Fonds 550 Municipal District of Spirit River No. 133 fonds

Municipal District of Spirit River No. 133. — 1917-2001. — 500.8 cm of textual records. — 4 photographs. — 6 maps. — 1 sound recordings.

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Agency History

The Municipal District of Spirit River was incorporated on November 8, 1916 by a provincial Ministerial Order (effective December 11, 1916) as the Rural Municipality of Spirit River No. 829. The name “Spirit River” comes from the Cree “Chepe Sepe” meaning “Ghost River.” The Municipality included Twp. 77 Ranges 5 and 6, Twp. 78 Ranges 4, 5, and 6, and Twp. 79 Range 4, in Range 5 those parts south and east of Rat Creek, and the south half of Twp. 79 in Range 6, all W 6th. Less than a year after its incorporation, on May 15, 1917, the M.D.’s boundaries were expanded to include the part of Twp. 79 Ranges 5 and 6 between Rat Creek and the Kistuan River. Sometime before 1928, the municipality became known as a “Municipal District” rather than a “Rural Municipality.” The Municipal District of Spirit River No. 829 was renumbered by Ministerial Order as of April 1, 1945, becoming the Municipal District of Spirit River No. 133.

As of 2009, Spirit River includes 68,588 hectares of land and is bounded by Peace River to the north, Saddle Hills County to the south and west, and Birch Hills County to the east. The M.D. of Spirit River includes farmland and unincorporated communities like hamlets. Although the Town of Spirit River and Village of Rycroft are within the M.D.’s borders, the M.D. is not responsible for their administration since they are considered independent urban municipalities. The local economy is founded on agriculture and related businesses. As of 1998, about 84% of land in the M.D. was agriculturally developed or improved. Other natural resources and related activities include oil and gas, lumber, gravel, hunting, and fishing.

The Municipal District of Spirit River operates under the provincial Municipal Government Act. The M.D. is required “to provide good government”, “develop [a] safe and viable” community, and “provide [local] services, facilities or other things that, in the opinion of council, are necessary or desirable for all or a part of the municipality” (Alberta Municipal Affairs website).
The M.D. is governed by a four person council, each representing a Division. The council is responsible creating and reviewing policies and programs on behalf of the municipality and can “exercise the powers of the municipal corporation” through bylaws and resolutions (Alberta Municipal Affairs website). Council elections are held every three years. The M.D.’s chief elected official is the Reeve, who is appointed by the councilors from among their number. The M.D. also has an unelected Chief Administrative Officer responsible for overseeing the actual implementation and administration of the municipality’s policies and programs

The settlement history of the Spirit River area extends to long before the M.D. was established in 1916. During the 1800s, both North West Company and HBC had trading posts at nearby Dunvegan, across the Peace River from where Spirit River is now located. In the 1860s, Dunvegan also became the site of a Roman Catholic Mission. By the late 1800s, both farming and ranching were being done in the Spirit River area. In 1906, an Anglican mission was founded. The Spirit River area was surveyed for the Government of Canada in 1909 by J. B. Saint Cyr. Early settlers arrived primarily over the Long Trail and the Edson Trail. After the arrival of the Edmonton, Dunvegan and British Columbia Railway (E. D. & B. C.) at Spirit River in 1916, settlement increased.

Before becoming a Rural Municipality, the area now composing Spirit River was part of Large Local Improvement District No. 829 and before December 18, 1913, Territorial Unit 829. The parts of Large Local Improvement District 829 not included in the M.D. were transferred to LIDs 800 and 830.

The first meeting of the Rural Municipality of Spirit River was held January 2, 1917 at the Spirit River Hotel (located at the Spirit River Station). The council was initially composed of five members, although the number of councilors was reduced to four in 1934. The first councillors were W. S. O. English, A. H. Parks, S. Mageau, J. A. Bell, and G. Galvin and the first Secretary-Treasurer was R. H. Rycroft. Mr. Rycroft’s home functioned as the municipality’s office until an office building was rented in 1918. The M.D. later bought an office building, which burned down in 1922. A new office was constructed after the fire and served until 1960 when the old Prestville School was moved to Spirit River and became the new municipal district office. In November 1983 another new M.D. office was opened, followed by a new Public Work Shop in January 1984.

The M.D. has had a fairly stable population base over the years, 850 people in 1921, 812 in 1991, although the numbers have been dropping in recent years. As of 2009, the population stood at 662. By cooperating with other municipalities in the area, Spirit River is able to offer its residents a number of services while still retaining the municipality’s autonomy.

The M.D.’s first by-law was a Herd By-Law passed March 1, 1917. The By-Law aimed to stop livestock roaming free through municipality. In 1918, a weed inspector and police officer were hired. By issuing debentures, the M.D. was able to finance necessary road building in the municipality, meeting expenses for equipment and labour.

Over the years, the M.D. has been involved in providing various forms of assistance to its residents. For example, the M.D. helped with hospital and medical expenses during 1918 flu epidemic, provided seed grain advances to farmers during tough years, and made relief payments to many of its residents during the 1930s Depression. In fact, relief payments were biggest expenditure of the MD through the 1930s with all other expenses kept as low as possible.

By 1989, the M.D. was engaged in a number of activities, running an agricultural service board and a fire department and participating in the South Peace Regional Planning Commission, the Central Peace General Hospital Board, the Central Peace Seed Cleaning Association, the Municipal District Library Board, the Grande Spirit Foundation, the Agricultural Development Corporation, the Tourism Action Committee, and the Spirit River and Rycroft Recreation Boards.

1994 cutbacks in the Provincial Government and an amended Municipal Government Act caused the M.D. to assume control of its own planning and assessment services. Assessment services and some planning were contracted out, while minor planning was done by the M.D. itself.

As of 2009, services provided by and functions carried out by the M.D. include: the Agricultural Services Board, Development Department, Family and Community Support Services (as a partnership between Province of Alberta, Alberta municipalities, and Metis Settlements), Emergency Services (volunteer fire department, member of the Central Peace Region – Emergency Management Agency, RCMP detachment at Spirit River), Public Works, Waste Management, and Taxation.

The M.D. also participates in the Agricultural Service Board, Central Peace Health Council, Central Peace Medical Clinic Board, Central Peace Seed Coop, Disaster Services Committee, Family and Community Support Services, Grande Spirit Foundation, Inter-Municipal Relations Committee, Land Use Planning Steering Committee, M.D. Fire Department, Mighty Peace Tourist Association, Mountain Pine Beetle Project, Municipal Planning Commission, Peace Library System Board, Peace Region Economic Development Alliance, Personnel Committee, Senior Housing Projects, South Peace Regional Archives, South Peace Water Project, Subdivision & Development Appeals Board, and VSI Services Committee.

