Fonds 050 Grande Prairie Board of Trade and Chamber of Commerce fonds



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Summary information

Repository: South Peace Regional Archives
Title: Grande Prairie Board of Trade and Chamber of Commerce fonds
Reference code: 0050
Date: 1905-2000 (date of creation)
Physical description: 5.58 m of textual records

1833 photographs

228 slides

4 negatives

67 postcards

20 maps

15 blueprints

1 video recording

Dates of creation, revision and deletion: Processed by Mary Nutting
Added to new database October/November 2023 – TD

Administrative history / Biographical sketch

It was 1914, the same year that the village of Grande Prairie was incorporated, when talk about organizing a Board of Trade began. The Grande Prairie Board of Trade and Chamber of Commerce was incorporated in 1915, when the population of the village was just over 100 people. This was before there were any roads or trains into the Peace Country, and the only means of access into the area, for people and supplies, was via Pioneer Trail. It was registered for a certificate as the Grande Prairie Board of Trade and Chamber of Commerce in 1919. The purpose of the Board of Trade was to promote the Grande Prairie district as an excellent place to live, farm, do business and develop resources. The issues which rose out of this purpose were the need for improved roads and highways; affordable railroad freight rates and adequate railway services and facilities; airports and commercial airlines; appropriate immigration, agricultural and economic policies; a good education system; services such as water and sewer, telephone, radio and television; resource and industrial development; and support for the business community. From its inception, the Board of Trade had a high profile in south Peace communities. Monthly meetings were covered in detail by the press, and the President’s Ball and Annual Meeting was one of the social events of the year. The Board was immediately active in associations with other provincial and Canadian Boards of Trade and worked jointly with political and labour groups to achieve common goals. Sending delegates to Edmonton or Ottawa and sending resolutions to provincial or federal governments were common tactics which achieved results. The Board of Trade made use of monthly and annual meetings to bring in interesting or high profile speakers who drew large crowds. It also initiated or participated in visits by V.I.P.s who could make a difference: premiers, prime ministers or governor-generals; government officials, MLAs , MPs or High Commissioners; railroad presidents, business magnates or filming crews; and parties from provincial and federal Boards of Trade. Each visit and speaker drew added attention to issues in the Peace Country. Promotional Literature was a key function of the Board of Trade. The first booklet, Grande Prairie and the Peace River District, was printed in 1920 and distributed throughout all Grande Prairie and the Peace River District, was printed in 1920 and distributed throughout all English speaking countries. By 1921, regular issues of “The Board of Trade Gazette” were being printed by the Grande Prairie Herald. This was the beginning of a long standing relationship between the two organizations which continues in the present. The Board also staged promotional entertainment events such as summer sports and rodeos, and winter carnivals. During the Depression and World War II, membership and the activities of the Board decreased, but a core group kept up pressure on all levels of government as immigration to the area increased and the need for affordable services and transportation of people and products was even more important. The Monkman Highway Project, a road built through the Rocky Mountains by volunteer labour, was supported by Peace Country and British Columbia Boards of Trade alike. The Board expanded into areas of direct intervention, such as the establishment of a flour mill in Grande Prairie in 1935, and protests regarding the closing of banks. Air Shelters and war-time policies occupied much of their time during the war, but already the Board was focused on regaining the momentum that had propelled them before the depression. After the war the Junior Chamber of Commerce was formed, and the two groups became more involved in the appearance-cleanliness and beautification-of the town. Town Planning for commercial, industrial and residential districts became important. In 1952, the name of the Grande Prairie Board of Trade and Chamber of Commerce was officially changed to the Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce. Surveys and economic development reports were now being produced by various levels of government and quasi-governmental organizations, and the Chamber turned its attentions to more specific programs in the community of Grande Prairie–to urban planning and parks, resource and industry conferences, retail surveys, business and industry trade fairs, employment programs, tourism, and events which heightened the city’s profile. The Grande Prairie Air Shows in the 70s and the National Hot Air Balloon Championships in 1979 are examples of such events. Two themes which ran throughout the Chamber’s history were transportation and political action. In the isolated Peace Country, transportation was always a major issue. In 1958 the Chamber began to pressure the Alberta Government regarding a Peace Country route for the Great Slave Lake Railway, as well as the creation of Highway 40 South, a project which did not see completion until 1992. Briefs and submissions continued to flow to various levels of government and business, and forums were offered to the citizens so that their voices would also be heard. Industry and Employment were high priority items, and the Chamber began taking surveys to determine the direction and results of their policies. They lobbied federal and provincial governments for support of the construction industry through the Central Mortgage and Housing in the early 50s, an Oil Refinery in 1952 and a Federal Penitentiary in 1955. In 1974, the Chamber began to operate Hire-A-Student during the summer months to increase employment for students during the summer months. As industry assumed a larger and larger portion of the local economy, the Chamber focused more attention on industrial expansion. In 1960, they sponsored the first Northwest Resources Conference, and in 1971, established an Industrial Development Commission with cooperation from the City and County of Grande Prairie. Eventually this became the Economic Development Commission. One of the most noticeable changes in focus was tourism. Increased American traffic on the Alaska Highway soon after World War II caught the attention of the Chamber. Here was a viable new industry for the north. The Trumpeter Swan, once almost extinct, became a symbol for the area-both City and County incorporated the swan in their logos-and the Chamber adopted it as well. A large swan statue was placed in Jubilee Park, and a swimming swan floated on Bear Creek Reservoir. Two side-arms of the tourism industry were the Convention Bureau, which organized large functions for the Chamber and promoted conventions held in Grande Prairie, and the Trade Fair and Trade Dollar Program. These programs showcased local businesses while attracting “business” tourists into the City. Publications by the Chamber shifted from economic analysis to tourism based, and soon a “Visitors’ Guide” was being published regularly. The history of the Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce closely parallels the development of “Grande Prairie City.” As the City grew, so did the Chamber. In 1968, a new Chamber building was built under an agreement with the City of Grande Prairie. In 1973, the Tourist Information Centre on the highway by-pass was added to serve a rapidly growing tourist industry. As the city developed into the regional center of the Peace Country, there was growing pressure for a larger, more modern facility. In the year 2000, a combined facility was constructed to accommodate Chamber offices, Alberta Tourism, a community wing and a museum showcasing the Peace Country. Center 2000 is the present home of the Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce.

Custodial history

The records were deposited in the Grande Prairie Regional Archives by the Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce in 2000.

Scope and content

The fonds consists of executive and administrative records; subject files from both the Board of Trade and the later Chamber of Commerce; briefs, submissions and forums presented to various groups and government departments; project files from the time Grande Prairie achieved cityhood until the 90s; publications about the area produced or collected by the Board of Trade/Chamber of Commerce; reference files with news clippings and guest books that detail the history of the Board from 1914 on; information about associated organizations; and photograph and slide collections. The photograph collection mainly details progress in the Grande Prairie area from 1905 to 1980, and the activities of the Chamber after 1975. There is one reel to reel film, “Alberta on the North Side,” which was presented to the people of Northern Alberta on the occasion of the provincial cabinet meeting in Grande Prairie, October 17, 1972.


Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title based on the contents of the fonds

Restrictions on access

There are no restrictions.

Access points

  • Textual record (documentary form)
  • Graphic material (documentary form)
  • Cartographic material (documentary form)
  • Moving images (documentary form)
  • Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)
  • Architectural drawing (documentary form)
  • Business (subject)
  • Organizations* (subject)

Table of contents

0050.01, Executive Records, 1919-1994

0050.02, Administrative Records, 1961-1993

0050.03, Board of Trade Subject Files, 1930-1932

0050.04, Chamber of Commerce Subject Files, 1958-1991

0050.05, Briefs, Submissions, and Public Forums, 1963-1989

0050.06, Project Files, 1958-1997

0050.07, Publications Collection, 1920-2000

0050.08, Photograph and Visual Media Collection, [1905]-1995

0050.09, Historical Collection, 1965-1993

0050.10, Associated Organizations, 1973-1993

Series descriptions

Series 0050.01: Executive Records

Date: 1919-1994 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of the 1919 certificate of formation; minutes, accounts and annual returns from 1930-1932; the minutes of the Chamber from 1947-1990; audited financial statements from 1960-1990; the records of the Economic Development Commission and its predecessors from 1959-1992; and nine issues of the Chamber Chronicle from 1987 to 1994. The photographs are of various executives of the Chamber of Commerce from about 1958-1981. There are also two historical photographs of Mayor Griff James and Mayor George Repka. There is a folder of photographs that have not been individually numbered or described. They are sorted into envelope by event or date, covering events such as the Petroleum Show, the President’s Ball, and AGMs. These photographs cover dates from 1975 to 1998.

Physical description: 122 cm textual records

52 photographs

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

Subseries 0050.01.01: Board of Trade and Chamber of Commerce Executive

Date: 1919-1994 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of legal documents; minutes; financial statements; annual reports; annual meeting programs; and presidents’ speeches. The minutes include the following additions: beginning in 1961, the President’s report and year end financial statements; by 1965 committee reports, announcements and resolutions; by 1970 monthly financial reports, quarterly meetings and director’s meeting minutes from the Alberta Chamber of Commerce; by 1975 executive memos and annual reports. The photographs are of various executives of the Chamber of Commerce from about 1958-1981. There are also two photographs of Mayor Griff James and Mayor George Repka, and nine issues of a publication titled the Chamber Chronicle. There is a folder of photographs that have not been individually numbered or described. They are sorted into envelope by event or date, covering events such as the Petroleum Show, the President’s Ball, and AGMs. These photographs cover dates from 1975 to 1998.

Physical description: 92 cm textual records

52 photographs

Access points:

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

•                Textual record (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.01.01.01 Item – Chamber of Commerce Executive  [1958] 1 photograph : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
Scope and content:

Formal portrait of the Chamber of Commerce Executive ca. 1958 includes Ed Haberman, Tom Leslie, Jack Deltombe, Bill Bowes, Hal Tipper and Clem Collins.

0050.01.01.02-33 Item – Chamber of Commerce Executive  [1965] 31 photographs : b&w
Scope and content:

Thirty group and individual photographs of Chamber of Commerce Executive members from the 1960s includes Al Douglas, Hal Roth, Paul Evashkevich, Orm Schultz, Ken Head, Gordon Moon, Merv Lewis, Jack Deltombe, Dr. Frank Stojan, Orest Gauk, Harry Schneider, John Anderson, Gordon Donaldson, Bill Henry, Glen Patterson, Gordon Wilson, George Wakeham, Bill Bowes, and John Remple.

0050.01.01.07 Item – Mayor George Repka  1968 1 photograph : b&w ; 3 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Formal portrait of George Repka, first elected Mayor of the City of Grande Prairie, taken in September 1968.

0050.01.01.08 Item – Mayor Griff James  1968 1 photograph : b&w ; 3 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Portrait of Griff James, the first Mayor of the Town of Grande Prairie, who served from 1919-1921.

0050.01.01.34-36 Item – Chamber of Commerce Executive  1978 3 photographs : b&w ; 3 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Members of the Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce Executive in 1978: Dan Balisky, Brian Swain and John Powers.

0050.01.01.37-48 Item – Chamber of Commerce Executive  [1980] 12 photographs : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Twelve group and individual photographs of Chamber of Commerce Executive ca. 1980 includes Danny Balisky, Elmer Borstad, Gordon Pearcy, John Powers, Helen Rice, Wayne Jacques, Layton Park, and Andre Lozeron.

0050.01.01.49-52 Item – Chamber of Commerce Executive
Mel’s Photography
1981 4 photographs : colour ; 5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Four photographs of the 1981 Chamber of Commerce Executive includes Helen Rice, Karen Fetterly, John Powers,

0050.01.01.53 Item – Certificate of Formation  1919 2 pp.
Scope and content:

Certificate of formation for the Grande Prairie Board of Trade and Chamber of Commerce

Subseries 0050.01.02: Economic Development Commission

Date: 1959-1987 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of the planning documents for the commission, including a 1959 by-law for the creation of an Industrial Commission and the 1971 agreement between the City, the County and the Chamber to establish an Industrial Development Commission; minutes of the commission and its advisory committee; financial accounts; and documents for the creation of a department of economic development. Records portraying the activities of the commission include correspondence and report files, a downtown redevelopment plan and various publications.

Physical description: 30 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Series 0050.02: Administrative Records

Date: 1961-1993 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of records relating to the administration of the Chamber of Commerce: personnel policies and job descriptions; executive job descriptions and orientations; employment programs; insurance; budgets; computerization; physical buildings; membership; chamber awards; and news releases. The photographs are of the Chamber of Commerce building on 100 Street and 103 Avenue, and the Grande Prairie Visitors Booth put up by the Chamber at the north entrance to the City in 1973.

Physical description: 32 cm textual records

15 slides

25 photographs

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

Related material:

Guest books for grand openings are included in the reference collection.

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.02.01-15 Item – Chamber of Commerce Building  [1975] 15 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Fifteen slides of the exterior and the interior of the Chamber of Commerce at 10011-103 Avenue in Grande Prairie.

0050.02.16-40 Item – Grande Prairie Visitors Booth  1973 25 photographs
Scope and content:

Twenty-five photographs showing the building and the opening of the Grande Prairie Visitor’s Booth, a project of the Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce in 1973. Colonel Sanders, from Kentucky Fried Chicken, was present for the opening.

Series 0050.03: Board of Trade Subject Files

Date: 1930-1932 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of 16 files of correspondence relating to the activities of the Chamber and associated Boards. In 1930-1932 the issues related to transportation, government services, economic and agricultural policies during the depression, and resource and industrial development.

Physical description: 8 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Series 0050.04: Chamber of Commerce Subject Files

Date: 1958-1991 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of 101 subject files detailing the Chamber’s actions and involvement on issues of importance to the development and promotion of the business and the City of Grande Prairie and the surrounding area. It includes projects which were supported by the Chamber but not initiated by them, such as the visits of royalty or V.I.P.s, a Twin City Proclamation and the 1980 Winter Games. The photographs are of the opening of the new air terminal in Grande Prairie in 1979, the trumpeter swan as a symbol of the City, and a series of photographic postcards by Brian Adams.

Physical description: 104 cm textual records

41 photographs

3 maps

Access points:

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

•                Textual record (documentary form)

•                Cartographic material (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.04.01-16 Item – Opening of Air Terminal in Grande Prairie  1979 16 photographs : colour ; 3 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Sixteen photographs showing the new Air Terminal in Grande Prairie and the Opening Ceremonies in 1979.

0050.04.17-30 Item – Brian Adams’ Postcards
Brian Adams
1977 14 postcards : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Fourteen postcards of Grande Prairie and area taken by photographer Brian Adams in the late 1970s and produced by the Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce.

0050.04.31-41 Item – Trumpeter Swans  1977 7 photographs
4 negatives
Scope and content:

Seven photographs and four negatives showing trumpeter swans.

