Davidson, William “Bill”

Force: R.C.A.S.C.

Bill Davidson was born in Baldyquash Cottage Parish, County of Aberdeen, Scotland to parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Sr.) Davidson. The parents and 3 sons, William, Norman, and Charlie, arrived in Canada on May 7, 1928, first moving to Spirit River, AB, and then in 1929 to White Mountain where the family farmed. The 3 boys attended White Mountain School, and they also did janitorial work for the school in the 1930’s. In 1938 the family moved to the Willowvale district where Charles Sr. had taken up a homestead. Bill and his brothers all served overseas for 4 years in WW II. Bill was in the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps. He was married to Dorothy (“Dot”) in BC, and they lived in Burnaby and New Westminster BC

Source: Memories and Moments of White Mountain, Willowvale, and Bridgeview p. 85 (story); p. 276 (photo)
Chepi Sepe Spirit River p. 184 (photo); p. 341 (story)