Custodial History

The records were created, used, and kept by the Municipal District of Spirit River from 1917, when the first records were created, to 2010, when the records were transferred to South Peace Regional Archives. Legal ownership of the material continues to rest with the M.D. of Spirit River, although SPRA now has physical custody.

Scope and Content

The fonds consists of records related to the administration and activities of the Municipal District of Spirit River including holding council meetings, passing by-laws, administering the M.D.’s finances, and assessing property and collecting taxes. The fonds also includes associated records containing historical information about the M.D. and vital statistics relating to the M.D.’s residents. The material dates from 1917 to 2001 and includes records such as minutes, by-laws, financial statements, cash books, general ledgers, miscellaneous financial ledgers, assessment and tax rolls and forms, tax arrears lists, miscellaneous tax ledgers, newspaper clippings, photographs, burial registers, and birth, marriage and death registers.

The fonds is divided into five series based on record type and content: Executive records, Financial records, Tax records, Historical Information, and Provincial Vital Statistics Registers. Most of the records were originally housed in binders, ledgers, and bound books, many of which have been retained in their original form. In general, the archivist has arranged these ledgers and books according to type and chronology, maintaining original order in most cases.


Table of Contents

Series 550.01 Executive records
Series 550.02 Financial records
Series 550.03 Tax records
Series 550.04 Historical Information