0050.04.42 Item – Alberta Summer Games  1980 1 newspaper
Scope and content:

Daily Herald-Tribune supplement for the Alberta Summer Games

0050.04.43 Item – Grande Prairie Chuckwagon Stompede  1981 1 newspaper
Scope and content:

Daily Herald-Tribune supplement for the 1981Grande Prairie Chuckwagon Stompede. Review of Grande Prairie’s business, agricultural, recreational features.

0050.04.44-48 Item – Alberta Small Business Week  1984-1985, 1989 Newspapers
Scope and content:

Three Daily Herald-Tribune supplements for Alberta Small Business Week, and one supplement called “Place the Face” which was a competition that had taken place during Alberta Small Business Week in the past.

0050.04.49 Item – Official Twinning Proclamation  June 1, 1979 1 page
Scope and content:

The formal declaration of the twinning of the cities Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada and Grand Prairie, Texas, U.S.A. signed by the Mayors of both Cities.

Series 0050.05: Briefs, Submissions, and Public Forums

Date: 1963-1989 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of papers and presentations made by the Chamber of Commerce to various groups and government departments promoting the Grande Prairie area. Topics include business, industry, agriculture, health, labour, education, environment, transportation and government. The series includes civic election forums from 1977-1989, and a forum on the future of Grande Prairie in 1977.

Physical description: 12 cm textual records

16 maps

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

•                Cartographic material (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.05.01.01 Item – Wapiti, Iosegun Lake, Winagami, Alberta  1963
Scope and content:

Contour map showing roads, trails, rails and power lines south of Grande Prairie.

0050.05.01.02 Item – Slide show map for promotion of Highway 40  ca. 1970
Scope and content:

Slides and descriptions hand-written on map

0050.05.01.03 Item – Vicinity Map: Muskeg Corner to Grande Prairie  1967
Scope and content:

Preliminary route of Highway 40 for discussion purposes.

0050.05.01.04 Item – Gold Creek Project  1969
Scope and content:

Exhibit 1–existing roads

0050.05.01.05 Item – Gold Creek Project Road System  1969
Scope and content:

Map with hand-drawn roads built by County, Local Imp. Dist, Imperial Lumber, North Canadian Lumber, Atlantic Richfield Co. and Alberta Resources Railway

0050.05.01.06a Item – North Canadian Forest Industries Ltd.  1965
Scope and content:

Forest Management Lease Area with roads drawn in

0050.05.01.06b Item – North Canadian Forest Industries Ltd.  1965
Scope and content:

Forest Management Lease Area with roads drawn in

0050.05.01.07 Item – Grande Prairie to Grande Cache Highway  ca. 1967
Scope and content:

Proposed routes from Grande Prairie to Muskeg River

0050.05.01.08 Item – Road System South Of Grande Prairie, Option 1  ca. 1967
Scope and content:

Costs of Primary Highway, and Resource Roads

0050.05.01.09 Item – Road System South Of Grande Prairie, Option 2  ca. 1967
Scope and content:

Costs of Primary Highway, and Resource Roads

0050.05.01.10 Item – Road System South Of Grande Prairie, Option 3  ca. 1967
Scope and content:

Costs of Primary Highway, and Resource Roads

0050.05.01.11 Item – Forestry Map  ca. 1986
Scope and content:

Procter & Gamble, Canfor, and B.C. Forest Products area

0050.05.01.12 Item – Coal Map  ca. 1986
Scope and content:

Active, Approved, Potential (metallurgical), and Potential (thermal) Mining Areas

0050.05.01.13 Item – Oil & Gas Map  ca. 1986
Scope and content:

Gas Field, and Oil Field Area

0050.05.01.14 Item – Recreation Map  ca. 1986
Scope and content:

Parks & Recreation Area

0050.05.01.15 Item – A Guide to the Proctor & Gamble Forest Management Area  n.d.
Scope and content:

Written descriptions and map showing roads, survey lines, power, rail, amenities, forestry stations, recreation facilities.

Series 0050.06: Project Files

Date: 1958-1997 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of records and photographs of projects the Chamber initiated or operated in the area: the Grande Prairie Air Show, Hire-A-Student, Northwest Resources Conferences, the Trade Dollar Program, and regional Trade Fairs. Projects for which the Chamber lobbied the Alberta Government are also included: the Great Slave Lake Railway, and the construction and paving of Highway 40 South.

Physical description: 84 cm textual records

1042 photographs

16 blueprints

Access points:

•                Architectural drawing (documentary form)

•                Textual record (documentary form)

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

•                Graphic material (documentary form)

Subseries 0050.06.01: Grande Prairie Air Show

Date: 1975; 1978 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of correspondence, booklets, posters, newspapers, and pamphlets regarding the air show. It includes documents and news clippings relating to Snowbird Captain de Jong’s death during the 1978 Air Show.

Physical description: 2 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.06.01.01 Item – Snowbird poster  1975 1 p. (16 x 20 in.)
Scope and content:

Poster showing a photograph of the Snowbirds flying in formation. The members of the Snowbirds team have signed their names beside the name of their position/title.

0050.06.01.02 Item – Snowbird poster  1978 1 p. (16 x 20 in.)
Scope and content:

Poster showing a photograph of the Snowbirds flying in formation. The members of the Snowbirds team have signed their names beside the name of their position/title.

Subseries 0050.06.02: Great Slave Lake Railway

Date: 1958-1961 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of correspondence regarding the Peace Country route proposed by the Chambers of the Peace, submissions to the 1959 Royal Commission and the final Royal Commission report published in 1960.

Physical description: 6 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Subseries 0050.06.03: Highway 40 South

Date: 1958-1997 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of correspondence, submissions, studies, photographs and news clippings regarding the construction, Grand Opening and paving of Highway 40 South.

Physical description: 24 cm textual records

59 photographs

16 blueprints

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

•                Architectural drawing (documentary form)

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.06.03.01-59 Item – Construction of Highway 40  [1965]-1997 59 photographs & negatives
Scope and content:

Fifty-nine negatives and photographs of the actual construction and of events promoting the construction and paving of Highway 40 south to Grande Cache. Photographs of the Grande Opening of the newly paved highway in 1996 are included.

0050.06.03.01 Item – Highway 40 Environmental Planning Study 1976 1 newspaper
Scope and content:

Highway 40 Environmental Planning Study Newsletter published September 13, 1976.

Subseries 0050.06.04: Hire-A-Student

Date: 1974-1982 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of minutes, monthly and annual reports, and records from the Student Placement Program, Hire-A-Student, and Young Canada Works Program.

Physical description: 14 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Subseries 0050.06.05: Hot Air Balloon Championships

Date: 1979-1993 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of the final report on the 1979 Championship and correspondence regarding the formation of the Grande Prairie Hot Air Balloon Events Association. The 1979 report includes minutes, financial records, correspondence, registrations, press releases, schedules of events, awards, and information on the history and rules of hot air ballooning as well as the promotion and sponsorship for this event. A slide presentation showing the 1979 Championships has 150 slides. Another 16 slides show the Hot Air Balloon Queen contestants for 1980 and some miscellaneous shots of Hot Air Balloons. There is also a signed poster from the members of the Canadian Forces Parachute Team Sky Hawks.

Physical description: 3 cm textual records

220 slides

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

•                Graphic material (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.06.05.001-220 Item – Hot Air Balloon Championships  1979-1980 220 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

220 colour slides of the Canadian National Hot Air Balloon Championships held in Grande Prairie in 1979 and the Hot Air Balloon Championships put on by the Hot Air Balloon Events Association in 1980.

0050.06.05.221-222 Item – Canadian Hot Air Balloon Championship Supplements  1979-1980 2 newspapers
Scope and content:

Two special supplements for the Canadian Hot Air Balloon Championships.

0050.06.05-1993 Item – Hot Air Balloon Poster  1993 1 poster : 25 x 17 in.
Scope and content:

A poster advertising the 1993 Alberta Hot Air Balloon Championships.

Subseries 0050.06.06: Northwest Resources Conferences

Date: 1960; 1969 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of correspondence and two printed reports, one for each conference. There is also a newspaper highlighting the first conference, published by the Edmonton Journal. The reports contain transcripts of the speeches from the main speakers, along with questions and answers from the floor. The second report includes a few photographs of people and events associated with the conference.

Physical description: 6 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.06.06.01 Item – The Journal  May 24, 1969 1 newspaper
Scope and content:

One edition of The Journal (a newspaper from Edmonton) which is about the development of natural resources and communities in the Peace River Country.

Subseries 0050.06.07: Trade Dollar Program

Date: 1976-1988 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of correspondence, original drawings of historical images submitted for consideration as use for trade dollars, promotional literature, photographs and news clippings. Subjects for the coins include the Trumpeter Swan, Boxing Champion Willie de Wit, Canadian Chuckwagon Championships and chuck-driver Kelly Sutherland, the Canadian Hot Air Balloon Championship and Grande Prairie’s 75th Anniversary. The photographs are of Willie de Wit, the Canadian Chuckwagon trophy, and a display of the original drawings. There are also slides of four of the coins.

Physical description: 7 cm textual records

19 photographs

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.06.07.01-19 Item – Trade Dollar Program  1976-1987 19 photographs & slides
Scope and content:

Nineteen photographs of trade dollars or of the subjects on the trade dollars. The photographs were used to create or promote the Chamber of Commerce Trade Dollar Program and include photos of Willie de Wit and Kelly Sutherland.

Subseries 0050.06.08: South Peace Consumer Trade Fairs

Date: 1978-1997 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of agreements between the City of Grande Prairie and the Chamber of Commerce to hold the fair, documents and correspondence relating to planning and marketing the fair, plans and lists of attending businesses, newspaper clippings, photographs and lists of winning booths.

Physical description: 18 cm textual records

744 photographs

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.06.08.001-774 Item – South Peace Consumers Trade Fair  1978-1997 768 photographs & slides : colour
Scope and content:

Photographic images of the South Peace Consumers Trade Fair, organized by the Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce every year. Photographs are of the various booths and events associated with the trade fairs from 1978 to 1997. Item – Trade Fair Supplement  1978-1980, 1982 5 newspapers
Scope and content:

Five special supplements for the Trade Fair.

Series 0050.07: Publications Collection

Date: 1920-2000 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of the publications produced by the Grande Prairie Board of Trade and Chamber of Commerce promoting the area and the town/city in particular. Included in this series is 4 cm of newsletters printed from 1961 to 1990. The series also contains publications about the city and region. Publications are produced by the Daily Herald Tribune, the City of Grande Prairie, the Northern Alberta Development Council, the Peace River Regional Planning Commission and the South Peace Regional Planning Commission.

Physical description: 105 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Subseries 0050.07.01: Statistical and Historical

Date: 1920-1986 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of 18 publications from 1920 to 1976. The earlier productions include information on the entire Peace River Country, but after 1950 they concentrate on the city of Grande Prairie.

Physical description: 6 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.07.01.01a-b Item – “Grande Prairie and the Peace River District”
Grande Prairie Board of Trade
1920 2 booklets(25 pp.)
Scope and content:

Two copies of a booklet describing resources, climate, agricultural potential, and amenities available in the Peace country, used to promote settlement of the area.

0050.07.01.02 Item – Facts Worth Knowing About the Famous Peace River Country
Grande Prairie Board of Trade
1928 1 booklet
Scope and content:

A copy of a booklet advertising the advantages of the Peace River country from a settler’s viewpoint, describing such things as good soil, temperate climate, plentiful game, and cheap fuel.

0050.07.01.03 Item – “Interesting Facts About Grande Prairie”
Grande Prairie Board of Trade
1930 1 booklet (40 pp.)
Scope and content:

A copy of a booklet advertising the opportunities of the Peace River Country for the settler, businessman and capitalist.

0050.07.01.04 a-b Item – Grande Prairie – Progressive Centre of an Inland Empire
Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce
ca. 1950 1 booklet (14 pp.)
Scope and content:

Two copies of a booklet advertising Grande Prairie’s opportunities in agriculture, business and industry.

0050.07.01.05 Item – Grande Prairie – Centre of the Peace River District
Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce
ca. 1955 1 booklet (15 pp.)
Scope and content:

A reprint of 0050.07.01.04 with addition of Mundy’s map of Grande Prairie

0050.07.01.06 Item – Quick Facts – Grande Prairie
Bowes Publishers Ltd.
1958 1 brochure : 7 x 11 in.
Scope and content:

A brief description of services offered in the new city of Grande Prairie.

0050.07.01.07a-b Item – “A Survey of the City of Grande Prairie”
Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce
1958 1 booklet (20 pp.)
Scope and content:

A description of climate and soil, history, living conditions, industry and services offered in the new city of Grande Prairie.

0050.07.01.08 a-b Item – “A Survey of the City of Grande Prairie”
Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce
1961 1 booklet (22 pp.)
Scope and content:

An updated version of the 1958 publication including a description of climate and soil, history, living conditions, industry and services offered in the city of Grande Prairie.

0050.07.01.09 Item – 1960s Brochures
Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce
1960-1968 9 brochures
Scope and content:

Nine brochures produced in the 1960s advertising businesses, services, recreation opportunities

0050.07.01.10 Item – “Economic Survey of the Town of Grande Prairie”
Government of the Province of Alberta
1955 1 booklet (15 pp.)
Scope and content:

A survey conducted by the Industrial Development Branch of the Department of Economic Affairs of the Alberta Government, with the assistance of Town officials and The Board of Trade.

0050.07.01.11 Item – Opportunities Await You in Grande Prairie
Trade & Commerce Magazine
1968 1 brochure (5 pp.)
Scope and content:

A reprint of an article from the 1968 issue of Trade and Commerce Magazine describing Grande Prairie as the “resources capital of the north”.

0050.07.01.12 Item – Fifty Golden Years
Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce
1968-1969 1 booklet (8 pp.)
Scope and content:

A booklet showing executive members, 1968 financial statement, a membership list and an agenda for their 50th annual meeting as the Chamber of Commerce celebrates its 50th anniversary.

0050.07.01.13 Item – “A Survey of the City of Grande Prairie”
Grande Prairie Industrial Development Commission
1968 1 booklet (29 pp.)
Scope and content:

A booklet describing the history, soil and climate, living conditions, city services, government, health, education, communication, cultural and recreational services offered in Grande Prairie.

0050.07.01.14 Item – “A Survey of the City of Grande Prairie”
Grande Prairie Industrial Development Commission
1971 1 booklet (29 pp.)
Scope and content:

A booklet describing the history, soil and climate, living conditions, city services, government, health, education, communication, cultural and recreational services offered in Grande Prairie.

0050.07.01.15 Item – This is Grande Prairie -1972Grande Prairie Industrial Development Commission  1972 1 booklet (40 pp.)
Scope and content:

The booklet describes the formation of the Industrial development Commission, reviews the history of Grande Prairie and describes the services, industries and businesses offered in the city. Included are several pages of pictures of buildings.

