MacNish, Amy Margaret

Rank: Nurse
Branch: Canadian Army Medical Corps

Amy was born in Cornwall, Ontario on August 5, 1886. She enlisted as a nurse in the Canadian army in 1917. Amy went to the No. 2 Canadian Stationary Hospital upon arrival in France and served there from July 1918 until March 1919 (Le Touquet or Outreau, France). In 1921, she and several other nurses came to the South Peace and filed on a homestead at 12-79-26-W5 (Amy also filed on ?-78-5-W6). This land was occupied by the nurses until 1928. Amy died in Stormont, Ontario in 1938.

Sources: Smoky Peace Triangle p. 318; Wheatfields & Wildflowers p. 563; see page 19 of service file for photograph