Series 550.01 Executive records. — 1917-2001. — 160 cm of textual records. — 6 maps.The series consists of records relating to the governance of the Municipal District of Spirit River. The records include minutes and attachments to the minutes of the Council of the Municipal District of Spirit River and associated bodies including the Assessment Review Board and the Development Appeal Board dating from 1917 to 2001, bylaws of the Municipal District and of the Farm Purchase Board dating from 1917 to 1997, and annual financial statements of the Municipal District dating from 1917 to 1931. The series is divided into three sub-series, Minutes, By-laws, and Financial Statements, based on record type.
SubSeries 550.01.01 Minutes. — 1917-2001. — 143 cm of textual records. — 6 maps.The sub-series consists of records created or accumulated by the Council of the Municipal District of Spirit River related to meetings of the Council from 1917 to 1999. The records consist mainly of minutes of regular and special meetings of the council, minutes of the Annual Meetings of Ratepayers, minutes of the Court of Revision (for tax assessments), and minutes of other meetings attended by councillors, together with their attachments. These attachments to the minutes include monthly financial statements, records related to banking and borrowing, annual financial statements, estimates and budgets, reports, bylaws, agreements, machinery purchase offers, recommendations on public work, annual road program maps, tenders, correspondence, newspaper ads and clippings, lists of records to be destroyed, and, in later years, cheque registers, General Ledger Budget Variance Reports, and consolidated financial statements. The sub-series also contains executive records from other bodies related to the Municipal District and its Council. These records include Assessment Review Board Hearing Minutes from 1989 to 2000, which take the place of the Court of Revision Minutes previously included in the Council minute books, and Development Appeal Board Hearing Minutes from 1983 to 2001. The Council minutes were originally organized in a series of 2 bound books and 16 ledgers and binders. From January 1917 to December 1949 the pages were in chronological order from oldest to newest. From January 1950 to December 1999 the pages were kept in reverse chronological order from newest to oldest. Original order of the pages has been maintained although the order of the years has been changed to chronological order to facilitate further accruals. The minutes of the Assessment Review Board and the Development Appeal Board, each originally housed in a single binder, were also organized in reverse chronological order, which has been maintained.
1987 Road Program, 1987
1 map; 21 x 22 in.
The 1987 road program work including pit run, 1987 gravel, 1986 gravel, regrade projects, and rotary brushing drawn onto an October 1986 Municipal District of Spirit River No. 133 map with property owners marked.
Location: 0550.01.01.01
1990 Road Program, 1990
1 map; 21 x 22 in.
The 1990 road program work including pit run, ditch work, culvert work, regrade, erosion control, and patching drawn onto an October 1986 Municipal District of Spirit River No. 133 map with property owners marked.
Location: 0550.01.01.02
1991 Road Program, 1991
1 map; 22 x 23 in.
The 1991 road program work including 1991 gravel, 1990 gravel, brushing, and ditch cleanouts drawn onto a 1991 Municipal District of Spirit River no. 133 map with property owners marked.
Location: 0550.01.01.03
1992 Road Program, 1992
1 map; 22 x 23 in.
The 1992 road program work including gravel, reconstruction, ditch cleanouts, and brushing drawn onto a 1991 Municipal District of Spirit River no. 133 map with property owners marked.
Location: 0550.01.01.04
1998 Road Program, 1998
1 map; 21 x 19 in.
The 1998 road program work including pit run gravel, crushed gravel, ditch cleanouts, erosion control, culvert work, and patching drawn onto a post-1991 Municipal District of Spirit River No. 133 map with property owners marked.
Location: 0550.01.01.05
1997 Road Program, 1997
1 map; 21 x 21 in.
The 1997 road program work including 1995 crushed, 1996 crushed, 1997 crushed, 1995 pit run, 1996 pit run, 1997 pit run, ditch work and cleanouts, patching, culvert work, and grade building drawn onto a 1991 Municipal District of Spirit River no. 133 map with property owners marked.
Location: 0550.01.01.05
SubSeries 550.01.02 By-laws. — 1917-1997. — 15 cm of textual records.The sub-series consists of by-laws and related records of the Municipal District of Spirit River and associated organizations. These by-laws include all by-laws passed by the M.D. from 1917 to 1940 (by-laws 1 to 47), nonactive/repealed by-laws from 1937 to 1994 (by-laws 40 to 16-94), by-law indices for by-laws 1 to 121 and nonactive/repealed bylaws, associated agreements, correspondence, and handbooks, and two 1960 bylaws of the Farm Purchase Board on operation of the board and financial costs. The by-laws were originally housed in a bound book (by-laws 1 to 47 in chronological order), a ledger (non-active/repealed by-laws in reverse chronological order), and a binder (Farm Purchase Board by-laws). The original order of all of these by-laws has been maintained by the archivist.
SubSeries 550.01.03 Financial Statements. — 1917-1931. — 2 cm of textual records.The sub-series consists of a ledger of annual financial statements for the Municipal District of Spirit River for the years 1917 to 1931. Each financial statement is written on a standard form with information specific to the M.D. filled in the in the appropriate places. Summaries are given for each year under some or all of the following headings: Receipts, Payments/Disbursements, Assets, Liabilities, Debentures, Taxes (including Municipal, Provincial, School, Educational, Wild Lands, Patriotic, and Hospital Taxes), Remuneration of Councillors, Inventory of Equipment, Expenditure on Public Works, Expenditure for the Destruction of Pests, Tax Sales, Seed Grain, Feed and Relief Advances, and information about the M.D.’s population and land. Associated documents such as a 1931 Auditor’s Financial Statement and Financial Returns of the Municipal District of Peace No. 857, 1931 correspondence with the Department of Municipal Affairs, additional tax calculations for 1931, a Statement of Accounts to December 31, 1919, and a handwritten Auditor’s Report for 1917 are also included. The financial statements are assembled in a large ledger in reverse chronological order. Associated documents are inserted between the pages at various places. Original order has been maintained by the archivist.
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Series 550.02 Financial records. — 1917-1990. — 135 cm of textual records.The series consists of records relating to the financial affairs of the M.D. of Spirit River from 1917 to 1990. The records include cash books showing receipts and expenditures of the municipality, a Debenture Register, a Seed Grain Advances Ledger, a Tax Sales Surplus Trust Account book, a Holding Ledger, General Ledgers, and a Journal Entries Ledger. The series is divided into two sub-series based on record type: Cash Books and Miscellaneous Financial Ledgers. The records were originally bound in books or ledgers. The original books and ledgers have been kept for the most part, although some have been disassembled by the archivist for conservation reasons or ease of access.
SubSeries 550.02.01 Cash Books. — 1917-1990. — 112.5 cm of textual records.The sub-series consists of 30 over-sized Cash Books detailing the Receipts (income) and Expenses of the Rural Municipality of Spirit River No. 829 from 1917 to 1945 and the Municipal District of Spirit River No. 133 from 1945 to 1990. Information available in these cash books includes the names of people or businesses paying bills or receiving payment for the M.D.’s expenditures. Receipts include general taxes, supplementary taxes, educational taxes, trust accounts (hospital, wild lands, schools) fines, sales, proceeds of notes, and miscellaneous items such as patriotic fees during the war. These ledgers also include postings for advancing school taxes to individual school districts. Expenses include labour, equipment and materials, office expenses, salaries, debentures, schools, seed grain payments, and hospital grants. Disbursements include bank withdrawals and payments to the Alberta Government for various tax categories. The cash books have been arranged in roughly chronological order by the archivist.