0050.07.01.16 Item – Air Transportation Study
Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce
1976 1 booklet (81 pp.)
Scope and content:

A booklet containing a air transportation study submitted to the Alberta Department of Transportation. It evaluated the future needs in air transportation for Grande Prairie and the Peace region. An addendum “Recommendation for Action” accompanies the study.

0050.07.01.17 a-g Item – Welcome to Grande Prairie brochures
Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce
1973-1986 7 brochures
Scope and content:

Seven brochures giving visitors information on cultural and recreational facilities, points of interest, quick facts about Grande Prairie, and a map of the city.

0050.07.01.18 Item – G.P. Chamber of Commerce Membership Directory and Buyer’s Guide
Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce
1980 1 booklet (32 pp.)
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce Membership Directory and Buyer’s Guide

Subseries 0050.07.02: Visitors Guides

Date: 1976-2000 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of 23 publications from 1976 to 2000. Most of them are Visitors’ Guides, but some are productions for special events, such as the City’s 25th Anniversary. The booklets describe the history and current facts about Grande Prairie, tourist information, facilities, services, industries and businesses offered in the city, including a map and advertisements from local businesses.

Physical description: 6 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Subseries 0050.07.03: Brochures and Magazine Articles

Date: 1968-2000 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of three files of articles written about the City which appeared in magazines such as Western Construction and Industry Magazine, Alberta Business Journal, Alberta Construction, Oil Week, Events Magazine, North-west Business, Business Life Magazine, Trade & Commerce Magazine, Prairie Hotelman, Alberta Logger, Swank, Time Flyer and Canadian. There are also some specialized brochures produced for Canfor, the Hotel Association and the 1995 Canada Games. Also included is “The Chambers Guide to Grande Prairie” in1995, “Grande Prairie Food and Fun in 1985, and an undated issue of “Dining Out in Grande Prairie”.

Physical description: 6 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.07.03.01 Item – The Peace River Country
Alberta Business Journal
1968 1 booklet (107 pp.)
Scope and content:

Part of one issue of the “The Peace River Country” featuring areas of the Peace country including Grande Prairie, Dawson Creek, Peace River, Fort St. John, High Prairie, and companies Canfor, N.A.R., Dika brothers.

0050.07.03.02 Item – The Prairie Hotelman
Naylor Communications
1980 1 booklet (38 pp.)
Scope and content:

One issue of the “Prairie Hotelman” containing the histories of individual hotels throughout the Peace Country, in Rycroft, Spirit River, Sexsmith, Beaverlodge, McLennan, Manning, High Prairie, Fairview.

Subseries 0050.07.04: Daily Herald Tribune Special Issues

Date: 1970-1980 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

This subseries consists of special issues of the Daily Herald Tribune, primarily annual progress reports.

Physical description: 5 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Subseries 0050.07.05: City of Grande Prairie Publications

Date: 1965-1991 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of planning reports and studies ranging from single facility feasibility studies to the City of Grande Prairie General Plan. It includes parks, transportation, recreation, downtown redevelopment and economic development.

Physical description: 25 cm textual records

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.07.05.01 Item – Report on Recreation Facilities for the City of Grande Prairie
G.R. Beatson & Associates
1965 1 book (50 pp.)
Scope and content:

Report on Recreation Facilities for the City of Grande Prairie, including neighbourhood parks, Bear Creek Central Park and recommendations for development.

0050.07.05.02 Item – City of Grande Prairie General Plan
Stanley Associates Engineering Ltd.
1974 1 book (28 pp.)
Scope and content:

City of Grande Prairie General Plan: Central Business District Development Scheme.

0050.07.05.03 Item – City of Grande Prairie General Plan
Stanley Associates Engineering Ltd.
1974 1 book (75 pp.)
Scope and content:

City of Grande Prairie General Plan: Survey and Analysis Report for the entire City of Grande Prairie, including an historical review and an historical analysis.

0050.07.05.04 Item – City of Grande Prairie General Plan
Stanley Associates Engineering Ltd.
1974 1 book (100 pp.)
Scope and content:

City of Grande Prairie General Plan final plan which became By-Law C-550.

0050.07.05.05 Item – “A Public Transportation Study”
N.D. Lea & Associates, L.G. Grimble & Associates
1975 1 book (23 pp.)
Scope and content:

A Public Transportation Study for the City of Grande Prairie regarding the need for public transit.

0050.07.05.06 Item – Grande Prairie Downtown Redevelopment Study
William Graham Consultants
1981 1 book (110 pp.)
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie Downtown Redevelopment Study re: planning issues for redevelopment of the Central Business District.

0050.07.05.07 Item – The City of Grande Prairie General Municipal Plan
DelCan Consulting Engineers
1980 1 book (120 pp.)
Scope and content:

The City of Grande Prairie General Municipal Plan–a growth strategy for housing, industry, commerce, parks, schools and hospitals, roads and utilities.

0050.07.05.08 Item – Grande Prairie Airport Master Plan
Transport Canada
1983 1 book (110 pp.)
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie Airport Master Plan written by Canada Transport for all aspects of the airport, including the terminal and ground transportation.

0050.07.05.09 Item – City of Grande Prairie Community Profile
Grande Prairie Economic Development Committee
1985 1 book (100 pp.)
Scope and content:

City of Grande Prairie Community Profile–an overview of business, services, population, facilities, organizations and industry.

0050.07.05.10 Item – City of Grande Prairie Urban Park Master Plan
Epec Consulting Western Ltd.
1983 2 books
Scope and content:

City of Grande Prairie Urban Park Master Plan containing a Biophysical inventory, a Development inventory and Planning and Analysis. The Executive Summary is a separate report filed with the Master Plan.

0050.07.05.11 Item – Resource Team Report
Jay Wollenberg Coriolis Consulting Corporation
1986 1 book (40 pp.)
Scope and content:

Resource Team Report on Downtown Revitalization concerning design and development opportunities.

0050.07.05.12 Item – City of Grande Prairie Land Inventory
City of Grande Prairie
1987 1 book (75 pp.)
Scope and content:

City of Grande Prairie Land Inventory of residential land for sale, C.B.D. Redevelopment, commercial, land bank, and urban parks and reserves.

0050.07.05.13 Item – City of Grande Prairie General Municipal Plan
City of Grande Prairie
1986 1 book (100 pp.)
Scope and content:

City of Grande Prairie General Municipal Plan detailing growth strategy for housing, industry, commerce, community services, educational and hospital facilities, transportation, utilities and protective services.

0050.07.05.14 Item – City of Grande Prairie Community Profile
Grande Prairie Economic Development Commission
1988 1 book (50 pp.)
Scope and content:

City of Grande Prairie Community Profile–an overview of business, services, population, facilities, organizations and industry.

0050.07.05.15 Item – City of Grande Prairie Transportation Update
Infrastructure Systems Ltd.
1989 1 book (15 pp.)
Scope and content:

City of Grande Prairie Transportation Update covering land use, road and traffic conditions, and roadway improvements.

0050.07.05.16 Item – Country Club West Area Structure Plan
Beairsto Stewart Weir
1989 1 book (60 pp.)
Scope and content:

Country Club West Area Structure Plan containing background, planning analysis and development plan and policies.

0050.07.05.17 Item – City of Grande Prairie Economic Development Strategy  1991 1 book (15 pp.)
Scope and content:

City of Grande Prairie Economic Development Strategy prepared by the Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Economic Development.

0050.07.05.18 Item – Future City Hall
H.J. Scheunhage, Robert Bennett, Concetto Interior Design
1991 1 book (100 pp.)
Scope and content:

Study of the plan to develop the former Montrose Junior High School as the Future City Hall.

Subseries 0050.07.06: South Peace Regional Planning Commission Publications

Date: 1958-1993 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of documents produced by the planning commissions regarding planning for tourism, retail, commercial, residential and public lands in the City. Included in this collection is a population analysis of the City of Grande Prairie and an Ambulance Services study.

Physical description: 26 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.07.06.01 Item – A Railway to the North
Peace River Regional Planning Commission
1958 1 book (50 pp.)
Scope and content:

A preliminary report on the proposed routes for a northern Alberta railway and its regional significance to the Peace River district.

0050.07.06.02 Item – Central Park Grande Prairie
Peace River District Planning Commission
1959 1 book (114 pp.)
Scope and content:

Development plan for a central city park with a general approach to recreation and park planning in the Grande Prairie region. Central Park became Muskoseepi and Bear Creek Park.

0050.07.06.03 Item – Outdoor Recreation and Tourism in the Peace River Region
Peace River Regional Planning Commission
1973 1 book (78 pp.)
Scope and content:

Study of trends in outdoor recreation and tourism in the Peace River Region and implications and recommendations for the region.

0050.07.06.04 Item – Central Places in the Peace River Region
Peace River Regional Planning Commission
1971 1 book (80 pp.)
Scope and content:

Study of the location and operation of service and retailing facilities in the Peace Region.

0050.07.06.05 Item – People, Plans and the Peace  1975-1977 32 booklets
Scope and content:

Monthly magazine of the Peace River Regional Planning Commission containing feature articles about individual communities and their histories, planning news and discussion of the issues around developing the Peace, and the contributions made by historical groups and individuals to the Peace Country. Special issues are on Dunvegan Dam, Lakes, Forestry, Clear Hills Iron Deposits, Habitat Forum, Downtown Redevelopment, Agriculture, Recreation, Transportation, Opportunity North, Environmentally Appropriate Technology, Education, Housing. Some of the covers are artworks by Tim Heimdal.

0050.07.06.06 Item – City of Grande Prairie Neighbourhood Preservation Guidelines
South Peace Regional Planning Commission
1989 1 book (55 pp.)
Scope and content:

Neighbourhood preservation guidelines for the Swanavon and VLA areas of Grande Prairie, complete with artistic drawings of the houses in the area. Concerns areas which would benefit from protection efforts to preserve their character.

0050.07.06.07 Item – South Peace Regional Planning Commission Publications List
South Peace Regional Planning Commission
1993 1 booklet (12 pp.)
Scope and content:

Listing of all the publications put out by South Peace Regional Planning Commission from 1978 to 1993.

0050.07.06.08 Item – City Tourism Report
South Peace Regional Planning Commission
1989 1 booklet (25 pp.)
Scope and content:

A report to provide the City of Grande Prairie with a breakdown of tourist activity for GP and its sub-regions and comparing it with the South Peace as a whole. Based on the South Peace Regional Tourism Study conducted by the Commission in 1988.

0050.07.06.09 Item – Vacant Lands in Grande Prairie
South Peace Regional Planning Commission
[1985] 1 book (20 pp.)
Scope and content:

A proposed new approach to the development of vacant lands in downtown Grande Prairie.

0050.07.06.10 Item – City of Grande Prairie Population Analysis  1991 1 book (26 pp.)
Scope and content:

Analysis of the growth, composition, housing, employment and education of Grande Prairie’s population in 1991.

0050.07.06.11 Item – West Peace Ambulance Services Study
South Peace Regional Planning Commission
1992 1 book (20 pp.)
Scope and content:

Assessment of ambulance services in the region as compared to the rest of Alberta, and future alternatives for its management.

0050.07.06.12a Item – Grande Prairie Area Growth Study, Volume I
Hollinshead LeFrancois & Associates
1979 1 book (280 pp.)
Scope and content:

Study is in two parts: Part I: An economic analysis and regional population projections. Part II is a land use component analysis.

0050.07.06.12b Item – Grande Prairie Area Growth Study, Volume II
Hollinshead LeFrancois & Associates
1979 1 book (157 pp.)
Scope and content:

Appendices to the Grande Prairie Area Growth Study: history, study methodology, assessment of resources, population projections.

0050.07.06.13 Item – Space Survey, City of Grande Prairie
Peace River Regional Planning Commission
1979 1 book (50 pp.)
Scope and content:

A retail/commercial/office floor space survey of the City of Grande Prairie to become part of the City General Plan.

0050.07.06.14 Item – West Peace Growth Study
South Peace Regional Planning Commission
1986 1 book (135 pp.)
Scope and content:

Study to assess past, present and future trends in the economic sectors of the West Peace: Spirit River, Eaglesham, Rycroft, Wanham, I.D.s 19, 20 and MD 133.

0050.07.06.15a Item – Grande Prairie Area Growth Study Update
South Peace Regional Planning Commission
1984 1 book (115 pp.)
Scope and content:

Update to the 1979 Grande Prairie Area Growth Study.

0050.07.06.15b Item – Grande Prairie Area Growth Study Update, Summary Report
South Peace Regional Planning Commission
1984 1 booklet (13 pp.)
Scope and content:

Summary report of the update to the 1979 Grande Prairie Area Growth Study.

0050.07.06.16 Item – City of Grande Prairie Population Analysis
South Peace Regional Planning Commission
1986 1 book (32 pp.)
Scope and content:

Summary of the City of Grande Prairie census and a comparison with the census of 1981, including comparisons with other Alberta centers on population growth, age/sex, housing, employment, education and motor vehicle statistics.

0050.07.06.17 Item – Grande Prairie Growth study Update
South Peace Regional Planning Commission
1989 1 book (60 pp.)
Scope and content:

An update on the Grande Prairie Area Growth Study of 1984, including population projections to 1995 and 2000.

0050.07.06.18 Item – Annual Report of the South Peace Regional Planning Commission
South Peace Regional Planning Commission
1991-1992 1 book (54 pp.)
Scope and content:

Annual Report of the South Peace Regional Planning Commission.

Subseries 0050.07.07: Northern Alberta Development Commission Publications

Date: 1965-1991 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of 19 reports and indexes regarding development in the Peace Country, beginning with the “Changing Frontier Conference” at Peace River in 1965 which resulted in the formation of the NADC. Subjects include profiles of regions and communities, agriculture, fishing, tourism and urban renewal as well as more general findings.

Physical description: 12 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.07.07.01 Item – Economic Report on Central Peace River District
Northern Alberta Development Council
1965 1 book (45 pp.)
Scope and content:

Report on certain industrial and other factors related to the economy of the Central Peace River District in Alberta including Improvement Districts # 125, 126, 131, 132, 134, and 139, and Municipal Districts #130, 133, 135 and 136 and County No 1.

0050.07.07.02 Item – The Changing Frontier Conference
Peace River Chamber of Commerce & Northern Alberta Development Council
1965 1 book (75 pp.)
Scope and content:

Addresses at the “Changing Frontier” Conference held in Peace River, October 4-5, 1965 which discussed development of natural resources including land, trees, minerals and oil and gas.

0050.07.07.03 Item – Opportunity North Conference
Northern Alberta Development Council
1975 1 book (58 pp.)
Scope and content:

Report of the conference participants and their addresses presented at the Opportunity North Conference in Peace River November 26-29, 1975.

