McLarty, Archibald John

Regimental Number: 502998
Rank: Sergeant
Branch: Canadian Engineers

Archie was born in Taynuilt, Scotland on October 25, 1884. Some time before 1914, he settled in Texas and worked on a dairy farm. Shortly after the outbreak of World War I he went to Windsor, Ontario, where he enlisted in February of 1916. In March of 1917, Archie was in hospital for gas poisoning. He said that loud noises made him dizzy. Archie was awarded the Military Medal in June of 1919. After the war, he came to the East Smoky area and settled on SW 16-72-1-W6 and NW 9-72-1-W6. Archie farmed this land for forty-six years. Archie died on May 10, 1969.

Sources: Across the Smoky p. 18