550.02.01.01 Rural Municipality of Spirit River Cash Book 1917-1919This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts and expenditures from March 9, 1917 to December 30, 1919.
550.02.01.02 M.D. Cash Book Receipts 1920-1922This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts from January 2, 1920 to June 30, 1922.
550.02.01.03 M.D. Cash Book Expenditures 1920-1921This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s expenditures from January 2, 1920 to December 30, 1921.
550.02.01.04 M.D. Cash Book Receipts 1922-1924This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts from July 7, 1922 to April 30, 1924.
550.02.01.05 Cash Book Expenditures 1922-1924This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s expenditures from January 4, 1922 to April 11, 1924.
550.02.01.06 M.D. Cash Book Receipts 1924-1926This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts from May 1, 1924 to March 29, 1926.
550.02.01.06 M.D. Cash Book Receipts 1924-1926This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts from May 1, 1924 to March 29, 1926.
550.02.01.07 M.D. Cash Book Expenditures 1924-1926This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s expenditures from May 1, 1924 to October 30, 1926.
550.02.01.08 M.D. Cash Book Receipts 1926-1929This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts from April 3, 1926 to April 23, 1929.
550.02.01.09 M.D. Cash Book Expenditures 1926-1929This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s expenditures from November 1, 1926 to December 11, 1929.
550.02.01.10 M.D. Cash Book Receipts 1929-1930This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts from May 3, 1929 to January 31, 1930.
550.02.01.11 M.D. Cash Book Expenditures 1929-1931This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s expenditures from December 11, 1929 to October 31, 1931.
550.02.01.12 M.D. Cash Book Receipts 1931-1932This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts from February 2, 1931 to November 30, 1932.
550.02.01.13 M.D. Cash Book Disbursements 1931-1933This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s expenditures from November 4, 1931 to May 31, 1933.
550.02.01.14 M.D. Cash Book Receipts 1932-1934This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts from December 1, 1932 to May 29, 1934.
550.02.01.15 M.D. Cash Book Disbursements 1933-1935This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s expenditures from June 5, 1933 to May 31, 1935.
550.02.01.16 M.D. Cash Book Receipts 1934-1935This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts from June 5, 1934 to October 29, 1935.
550.02.01.17 M.D. Cash Book Receipts 1935-1936This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts from November 1, 1935 to December 9, 1936.
550.02.01.18 M.D. Cash Book Disbursements 1935-1936This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s expenditures from June 1, 1935 to November 30, 1936.
550.02.01.19 M.D. Cash Book Receipts 1936-1938This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts from December 10, 1936 to July 23, 1938.
550.02.01.20 M.D. Cash Book Disbursements 1936-1938This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s expenditures from December 2, 1936 to May 31, 1938.
550.02.01.21 M.D. Cash Book Receipts 1938-1939This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts from August 1, 1938 to January 30, 1939.
550.02.01.22 M.D. Cash Book Disbursements 1938-1939This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s expenditures from June 2, 1938 to January 30, 1939.
550.02.01.23 M.D. Cash Book 1939-1950This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts and expenditures from 1939 to 1950.
550.02.01.24 Cash Book 1951-1952This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts and expenditures from 1951 to 1952.
550.02.01.25 Cash Book 1953-1971This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts and expenditures from 1953 to 1971.
550.02.01.26 Cash Book 1972-1973This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts and expenditures from January 1972 to December 1973.
550.02.01.27 Cash Book 1974-1975This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts and expenditures from January 1974 to March 1975.
550.02.01.28 Cash Book 1975-1987This file consists of records detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s Cash Receipts for January 1975 to December 1987 and Cash Disbursements and Payments for January 1975 to January 1987. The records were originally found in bundles by year and type. They have been put in file folders according to these original bundles.
550.02.01.29 Cash Payments 1987-1990This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s expenditures from January 1987 to January 1990.
550.02.01.30 Cash Receipts 1988-1989This file consists of a ledger detailing the M. D. of Spirit River’s receipts from January 1988 to December 1989.
SubSeries 550.02.02 Miscellaneous Financial Ledgers. — 1919-1989. — 22.5 cm of textual records.The sub-series consists of seven miscellaneous financial ledgers and registers covering a variety of topics all related to the financial affairs of the M.D. of Spirit River. The ledgers include: a 1919 to 1934 Debenture Register, a 1921 to 1939 Seed Grain Advances Register, a 1933 to 1966 Tax Sales Surplus Trust Account book, a 1975 to 1978 Holding Ledger, General Ledgers covering the years 1975 to 1989, and a 1965 to 1989 Journal Entries Ledger. The ledgers have been arranged according to record type and chronology by the archivist.
550.02.02.01 Debenture Register 1919-1934The file consists of a Register of Debentures issued by the Spirit River Municipal Distnct No. 829, according to By-law No. 11, each of which allowed them to raise $10,000 to be paid back at 6% interest over 15 years. The debentures were purchased by the Ross Alger Co. of Edmonton and assigned to Great West Life Assurance Co. in Winnipeg.
550.02.02.02 Seed Grain Advances Register 1921-1939The file consists of a Seed Grain Advances Register, which records land-owners to whom seed grain was advanced for the purpose of growing crops. To guarantee repayment of funds for the grain, the farm was liened. The register contains names, legal descriptions, how much and what kind of grain (wheat, oats, or barley) was advanced, the date of registration of lien, the date of payment and the amount paid. Some of the entries are for 1921-1922, but most of them are for 1939.
550.02.02.03 Tax Sales Surplus Trust Account 1933-1966The file consists of a bank book for the Municipal District of Spirit River #829 Tax Sales Surplus Trust Account. The book shows entries from Februay 4, 1933 to December 1966, when it was transferred to Machine Posted Ledgers.
550.02.02.04 Holding Ledger 1975-1978The file consists of a ledger containing used sheets from the general ledger with entries from January 1975 to December 1978. Each page has an account name and code and entries listing the date, transaction description, folio, amount debited or credited, and balance after the transaction. The ledger is divided into sections with the headings: Income, Expense, Assets, and Liabilities.
550.02.02.05 General Ledger 1975-1981The file consists of the general ledger with entries from January 1975 to April 1981. Each page has an account name and code and entries listing the date, transaction description, folio, amount debited or credited, and balance after the transaction. The ledger is divided into sections with headings based on the account numbers. Inserted into the back of the ledger are a list of accounts and a list of New Cards for General Ledger. Adding machine General Ledger Monthly Balance Tapes were removed and discarded by the Archivist.
550.02.02.06 General Ledger 1981-1989The file consists of the general ledger with entries from April 1981 to December 1989. Each page has an account name and code and entries listing the date, transaction description, folio, amount debited or credited, and balance after the transaction. Inserted into the back of the ledger are lists of General Ledger Codes from 1986, 1988, and 1989. Adding machine General Ledger monthly Trial Balance tapes were removed and discarded by the Archivist.
