Regimental Number: 101382
Rank: Sergeant
Branch: 49 Battalion
Isaac was born in Magnetawan, Ontario on September 28, 1891. He came up to the Peace Country in 1910; his homestead was located at SW 36-71-6-W6. Ike worked for the Selkirk Trading Company until he enlisted in the Canadian Army in 1915. He was an excellent baseball player and put his skill to use in ball games at the front. Ike received gunshot wounds to his right shoulder on August 17, 1918 at Amiens. He was awarded the Military Medal for this action. In December of 1918, he was invalided to Canada. Ike married Lena Walter on January 27, 1920. They had five sons. Ike died in Brentwood, BC on March 6, 1953.
Sources: Lake Saskatoon Reflections p. 64; Pioneers of the Peace p. 189; Edson to Grande Prairie Trail p. 102