Regimental Number: 1958
Rank: Major
Branch: 19th Alberta Dragoons; 5th Battalion
John was born on January 19, 1885 in Glasgow, Scotland. He filed on a homestead at 22-74-8-W6 in 1914, but joined up later that year. John was awarded the Military Cross on October 8, 1915 “For conspicuous gallantry near Messines on 8th October, 1915, when he went out with Private Wythe to a German sap. Lieutenant Anderson entered the sap, and Private Wythe crept along the edge. They met and shot two Germans, exchanged shots with three others, and brought back the rifles of the men they had killed. Next day they returned to the sap, and attacked another party of Germans, who retired, leaving a clock, some bombs, a periscope, etc., behind. These they brought in. Much valuable information was gained.” On April 9, 1917 at Vimy Ridge, John received shrapnel wounds to his left jaw, which chipped the bone, and also to his neck. He was killed in action at Passchendaele on November 10, 1917, the final day of a 102-day battle.
Sources: Buffalo Trails p. 220