0050.07.07.04 Item – NADC Five Year Review
Northern Alberta Development Council
1978 1 booklet (36 pp.)
Scope and content:

The Northern Alberta Development Council reviews its history, its membership, its meetings, its briefs and position papers and its present priorities.

0050.07.07.05 Item – Economic Development of Northern Alberta
Northern Alberta Development Council
1977 1 booklet (15 pp.)
Scope and content:

Economic Development of Northern Alberta position paper, including economic goals, role of government, technical support, research & development, infrastructure and financial incentives.

0050.07.07.06 Item – Northern Alberta Transportation Report
Northern Alberta Development Council
1976 1 booklet (28 pp.)
Scope and content:

The proceedings from a Northern Alberta Transportation Seminar held in Grande Prairie on Dec. 9-10, 1976 including a summary of individual sessions.

0050.07.07.07 Item – Agriculture North Seminar Report  1978 1 booklet (46 pp.)
Scope and content:

Proceedings from the agriculture North Seminar held November 22-24, 1978, in Peace River, including pictures and summaries of the sessions.

0050.07.07.08 Item – Fishing in Northern Alberta
Northern Alberta Development Council
1979 1 booklet (21 pp.)
Scope and content:

A submission to a select committee of the Alberta Legislature with recommendations on commercial and recreational fishing.

0050.07.07.09 Item – Trends in Northern Alberta
Northern Alberta Development Council
1980 1 book (160 pp.)
Scope and content:

A statistical overview of the Northern Alberta Development Council area which included everything north of Edmonton.

0050.07.07.10 Item – Northern Alberta Development Council Conference Report
Northern Alberta Development Council
1980 1 booklet (56 pp.)
Scope and content:

The Northern Alberta Development Council met on Nov20-22 to consider the challenges of the next decade and these deliberations are summarized in this report. Topics covered included business, infrastructure, employment and native development.

0050.07.07.11 Item – Inventory of Infrastructure for Northern Communities
Northern Alberta Development Council
1980 1 book (147 pp.)
Scope and content:

The Northern Alberta Development Council collected an inventory of the infrastructures of 34 communities in northern Alberta. Each inventory included water, sewer, waste disposal, utilities. communications, transportation, health services, education, recreation, police protection, fire protection, local government.

0050.07.07.12 Item – Ten Years Later
Northern Alberta Development Council
1983 1 book (77 pp.)
Scope and content:

The Northern Alberta Development Council conducted a ten year review of membership, meetings along with issues raised, program monitoring and policy advice.

0050.07.07.13 Item – Tourism North Conference Report
Northern Alberta Development Council
1984 1 booklet (60 pp.)
Scope and content:

The Tourism North Conference held Dec 5-7, 1984, reports on the discussion sessions and workshops and recommendations to be considered by government and the private sector.

0050.07.07.14 Item – Research Report
Northern Alberta Development Council
1975-1985 1 booklet (10 pp.)
Scope and content:

A summary of research in Northern Alberta sponsored by Northern Alberta Development Council.

0050.07.07.15 Item – A Board Member’s Handbook
Northern Alberta Development Council
1975-1985 1 book (41 pp.)
Scope and content:

A handbook produced by the Northern Alberta Development Council for northerners who are directors on community boards.

0050.07.07.16 Item – Economic Development Opportunities in Northern Alberta
Northern Alberta Development Council
1985 1 book (66 pp.)
Scope and content:

An overview report of the economic development opportunities in northern Alberta

0050.07.07.17 Item – Northern Alberta Today
Northern Alberta Development Council
1985 1 book (85 pp.)
Scope and content:

An information profile on northern Alberta including data and pictures.

0050.07.07.18 Item – Downtown Revitalization in Northern Alberta
Northern Alberta Development Council
1987 1 book (110 pp.)
Scope and content:

A report prepared by the Northern Development Branch in consultation with the Steering Committee on Downtown Revitalization in Northern Alberta.

0050.07.07.19 Item – Northern Infrastructure Seminar
Northern Alberta Development Council
1988 1 book (38 pp.)
Scope and content:

An agenda and summaries of the addresses and workshops given at the seminar in Slave Lake, Nov 2-4, 1988.

0050.07.07.20 Item – Research Report
Northern Alberta Development Council
1975-1989 1 booklet (19 pp.)
Scope and content:

Index of research in northern Alberta sponsored by the Northern Alberta Development Council.

0050.07.07.21 Item – Trends in Northern Alberta
Northern Alberta Development Council
1970-1990 1 book (100 pp.)
Scope and content:

A statistical overview of the NADC region from 1971-1989 covering population and demographics, socio-economic characteristics, infrastructure and services and economic development.

0050.07.07.22 Item – Northern Perspectives Conference
Scott & Fenrich Consultants Inc.
1990 1 book (100 pp.)
Scope and content:

A pre-conference report and workshop reports from the Northern Perspectives Conference held November 21-23, 1990 in Grande Prairie. The conference discussed what balanced northern development would mean for the 1990s.

0050.07.07.23 Item – Profiles of Regions and Communities in Northern Alberta
Northern Alberta Development Council
1991 1 book (200 pp.)
Scope and content:

Information and maps are included for County of Grande Prairie No. 1, I.D.s No 16., No. 19, No. 20, No. 21, No. 22, No 23, and M.D. 136 of Fairview, M.D. 135 of Peace River, M.D. 130 of Smoky River, M.D. 133 of Spirit River.

Subseries 0050.07.08: Game Country Tourism Publications

Date: 1975-2000 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of Visitors Guides and studies from Game Country Travel Association, Trumpeter Region and Alberta North publications, and tourism packages on communities in zone 13.

Physical description: 8 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.07.08.01 Item – Visitor’s Guide: Game Country Travel Association
Game Country Travel Association
1977 1 book (43 pp.)
Scope and content:

A visitor’s guide for Zone 13, known as Game Country, including the communities of Whitecourt, Fox Creek, Valleyview, Grande Prairie, Beaverlodge, Sexsmith and Hythe

0050.07.08.02 Item – Game Country
IMC Consulting Group Inc.
1987 1 book (250 pp.)
Scope and content:

A Tourism Destination Area Study of “Game Country”, Alberta Tourism Zone 13.

0050.07.08.02a Item – Game Country – Exectutive Summary
IMC Consulting Group Inc.
1987 1 book (35 pp.)
Scope and content:

An executive summary of the Tourism Destination Area Study, “Game Country”, looking at the resources in the area and development strategies.

0050.07.08.03 Item – Alberta NorthNorthern Alberta Development Council  1987 1 booklet (7 pp.)
Scope and content:

June, 1987 issue of “Alberta North” includes articles on Sheridan Lawrence and one on the symbolism of the tipi.

0050.07.08.04 Item – Alberta North
Game Country Tourism Association
1991 1 booklet (50 pp.)
Scope and content:

A tourism tour guide covering Grande Prairie City, County of Grande Prairie, Beaverlodge, Sexsmith, Wembley, and Hythe.

0050.07.08.05 Item – Trumpeter Region – Game Country
Game Country Tourism Association
1991-1992 1 booklet (48 pp.)
Scope and content:

A tourism tour guide covering Grande Prairie City, County of Grande Prairie, Beaverlodge, Sexsmith, Wembley, and Hythe.

0050.07.08.06 Item – Game Country
Game Country Tourism Association
1992 1 booklet (23 pp.)
Scope and content:

A tourism tour guide advertising “Rendezvous ‘92” and featuring attractions in zone13 of Alberta Tourism

0050.07.08.07 Item – Alberta North – Outdoor Adventures
Alberta North
1993 1 booklet (4 pp.)
Scope and content:

A tourism guide advertising fishing, and guiding and outfitting available at various northern lodges.

0050.07.08.08 Item – Alberta North – Summer Guide
Alberta North
1994 1 booklet (13 pp.)
Scope and content:

A tourism guide advertising touring routes and adventures available in northern Alberta.

0050.07.08.09 Item – Game Country  1995 1 book
Scope and content:

Game Country – Experience the warmth of the North is a special tourism edition put out for the Canada Winter Games held in Grande Prairie in 1995.

0050.07.08.10 Item – Peace River
Peace River Board of Trade
Scope and content:

Folder of brochures advertising the town of Peace River and its tourism and commercial opportunities

0050.07.08.11 Item – The Town of High Level  1994
Scope and content:

Booklet containing a folder of brochures, 2 magazines and a newspaper advertising tourist attractions in High Level, Rainbow Lake, and Improvement District #23.

0050.07.08.12 Item – High Level  1994
Scope and content:

A folder of brochures, the Mackenzie Highway Travel Guide, and the Deh Cho – The Mackenzie Connection advertising tourist attractions from Dawson Creek to Grimshaw (Mile Zero to Mile Zero)

0050.07.08.13 Item – Peace River Opportunities  1996
Scope and content:

A folder of brochures including the magazine “Mighty Peace Country “ advertising Peace River and surrounding attractions along the river and along the Mackenzie Highway.

0050.07.08.14 Item – Forestry 40 Motorcade  1975
Scope and content:

Duotang folder containing correspondence, planning material, and minutes for the Forestry 40 Motorcade that occurred on September 13 1975. The goal of the motorcade was to promote the construction of a highway between Grande Prairie and Grande Cache – Hinton

Subseries 0050.07.09: Miscellaneous Publications

Date: 1965-1996 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of 16 studies regarding proposed mills, transportation infrastructure, and the political culture as well as more general information on markets, environment and resources.

Physical description: 16 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.07.09.01 Item – Marketing Information – Kraft Mill and Sawmill
F.F. Slaney & Co. Ltd
1965 1 book (110 pp.)
Scope and content:

Marketing information and features of the development of a combined kraft mill and sawmill as proposed by Fynpatin Development Co. Ltd. for the Grande Prairie area.

0050.07.09.02 Item – Public Hearing on Proposed Pulp Mill
Dept. of Lands and Forests
1967 1 book (100 pp.)
Scope and content:

Record of the public hearings that took place in Grande Prairie in 1967, to review proposals from Procter and Gamble and McIntyre Porcupine Mines to build a pulp mill. The book includes the briefs presented at this meeting.

0050.07.09.03 Item – Proposal by McIntyre Porcupine Mines Ltd.
McIntyre Porcupine Mines Ltd.
1967 1 book (60 pp.)
Scope and content:

The proposal presented to the Honourable H.A. Ruste, Alberta Minister of Lands and Forests, “for the Management and Utilization of the Forest Resources of the Grande Prairie Pulpwood Lease.”

0050.07.09.04 Item – Report on The Land, Industries and Related Factors
Northern Alberta Development Commission
1968 1 book (92 pp.)
Scope and content:

A report on the land, industries and related factors in the Peace River Country, Alberta, including discussion of agriculture, forestry, energy resources, minerals, construction and manufacturing, transportation, communication, and retail and tourism.

0050.07.09.05 Item – 2nd Northwest Resources Conference
NADC, Dept. of Industry & Tourism
1969 1 book (75 pp.)
Scope and content:

A report on the 2nd Northwest Resources Conference held in Grande Prairie May 28-30, 1969 which coincided with the opening of the Alberta Resources Railway between Hinton and Grande Prairie. Presentations and addresses from participants are included.

0050.07.09.06 Item – Alberta North Transportation Study  1972 1 book (70 pp.)
Scope and content:

A preliminary report on the transportation and the resources in northern Alberta and priorities for using federal funds for upgrading of highways.

0050.07.09.07 Item – The Political Culture of Alberta’s Peace Country
Dennis Wieler
1979 1 book (66 pp.)
Scope and content:

A paper written by a Grande Prairie Regional College professor discussing how the immigrant’s dream provides the foundation for the political identity of Peace country residents.

0050.07.09.08 Item – Grande Prairie Northern Market Supply Study
University of Alberta
1979 1 book (120 pp.)
Scope and content:

The objective of this study was to examine the past, present and future role of Grande Prairie as a marshalling and supply point for northern markets in Alberta and BC, the Yukon and NWT and possibly Alaska.

0050.07.09.09 Item – Grande Prairie Community Impact Study
Carcajou Research Ltd.
1980 1 book (101 pp.)
Scope and content:

The objective of this study was to examine the impact of rapid growth in population in the region and explore ways to improve the social services system.

0050.07.09.10 Item – Peace Region: The Natural Choice
South Peace Regional Planning Commission
ca. 1982 1 book (46 pp.)
Scope and content:

Book describing the geography, climate, history, resources, services, culture, etc. of the Peace Region.

0050.07.09.11 Item – Locational & Community Facts and Figures
1988 1 booklet (6 pp.)
Scope and content:

A booklet of maps showing regional transportation links, and County of Grande Prairie Industrial Opportunities, Smeda’s Recreational and Open Space Features, and a summary of the characteristics of Sexsmith, Grande Prairie and Hythe

0050.07.09.12 Item – The County of Grande Prairie No 1
County of Grande Prairie
1990 1 booklet (32 pp.)
Scope and content:

A booklet for promoting tourism in the County of Grande Prairie

0050.07.09.13 Item – Grande Prairie & Area Labour Highlights
Wayne Carlson
1991 1 book (27 pp.)
Scope and content:

A listing of current statistics influencing the workplace and its workers: industry, retail, health, education, transportation, recreation.

0050.07.09.14 Item – Peace Country Science Centre
David W. Bartley
1990 1 book (41 pp.)
Scope and content:

A proposal presented to the Science Alberta Foundation for a Peace Country Science Centre. Topics include “The World of Agriculture’, “The World of Energy”, “The World of Forestry’, “The Rest of the World”,

0050.07.09.15 Item – Water Quality in the Wapiti-Smoky River System
Leigh R. Noton
1992 1 book (50 pp.)
Scope and content:

Water quality in the Wapiti-Smoky River System under low-flow conditions 1987-1991, a synopsis of the government surveys and monitoring.

0050.07.09.16 Item – Wapiti/Smoky River Ecosystem Study
Stella Swanson, Sentar Consultants
1990-1992 1 book (175 pp.)
Scope and content:

Wapiti/Smoky River Ecosystem Study was to determine through sampling the water from each river, the contaminants that could be traced to the pulp mill and show their effects on the ecosystems of the rivers.

0050.07.09.17 Item – The Best Games Ever  1995 1 book (110pp.)
Scope and content:

1995 Canada Games final report showing how Grande Prairie was able to on a national show that “captured the vision” of participants and volunteers.

0050.07.09.18 Item – Alberta Market Survey  1996 1 booklet (43 pp.)
Scope and content:

Alberta Market Survey magazine contains an article about the potential of Peace River town, “Peace River: More Growth Expected”, by Don Pettit.

