Fonds 269 Mountain Side School Division #4494 fonds

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Summary information

Repository: South Peace Regional Archives
Title: Mountain Side School District #4494 fonds
Reference code: 0269
Date: 1930-1952 (date of creation)
Physical description: 2.5 cm textual records
Dates of creation, revision and deletion: Processed by Karen Burgess March 2007
Added to new database September 2024 – TD

Administrative history / Biographical sketch

Mountain Side School served the farming area north and east of Saskatoon Mountain. The district was established in 1930 and a school site chosen on SE 25-72-9 W6th. To access money from a government grant, the ratepayers called a workbee for February 26, 1931, and the frame school was erected by volunteers. A log barn was built in 1933 and a teacherage in 1935. Mr. Henry Wiebe was the first teacher and there were 28 children when school opened on May 4, 1931. Later teachers included Miss Elma Elkins, Miss Carr, Miss Mary Beard, Mr. Clarence Otterbein, Mr. Paul Poetker, Miss Olive Throness, Mrs. Agnes Hamm, Miss Tomshak, Miss Julia Podulski, and Roy Grimsrud. The school was closed in the late 1950s and students bussed to larger schools. The last minutes of the school board were recorded March 22, 1952.

Custodial history

The records were deposited in South Peace Regional Archives by Beryl Alstad in 2006.

Scope and content

The fonds consists of a ledger book containing the minutes of the Mountain Side School District #4494.


Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title of fonds based on contents.

Access points

  • Textual record (documentary form)
  • Education (subject)