The first Grande Prairie Vocational High School Graduation Class in 1965. Front Row, left to right, Lucille Leathem, Cheryl Moon, Gillian Nelson, LeAnne Lofstrom, Catherine Paul, Mina Forshner, Marlene Penson, Glenda Stewart, Pat Wright, Carley Luckey, Marcia Robertson. Second Row: Beverly Ferrey, Denise Kosabeck, Heather Wilson, Dawn Mustard, Mae Turner, Linda Barber, Carol Christie, Maxine Rolston, Sharon Thornton, Eileen Current, Yvonne Berg. Third Row: Jim Eskdale, Bob Walters, Robert McLandress, Enrico Silvestri, Ron Mulligan, Jim Woods, Dale Foss, Clyde Philips, Bill Prentiss, Gerald Kimble, Chancellor King, Larry Lind. Fourth Row: Jim Valin, Geoff Smith, Jim Gorman, Neil Sandboe, Carl Peterson, Carey Lazaruk, Robert Finch, Wilf Rigler, Ray Davis, Glenn Elverum, Carl Stierle. Back Row: Pender Smith, Wayne Johnston, Ken Marcy, Dennis Cassavant, Wayne Davies, Jim Hillman, Byron MacDonald, Alvin Breitkreutz, Robert Turner.
Missing: Dennis McKeeman, Sharon Hay.
Thank you to Wayne & Velvet Davies for coming in to help us identify the people in the photo!.