Series 0050.08: Photograph and Visual Media Collection

Date: [1905]-1995 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of photographs of Grande Prairie and community events from earliest settlement to modern day. It begins with a collection of historical reprints from unspecified collections, but concentrates on the era from 1960 onwards. Some of the photographs were used in the Chamber’s publications about the Grande Prairie area. There is one reel to reel film, “Alberta on the North Side,” which was presented to the people of Northern Alberta on the occasion of the provincial cabinet meeting in Grande Prairie, October 17, 1972.

Physical description: 359 photographs

228 slides

4 negatives

67 postcards

1 video recording

Access points:

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

•                Graphic material (documentary form)

•                Moving images (documentary form)

Subseries 0050.08.01: Historical Reprints

Date: [1905-1994] (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of mainly 5 x 7 black & white reprints from unspecified sources. Subjects are early people, buildings, streets and modes of transportation in the Grande Prairie area. There are a few slides and one aerial print from the late 1950s.

Physical description: 34 photographs

8 slides

Access points:

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

Publication status:



File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.08.01.01 Item – Grande Prairie  [1950] 1 photograph : b&w ; 3 x 4 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of Grande Prairie of the central business district from the railway tracks north.

0050.08.01.02 Item – Walter McFarlane’s Survey Party  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing Walter McFarlane and his survey crew. Original photograph taken in 1909.

0050.08.01.03 Item – William Innes, Pioneer Banker of Grande Prairie  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing William Innes and his horse beside a log house. Original photograph taken in 1911.

0050.08.01.04 Item – Montrose House  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing Montrose House. Original photograph taken in 1912.

0050.08.01.05 Item – Hospital at Flying Shot Lake  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing Tom Paul, Agnes Forbes, and Maud Clifford (?) standing outside the building that functioned as a hospital at Flying Shot Lake. Nurse Agnes Baird is visible in the window. Original photograph taken in 1910.

0050.08.01.06 Item – Lewis Stopping Place on the Edson Trail  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing the Lewis Stopping Place on the Edson Trail. Original photograph taken in 1911.

0050.08.01.07 Item – The First Post Office  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a group picture with J.O. Patterson, the postmaster whose caboose housed the first post office in Grande Prairie. Original photograph taken in 1911.

0050.08.01.08 Item – Miles from Little Smoky River  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing horses pulling a caboose through a forest in the winter. Original photograph taken in 1911.

0050.08.01.09 Item – Traveling by Frozen River  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing horses and sleighs crossing a frozen river. Date of original unknown.

0050.08.01.10 Item – Campbell Benson’s Stopping Place  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing a group of men and women standing in front of Campbell Benson’s stopping place.

0050.08.01.11 Item – St. Vincent’s Roman Catholic Mission at Bear Creek  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing St. Vincent’s Roman Catholic Mission. Original photograph taken in 1908.

0050.08.01.12 Item – Mail Stage at Patterson & Sons Store  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing a team of horses and a wagon parked in front of Patterson & Sons store. Original photograph taken in 1911.

0050.08.01.13 Item – Grande Prairie  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing the first few buildings in Grande Prairie. Original photograph taken in 1911.

0050.08.01.14 Item – The First Train into Grande Prairie  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing the first train arriving in Grande Prairie. Original photograph taken in 1916.

0050.08.01.15 Item – Clearing the Way of the E.D. & B.C. Pioneers  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing men clearing snow for the train to pass through. Original photograph taken in 1916.

0050.08.01.16 Item – Where Rail and Trail meet at Grande Prairie  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing the railroad and a trail running parallel to each other. Original photograph taken in 1916.

0050.08.01.17 Item – The First Plane  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing several men standing around a plane. Date of original photograph unknown.

0050.08.01.18 Item – Patterson’s Store & the Union Bank of Canada  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing several people on the front porch of the Union Bank of Canada. Original photograph taken in 1911.

0050.08.01.19 Item – R.D. Nevings’ Feed Barn  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing several men and horses standing in front of R.D. Nevings’ feed barn. Date of original photograph unknown.

0050.08.01.20 Item – Waiting to File at the Dominion Lands Office, Grande Prairie  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing a group of men are waiting for the new land office to open on Bear Creek (Grande Prairie). James Lowe is on the extreme left in the front row, Mr. Carveth Sr. is in the white hat in the second row. George Burke, George Lovering and Hugh Ferguson are also in the picture. Original photograph taken in 1911.

0050.08.01.21 Item – Immigration Hall, Grande Prairie  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing exterior view of Grande Prairie’s Immigration Hall in winter. Original photograph taken in 1917.

0050.08.01.22 Item – Montrose School, Grande Prairie  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing Montrose School. Original photograph taken in 1917.

0050.08.01.23 Item – Montrose School Student Body  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing a group of students and teachers posing outside Montrose School. Original photograph taken in 1917.

0050.08.01.24 Item – Land Office and Post Office, Grande Prairie 1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing the Grande Prairie land office and post office. Date of original photograph unknown.

0050.08.01.25 Item – Christ Church Anglican and Speke Hall, Grande Prairie  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing Christ Church Anglican, Grande Prairie, with Speke Hall to the right. Original photograph taken ca. 1920.

0050.08.01.26 Item – Grande Prairie’s Richmond Avenue  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing several buildings on Grande Prairie’s Richmond Avenue. Original photograph taken in 1914.

0050.08.01.27 Item – Grading the Streets in Grande Prairie  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing teams of horses grading the streets in Grande Prairie. Original photograph taken in 1917.

0050.08.01.28 Item – Grande Prairie Brass Band  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing the Grande Prairie Brass Band photographed with their instruments in the early 1900s. Original photograph taken in 1917.

0050.08.01.29 Item – Grande Prairie  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing a winter view of Richmond avenue and downtown Grande Prairie from the west side of the creek. Original photograph taken in 1917.

0050.08.01.30 Item – McQueen Presbyterian Church  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing McQueen Presbyterian Church. Original photograph taken in 1960.

0050.08.01.31 Item – Laying the Cornerstone for the First Hospital  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing Mrs. Agnes Forbes, Nurse Agnes Baird, and Dr. Annie Higbee lay the cornerstone for the Presbyterian hospital (Kathryn Prittie Hospital) in Grande Prairie. Original photograph taken in 1913 or 1914.

0050.08.01.32 Item – Mr. Yule, Editor of the Northern Tribune  1975 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing Mr. Yule, Editor of the Northern Tribune, photographed in 1975.

0050.08.01.33 Item – Court House, Grande Prairie  ca. 1930 1 postcard : b&w ; 3 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Postcard shows the Grande Prairie Court House.

0050.08.01.34 Item – Municipal Hospital, Grande Prairie  ca. 1930 1 postcard : b&w ; 3 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Postcard shows the Municipal Hospital in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.01.35 Item – Grande Prairie RCMP Barracks  1994 1 slide : b&w ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Slide taken of a photograph of the first RCMP barracks at Grande Prairie, on John Wilson’s homestead west of Bear Creek. Original photograph taken in 1910.

0050.08.01.36 Item – Frontier Lumber  1994 2 slides : b&w ; 35 mm
0050.08.01.37 Item – Receiving the City Declaration  1994 1 slide : b&w ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Copy of an original photograph taken in 1958.

0050.08.01.38 Item – Grande Prairie  1994 1 slide : b&w ; 35 mm
0050.08.01.39 Item – Grande Prairie  1994 1 slide : b&w ; 35 mm
0050.08.01.40 Item – Immigration Hall Grande Prairie  1994 1 slide : b&w ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Copy of an original photograph taken in 1917.

0050.08.01.41 Item – Political Convention  1994 1 slide : b&w ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Copy of a photograph showing delegates at an unidentified political convention or meeting with speakers at the podium in front of the group. Original photograph taken in 1960.

Subseries 0050.08.02: Grande Prairie, 1960s

Date: [1960-1970] (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of 16-8 x 10 bird’s eye view and aerials of Grande Prairie in the 1960s and 87 smaller photographs of specific buildings and streets of the same era.

Physical description: 102 photographs

4 negatives

9 slides

Access points:

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.08.02.01 Item – Alberta Liquor Store & Warehouse, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Three cars are parked on the street in front of the Alberta Liquor Control Board store and warehouse in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.02 Item – Lutheran Church, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Faith Lutheran Church in Grande Prairie is shown from the side with a car parked beside it. In the background is the house next door and another building. The street is in the foreground.

0050.08.02.03 Item – Post Office, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

A police car is stopped at the traffic lights in front of the Grande Prairie Post Office building. A pedestrian is walking across the street.

0050.08.02.04 Item – Northwinds Motel, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

The Northwinds Motel sign is in front of vehicles parked in the motel parking lot in Grande Prairie. Part of the motel is visible. An ESSO gas station is in the background.

0050.08.02.05 Item – Rodacker’s Garage, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Dominion Royal Tires, Ford and Mercury signs are in front of Rodacker’s Garage and Dealership on 101 Ave. and 101 St., Grande Prairie. Vehicles line the street in the background. Several buildings are visible.

0050.08.02.06 Item – Richmond Avenue, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

The Park Hotel, Good Year Tires and other businesses are visible on Richmond Avenue, Grande Prairie. Cars and trucks line the street.

0050.08.02.07 Item – North Star Oil Refinery, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Three cars are parked outside the North Star Oil refinery at Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.08 Item – Arena & Curling Rink, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Two women are crossing 99th Avenue in front of the Memorial Arena in Grande Prairie. Cars are parked along the street. The Alberta Government Telephones building is on the far left and the Christ Church Anglican church is at the other end of the street.

0050.08.02.09 Item – Seed Cleaning Plant, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph ; b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

A Shur Grain Feeds seed cleaning plant is in the background behind some grassland in Grande Prairie. Other buildings, a car and a truck are visible.

0050.08.02.10 Item – St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

A car is parked in front of St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church in Grande Prairie. The rectory is partially visible. The church burned down on Dec. 12, 1966 and was later rebuilt at the same site.

0050.08.02.11 Item – Central Park Picnic Shelter, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Bear Creek flows past a picnic shelter in Central Park, later Muskoseepi Park. Several buildings are in the distance behind trees in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.12 Item – Bear Creek Swimming Pool, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

The Bear Creek Swimming Pool is in the distance behind grassland and trees in what later became Muskoseepi Park, Grande Prairie. Holy Cross School and houses are in the distance.

0050.08.02.13 Item – Canfor Planing Mill and Burner, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

The burner sits in front of the Canfor Planing Mill in Grande Prairie. A train is in the background.

0050.08.02.14 Item – Canfor Plywood Logs, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Large piles of plywood logs are waiting to be planed at the Canfor Mill in Grande Prairie. Smoke from the wood chip burner is in the background.

0050.08.02.14b Item – Peace River Special Train 1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

People crowd onto and around a PGE Peace River Special train.

0050.08.02.15a-i Item – Aerial Views, Grande Prairie  1965 9 photographs : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
3 negatives
Scope and content:

Nine aerial views of Grande Prairie streets and buildings are taken from a small airplane.

0050.08.02.16 Item – Aerial View Of Grande Prairie  ca. 1965 1 negative : b&w ; 2.5 x 4 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of Grande Prairie from the southeast corner.

0050.08.02.17 Item – Richmond Avenue, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

Capitol Billiards & Bowling, HFC Loans, Bamboo Restaurant, Bank of Nova Scotia, Gaiety theatre, Park Hotel, hotel, a drugstore and other businesses line Richmond Avenue, Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.18 Item – 100 Street, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

100 St. in Grande Prairie, looking north from 98-99 Ave. block. United Delco Service Distributors and other businesses line the street. Many cars and trucks are on the street.

0050.08.02.19 Item – Richmond Avenue, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

Capitol Billiards & Bowling, HFC Loans, Bamboo Restaurant, Bank of Nova Scotia, Gaiety theatre, Park Hotel, hotel, a drugstore and other businesses line Richmond Avenue, Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.20 Item – Richmond Avenue, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

Texaco & Dodge, Good Year Tires and other businesses line Richmond Avenue in Grande Prairie. Cars are parked on the street.

0050.08.02.21 Item – County Of Grande Prairie No. 1, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

A car and a truck are parked outside the County of Grande Prairie No. 1 building in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.22 Item – Provincial Building, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Vehicles are parked outside the Provincial Treasury Branch building in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.23 Item – Post Office, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

The Grande Prairie Post Office is across the intersection from the photographer who is sitting inside a car. Cars and trucks are parked along the street and vehicles are waiting at the traffic lights.

0050.08.02.24 Item – Avondale School, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

The front of Avondale School shown from 108th Avenue in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.25 Item – Hillside School, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

The back of Hillside School in Grande Prairie is shown from the hill. A few houses are visible on either side of the school.

0050.08.02.26 Item – Montrose Junior High School, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

The front of Montrose Junior High School is shown from 99 Street.

0050.08.02.27 Item – Public School Board Office, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Four cars are parked in front of the Public School Board Administration Office. The street is in the foreground.

0050.08.02.28 Item – Christ Church Anglican, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Two large trees partially block the front of the Christ Church Anglican on 102 Street, Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.29 Item – McQueen Presbyterian Church, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

McQueen Presbyterian Church is shown from the front on Richmond Avenue and 102nd Street in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.30 Item – Roman Catholic Convent, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

The Roman Catholic Convent, St. Joseph’s High School and other buildings on 102nd Street in Grande Prairie are shown.

0050.08.02.31 Item – St. Paul’s United Church, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

Pews, a central aisle, and communion table are shown in this interior view of the St. Paul’s United Church.

0050.08.02.32 Item – Alliance Church, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

The spire and sign outside the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Grande Prairie are shown.

0050.08.02.33 Item – Grande Prairie Municipal Hospital, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

Vehicles are parked outside the new Grande Prairie Municipal Hospital and the old hospital.

0050.08.02.34 Item – Grande Prairie Municipal Hospital, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Vehicles are parked in the parking lot outside the new Grande Prairie Municipal Hospital and the old hospital.

0050.08.02.35 Item – Alberta Court House, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

The front of the Grande Prairie Court House is shown from across the street.

0050.08.02.36 Item – Alberta Liquor Store & Warehouse, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Three cars are parked on the street in front of the Alberta Liquor Control Board store and warehouse in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.37 Item – Alberta Government Telephones Office, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

The Alberta Government Telephones Building is shown from across the intersection of 99th Street and 101 Avenue in Grande Prairie. Cars are parked along the street.

0050.08.02.38 Item – Utilities Building, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

The corner of the Utilities Building is shown with the intersection of 99th Street and 101 Avenue in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.39 Item – Daily Herald Tribune, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

The Daily Herald Tribune Building is shown from across 100th Street in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.40 Item – Tissington Industries, Grande Prairie Airport  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

Tissington Industries buildings are shown from across the runway at the Grande Prairie Airport.

0050.08.02.41 Item – Wally’s, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

Wally’s grocery store on 100 St. southside Grande Prairie with Coca-Cola, Wally’s, and store hours on signs outside. A van and a station wagon are parked nearby.

