Regimental Number: 887457
Rank: Private
Branch: 188th Battalion; 15th Battalion
Martin was born in Fall Creek, Wisconsin on August 16, 1897. At the time of his enlistment in February of 1916, he and his brother George were farming with their father in Saskatchewan. In August of 1917, Martin received a shrapnel wound to his right arm at Loos, France. He was invalided to Canada in March of 1918, having lost the use of his arm (the elbow was fixed at an angle of about 110 degrees). It is uncertain when Martin lived in the Peace country (his homestead was located at 15-74-3-W6) as his service file indicates that he was living in Saskatchewan in 1922. Martin was married to Kathleen Almeda Zimmerman. On March 4, 1969 Martin died in New Westminster, BC.
Sources: Wagon Trails Grown Over p. 1147