A collection of photographs is one of the newest donations we have received at South Peace Regional Archives. The photographs date from 1916-1920s, and have been passed down through the Arnold family.
The Arnolds traveled on the first train that came to Grande Prairie, settling in the Bear Lake district. Edward Arnold, along with his wife Sadie, daughter Louise and son Joe, first rented land from the Patrick family and then settled on NE 12-73-8-W6. Louise attended Big Horn School and later worked as a teacher at Currie School. Mrs. Arnold served as the Niobe postmistress from 1918-1919 and sadly losing her husband Edward in December of 1919.
The pictures depict life in the Peace Country in those early days.

*top photograph – Currie school students with teacher Louise Arnold
Source: La Glace book “Yesterday and Today” p.154 and information provided by the donor.