0050.08.02.42 Item – Safeway, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

The sign outside Safeway grocery store has several sections which read “Safeway”, “Grande Prairie Plaza” and “Restaurant”. The Safeway grocery store is in the background across the large parking lot.

0050.08.02.43 Item – IGA Foodliner, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

A car is parked outside of the IGA Foodliner store. “Foodliner” is written on the outside of the grocery store in large lighted letters.

0050.08.02.44 Item – Tartan Motel, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

A row of cars are parked outside of the Tartan Motel in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.45 Item – York Hotel, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Two cars are parked outside of the York Hotel in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.46 Item – Richmond Dry Cleaners, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

The picture shows the top of the Richmond Dry Cleaners’ building and its sign. The Bus Terminal sign and a wooden post are also visible.

0050.08.02.47 Item – Deluxe Cleaners, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

The front corner entrance of Deluxe Cleaners in Grande Prairie is shown with a car parked in the parking lot beside it. Another car is parked on the street beside the cleaners.

0050.08.02.48 Item – Jack DelTombe Ltd., Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

Jack DelTombe Ltd. International Harvester Farm Equipment Motor Trucks building is beside a City Of Grande Prairie parking lot. Vehicles are parked in the lot and on the street.

0050.08.02.49 Item – Thomson Motors, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

A close up of the “Thomson Motors Chev-Olds Chev Trucks” sign also shows part of the Philco building, the second floor of another building, tree tops and the sky.

0050.08.02.50 Item – Northwinds Motel, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

The Northwinds Motel sign is in front of vehicles parked in the motel parking lot in Grande Prairie. Part of the motel is visible. An ESSO gas station is in the background.

0050.08.02.51 Item – Advertisement Sign, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

A sign advertising “Canadian Utilities Ltd.” and “Northland Utilities Ltd.” stands beside powerlines along the road in Grande Prairie. A train is in the background.

0050.08.02.52 Item – Bear Creek Swimming Pool, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

The back of the Bear Creek Swimming Pool in Grande Prairie is shown with people standing around the fenced-in pool. Houses and Holy Cross School are visible on the hilltop in the background.

0050.08.02.53 Item – Bear Creek Swimming Pool, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

People are swimming and hanging around the Bear Creek Swimming Pool in Grande Prairie as seen from inside the fence.

0050.08.02.54 Item – Bear Creek Swimming Pool, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

The Bear Creek Swimming Pool is in the distance behind grassland and trees in what later became Muskoseepi Park, Grande Prairie. Holy Cross School and houses are in the distance.

0050.08.02.55 Item – Grande Prairie Golf & Country Club, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

Four men are golfing at the ‘new’ Grande Prairie Golf & Country Club, a 6 400-yard, 18-hole course overlooking Richmond Hill.

0050.08.02.56 Item – Alberta Pacific Grain Elevators, Grande Prairie Railway Station  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

A line of Canadian National boxcars is on the tracks in front of six grain elevators in Grande Prairie. One elevator reads Alberta Pacific Grain. Two other railway buildings are in the partially visible.

0050.08.02.57 Item – Northern Alberta Dairy Pool, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

A man is loading bottles into metal crates inside the Northern Alberta Dairy Pool Factory in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.58 Item – Gravel Supplier, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

A dump truck, conveyor belt, truck, and buildings for a gravel supplier are shown from across the site near Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.59 Item – Canfor Planing Mill & Burner, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

The burner sits in front of the Canfor Planing Mill in Grande Prairie. A train is in the background.

0050.08.02.60 Item – Canfor Lumber, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Rows of lumber are piled at Canfor Planing Mill in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.61 Item – Canfor Plywood Logs, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

Large piles of plywood logs are waiting to be planed at Canfor Planing Mill in Grande Prairie. A dirt road leads to several Canfor buildings in the background.

0050.08.02.62 Item – Canfor Planing Mill & Burner, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

A truck is driving past a large burner, Canadian National railway boxcars, and Canfor buildings in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.63 Item – Shell Oil Refinery, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Three cars are parked outside of the Shell Oil refinery in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.64 Item – CFGP Radio Towers & a Farm, Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

The CFGP Radio Towers and a farm are in the distance behind 100th St.

0050.08.02.65 Item – View From Richmond Hill Of Grande Prairie  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4.5 in.
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie, farmers’ fields and farm houses are in the distance as seen from the top of Richmond Hill.

0050.08.02.66 Item – Western Business Machines and Coin Wash & Dry Cleaning, Grande Prairie  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 4 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

A building is being built beside Coin Wash & Dry Cleaning and Western Business Machines in Grande Prairie. A Burger Baron sign is in the background. Two cars and a truck are parked in front and behind.

0050.08.02.67 Item – Acklands Ltd. & Circle A Floor Coverings, Grande Prairie  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 4 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

A building is being built beside Ackland’s Ltd. and Circle A Floor Coverings. The street is in the foreground.

0050.08.02.68 Item – Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce, Grande Prairie  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 4 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

A car is driving past the Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce and the Provincial Building. The photograph was taken from the other side of the intersection at 100th Street and 100th Avenue.

0050.08.02.69 Item – Richmond Ave., Grande Prairie  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 4 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Cars are driving past Lewis & Wright Insurance, Granco, the Gaiety Theatre, Bank Of Nova Scotia, Bamboo restaurant and other businesses on Richmond Avenue, Grande Prairie. The photograph was taken from the other side of the intersection.

0050.08.02.70a-b Item – St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, Grande Prairie  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 4 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Two images of St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church in Grande Prairie. One shows the main sanctuary, the other the courtyard with the bell tower under construction.

0050.08.02.71 Item – Matricia Towers, Grande Prairie  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 4 x 5 in.
1 negative
Scope and content:

Matricia Towers, one of the first high-rises in Grande Prairie, under construction.

0050.08.02.72 Item – Richmond Avenue, Grande Prairie  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

View of Richmond Avenue. Visible businesses include the Windsor Ford dealership, Co-op, a furniture store, and the Bamboo Restaurant.

0050.08.02.73 Item – Prairie Apartments, Grande Prairie  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

A car and trailer are parked to the right of the Prairie Apartments in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.02.74 Item – Grande Prairie Care Centre, Grande Prairie  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

A car is parked on the driveway of the Grande Prairie Care Centre. Several houses, a person and a car are in the background.

0050.08.02.75 Item – Alberta Treasury Branch Building, Grande Prairie  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Two women are crossing the street in front of the Alberta Treasury Branch building in Grande Prairie. A car and bicyclist are on the street in front of the building.

0050.08.02.76 Item – Centennial Marker, Grande Prairie  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

The stone Centennial Marker commemorates Canada’s 100th birthday in 1967. It stands in Bear Creek park with children’s playground equipment in the background. It is right near the present-day bridge leading to the Grande Prairie Museum in Muskoseepi Park.

0050.08.02.77 Item – Tissington Industries Truck & Packaged Home  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

A Tissington Industries truck is hauling a packaged home on a flat bed.

0050.08.02.78 Item – Tissington Industries Manufacturing Plant, Grande Prairie Airport  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 4 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

A row of trucks and work trucks are parked outside of the Tissington Industries manufacturing plant at the Grande Prairie airport. It has 36 000 square feet and nears an annual turnover of some $3 million.

0050.08.02.79 Item – Liberty Airways Hangar and Airplanes, Grande Prairie Airport  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Four small planes are parked in front of a Liberty Airways hangar at the Grande Prairie Airport.

0050.08.02.80a & b Item – CP Air Airplane, Grande Prairie Airport  ca. 1967 2 photographs : b&w
Scope and content:

In 0050.08.02.80a, a man is walking up to a Canadian Pacific Air airplane which is in front of the Tissington Industries building and the main terminal of the Grande Prairie Airport. In 0050.08.02.80b, a Canadian Pacific airplane is parked in front of the Grande Prairie Airport.

0050.08.02.81 Item – Canadian Pacific Airplane, Grande Prairie Airport  ca. 1967 1photograph : b&w ; 4 x 8 in.
Scope and content:

The “Empress Of Tokyo” Canadian Pacific Airplane is sitting in front of the main terminal of the Grande Prairie Airport. A luggage cart and stairs unit are near the plane.

0050.08.02.82 Item – Welcome To Grande Prairie Sign  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 4 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The sign reads “Over 12, 000 residents welcome you to… Grande Prairie”. It includes a map of playgrounds and parks of the city, logos representing ten groups in town, information on their meeting times and a list of churches and their addresses.

0050.08.02.83 Item – Welcome To Grande Prairie Sign  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 4 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The map of the playgrounds and parks in Grande Prairie on the Welcome To Grande Prairie sign is shown close-up.

0050.08.02.84 Item – Bear Creek Park Skating Rink, Grande Prairie  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

People are skating on the skating rink at the Bear Creek Swimming Pool. The pool building is behind the rink. To the left of the photograph is a group of trees.

0050.08.02.85 Item – Grande Prairie Vocational School, Grande Prairie  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of the Grande Prairie Vocational School showing inner open courtyards and two parking lots.

0050.08.02.86 Item – Grande Prairie Police Station, Grande Prairie  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Corner view of the Grande Prairie Police Station with the Fire Station behind it.

0050.08.02.87 Item – Central Fire Station, Grande Prairie  ca. 1967 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Front view of the Grande Prairie Central Fire Station located behind the Police Station.

0050.08.02.88 Item – Views From Grande Prairie Care Centre Roof of Grande Prairie  ca. 1968 9 photographs : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
Scope and content:

Nine photographs were taken from the roof of the Grande Prairie Care Centre -at the time the tallest building in the city. Views include the old and the new Montrose Schools, the old and the new Grande Prairie High Schools, grain elevators, the Municipal Hospital, Peace School Of Hope, businesses and residential areas.

0050.08.02.89 Item – Aerial View Of Grande Prairie  ca. 1968 1 photograph : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of Grande Prairie including residential areas in the southwest quadrant of the city. At the time homes in Highland Park were being constructed.

0050.08.02.90 Item – Commemoration Photograph, Alberta Resources Railway Opening  1969 1 photograph : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
Scope and content:

Souvenir postcard the 1969 Northwest Resources Conference, at which the Alberta Resources Railway was officially opened, depicting organizers Bill Bowes and Chamber president Al Douglas as engineers.

0050.08.02.91 Item – Aerial of Downtown Grande Prairie  ca. 1968 1 photograph : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of the business section of downtown Grande Prairie from the railway and elevators to Jubilee Park.

0050.08.02.92 Item – Aerial View Of Grande Prairie  ca. 1970 1 photograph : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of Grande Prairie taken from the northeast corner of the city. The Grande Prairie Hospital and Mackenzie Place are in the centre of the photograph.

0050.08.02.93 Item – Aerial View Of Grande Prairie ca. 1970 1 photograph : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of Grande Prairie looking south down Clairmont Road.

0050.08.02.94 Item – Aerial View Of Grande Prairie  ca. 1968 1 photograph : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of Grande Prairie taken from the northwest corner of the city. In the lower right hand corner are St. Joseph’s High School and the Grande Prairie Composite High School.

0050.08.02.95 Item – Printing the Herald Tribune  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 2 x 3 in.
Scope and content:

Printing off the Herald Tribune in the 1960s.

0050.08.02.96 Item – Looking North Down 100th Street  1965 1 photograph : b&w ; 3 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Looking north down Clairmont Road (100 Street), past United Delco, Treasury Branch and Joe’s Corner Coffee Shop, with Central Jewelers, the BA Station and Deluxe Cleaners on the other side.

0050.08.02.97 Item – Looking South Down 100th Street  1969 1 photograph : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Looking south down Clairmont Road (100 Street), past the Swan Motel, the Gulf Service Station, Post Office, with Elevator Row dominating in the background.

0050.08.02.98a-d Item – Aerials of Grande Prairie 1967 4 photographs : b&w ; 10 x 10 in.
Scope and content:

Four aerials of Grande Prairie ca. 1967 showing the Central Business District and the residential district surrounding downtown from approximately 93 to 107 Avenues and 97 to 106 Street.

0050.08.02.99-107 Item – Grande Prairie  August 1964 9 slides : colour ; 2 x 2 in.
Scope and content:

Slides show various scenes and buildings in and around Grande Prairie.

Subseries 0050.08.03: Grande Prairie, 1970s

Date: [1970-1981] (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of photographs, postcards and slides from the 1970s. The photographs show Grande Prairie The slides feature Kakwa Falls, the construction of Procter and Gamble, aerials of the City, and a slide show from “Cabin Fever,” an event put on by the City of Grande Prairie to break the long cold winter months, and to celebrate winter sports and events. The photographs are of city services, businesses, banks, office buildings, apartments, residential areas, schools, churches, and the downtown area. These include interior shots of the Grande Prairie Regional College, the Grande Prairie Museum, and Grande Prairie Packers There is also a collection of colour photographs of the inner workings of the Pulp Mill, and some black and white prints of the mill.

Physical description: 93 photographs

160 slides

61 postcards

1 film reel

Access points:

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

•                Moving images (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.08.03.001 Item – Aerial View Of Grande Prairie Hospital  1972 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of the Grande Prairie Hospital and Mackenzie Place looking to the southwest over the downtown core. The photograph was taken in Oct. 1972.

0050.08.03.002 Item – Aerial View Of Procter & Gamble, Grande Prairie  1972 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of construction of the Procter & Gamble pulp and paper mill in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.003 Item – Apartments, Grande Prairie  1972 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Two apartment buildings are being constructed in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.004 Item – Grande Prairie Motor Inn, Grande Prairie  1972 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Cars and trucks are parked in the parking lot in front of the Grande Prairie Motor Inn which had 54 units inside. The photograph was taken Oct. 1972.

0050.08.03.005 Item – Single Family Dwellings, Grande Prairie  1972 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Two single family dwellings are being constructed in Grande Prairie. Piles of Canfor building materials are in the foreground.

0050.08.03.006 Item – County Of G.P. Administration Office, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Canadian and Albertan flags are flying in front of the County Of Grande Prairie Administration building. School busses are visible in the background and the trees near Canfor.

0050.08.03.007 Item – Provincial Building, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The corner of the Provincial Building is seen from across the intersection of 100th St. and 99th Ave. The traffic lights are shown.

0050.08.03.008 Item – Post Office, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The corner of the Grande Prairie Post Office is seen from across the intersection of 100th St. and 101st Ave.

0050.08.03.009 Item – Grande Prairie Court House, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Two large trees partially block the front view of the Grande Prairie Court House.

0050.08.03.010 Item – Grande Prairie Hospital, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Cars are parked along the street and in the parking lot in front of the ‘old’ Grande Prairie Hospital.

0050.08.03.011 Item – Old and New Grande Prairie Hospitals, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Cars are parked along the street and in the parking lot in front of the old and the new Grande Prairie Hospitals.

