Edey, Clare

Clarence (Clare) Edey was born on January 30, 1917 in Wellwood MB to parents Alexander and Frances Edey. In 1928 Clare, his parents and 5 siblings moved to Spirit River AB to begin homesteading. Clare married the “love of his life”, Lena Brummund, on November 15, 1940, and in January 1941 he joined the army. Lena moved with Clare wherever he was stationed: in Red Deer, Calgary, and Prince George, however she also stayed in a house on Clare’s parents’ farm when she couldn’t be with him. During the 4 years he was serving, two daughters were born, Catherine (1942) and Margaret (1943). Just as Clare was preparing to go overseas, the war ended. At the time he was stationed at Calgary, and after his discharge, he went home to Spirit River to build a home for his family. For a short time he worked at Pring’s mill, then he was hired by E. Jacob of Northmark for a year, to work in the garage, and help build the Woking store. In the spring of 1947 the Edeys moved to their homestead, and a year later they moved to a VLA lease where they lived for about 20 years. Land clearing and building was hard work before farming produced an income. The Edeys had 3 more children: Gordon (1947), Darlene (1955), and James (1958). A setback in 1951 resulted from Clare being in the hospital for over a month. In 1953 Clare also drove the school bus in Spirit River. About the late 1960s, the Edey family moved to Grande Prairie where Clare worked at Canfor as a saw sharpener for 15 years. Clare and Lena decided to retire in Creston BC in 1983, becoming active in their church, UFA, and curling. Clare was also the community barber. Lena passed away in 2003, and Clare died on May 12, 2010 at the age of 93, at his residence in Swan Valley Lodge in Creston. Interment was at Bridgeview Cemetery AB.

Memories and Moments pp. 244-245, p. 276 – Photo
SPRA Personal and Family Life Reference File – Obituary
