Regimental Number: 703822
Rank: Private
Branch: 102nd Battalion
Elmer was born in Plymouth, Indiana on October 7, 1881. He was living in Nelson, BC at the time of his enlistment in December of 1915. He received severe gunshot wounds to his left arm and cheek on June 7, 1917 at Lens. On December 17 of that year, Elmer married Mary Ellen (see page 37 of his service file). He was invalided to Canada that month and discharged on March 7, 1918. Later that year, he filed on land at NE 23-71-11-W6, SW 10-77-3-W6, and NE 22-71-11-W6. Elmer died on May 8, 1954.
Sources: La Glace Yesterday and Today p. 68; Buffalo Trails p. 220; May 20, 1954 p. 8 c. 5