Fonds 286 Norman Granville Paton fonds

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Summary information

Repository: South Peace Regional Archives
Title: Norman Granville Paton fonds
Reference code: 0286
Date: ca. 1923-1982 (date of creation)
Physical description: 17 cm textual records
Dates of creation, revision and deletion: Processed by Karen Burgess June 2008
Added to new database September 2024 – TD

Administrative history / Biographical sketch

Norman Granville Paton was born March 6, 1907 in Eagle Hill, Alberta. He attended Calgary Normal School ca. 1923-1924, and married his wife Gertrude ca. 1928. He and Gertrude had two children, Jean and Clifford. Granville taught in one-room schools in southern Alberta, including those in Carolyn and Didsbury. From 1940-1944 he was a teacher at Frisco School in Rocky Mountain House. By 1945, he was working as a shop teacher for the secondary grades in Grande Prairie, and by 1964 he was on staff at the Grande Prairie Vocational High School, first as acting Vice-Principal and by 1965, as Vice-Principal. He was also Principal of the night school classes held there from 1966-1968. In 1969, with the phasing out of the Vocational School and the creation of the Composite High School, Granville lost his administrative position but remained teaching until 1975. When he retired that year, he had had 51 years of teaching experience and had upgraded his qualifications during summer schools to 5 years of teacher training. He died June 8, 1982. His grandchildren by his daughter Jean are Doug Duplessis, Norman Duplessis, and Lorna Willsey.

Custodial history

These records were donated to the South Peace Regional Archives by Douglas Duplessis, Granville’s grandson, in 2006.

Scope and content

The fonds consists of records of Granville’s life as a teacher: his personal papers, his teacher training, his early teaching experience in elementary education, and his long-time employment with the Grande Prairie School District (1945-1975) as a shop instructor and vice-principal of the Grande Prairie Vocational School, and principal of Night School.


Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title of fonds based on contents.

Access points

  • Textual record (documentary form)
  • Education (subject)

Table of contents

0286.01, Personal Papers, 1925-1982

0286.02, Teacher Training, ca. 1923

0286.03, Early Teaching Career, ca. 1930

0286.04, Grande Prairie School District, 1945-1975

Series descriptions

Reference code Title Dates Physical description
2006.097.01 Item – Alaska, Our Northern Rampart  1941 1 sheet
Scope and content:

A page from the Herald-American Pictorial Review newspaper showing a map of the northern hemisphere and the U.S. air and naval bases’ locations. It shows the need for U.S. defense of Alaska.

2006.097.04 Item – Alberta Teachers’ Association Magazine
Alberta Teachers’ Association
1971 1 booklet : 48 pp.
Scope and content:

November-December, 1971, issue of the ATA Magazine.

2006.097.05 Item – Programme of Studies for the Intermediate School
Department of Education, AB
1941 1 book : 240 pp.
Scope and content:

Programme of Studies for the Intermediate School (Grades 7, 8, 9) and Departmental Regulations relating to Grade 9 Examinations.

2006.097.06 Item – Senior High School Handbook
Department of Education
1964-1965 1 booklet : 58 pp.
Scope and content:

Senior High School Handbook containing regulations, objectives, program offerings for senior high school

2006.097.07 Item – Senior High School Handbook
Department of Education
1965-1966 1 booklet : 59 pp.
Scope and content:

Senior High School Handbook containing regulations, objectives, program offerings for senior high school

2006.097.08 Item – Program of Studies
Department of Education
1967 1 book : 172 pp.
Scope and content:

Senior High School Program of Studies containing descriptions of senior high school courses.

2006.097.09 Item – Senior High School Handbook
Department of Education
1967-1968 1 booklet : 65 pp.
Scope and content:

Senior High School Handbook containing regulations, objectives, and program offerings for senior high school courses.

2006.097.10 Item – Senior High School Handbook
Department of Education
1968-1969 1 booklet : 65 pp.
Scope and content:

Senior High School Handbook containing regulations, objectives, and program offerings for senior high school courses.

2006.097.11 Item – Senior High School Handbook
Department of Education
1969-1970 1 booklet
Scope and content:

Senior High School Handbook containing regulations, objectives, and program offerings for senior high school courses.

2006.097.12 Item – The ABCs of Radio
Canadian General Electric Co Ltd.
1944 1 booklet : 68 pp.
Scope and content:

This book is intended to help the beginner understand the fundamentals of radio.

2006.097.13 Item – Social Studies Workbook
Western Canada Institute Ltd.
ca. 1943 1 book : 106 pp.
Scope and content:

This workbook contains a series of exercises to be used for Social Studies 10 especially useful for correspondence students.

