913 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17 cm
Scope and content:

Leaving Bear Head stopping place on the Grouard – Peace River Trail. October 1913. Mrs. W.D. Albright and H.C. Lossing on democrat.

0287.09.27 Item – Grouard Trail
W.D. Albright
1913 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

Mrs. Albright with her father and baby Eileen on the Grouard Trail, October 1913. A very muddy road had been covered with snow in mid-October, then froze into a crust which sometimes bore the horses and sometimes did not. This was not one of the worst places for in those days it was not safe to stop for picture taking.

0287.09.28 Item – Grist Mill on Camp Creek
W.D. Albright
[ca. 1917] 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

Grist mill on Camp Creek the Beaverlodge Industrial Co. Ltd. Built in 1915. In 1919 this was sold. George Flint using the upper story as a residence in Beaverlodge.

0287.09.29 Item – Four Oxen Ready to Plow
W.D. Albright
1913 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17 cm
Scope and content:

Four oxen going out to plow at Sam French’s waterhole, October, 1913.

0287.09.30 Item – Moving a Portable Steam Engine
W.D. Albright
1913 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17 cm
Scope and content:

Moving the portable steam engine of the Beaverlodge Industrial Co. Ltd. Freighted in from Edson in 1914, this engine was used for threshing, gristing, and sawing wood. It is still in use in 1929. (with oxen).

0287.09.31 Item – William Albright’s homestead
W.D. Albright
1914 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

Hay camp on the “race course” afterwards the author’s homestead, about 1914. E. A. Smith beside the tent, horses and oxen ties at the rack manger.

0287.09.32 Item – Navigating the Grouard Trail
W.D. Albright
1913 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

Negotiating a mud hole on the Grouard Trail, October 1913.

0287.09.33 Item – Mail stuck on the Grouard Trail
W.D. Albright
1913 1 photograph : b&w ; 11 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

His majesty’s mail stuck in the mud leaving Lebeucen’s stopping place on the Grouard Trail, October, 1913.

0287.09.34 Item – Stopping place on the Grouard-Peace River Trail
W.D. Albright
1913 1 photograph : b&w ; 9 x 17 cm
Scope and content:

Stopping place on the old Grouard-Peace River Trail showing spruce forest.

0287.09.35 Item – Interior of Lebeucen’s Stopping Place
W.D. Albright
1913 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17 cm
Scope and content:

Mud fireplace at Lebeucen’s stopping place where the Albrights waited three days for Mrs. Albright’s father to return from Grouard. Note roll-up laid out ready for retiring.

0287.09.36 Item – Interior of Lebeucen’s Stopping Place – 2
W.D. Albright
1913 1 photograph : b&w ; 9.5 x 17 cm
Scope and content:

Interior of Lebeucen’s stopping place on the Grouard – Peace River Trail, where Mr. and Mrs. Albright waited three days in mid October, 1913, for Mrs. Albright’s father to return from Grouard, whence he was taking a passenger (A. Truax).

0287.09.37 Item – Cow at Lebeucen’s Stopping Place
W.D. Albright
1913 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

Cow at Lebeucen’s stopping place whose milk was purchased for the baby. October 1913.

0287.09.38 Item – Golden Eagle
W.D. Albright
1913 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.6 x 16 cm
Scope and content:

Golden Eagle with a spread of 6’9” shot by the photographer north of the Peace. It hovered repeatedly over the democrat as though thinking of plucking Eileen Albright from her mother’s arms. Finally when it was within twenty of thirty feet from the ground the photographer shot it from his seat on the luggage in the rear end of the democrat, bringing it down with a broken wing.

0287.09.39 Item – Going to Church on a Freight Rack  1910 1 photograph : b&w ; 8.5 x 14.5 cm
Scope and content:

From front to back of sleigh Don Cranston, Mrs. Ruth Carrell, Effie Flint, Mrs. Don Cranston, J.O. Johnson, Mrs. Harry Carrell (Annie), Mr. Arnold Johnson. Winter of 1910-1911.

0287.09.40 Item – Going to a Meeting
Mrs. I.E. Gaudin
[ca. 1913] 1 photograph : b&w ; 9.5 x 15.5 cm
Scope and content:

Going to a meeting with oxen on a democrat. L-R Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs. Mary Lossing, Elias A. Smith, Mrs. Eva Albright, William Albright.

0287.09.41 Item – Moving of Freight
W.D. Albright
1913-1914 1 photograph : b&w ; 10.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

The way twenty-thousand dollars worth of merchandise was freighted in for Irving E. Gaudin of Beaverlodge, 260 miles over the Edson Trail 1913-1914. Albert Miller just arrived at the warehouse.

0287.09.42 Item – Four Belles of Beaverlodge  [ca. 1918] 1 photograph : b&w ; 7.5 x 8.5 cm
Scope and content:

The Misses Ruth Johnson, Anna Johnson, Effie Flint and Irene Walton.

0287.09.43 Item – Beaverlodge in 1915
W.D. Albright
1915 1 photograph : b&w ; 11. 5 x 17 cm
Scope and content:

Snow storn at the first of May buried the Experimental garden plot, label stakes of which portrude, but snow went away without frost, ielding ideal moisture conditions, and a bumper crop was harvested. Buildings left to right are: house of Robert C. Lossing (Postmaster), restaurant of Elias A. Smith and store of Irving E. Gaudin. Mr. Albright was working Mr. Lossing’s land on shares at that time.

0287.09.44 Item – Stringing Telegraph Wire
W.D. Albright
1915 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 18 cm
Scope and content:

Stringing the telegraph wire past Beaverlodge in 1915.

0287.09.45 Item – Shingling Robert Lossing’s House
W.D. Albright 
1915 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

Shingling the roof of Robert C. Lossing’s log house in the spring or early summer of 1915.

0287.09.46 Item – Ladies Tug of War  [ca. 1915] 1 photograph : b&w ; 8 x 13.5 cm
Scope and content:

2 teams of ladies having a tug of war in a field with a group of men looking on.

0287.09.47 Item – Girl Playing Basketball  [ca. 1915] 1 photograph : b&w ; 8.5 x 14 cm
Scope and content:

Four ladies playing basketball.

0287.09.48 Item – Quincey Lewis in a Field
W.D. Albright
1915 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

Quincey Lewis in a crop probably of winter wheat, on N.W. 36-17-10. 1915.

0287.09.49 Item – A Yorkshire Pig
W.D. Albright
1914 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

Purebred Yorkshire sow purchased by author from Robert C. Lossing and fattened summer of 1914, on soaked oats and barley. Dressed weight 539 pounds. 13 inches solid lean and fat on top of shoulder.

0287.09.50 Item – Main Street Grande Prairie  [ca. 1915] 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 17.5 cm
Scope and content:

Early view of Grande Prairie.

0287.09.51 Item – Irving E. Gaudin’s Store in Clairmont  1916 1 photograph : b&w ; 11.5 x 18 cm
Scope and content:

Irving E. Gaudin’s departmental store erected in Clairmont, 1916.

0287.09.52 Item – Pioneers of 1909 or Before  March 1960 1 photograph : b&w ; 15.5 x 20 cm
Scope and content:

L-R Mrs. Jennie (Twombly) Goodwin, Mrs. Rotchie (Twombly) McRae, Harry Tuffill, Mrs. C.O. Pool, John O. Johnson, James Somerville, Gordon Sherk, Mrs. Alice (Sutherland) Lozeron, Mrs. Lulu (Sherk) Allen, Marley Sherk and Mrs. Elsie (Monkman) Boyd.