0050.08.03.012 Item – Grande Prairie Care Centre, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Front and side view of the Grande Prairie Care Centre.

0050.08.03.013 Item – Grande Prairie Regional College, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

A rock garden and sidewalk run past the back of the Grande Prairie Regional College. The northeast corner of the college is shown (A wing, etc.)

0050.08.03.014 Item – St. Joseph High School, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The front of St. Joseph Catholic High School is seen from the sidewalk along 104th street, Grande Prairie

0050.08.03.015 Item – St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church  ca. 1977 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The bell tower is in between St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church (on the right) and the Parish Centre (on the left).

0050.08.03.016 Item – Christ Church Anglican, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Trees partially block the view of the front and side of Christ Church Anglican in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.017 Item – McQueen Presbyterian Church, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

McQueen Presbyterian Church is seen from the front in its original location on 100th Ave., Grande Prairie. It was dedicated on Oct. 8, 1911.

0050.08.03.018 Item – St. Paul’s United Church, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The side of St. Paul’s United Church is shown from 100th Ave. in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.019 Item – McLauren Baptist Church  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The front of McLauren Baptist Church is shown from 115th Ave. in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.020 Item – Grande Prairie Curling Club, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The front of the Grande Prairie Curling Club is shown from 99th Ave. in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.021 Item – Pioneer Museum, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The front of the ‘old’ Pioneer Museum faced 100th Ave. A large tree is behind the museum.

0050.08.03.022 Item – CP Airplane, Grande Prairie Airport  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

A man is driving a luggage cart near a CP Air airplane which is parked at the Grande Prairie Airport.

0050.08.03.023 Item – Richmond Ave., Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

McLeod’s, Boston Pizza, Central Building, the Bay and other businesses on Richmond Ave. are seen from across the intersection of 100th Ave. and 100th St.

0050.08.03.024 Item – Richmond Ave., Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

A red truck is driving past the Royal Bank, Brown Brothers Clothing and other businesses on Richmond Ave., Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.025 Item – Richmond Ave., Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Vehicles are parked along Richmond Ave, Grande Prairie by Holroyd Drugs, Woolworth’s and other businesses.

0050.08.03.026 Item – A-1 Windsor Used Cars Dealership, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Trucks are parked in the lot of the A-1 Windsor Used Cars Dealership in Grande Prairie. The Library (the ‘old’ courthouse building) is in the background.


0050.08.03.027 Item – Data Block & Financial Building, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The front and side of the Data Block and Financial Building on 99th Ave. and 101 St. in Grande Prairie is shown from across the intersection.

0050.08.03.028 Item – Alberta Government Telephones Building, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The front and large side of the Alberta Government Telephones Building is seen from across 99th Ave. The large side was later painted with a picture of Kakwa Falls.

0050.08.03.029 Item – Golden Inn, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Picture of the architectural concept of the Golden Inn, created by Newman Bredo Architects Ltd. in Edmonton.

0050.08.03.030 Item – 214 Place, Grande Prairie ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Picture of the architectural concept of 214 Place, created by Forbes, Lord, Feldberg, Schmidt & Croll, Architects/Engineers.

0050.08.03.031 Item – Matricia Towers, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The front and side of Matricia Towers is seen from across the street in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.032 Item – Westwind Apartments, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 photograph : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The front and side of Westwind Apartments is seen from across 100th St. in Grande Prairie. Two cars, a van and a truck are parked on the street.

0050.08.03.033 Item – Richmond Ave., Grande Prairie  1978 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4 in.
Scope and content:

Woolworth’s, the Met, HFC Loans and other businesses on Richmond Ave., Grande Prairie are seen from the other side of the intersection of 100th St. and 99th Ave. Many vehicles are driving on the street on April 11, 1978.

0050.08.03.034 Item – Richmond Ave., Grande Prairie  1978 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4 in.
Scope and content:

Al’s News, CP Pizza, SAAN, the Met, IDA Drugs and other businesses are seen from the sidewalk on 100th Street in Grande Prairie on April 11, 1978. Many vehicles are parked along the street and a taxi cab is driving by.

0050.08.03.035 Item – Train Tracks & Grain Elevators, Grande Prairie  1978 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4 in.
Scope and content:

Alberta Wheat Pool grain elevators and buildings are in the background behind three sets of train tracks on the north side of Grande Prairie, April 11, 1978.

0050.08.03.036 Item – Grande Prairie Motor Inn, Grande Prairie  1978 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4 in.
Scope and content:

The Grande Prairie Motor Inn is in the background behind a parking lot full of vehicles on April11, 1978 in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.037 Item – Memorial Arena & Alberta Government Telephones Buildings, Grande Prairie  1978 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4 in.
Scope and content:

Cars and trucks are in the parking lot across 101 Ave. from the Memorial Arena and the Alberta Government Telephones Buildings. The photograph was taken on April11, 1978 in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.038 Item – Apartments, Grande Prairie  1978 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4 in.
Scope and content:

An apartment building is being constructed on 107th Ave. near 100th St. in Grande Prairie. Building materials are in front of the building on April 11, 1978.

0050.08.03.039 Item – Grande Prairie Regional College, Grande Prairie  1978 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4 in.
Scope and content:

The back and side of the Grande Prairie Regional College are seen from the north. A bike stand is visible in the right bottom corner. The photograph was taken on April 11, 1978.

0050.08.03.040 Item – Crystal Ridge Homes, Grande Prairie  1978 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 4 in.
Scope and content:

Trucks are parked in front of the newly constructed houses in Crystal Ridge, Grande Prairie on April 11, 1978.

0050.08.03.041 Item – Richmond Ave., Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Vehicles are driving past GP Music, Hudson’s bay Company, Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce, IDA Drugs and other businesses on Richmond Ave. in Grande Prairie. Cars and trucks are parked along the street.

0050.08.03.042 Item – Richmond Ave., Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The Bank of Montreal and other businesses on Richmond Ave. are seen from underneath the awning of Michael’s Flooring. Two bike racks and vehicles are on the street.

0050.08.03.043 Item – Alberta Treasury Branch, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

A car and a truck are parked outside of the Alberta Treasury Branch as seen from across 100th St.

0050.08.03.044 Item – St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The front of St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church with the bell tower and Parish Centre in the background is seen from 101 St. in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.045 Item – Scotiabank, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The side of Scotiabank is seen from the other side of the street.

0050.08.03.046 Item – Whitby House Building, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Whitby House Building is seen from across the intersection. A house and Nordic Court are in the background.

0050.08.03.047 Item – Prairie Plaza, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Prairie Place, Firestone, a business, and part of the York Hotel are seen from the other side of 101 Ave. in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.048 Item – Aberdeen Centre, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Aberdeen Centre is seen from across the intersection of Montrose Ave. and 98th St.

0050.08.03.049 Item – Germaine Park, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Germaine Park as seen from Richmond Ave. with the York Hotel behind it.

0050.08.03.050 Item – Alberta Government Telephones Building, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The Alberta Government Telephones Building is seen from across 99th Ave. Cars and a truck are parked on the street and in a parking lot beside the A.G.T. Building.

0050.08.03.051 Item – Exterior of the Prairie Mall, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The Prairie Mall in Grande Prairie was photographed from the northwestern corner of the parking lot.

0050.08.03.052 Item – Interior of the Prairie Mall, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Decorative coloured tiles, plant displays, the Complete Reader, Jonathan’s Jewelry store and a plant store in the Prairie Mall are photographed from across the mall.

0050.08.03.053 Item – City Discount Centre and Alberta Motor Association, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

The City Discount Centre Gas station and laundromat sign stands out in front of the business which is beside the Alberta Motor Association building on 100th St. A motor home and a car are parked in front.

0050.08.03.054 Item – St. Patrick Community School, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

St. Patrick Community School is seen from across Poplar Drive in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.055 Item – Houses, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

A street is lined with houses. Cars and motor homes are parked on driveways and on the street in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.056 Item – Houses, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Houses line the street which ends at another road in the background. Two cars are parked outside houses.

0050.08.03.057 Item – Procter & Gamble, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

A small row of trees partially blocks the Procter & Gamble pulp and paper mill and its plumes of smoke in Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.058 Item – Aerial View of the Grande Prairie Regional College, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of the Grande Prairie Regional College looking down from the north. To the left is the western portion of the college (the A wing, etc.). To the right is the western portion including the auditorium. At the top of the photograph is the southern portion including the industrial departments.

0050.08.03.059 Item – Chuckwagon Stompede, Grande Prairie  1979 1 photograph : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
Scope and content:

Chuckwagons thunder through the circuit in Grande Prairie’s Annual Chuckwagon Stompede in June.

0050.08.03.062 Item – Aerial View Of Grande Prairie
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

The aerial view of downtown Grande Prairie includes the business section and residences to the north.

0050.08.03.063 Item – Aerial View Of Grande Prairie
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

The aerial view of Grande Prairie encompasses most of the city.

0050.08.03.064 Item – Trumpeter Swan Statue, Grande Prairie
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

The stylized statue of the Trumpeter Swan stands by the Grande Prairie Regional College. It was erected on the city’s Golden anniversary, 1914-64.

0050.08.03.065 Item – O’Brien Provincial Park, Grande Prairie
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

A few kilometers south of Grande Prairie on Highway 40 beside the Wapiti River is O’Brien Provincial Park which is a popular site for tourists and picnickers.

0050.08.03.066 Item – Jubilee Park, Grande Prairie
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

The city cenotaph stands as a memorial to those who gave their lives in the two world wars. It was erected in Jubilee Park, Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.067 Item – Rotary Trailer Park, Grande Prairie
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

A truck and trailer is parked in the Rotary Trailer Park on the Highway 2 by-pass in Grande Prairie. A camping facility is located in the middle of the photograph. The Grande Prairie Regional College and Bear Creek are in the background.

0050.08.03.068 Item – Bear Creek, Grande Prairie
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Wire reinforcements protect the banks of Bear Creek from erosion throughout Grande Prairie. The Bear Creek Swimming Pool is in the background and several houses. Other houses are visible above the creek valley.

0050.08.03.069 Item – Grande Prairie Regional College, Grande Prairie
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

The Grande Prairie Regional College is seen from across the Bear Creek reservoir. The college was “designed by Douglas Cardinal, an Albertan Metis, it opened its doors in 1974, and is one of the most imposing buildings in the area. It is located on the Hwy.2 by-pass.

0050.08.03.070 Item – Aerial View Of Procter & Gamble, Grande Prairie
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of Procter & Gamble Cellulose Ltd., south of Grande Prairie on Resources Road. It opened in 1973. “P & G is engaged in the manufacture of high quality bleached Kraft pulp, drawing supplies of chips from over a 500 km radius of Grande Prairie.”

0050.08.03.071 Item – Oil Pump, Peace River Country
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

A red and blue oil pump stands in a field.

0050.08.03.072 Item – The Combine, Peace River Country
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Two green combines are harvesting the crops in a field.

0050.08.03.073 Item – Rape Seed Field, Peace River Country
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

A person is checking the rape seed in a field. “As the Rape (canola) blossoms in late June, the beautiful yellow fields erupt everywhere providing a colourful checkerboard to the landscape.”

0050.08.03.074 Item – Kinuseo Falls
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Water cascades down the Kinuseo Falls. “situated 137 km south of Dawson creek in the Monkman Pass region, Kinuseo Falls is accessible over dry weather road. Higher than Niagara Falls and plunging 64 meters on the Murray River, Kinuseo falls is one of the scenic wonders in the Peace Country.”

0050.08.03.075 Item – Two Lakes
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of Two Lakes showing the Rocky Mountains in the background. “Two Lakes is located approximately 180 km by road from the city of Grande Prairie.”

0050.08.03.076 Item – Kakwa Falls
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of Kakwa Falls “situated on the river of the same name, a tributary to the Smoky/Peace River system…Located 150 km south-west of the city of Grande Prairie.”

0050.08.03.077 Item – Monkman Lake, British Columbia
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of Monkman Lake showing the Rocky Mountains in the background. The lake is in the Monkman Pass region of the Rocky Mountains and is accessible only by a hiking trail.

0050.08.03.078 Item – Four Scenes Of The Peace Country
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

“These four scenes of the Peace River country depict the Cairn of Twelve Foot Davis overlooking the confluence of the Smoky River and the Peace, Lesser Slave Lake in the fall, the Dunvegan Suspension bridge across the Mighty Peace and the historic Dunvegan Mission built along that same river by Fathers Grouard and Husson in 1885.”

0050.08.03.079 Item – The Mighty Peace River, British Columbia  ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

“An aerial view of the mighty (Peace) river as it winds its way from the Rocky Mountains, pursuing its winding course through the rich rolling ranges, farmlands and cast forests of British Columbia and Alberta to its ultimate destiny in the Mackenzie River system emptying into the Arctic Ocean.”

0050.08.03.080 Item – The Mighty Peace River, British Columbia
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

The view from the Bennett Dam shows the Peace River and mountains in the distance.

0050.08.03.081 Item – Bennett Dam, British Columbia
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of Bennett Dam in British Columbia.

0050.08.03.082 Item – Peace River Bridge and Pipeline Crossing
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of the city of Dawson Creek with farmers’ fields in the foreground.

0050.08.03.083 Item – Chetwynd, British Columbia  ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

A statue, tourist information booth and sign greet visitor to Chetwynd, British Columbia.

0050.08.03.084 Item – Dawson Creek, British Columbia
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of Dawson Creek, British Columbia.

0050.08.03.085 Item – Dunvegan Mission
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

“The Dunvegan Mission alongside the Mighty Peace River is one of the beauty sports of Northern Alberta. Originally a Fort Settlement, the old Catholic Church was built by Fathers Grouard and Husson in 1885. Dunvegan is about 65 miles west of Peace River.”

0050.08.03.086 Item – Dunvegan Suspension Bridge, Peace River
J. Grasswick
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

“The beautiful 1800ft. Suspension bridge spans the Peace River at Dunvegan. Originally a fort settlement, Dunvegan is approximately forty miles North of Grande Prairie on Highway 2.”

0050.08.03.087 Item – Joining Of The Peace & Smoky Rivers, Northern Alberta
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

“The confluence of the Smoky and the Peace Rivers… lies upstream from the Peace River in the lush valley 800 feet below the surrounding tableland.”

0050.08.03.088 Item – Aerial View of Grande Prairie
Totem Air
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 3.5 x 5.5 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of Grande Prairie with a population of 18 000 at the time.

0050.08.03.089 Item – Northern Lights, Grande Prairie
Totem Air
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 3.5 x 5.5 in.
Scope and content:

The Northern Lights were visible over Grande Prairie at 3 am on this mid-October night. The northern part of the city is partially lit.

0050.08.03.090 Item – Trumpeter Swan Statue, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 3.5 x 5.5 in.
Scope and content:

The statue of the Trumpeter Swan is displayed near the Grande Prairie Regional College.

