Fonds 260 Bear Hill Rural Electrification Association fonds

Bear Hill Rural Electrification Association. — 1953-1984. — 10 cm cm of textual records.

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Agency History

The Bear Hill Electrification Association Ltd. was formed in 1953 and signed its first contract with Alberta Power Commission that year to serve farmers in the La Glace-Valhalla area. Each of the 45 initial members who signed on paid an initial $150.00 The Alberta Government set up the Rural Electrification Revolving Fund Act in order to provide low interest loans to fund the electrical distribution systems and the local associations became the Collection Agents. By the 1980s approximately 200 customers in the Bear Hill area had been serviced with electric power. But, by the early 1980s, new technology and increased values on electricity made power companies eager to buy out the REAs. Older REAs were finding maintenance costs more an more expensive so began selling out. The Alberta government set up a task force to look into changes to the Rural Electrificarion Act, hoping to review the concept of REAs and solve a problem that was brewing between the power companies and the associations before the REAs all sold out. An action committee of the 6 REAs in the Peace country also tried to stop the selling out tide. Some thought that they should wait for the government to consider a public power system. Others were conviced they did not want to have to deal with repairs to the lines. One resolution was passed after the Bear Hill Electrification Association had already agreed to sell, that required two-thirds of the total membership to vote on a sale. In November, 1983, the Bear Hill REA accepted Alberta Power’s offer to purchase their line.

Custodial History

The records were donated to the South Peace Regional Archives by Morris Eady in October, 2004

Scope and Content

The fonds consists of agreements and communications, lists of contract holders including maps, financial records and a reference manual and poster from the Alberta Rural Electrification Association



Table of Contents

Series 260.01 Administration
Series 260.02 Contract Holders
Series 260.03 Financial
Series 260.04 Alberta Union of Rural Electrification Associations
Series 260.01 Administraion. — 1953-1984. — 1 cm cm of textual records.The series consists of correspondence, agreements signed with the Board of Public Utility, a project for clearing right-of-ways, an unsigned copy of the agreement Alberta Power proposed signing with the REAs, lists of the members of the executive from 1979-1983.and notes taken at the last meeting of the Association.
Series 260.02 Contract Holders. — 1960-1983. — 4 cm cm of textual records.The series consists of Electric Service Contracts signed with each land owner, lists of contract holders, four maps showing the district covered by the Bear Hill REA with names of indvidual land owners.>
Series 260.03 Financial. — 1960-1983. — 1 cm cm of textual records.The series consists of journal spread sheets from 1959-1981, annual financial reports rom 1959-1962, 1967-1969, 1971-1982, cheque stubs from 1982-1985, cheque requisitions for reserve funds, Alberta Power rates, and a Refund Analysis, 1970.
Series 260.04 Alberta Union of Rural Electrification Associations. — 1978. — 4 cm cm of textual records.The series consists of 2 maps showing areas covered by rural electrification associations in Alberta and a manual intended as an informational guide to groups interested in becoming involved with rural power service.
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