550.02.02.07 Journal Entries Ledger 1965-1989The file consists of a journal entries ledger with entries from February 1965 to November 1989. Each entry shows the date, transaction details, amount debited or credited, and other notations. Additional sheets of auditors’ journal entries are attached for 1987 and 1988 and a list of General Ledger codes (ca. 1988) is also included.
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Series 550.03 Tax records. — 1917-1993. — 205.5 cm of textual records.The series consists of records related to the assessment and collection of taxes by the M.D. of Spirit River. The records include Assessment and Tax Rolls for 1917 to 1989, Assessment Rolls for 1924 to 1956, a 1945 Assessment Form ledger, a 1940 to 1945 Soldiers Home Property Register, a 1920 to 1923 Tax Recovery Register, a 1922 to 1937 Register of Forfeited Lands, the 1944 Tax Consolidation Record, and Tax Arrears Lists and associated records for 1949 to 1993. The series is divided into three subseries by record type: Assessment and Tax Rolls, Miscellaneous Assessment Ledgers, and Tax Recovery records.
SubSeries 550.03.01 Assessment and Tax Rolls. — 1917-1989. — 156.3 cm of textual records.The sub-series consists of a large number of Assessment and Tax Rolls for the Municipal District of Spirit River No. 829, from 1917-1945; and the Municipal District of Spirit River No. 133 from 1945-1989. Information contained in the Tax Rolls includes names of ratepayers, their addresses or the school district in which they reside, the legal description of the property assessed, number of acres, value per acre, total assessment, categories of municipal taxes (general, hospital, patriotic), school and education taxes, the amounts paid and arrears. The entries are organized according to legal description–by lot, block and plan in Spirit City, or by section-township-range-meridian outside of the boundaries of the village. From 1917 to 1943, the Assessment and Tax Rolls consisted of large ledger-style books. Each landholder had a line in the ledger with additional information relating to assessment and taxes being entered under each column. A new set of assessment and tax sheets was used each year. In 1944, the system changed. From then onward, each landowner was designated a separate sheet on which the information for their piece of land was entered. Each sheet was used for multiple years. The records have been arranged in roughly chronological order by the archivist. For the most part, the original order of the loose Assessment and Tax Roll sheets has been maintained. Loose miscellaenous sheets from a number of original locations were combined by the archivist in the Assessment and Tax Roll – Miscellaneous file (550.03.01.21).
550.03.01.01 Assessment and Tax Roll 1917-1918The file consists of the assessment and tax roll ledger for 1917 to 1918.
550.03.01.02 Assessment and Tax Roll 1919The file consists of the assessment and tax roll ledger for 1919.
550.03.01.03 Municipal District Assessment and Tax Roll 1920The file consists of the assessment and tax roll ledger for 1920 and also includes loose sheets recording summaries of taxes still owed from municipal and school taxes in 1919 and carried over to 1920.
550.03.01.04 M.D. Assessment and Tax Roll 1921The file consists of the assessment and tax roll ledger for 1921 and also includes loose sheets recording summaries of taxes still owed from municipal and school taxes in 1921 to be carried over to 1922.
550.03.01.05 M.D. Assessment and Tax Roll 1922The file consists of the assessment and tax roll ledger for 1922 and also includes loose sheets recording summaries of taxes still owed from municipal and school taxes in 1922 to be carried over to 1923.
550.03.01.06 M.D. Assessment and Tax Roll 1923The file consists of the assessment and tax roll ledger for 1923 and also includes 10 loose Tax Notices for 1923.
550.03.01.07 M.D. Assessment and Tax Roll 1924The file consists of the assessment and tax roll ledger for 1924 and also includes loose sheets recording summaries of taxes still owed from municipal and school taxes in 1924 to be carried over to 1925, and a “list of lands assessed under the Wild Lands Tax Act for the year 1924”.
550.03.01.08 M.D. Assessment and Tax Roll 1925The file consists of the assessment and tax roll ledger for 1925 and also includes loose sheets recording summaries of taxes still owed from municipal and school taxes in 1925 to be carried over to 1926, a 1925 Tax Notice for the Soldiers Settlement Board, and a 1923 Statement for Arrears of School Taxes.
550.03.01.09 M.D. Assessment and Tax Roll 1926The file consists of the assessment and tax roll ledger for 1926 and also includes a table showing the 1926 Wild Lands Assessment and loose sheets of a Voter’s List for Division No. 2. for the year 1925.
550.03.01.10 M.D. Assessment and Tax Roll 1927-1934The file consists of the assessment and tax roll ledger for 1927 to 1934 and also includes Return of Arrears of School Taxes for Spirit City S.D. No. 3361 for 1927 to 1932 and Prestville S.D. No. 4328 for 1931 and 1932.
550.03.01.11 M.D. Assessment and Tax Roll 1935-1940The file consists of the assessment and tax roll ledger for 1935 to 1940 and also includes Return of Arrears of School Taxes for Prestville S.D. No. 4328 for 1933.
550.03.01.12 M.D. Assessment and Tax Roll 1941-1944The file consists of a ledger containing the M.D.’s full assessment and tax roll for 1941 to 1943 and the tax and assessment roll for the Village of Rycroft only for 1944.
550.03.01.13 Summary of Assessment and Tax Roll 1942-1943The file consists of a ledger containing a summary of the 1942 and 1943 Assessment and Tax Rolls.
550.03.01.14 M.D. Assessment and Tax Roll 1944-1959The file consists of a set of Assessment and Tax Roll sheets covering all sections in the area of Township 77, Ranges 5 and 6, West of the 6th Meridian (account numbers 1 to 292) for the years 1944 to 1959.
550.03.01.15 M.D. Assessment and Tax Roll 1944-1959The file consists of a set of Assessment and Tax Roll sheets covering all sections in the area of Township 78, Ranges 4 and 5, West of the 6th Meridian (account numbers 293 to 533) for the years 1944 to 1959.
550.03.01.16 M.D. Assessment and Tax Roll 1944-1959The file consists of a set of Assessment and Tax Roll sheets covering all sections in the area of Township 78, Range 6, West of the 6th Meridian (account numbers 599 to 759) for the years 1944 to 1959 and also includes correspondence related to land transfer and taxes.
550.03.01.17 M.D. Assessment and Tax Roll 1944-1959The file consists of a set of Assessment and Tax Roll sheets covering all sections in the area of Township 79, Ranges 5 and 6, West of the 6th Meridian and Sections 1 to 18 in Township 79, Range 4, West of the 6th Meridian (account numbers 760 to 1123) for the years 1944 to 1959 and also includes a 1944 Declaration of Assessor.
550.03.01.18 Assessment and Tax Roll 1960-1972The file consists of a set of Assessment and Tax Roll sheets covering sections in the areas of Township 77, Ranges 5 and 6, West of the 6th Meridian; Township 78, Ranges 4, 5, and 6, West of the 6th Meridian; and Township 79, Ranges 4, 5, and 6, West of the 6th Meridian (account numbers 1 to 1216) for the years 1960 to 1972. Also included are the accounts of various service companies including roads, railways, and pipelines, and correspondence and notes attached to some accounts.
550.03.01.19 Assessment and Tax Roll 1973-1981The file consists of a set of Assessment and Tax Roll sheets covering sections in the areas of Township 77, Ranges 5 and 6, West of the 6th Meridian; Township 78, Ranges 4, 5, and 6, West of the 6th Meridian; and Township 79, Ranges 4, 5, and 6, West of the 6th Meridian (account numbers 1 to 1239) for the years 1973 to 1981. Also included are the accounts of various service companies (“M” accounts) and notes attached to some accounts.
550.03.01.20 Assessment and Tax Roll 1960-1989The file consists of a set of Assessment and Tax Roll sheets covering sections in the areas of Township 77, Ranges 5 and 6, West of the 6th Meridian; Township 78, Ranges 4, 5, and 6, West of the 6th Meridian; and Township 79, Ranges 4, 5, and 6, West of the 6th Meridian (account numbers 1 to 1239) for the years 1981 to 1989. Also included are accounts for various service companies, Electrical Power and Pipeline accounts, accounts for cancelled well licenses, accounts regarding muncipal land (dating from 1960 to 1989), and a blank 1989 Tax Notice sheet.
550.03.01.21 Assessment and Tax Roll – Miscellaneous 1944-1984The file consists of loose Assessment and Tax Roll sheets for various accounts and locations dating from 1944 to 1971 (possibly removed from one of the files 550.03.01.14 to 550.03.01.19), yearly Summaries of Assessment and Tax Roll for the years 1959 to 1968, a 1984 list of tax receipts, and an undated loose ledger page labelled D1 (possibly removed from one of the ledgers predating 1944).
SubSeries 550.03.02 Miscellaneous Assessment Ledgers. — 1924-1956. — 22.5 cm of textual records.The sub-series consists of six Assessment Rolls for the Municipal District of Spirit River No. 829 from 1924 to 1938 and the Municipal District of Spirit River No. 133 from 1945 to 1956. Information contained in the Assessment Rolls includes names of ratepayers, their addresses, the legal description of the property assessed, number of acres, assessed value, date assessment notice mailed, court of revision value, date of notice, and assessment commission value. The sub-series also contains Assessment forms for 1945. Information recorded on these forms includes the legal land description, land value, nearest shipping point, school or van route, and descriptions of the roads, fencing, water supply, and land use. The sub-series also contains a Soldiers Home Property Register for 1940 to 1945 which records properties exempt from taxes because their owners were serving in World War II and associated paperwork including related correspondence and applications. The ledgers have been arranged according to type and chronology by the archivist.
550.03.02.01 Assessment Roll 1924The file consists of a ledger containing the full assessment roll for 1924.
550.03.02.02 Assessment Roll 1929The file consists of a ledger containing the full assessment roll for 1929.
550.03.02.03 Assessment Roll 1932The file consists of a ledger containing the full assessment roll for 1932.
550.03.02.04 Assessment Roll 1938The file consists of a ledger containing the full assessment roll for 1938. Also included are notes on property details and information on assessing Temporary Grain Annexes.
550.03.02.05 General Assessment Roll 1945-1954The file consists of a ledger containing the full general assessment roll for the years 1945 and 1948-49, and a partial general assessment roll for the year 1951. Also included are a note on changes to the roll and Declarations of Assessors from 1945 and 1954.
550.03.02.06 General Assessment Roll 1955-1956The file consists of a ledger containing of a summary for the year 1955 and the full general assessment roll for the year 1956.
550.03.02.07 Assessment Forms Ledger 1945The file consists of a ledger containing assessment forms for accounts 2 to 1116 for property within the Municipal District of Spirit River for 1945. The forms include various information including legal land description, land value, nearest shipping point, school or van route, descriptions of the roads, fencing, water supply, land use, final net value, a map showing land use, and associated remarks by the assessor.
550.03.02.08 Soldiers Home Property Register ca. 1940-1945The file consists of a bound Soldiers Home Property Register and associated loose paperwork dating from approximately 1940 to 1945. The Register was used to record properties exempt from taxes because their owners were serving in World War II. The Register lists the soldier’s name, regimental number, place of enlistment, where serving, land affected, number of acres, valuation, date of discharge, and reasons for exemption. The associated paperwork was originally inserted in the front cover of the register, but was removed by the archivist to a separate file folder. This paperwork includes copies of the rules and regulations governing soldiers’ relief, correspondence regarding the Soldiers’ Relief Act and the Soldiers’ Home Property Tax Exemption, a tax notice, notes on assessments, and applications for tax exemptions which include such information as soldiers’ names and address, the legal land description of properties, declarations of home property, and enlistment details.
SubSeries 550.03.03 Tax Recovery records. — 1920-1993. — 26.7 cm of textual records.The sub-series consists of records relating to tax recovery measures undertaken by the M.D. of Spirit River from 1920 to 1993. The records include a 1920 to 1923 Tax Recovery Register, a 1922 to 1937 Register of Forfeited Lands, the 1944 Tax Consolidation Record, and Tax Arrears Lists and associated records arranged in files for 1949 to 1993. The ledgers and files have been arranged in chronological order by the archivist. The material within the 1949 to 1993 files has been maintained in its original order.
550.03.03.01 Tax Recovery Register 1920-1923The file consists of a Tax Recovery Register. The register was used for 1920 and 1921 tax recovery sales, although some transactions were not completed until 1923. The register contains information relating to the sale of property for tax recovery including the legal property description, amount of tax arrears and costs owing, advertised date of sale, amount sold for, date of return of lands sold, amount paid at date of sale, purchaser’s name, occupation, and address, assignee’s name, occupation and address, amount of penalty at time of redemption, total amount paid to redeem, redemption certificate fee, redemption receipt number, amount paid to purchaser by treasurer and date payment made, name and address of person in whose name redeemed, and the date of mailing of notice and forms.
550.03.03.02 Register of Forfeited Lands 1922-1937The file consists of a Register of Forfeited Lands. The register was used for caveats filed and tax sales held between 1922 and 1937. The register contains information relating to the sale of property for taxes including the legal property description, caveat number, date of caveat, number of certificate of title issued to the municipality and date issued, amount of tax arrears and costs owing, subsequent taxes and costs after municipality took the title, total amount due at date of sale, date of sale, purchaser’s name and address, selling price, amount paid to municipality, cash book folio, amount and disposition of surplus, cash book folio, and additional remarks. Also inserted between the register pages are a rough note on the sale of four pieces of land, two 1935 tax receipts, a 1935 school tax receipt, a 1932 notice of a tax sale, and a blank Lease and Option to Purchase agreement.
550.03.03.03 Tax Consolidation Record 1944The file consists of a Tax Consolidation Record ledger. The ledger dates from 1944 and contains information relating to the consolidation of taxes on various pieces of properties. The forms record the name and address of the applicant, dates of application and agreement, legal land description, record folio and roll folio numbers, kind of tax, years due, rate of discount, amount of arrears, consolidated amount, payments made and receipt numbers. Inserted in the front of the ledger were applications for tax consolidation, tax consolidation agreements, and related notes and correspondence for the properties in the ledger. These were removed by the archivist and placed in a separate file folder labelled “Agreements”. 1971 caveat notices were removed from this register and moved to the 1971 Caveat List file.
