Everett, Robert Last

Regimental Number: 447320
Rank: Private
Branch: 56th Battalion; 50th Battalion

Robert was born in Norfolk, England on April 8, 1890. He enlisted in the Canadian army in June of 1915. On November 18, 1916, Robert received a shrapnel wound to his left shoulder. He was captured that day and declared missing in action on November 19. In February of 1917, he was unofficially listed as a Prisoner of War, having been captured at the Somme. He was held in German prison camps at Wahn, then Aachen (in March 1917), Stendal (March – May 1917), Julich (May 1917), and Wittenberg. Robert was finally released in January of 1919. After the war he homesteaded on SE28-76-5-W6, east of Woking. Robert also worked as a forest ranger until 1939. He died on December 30, 1974 at the Shaughnessy Hospital in Vancouver.

Sources: Where the Red Willow Grew p. 303; Burnt Embers p. 303