2006.097.14 Item – Algebra 1 Workbook – Grade X
D.L. Shortliffe, The Institute of Applied Art Ltd., Edmonton, AB
1937 1 booklet : 81 pp.
Scope and content:

This workbook contains a series of exercises to be used with the text Algebra 1 – Grade Ten.

2006.097.15 Item – My Literature Book Grade VI
Raell Chaplan, School Publications & Specialties
n.d. 1 booklet : 83 pp.
Scope and content:

A workbook to accompany a literature text and containing exercises to be done following readings in the text.

2006.097.16 Item – Grade Two Seatwork
The Western Canada Institute Ltd.
n.d. 1 book : 49 pp.
Scope and content:

A workbook intended for students to work through on their own, containing readings with questions to answer.

2006.097.17 Item – Reading Work Book for Beginners
Jessie E.R. Fisher, J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., Toronto
n.d. 1 book : 64 pp.
Scope and content:

A workbook from the “Training Through Occupation Series Book 1” for beginning elementary students.

Series 0286.01: Personal Papers

Date: 1925-1982 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of a birth certificate, certificates from completed courses at 7 summer school sessions at University of Alberta from 1935-1944, inspector reports from schools at Frisco and Loyalty, a 1963 and 1970 salary schedule, 1963-1975 correspondence, and 1963-1969 statements of salary or wages from the Grande Prairie School District, a Hunter Training Program Certificate, 6 Grande Prairie Vocational School graduation invitations, a copy of the Grande Prairie Montrose High School reunion booklet, and a death certificate.

Physical description: 1 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
2006.097.03 Item – Eaton’s Farm News Service
Winnipeg, MB
ca. 1925 1 booklet : 47 pp.
Scope and content:

A series of articles collected by Granville Paton on topics pertaining to agriculture and home interests.

Series 0286.02: Teacher Training

Date: ca. 1923 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of Mr. Paton’s Chapman’s Geography Notebook from the Calgary Normal School, made up of maps drawn on art paper.

Physical description: 1.5 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Series 0286.03: Early Teaching Career

Date: ca. 1930 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of materials used to teach elementary grades in the 1920s and 1930s.

Physical description: 3 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Series 0286.04: Grande Prairie School District

Date: 1945-1975 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of records relating to a regional track meet of 1949, Vocational Education shop plans and equipment, G.P. Vocational School staff meetings, Night School records, school publications, and records from Grande Prairie School District’s Principals’ Meetings. There are also some Superintendent’s Bulletins.

Physical description: 11.5 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Subseries 0286.04.01: Shop Teacher

Date: 1945 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of 3 journals used to itemize materials purchased for instruction in Shop courses as well as instructional notes on Building Construction.

Physical description: 2.5 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Subseries 0286.04.02: Shop Plans and Equipment

Date: ca. 1950 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of blue prints for instructional purposes, lists of equipment and supplies, and notes on understanding radio operation.

Physical description: 1 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Subseries 0286.04.03: District Track Meet

Date: 1949 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of records relating to a regional track meet organized by Grande Prairie ATA local and convened by Mr. E.J. Meen. Description of events and schools participating are included.

Physical description: 0.5 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Subseries 0286.04.04: G.P. Vocational Staff Meetings

Date: 1964-1968 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of a 1964 Staff Directory and staff meeting minutes of the Grande Prairie Vocational School from 1964-1968.

Physical description: 2 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Subseries 0286.04.05: G.P. Vocational School – Night School

Date: 1966-1968 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of records when Mr. Paton was Principal of Night School Classes including correspondence, schedules including staff names, and class lists for various courses.

Physical description: 1.5 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Subseries 0286.04.06: G.P. Vocational School – Publications

Date: 1956-1969 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of 2 copies of “Hi-Lites” from 1956 and 1957; a description of the Industrial Business Program; 4 copies of the 1965-1969 Program and Courses of the Grande Prairie Vocational High School; along with 2 postcard pictures of the school and a copy of the Educational Routes of the Grande Prairie Composite High School programs.

Physical description: 1 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Subseries 0286.04.07: Principals’ Meetings

Date: 1964-1968 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of minutes of the Grande Prairie School District’s Principal’s Meetings from 1964-1968.

Physical description: 1.5 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:


Subseries 0286.04.08: Administration News

Date: 1964-1968 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of Superintendent’s Bulletins, and a summary of a High School Administrator’s Conference.

Physical description: 1.5 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Publication status:
