Gagnon, Fernand

Born in Bic Co. Rimouski QC, on July 21, 1922, Fernand Gagnon was the fourth child of Jules and Marie Louise (Belzile) Gagnon. Fernand, who served in World War II for four years, was posted across the country and overseas. After the war, he worked at logging camps in Ontario until 1950 when he heard about farm land available in the Peace River Country in AB.  Settling in Guy AB, he leased a half section of land from the Veteran’s Land Act (VLA). (NW 33-74-20-W5) and he began clearing some of the land. Unfortunately, his first crop failed.  In the winters of 1952-1953 he worked in a lumber camp in McLennan. There he met his future wife, Henriette Perry, whose parents also were at the camp. Fernand and Henriette were married on November 5, 1953 in McLennan. They had 4 children: Pauline, Jules, Emile, and Donald. In 1956, Fernand gave up farming, returning his lease to the VLA.  The family moved to Prince George BC where Fernand worked as a faller.  In 1980 they moved to Terrace BC. After a back injury, Fernand quit falling, and took a job in construction of highways, mines, and a Methanol Plant.

Source: Guy pp. 352-354
