Fell, Don

Born in 1926, Don Fell was one of eight children of Fletcher and Anna (Moir) Fell from Saskatchewan.  In 1930 the family moved from Saskatchewan to Fort St. John BC, where they lived on a homestead.  Don joined the Army in 1944 and was stationed in Debert NS.  There he met his future wife, Kathleen “Kay” Blair, and they were married in August 1945 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.  After Don’s discharge from the army in 1946, the Fells lived in Fort St. John until 1950.   At that time they had 3 young children, Danny, Doug, and Sharon.  The family moved to Hines Creek AB where Don and Kay owned and operated a meat market until they sold it in 1954. Don and a friend spent some time in Valleyview, and after a year Don moved his family there. First they lived in a rented house, and in 1956 they bought a log house and had it moved to town.  Eventually the family moved to a homestead outside of Valleyview, and by that time they had a fourth child, Teresa.  The children were active in clubs, while Kay was a Brownie Leader and Don was a Scout Master. Don passed away on August 17, 2011 in Valleyview at age 85.

Source:   Valleyview – Where the Red Willow Grew p. 303 (name on list of veterans); pp. 75-77

Northern Alberta Funerals – obituary
