Elliot, Andrew

Regimental Number: 466255
Rank: Sergeant
Branch: 63rd Battalion; 10th Battalion

Andrew was born in Dumfries, Scotland on April 28, 1885. He was awarded the Military Cross in 1917; the citation reads as follows:

“On August 15, 1917, on Hill 70, this N.C.O. was in charge of a carrying party supplying the front line with S.A.A., bombs and water. While on this work the party were observed by an enemy airman and immediately afterward came under a heavy artillery file. By personal courage and good leadership, this N.C.O. took his party forward and delivered his load to the 7th Cdn. Inf. Battalion, which was greatly in need of same. He made a second trip although the party suffered several casualties, and again delivered his load.”

After the war Andrew filed on a homestead at 28-75-2-W6. He left the area in the late 1930s, and died on August 26, 1956.

Please note that the service file on LAC includes the papers of another soldier.

Source: Wagon Trails Grown Over, p. 21-22