550.03.03.04 Tax Recovery Act 1949 1949-1950The file consists of the 1949 Estimates Form, 1949 Tax Arrears List, several Partial Withdrawal and Discharge of Tax Recovery Notification forms, 1950 tax sale notice, 1949 Tax Recovery Act notices, copy of the October 31, 1950 edition of The Alberta Gazette containing tax sale notice, 1949 Tax Recovery List, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.05 Tax Recovery Act 1950 1950-1951The file consists of the 1950 Tax Recovery List, 1950 Tax Arrears List, a 1951 Partial Withdrawal and Discharge of Tax Recovery Notification form, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.06 Tax Recovery Act 1951 1950-1953The file consists of the 1951 Tax Arrears List, Tax Recovery List, 1951 account statements from North Alberta Land Registration District Registrar, returned letter, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.07 Tax Notifications 1952 1952-1953The file consists of a copy of the January 15, 1953 edition of The Alberta Gazette containing tax sale notice, 1953 tax sale notice, 1952 Tax Arrears List, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.08 Tax Recovery Act 1953 1953The file consists of the 1953 Tax Arrears List.
550.03.03.09 Tax Arrears List 1954 1954The file consists of the 1954 Tax Arrears List.
550.03.03.10 Tax Recovery 1955 1955The file consists of a copy of the October 31, 1955 edition of The Alberta Gazette containing tax sale notice, a 1955 returned letter, 1955 tax sale notices, 1955 Tax Arrears List, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.11 Tax Recovery Act 1956 1956-1957The file consists of two 1957 returned letters, 1957 tax sale notices, a copy of the January 31, 1957 edition of The Alberta Gazette containing tax sale notice, and 1956 Tax Arrears List.
550.03.03.12 Tax Recovery Act 1957 1957The file consists of the 1957 Tax Arrears List and a 1957 tenders for purchase notice.
550.03.03.13 Tax Recovery 1958 1958The file consists of the 1958 Tax Arrears List and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.14 Tax Recovery 1959 1959The file consists of the 1959 Tax Arrears List and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.15 Tax Recovery 1960 1960The file consists of handwritten notes relating to tax arrears and the 1960 Tax Arrears List and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.16 Tax Recovery 1961 1961The file consists of the 1961 Tax Arrears List and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.17 Tax Sales (1956-1961) (Permanent) 1927-1962The file consists of 1961 tax sale notices, Information re. Land Tax Sale 1961, handwritten notes on holding a tax sale, 1961 Tax Statements, 1962 Tax Recovery Notifications, 1961 list of property owners in arrears, 1957 Municipal By-Law #193 and Approval on Sale Forms, Tax Notices, land tax sale offer bids, several pages of Lands Advertised for Sale in Alberta Gazette (covering Tax Recovery Notifications registered between 1927 and 1958), and associated correspondence and enclosures.
550.03.03.18 Tax Recovery 1962 1962The file consists of the 1962 Tax Arrears List and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.19 Tax Recovery Act 1963 1963The file consists of the 1963 Tax Arrears List and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.20 Tax Recovery Act 1964 1964The file consists of the 1964 Tax Arrears List and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.21 1965 Caveat List 1965The file consists of the 1965 Tax Arrears List, 1965 tax sale notices, lists of property owners in arrears for 1963 and 1964, list of land to be listed on the 1965 tax sale, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.22 1966 Tax Arrears List 1966The file consists of 1966 tax sale notices, list of 1966 tax sale lands, handwritten notes on the 1966 tax sale, the 1966 Tax Arreas List, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.23 Caveat List 1967 1965-1967The file consists of the 1967 Tax Arrears List, 1967 tax sale notices, list of properties in the 1967 sale, 1965 list of duties preceeding tax sale, 1965-1967 tax sale notices and warnings to property owners, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.24 Caveat List 1968 1967-1969The file consists of 1968 and 1969 tax sale notices, 1968 and 1969 tax sale and warning notices to land owners, the 1968 Tax Arrears List, note showing property facing final acquisition by the municipality, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.25 Caveat List 1969 1968-1969The file consists of the 1969 Tax Arrears List, 1968 and 1969 tax sale notices, 1969 preparation of 1970 assessment roll notices, a document detailing payments and grants from the Province of Alberta to the M.D. for 1967, handwritten 1969 Caveat List, 1969 tax caveat notices, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.26 Caveat List 1970 1970-1973The file consists of 1970 and 1971 tax sale notices, 1971 tax sale warnings to property owners, 1969/1970 Caveat List, 1970 Tax Recovery Notification notices, the 1970 Tax Arrears List, and associated correspondence and enclosures.
550.03.03.27 Caveat List 1971 1971-1973The file consists of 1971 and 1972 tax sale notices, 1972 tax sale warnings to property owners, lists of Property on Tax Sale December 1972, the 1971 Tax Arrears List, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.28 Caveat List 1972 1972-1973The file consists of the 1972 Tax Arrears List, 1972 and 1973 tax notices, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.29 Caveat List 1973 1973The file consists of 1973 tax sales notices, Financial Statement for the Year ending December 31st 1973, the 1973 Tax Arrears List, 1973 tax sale warnings to property owners, list of properties Subject to Tax Sale 1973, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.30 Caveat List 1974 1974-1975The file consists of the 1974 Tax Arrears List, 1974 tax sale notices, 1974 tax sale warnings for property owners, 1974 registered mail card and envelope of a returned letter, a copy of the December 31, 1974 edition of The Alberta Gazette containing the 1974 tax notice, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.31 Caveat List 1975 1975, 1993The file consists of a copies of 1974 and 1975 Partial Withdrawal and Discharge of Tax Recovery Notifications, 1993 and 1975 Document Registration Requests, 1993 Customer Registration Notice, and the 1975 Tax Arrears List.
550.03.03.32 Caveat List 1976 1976The file consists of the 1976 Tax Arrears List and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.33 Caveats 1977 1977The file consists of the 1977 Tax Arrears List and a 1977 Document Registration Request.
550.03.03.34 Caveat List 1978 1978The file consists of the 1978 Tax Arrears List, 1978 Document Registration Request, handwritten note about the Tax Arrears List, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.35 Caveat List 1979 1979The file consists of the 1979 Tax Arrears List and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.36 Caveat List 1980 1980The file consists of the 1980 Tax Arrears List and 1980 Document Registration Request.
550.03.03.37 Caveat Lists 1981 1981-1982The file consists of the 1981 Tax Arrears List, 1981 and 1982 Document Registration Requests, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.38 1982 Caveats List 1982The file consists of a copy of a 1982 Partial Withdrawal and Discharge of Tax Recovery Notification, the 1982 Tax Arrears List, 1982 Document Registration Requests, 1982 Withdrawal and Discharge of Caveat, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.39 1983 Caveats 1983The file consists of 1983 Document Registration Requests, the 1983 Tax Arrears List, handwritten tax arrears list, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.40 1984 Caveat List 1980, 1984-1989The file consists of material relating to the Maywest Grain Co. Ltd. tax recovery sale including: a copy of December 31, 1988 Journal Entries, 1987 Appraisal of Maywest Grain Co. Ltd. Holdings (including 4 photographs), 1988 banking slips, 1985-1988 Expenditures with receipts and invoices, 1988 newspaper advertisements and invoices, 1988 Approval of Sale by Minister, 1988 Invitations to Tender, 1988 Agreement for Sale, 1988 Removal of Conditions, 1988 Real Estate Purchase Contracts, 1988 Land Transfer document, 1988 Listing Contract, 1980 and 1987 Land Changes in Alberta documents, tax sale list, successful 1988 bid and copies of certified cheque and receipt, unsuccessful 1988 bids, list of interested parties, copy of Maywest Grain Company’s Assessment and Tax Roll sheet, photocopied information about tax recovery sales, 1985 Appraisal of part of SW 15-78-5 W6th, 1987 Final Acquisition document and Document Registration Request, 1985 Appraisal of Maywest Grain Company Limited (including 6 photographs), 1987 Tax Notice, and associated correspondence and notes. The file also consists of material relating to tax recovery on several other properties. This material includes: 1985 postage acknowledgements of receipt, 1985 tax sale notices, 1984 and 1986 Document Registration Requests, 1985 Land Titles Office Service Request, 1985 Corporate Registry Search Reply, 1985 Land Titles Office General Registration Certificates, 1985 tax sale procedure, 1984 list of properties in arrears, the 1984 Tax Arrears List, 1985 Resolution Re. Signing Officers for the Tax Sale Surplus Account, 1985 and 1986 copies of Approval of Sale by Minister, Transfer of Land, Application for Consolidation or Separation of Titles, Duplicate Certificate of Title, Certificate of Title, and Foreign Ownership of Land Regulation forms, and associated correspondence and enclosures.