0050.08.03.091 Item – Canadian Hot Air Balloon Championships, Grande Prairie  ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 3.5 x 5.5 in.
Scope and content:

“A flotilla of hot air balloons take to the sky over Grande Prairie, Alberta during the Canadian Hot Air Balloon Championships.”

0050.08.03.092 Item – Rotary Trailer Park, Grande Prairie
Frank Wesolowski
ca. 1977 1 postcard : colour ; 3.5 x 5.5 in.
Scope and content:

A truck and trailer is parked in the Rotary Trailer Park on the Highway 2 by-pass in Grande Prairie. A camping facility is located in the middle of the photograph. The Grande Prairie Regional College is in the background.

0050.08.03.093-117 Item – Postcards of Grande Prairie  [1975] 25 postcards
Scope and content:

Postcards of Grande Prairie during the 1970s includes buildings and facilities in the City, parks and a rapeseed crop outside the City, and some humourous postcards about mosquitos and bears. Buildings shown include the Pioneer Museum, Central Fire Station, the RecPlex, City Hall, the Court House, the outdoor swimming pool, and the Grande Prairie Vocational High School.

0050.08.03.118a-q Item – Procter & Gamble Under Construction  1972-1973 17 photographs : colour ; 3 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Photographs of the construction of the Procter and Gamble Pulp Mill under construction southeast of Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.119a-b Item – Grande Prairie Regional College  1972-1973 2 photographs : colour ; 3 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Interior and exterior photographs of Grande Prairie Regional College, built in 1973-1974.

0050.08.03.120a-h Item – Procter & Gamble Pulp Mill  1972-1973 8 photographs : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
Scope and content:

Exterior photographs of the newly built Procter & Gamble Pulp Mill and its environs in the mid-1970s.

0050.08.03.121a-b Item – Grande Cache, Alberta  [1975] 2 photographs : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial photograph of the town of Grande Cache and a view of the Coal Mine north of the town.

0050.08.03.122a-g Item – Grande Prairie Museum  [1975] 7 photographs : colour ; 3 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Interior photographs of artifacts and displays at the Grande Prairie Museum with curator Bert Tieman.

0050.08.03.123a-q Item – Kakwa Falls  [1975] 17 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Slides of Kakwa Falls in the wilderness area southwest of Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.124a-h Item – Procter & Gamble Under Construction  1972 8 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Slides of Procter & Gamble Pulp Mill under construction southeast of Grande Prairie. Views are both external and internal.

0050.08.03.125a-f Item – Grande Prairie Aerials  1972-1973 6 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Aerials of the City of Grande Prairie and surrounding area in 1972-1973.

0050.08.03.126a-c Item – Wading Pool & Playground at Hillside  1979 3 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Wading Pool & Playground at Hillside School on the east side of Grande Prairie.

0050.08.03.127a-f Item – Arts and Crafts Display  [1975] 6 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Arts & Crafts display at the Arts & Crafts Center on 101 Street and 90 Avenue. This building was originally an H hut from the Army Training Centre.

0050.08.03.128a-t Item – Cabin Fever Slide Show  1979 20 slides: colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Cabin Fever was a City Event held in Muskoseepi Park in February with winter sports and indoor activities as the entertainment.

0050.08.03.129a-t Item – Cabin Fever Slide Show  1979 20 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Cabin Fever was a City Event held in Muskoseepi Park in February with winter sports and indoor activities as the entertainment.

0050.08.03.130a-t Item – Cabin Fever Slide Show  1979 20 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Cabin Fever was a City Event held in Muskoseepi Park in February with winter sports and indoor activities as the entertainment. This collection includes some of ethnic dancing.

0050.08.03.131a-t Item – Cabin Fever Slide Show  1979 20 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Cabin Fever was a City Event held in Muskoseepi Park in February with winter sports and indoor activities as the entertainment. This collection includes some of fiddlers, an old-time band, hot air balloons and indoor games.

0050.08.03.132a-t Item – Rec Centre Opening  1979 20 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Photographs of the newly completed Rec Centre, including offices, arena, and the orchestra and Pancake Breakfast to celebrate the opening of the Rec Centre.

0050.08.03.133a-f Item – Snowmobile Races  1979 6 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Slides of snowmobile races, presumed to be part of Cabin Fever in 1979.

0050.08.03.134a-d Item – Swan Mascot  1981 4 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Cabin Fever Mascot entertaining the children at Cabin Fever in 1981.

0050.08.03.135a-d Item – Seniors’ Dance  1981 4 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Slides of the Seniors’ Dance, presumably part of Cabin Fever celebrations in 1981.

0050.08.03.136a-f Item – Cabin Fever Mascot  1981 6 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Cabin Fever Mascot at one of Grande Prairie Banks, presumably during Cabin Fever celebrations in 1981.

0050.08.03.137a-d Item – Grande Prairie Scenes  1973 4 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Slides of buildings in Grande Prairie in 1973, including the RCMP building, the Fire Hall, new homes and Swan Statue.

0050.08.03.138a-c Item – Grande Prairie Parade  1979 3 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Slides of a Grande Prairie Parade in 1979 include the Christian Service Brigade, Peace Farm Power.

0050.08.03.139a-h Item – Fashion Show  1979 8 photographs : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Eight photographs of a fashion show at the Prairie Mall, held in conjunction with the 1979 Canadian Hot Air Balloon Championships. The candidates for Miss Hot Air Balloon are in attendance.

0050.08.03.140a-z Item – Illustrations for Publications  [1975] 26 photographs & slides : colour
Scope and content:

Twenty-six photographs and slides used to illustrate Chamber of Commerce publications during the 1970s. Subjects include individuals, events and buildings in the Grande Prairie area.

0050.08.03.141 Item – Alberta on the North Side
Alberta Tourism
ca. 1972 1 film reel (ca. 28 minutes ; 1000 feet) : acetate, positive, colour, sd., optical track ; 16 mm
Scope and content:

This film was presented to the people of Northern Alberta on the occasion of the provincial cabinet meeting in Grande Prairie, October 17, 1972. The film was produced by Alberta Tourism and presumably shows scenes promoting Northern Alberta.

0050.08.03.142a-d Item – Meeting
Panda Camera
ca. 1970 4 photographs : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Images show unidentified men in suits, presumably at a meeting. Two of the photographs show microphones labeled “CFGP” and “CKYL,” referencing two radio stations.

Subseries 0050.08.04: Grande Prairie, 1980s

Date: [1980-1989] (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of photographs, postcards and slides of Grande Prairie in the 1980s. The colour photographs are of city buildings, services, industries, the downtown area and the mall. The postcards are all night shots of the City. Slides include community events and parks in the area.

Physical description: 72 photographs

60 slides

6 postcards

Access points:

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.08.04.001-007 Item – Grande Prairie Aerials
Mel’s Photography
1989 7 photographs : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Aerials of Grande Prairie’s downtown core, Bear Creek ravine and Canfor Lumber Mill.

0050.08.04.008-012 Item – Grande Prairie Street Scenes  1989 5 photographs : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Street scenes of Grande Prairie’s downtown, Richmond Avenue and Clairmont Road, in 1989.

0050.08.04.013-025 Item – Grande Prairie Buildings
Mel’s Photography
1989 13 photographs : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Buildings in Grande Prairie in 1989: Grande Prairie Co-op Store, Crouse’s Cleaners, AGT, library, Canfor, Hospital, Provincial building, airport, museum, Muskoseepi park pavilion and firehall.

0050.08.04.026-047 Item – Grande Prairie Scenes and Events
Mel’s Photograph
1989 22 photographs : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Scenes and events around Grande Prairie in 1989: RCMP and dog with students, ambulance demonstration, Recplex Pool, children playing soccer on Montrose Field with Aberdeen Centre in background, Prairie Mall, Prairie Art Gallery, GPRC, library, Hot Air Balloons, Kateri Mission School, Crystal Park School.

0050.08.04.048-053 Item – Grande Prairie at Night
Brian Calkins
[1985] 6 postcards : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Postcards of Grande Prairie city centre at Night.

0050.08.04.054 Item – Swan Buses  [1980] 1 photograph : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
Scope and content:

Public transportation began in the early 1980s, with operations being managed by Swan Busses.

0050.08.04.055-067 Item – Stompede  [1985] 12 photographs : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Stompede Events at the old fairgrounds in the 1980s featuring Chili cook-off, Johnny Stark chain-saw carving, the Over-the-Hill Grannies and entertainment.

0050.08.04.068-073 Item – Cabin Fever  1981 6 photographs : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Cabin Fever in 1981 featuring the swan mascot and the old-time band. One photograph shows a man wearing a t-shirt that reads “Cabin Fever’s Most Beautiful Beard 1981”.

0050.08.04.074-078 Item – Grande Prairie Marching Band  1983 5 photographs : colour ; 3.5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Grande Prairie Marching Band performing in Muskoseepi Park.

0050.08.04.079-095 Item – Grande Prairie Scenes  1980 17 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Scenes around Grande Prairie in 1980: Deluxe Cleaners, Trumpeter Motor Inn, Jubilee Park, Provincial building, Muskoseepi Park, Hot Air Balloons, Creative Arts Centre and Sculpture.

0050.08.04.096-100 Item – Cabin Fever  1981 5 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Cabin Fever events in February 1981 included old-time fiddlers.

0050.08.04.101-118 Item – Views Around Grande Prairie  1982-1984 18 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Scenes in and around Grande Prairie between 1982 and 1984: GPRC, Bear Creek Cemetery, Rotary Campground, Kleskun Hills, Saskatoon Mountain, Spring Lake, Calais Mission, Old Bezanson Townsite, Saskatoon Lake Townsite, South Peace Centennial Museum, River Rats riverboating, Prairie Gallery, Bear Creek Trails and Sturgeon Lake Cabins.

0050.08.04.119-135 Item – Grande Prairie Sporting Events  1984 17 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Sporting events in Grande Prairie ca. 1985: Logging sports, Reservoir Races, Hot Air Balloons, Irish dancers, Game Country Tourism slides, Composite High School football team.

0050.08.04.136-138 Item – Masonic Hall, Hythe  1985 3 slides : colour ; 35 mm
Scope and content:

Exterior and interior views of Masonic Hall in Hythe.

0050.08.04.139 Item – 75th Anniversary of Alberta  [1985] 1 photograph : b&w ; 3 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Chamber of Commerce president Dan Balisky and Mayor Al Romanchuk and plant a tree on the edge of Jubilee Park for Alberta’s 75th Anniversary.

0050.08.04.140 Item – Tissington Homes Office  [1985] 1 photograph : b&w ; 3 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Office of Tissington Homes and Prairie Villa Real Estate on the corner of 116 Avenue and Resources Road.

0050.08.04.141-145 Item – Scenes Around Grande Prairie  1989 4 photographs : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
Scope and content:

Scenes around Grande Prairie in 1989: Aberdeen Centre, the Composite High School and a sidewalk sale during the Stompede.

Subseries 0050.08.05: Grande Prairie, 1990s

Date: 1990-1995 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of 59 photographs of Grande Prairie in the 1990s, most of them collected for the 1994 Grande Prairie Visitors Guide produced by the Chamber.

Physical description: 59 photographs

Access points:

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.08.05.01-03 Item – Evergreen Park  1995 3 photographs : colour ; 5 x 5 in.
Scope and content:

Aerial view of Evergreen Park, the new fairgrounds in the dunes south east of Grande Prairie. Buildings, campground and race track are visible.

0050.08.05.04 Item – Canadian Hunter  [1990] 1 photograph : colour ; 5 x 7 in.
Scope and content:

Photograph of a large building with a sign reading “Canadian Hunter” in front of it.

0050.08.05.05-55 Item – Grande Prairie Visitors Guide  1994 55 slides & photographs : colour
Scope and content:

Fifty-five photographic images used to illustrate the 1994 Grande Prairie Visitors Guide produced by the Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce. Professional quality artistic photographs, many by photographer Rick Erlendson, include buildings, scenes and events in Grande Prairie in the early 1990s

Series 0050.09: Historical Collection

Date: 1965-1993 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of research files of old news clippings (dating from 1914) assembled for the 75th anniversary of the chamber, lists of chamber presidents and biographies of some, and written histories of the Chamber. This series also includes copies of news clippings kept by the Chamber to chronicle its activities from 1965 on, and two guest books from the opening of the first office in 1968 and the Economic Development Office in 1982.

Physical description: 86 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Subseries 0050.09.01: Research Collection

Date: 1989 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of 2 folders of copies of newspaper articles from 1914 to 1961, and 1 folder about the 75th anniversary. The 75th anniversary folder includes lists of Chamber presidents over the years, and biographies of some of them. Two guest books are included in this collection: one from the official opening of the first Chamber building in 1968 and the opening of the Economic Development Office in 1982; and the other with guests from the Tourism Cabin from 1984-1994.

Physical description: 8 cm textual records

12 photographs

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

•                Graphic material – photograph (documentary form)

File / item list
Reference code Title Dates Physical description
0050.09.01.01-12 Item – 75 Years of Enterprise  1989 12 photographs : colour ; 4 x 6 in.12 negatives
Scope and content:

Twelve photographs (and corresponding negatives) of the 75th Anniversary of the Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce.

Subseries 0050.09.02: News Clipping Collections

Date: 1965-1993 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of folders for each year of operations between 1965 and 1993. There are additional folders for Grande Prairie during the Boom, 1976-1981; the Economic Development Office; the Visit of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, 1978; the Canadian Hot Air Balloon Championship, 1979.

Physical description: 78 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Series 0050.10: Associated Organizations

Date: 1973-1993 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The series consists of correspondence, resolutions and policy statements shared between the groups, publications from the provincial and federal levels, and a newspaper printed on the occasion of the Annual Meeting of the Alberta Chamber of Commerce held in Grande Prairie in 1982.

Physical description: 5 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Subseries 0050.10.01: Associated Chambers of the Peace

Date: 1976-1987 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of 1 folder of correspondence and agendas for several meetings between 1981 and 1985. The correspondence includes letters between the Grande Prairie Chamber and other Chambers in the Peace Country on issues not addressed by the Association.

Physical description: 1 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Subseries 0050.10.02: Alberta Chamber of Commerce

Date: 1973-1992 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of 1 folder of correspondence, resolutions and policy statements showing the communication between the Grande Prairie and Alberta Chambers of Commerce. There is also a special issue of the Daily Herald-Tribune printed in 1972, when the Alberta Chamber held its Annual Meeting in Grande Prairie.

Physical description: 2 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)

Subseries 0050.10.03: Canadian Chamber of Commerce

Date: 1976-1993 (date of creation)

Scope and content:

The sub-series consists of 1 folder of publications from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, including by-laws, circulars, guidelines and programs.

Physical description: 2 cm textual records

Access points:

•                Textual record (documentary form)