Belford, Thomas Harold

Regiment: Loyal Edmonton Regiment 49th Battalion

Thomas Belford, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Belford, was born on August 18, 1903 in Plumas MB. He had 2 brothers: Arthur and Orser. In 1928 he moved to the Grande Prairie area with his family and some friends. Settling in the DeBolt area, he homesteaded, built a cabin, and ran a trap line. He was very active in community events, sports, and rodeos. In April 1940 he enlisted to serve in WW II and was posted in Europe for 5 years. Thomas married Betty Bayley in 1948, and they had 3 children: Thomas, George, and Barbara. When their son George required hospitalization due to severe burns, they moved to Grande Prairie in 1957, and they sold all their property in DeBolt. Thomas died at the age of 88 in Grande Prairie on June 5, 1992, and he is buried in the Grande Prairie Cemetery.

Source: Across the Smoky pp. 63-64
Photo p. 345, Name mentioned p. 347
AGS website – Obituary Index, and Cemetery Index
