Regiment: Loyal Edmonton
Regimental No.: M38388
Force: Army
Kenneth Campbell, born on December 27, 1917, was the son of William and Martha Campbell. His brothers Delbert, Percy, and Donald also served in WW II. In 1932 the family moved from Fort Saskatchewan AB to Eaglesham AB. Enlisting on March 9, 1944, Kenneth served in the army during WW II, and he married Agnes Glen from Westlock, who had also been in the army. After the war, they returned to Eaglesham, obtained land and farmed. They had five children: Patricia, Margaret (Peggy), David, Darcy and Laura. All of them attended school in Eaglesham. Kenneth passed away in 1971 in Eaglesham. Agnes continued to run the farm with the help of the children, and she died in 2000.
Source: Smoky Peace Triangle pp. 159-160
AGS – Obituary Index