550.03.03.41 1985 Caveat List 1985-1986The file consists of the 1986 Tax Arrears List, 1985 list of properties in arrears, the 1985 Tax Arrears List, 1985 and 1986 Document Registration Requests, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.42 1986 Caveats 1985-1986The file consists of the 1985 Tax Arrears List, 1986 Document Registration Requests, the 1986 Tax Arrears List, 1986 Partial Withdrawal and Discharge of Tax Recovery Notification, 1986 postage Acknowledgement of Receipt, Tax Recovery Arrears List, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.43 1987 Caveat Listing 1987-1988The file consists of a 1987 Tax Notice, 1988 postage Acknowledgement of Reciepts, the 1987 Tax Arrears List, 1987 list of properties in areas, 1987 Document Registration Request, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.44 1988 Caveat List 1988The file consists of the 1988 Tax Arrears List, copy of a 1988 receipt for payment, 1988 list of properties in arrears, 1988 Document Registration Request, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.45 1989 Caveat List 1988-1989The file consists of the 1989 Tax Arrears List,1989 list of properties in arrears, 1990 Customer Registration Notice, 1989 and 1990 Document Registration Requests, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.46 1990 Caveat Listing 1990-1992The file consists of 1990-1992 Customer Registration Requests, 1990-1992 Document Registration Requests, the 1990 Tax Arrears List, list of properties in arrears, and associated correspondence and enclosures.
550.03.03.47 1991 Tax Arrears Listing 1991-1992The file consists of 1992 File/Release Date Inquiries, 1991 Customer Registration Notices, 1991 Document Registration Requests, 1991 D.R.R. Rejection Notice, 1991 Service Request, 1991 Completed Tax Notification Listing, the 1991 Tax Arrears List, 1991 receipt for payment, 1991 assessment and tax roll entry, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.48 1992 Tax Arrears List 1992The file consists of a photocopied excerpt from the Tax Recovery Act, list of people sent tax caveat warning letters, the 1992 Tax Arrears List, 1992 Tax Trial Balance, 1992 Customer Registration Notices, 1992 Document Registration Requests, 1992 D.R.R. Rejection Notice, 1992 Partial Withdrawal and Discharge of Tax Recovery Notification, 1992 Service Request, 1992 Completed Tax Notification Listing, the 1992 Tax Arrears List, 1992 File/Release Date Inquiries, 1992 assessment and tax roll entries, and associated correspondence.
550.03.03.49 1993 Tax Arrears List 1993The file consists of 1993 Tax Trial Balances and 1993 Tax Detail Listings.
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Series 550.04 Historical Information. — 1926-2006. — 4 photographs.The series consists of historical information collected about the Municipal District of Spirit River from 1926 to 2006, predominantly during the 1980s. The material includes four photographs, numerous newspaper clippings and some miscellaneous records, and one sound recording of an interview with Mary Margaret Thompson Gulick. The material has been arranged by the archivist according to type and chronology.
SubSeries 550.04.01 Newspaper Clippings. — 1926-1988.The sub-series consists of newspaper clippings and miscellaneous records collected about the Municipal District of Spirit River from 1926 to 1988, predominantly during 1983 and 1984. The material includes a copy of a 1926 by-law, a 1977 tax sale notice, a description of the new M.D. office from approximately 1960, and newspaper clippings on various subjects including road work and M.D. office construction from 1983 to 1988. The material has been arranged chronologically by the archivist. Other newspaper clippings collected by the M.D. for reference but not directly related to the M.D. have been discarded.
SubSeries 550.04.02 Photographs. — 1983, 1988. — 4 photographs.The sub-series consists of four photographs of the Municipal District of Spirit River council and staff dating from 1983 and 1988 and associated captions.
Opening of new Municipal District office, 1983
1 photograph; b & w; 9 x 5¾ in.
Opening of the new Municipal District of Spirit River office in the fall of 1983. Back row L-R: Ted Stoner, Kelly White, Ray Wiesenburger, Frank Zahara, John Sekulic, Lloyd Buck. Front Row L-R: Charlie Davidson, Lloyd Rosser, Vince Durda, Willie Zahara, Bill Chalus.
Location: 0550.04.02.01
Municipal District of Spirit River Council, 1988
1 photograph; b & w; 3½ x 5 in.
Municipal District of Spirit River Council. Back Row L-R: Deputy Reeve John Sekulic Jr., Municipal Administrator Wayne Heyland, Councillor Lloyd Buck, Councillor Leo Labrecque. Front: Reeve Frank Zahara.
Location: 0550.04.02.02
Municipal District of Spirit River Council, 1988
1 photograph; b & w; 3½ x 5 in.
Municipal District of Spirit River Council and Staff. Standing L-R: Deputy Reeve John Sekulic Jr., Municipal Administrator Wayne Heyland, Past Secretary Treasurer Veronica Andruchiw, Public Works Supervisor Bruce Jack, Municipal Clerk Joyce Oltmanns, Agricultural Fieldman Dale Carnegie, Councillor Lloyd Buck, Councillor Leo Labrecque. Front: Reeve Frank Zahara.
Location: 0550.04.02.03
Municipal District of Spirit River Council and Staff, ca. 1988
1 photograph; b & w; 3½ x 4¾ in.
Municipal District of Spirit River Council. L-R: Leo Labrecque, Wayne Heyland, Lloyd Buck, Frank Zahara, John Sekulic Jr.
Location: 0550.04.02.04
SubSeries 550.04.03 Sound Recordings. — 1983, 1988. — 1 sound recordings.The sub-series consists of one CD containing an interview with Mary Margaret Thompson Gulick, titled “Stories from the Spirit River Municipal Cemetery.
Mary Margaret Thompson Gulick, 2006
Sound Recording
The sound recording consists of an interview of Mary “Margaret” (Thompson) Gulick conducted by Elaine Garrow (her grand-niece) and Julie Shaw, introduced as the grand-daughter of Annie Skaley Shaw and Lawrence Shaw. The three women appear to be looking at a map or a listing from the Spirit River Municipal Cemetery which was established in 1918, and Margaret is reminiscing about those buried in the cemetery. Margaret was born in 1908 to Alberta Marilla DeBolt and David Patton Thompson, and arrived in the Rycroft area in 1912. Mrs. Thompson later owned and operated the Rycroft Hotel. In 1925, Margaret married John Gulick; the couple had 12 children, of which three sons and one daughter were in the cemetery at the time of the interview: David, born in 1926, Lloyd, in 1927, Gordon in 1930, and Mary in 1931. After Margaret and John were married, they moved to Heart Valley in 1928 and she didn’t return to live in Spirit River until after his death in 1970. Interviewer Elaine Garrow’s great-grandfather was Buford Sales, who married John Gulick’s sister Bertha. Bertha died in 1929. Stories include aboriginal families such as the Testowich family who died during the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic, Goldie Sinclair, and the Ferguson family; Michael Konshak’s wife who wandered off from Jock McBurney’s place in 1913 and her body was not found till one year later; medical personnel at Spirit River such as Dr. Reavely, Dr. Law, and midwife Elizabeth Young; and Charlie Wing’s hotel at Spirit River. Other details concern some graves which were “moved from the creek”. This computer disc was created in October 2006, but is not the original recording as Margaret died in July 2006 at the age of 98 years.
Location: 550.04.03.01
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