Davies, William “Bill”

Rank: Corporal
Force: Army

Bill Davies came to Wembley AB from Calgarick, Wales in 1928, having only $3 in his pocket. He worked for Wesley Stephen, and Wes’ father Gavin Stephen in Dimsdale. In 1931 he was a miner in Loskill-Schneider coalmines on Wapiti River. He married Daisy Reese in 1934 in Wembley area, and they settled on 80 acres on NW 20-70-7-W6 in Millarston AB. They had one son, Jeffry, born in 1937. Bill joined the army in 1939. During that time, Daisy and son Jeffry moved to Richmond BC to live with her mother and brother. When Bill was discharged in 1946, he joined his family in Richmond. For a while he was digging peat at Lulu Island, and then he worked in a concrete factory until his retirement. After Daisy passed away, Bill’s sister, Phylis, lived with him.

Source: Along the Wapiti p. 412 – Name in WW II Veterans
p. 244 (photo)
