Print copies of all books referenced here are available to access in our reading room.
The University of Calgary has also digitized a selection, which you can access using the links below:
Surname | First Name | Book | Page Number(s) |
A Book is Born | From Tears to Triumph | viii | |
A la Peche | A History of Grande Cache | 65 | |
Aarbo | Ray and Gail | Grande Cache: The People | 5 |
Aastveit | Torvald | Pioneer Round-Up | 434 |
Abbink | Peter | A History of Grande Cache | 74 |
Abbott | Bear Paw | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 6 |
Abbott | Bert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 78 |
Abbott | Cal - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 509 |
Abbott | F W Rev | Pioneers of the Peace | 234, 326 |
Abbott | Kathleen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 88 |
Abbott | Marjorie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 88 |
Abbott | Rev F W | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 82 |
Abbott | Rev Frank Vale | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 7, 88, 188 |
Abbott | Robert | Pioneers of the Peace | 33 |
Abbott | Robert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30 |
Abbott | Sid and Olive | From Tears to Triumph | 1 |
Abbott | Stanley Alfred | From Tears to Triumph | 2 |
Abday Family | Iosegun Reflections | 226 | |
Abel | Ben and Mona | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 183 |
Abel | Bill | Pioneers of the Peace | 147 |
Abel | Jack | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 155 |
Abernathy | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 216 |
Aberneth | William | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Abernethy | Bryce | Pioneers of the Peace | 5, 121, 122 |
Abernethy | Maria Ann Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 122 |
Abernethy | William | Pioneers of the Peace | 122 |
Able | Jack | Along the Wapiti | 330 |
Abraham | Margaret | Grande Cache: The People | 5 |
Abrahamson | Albert | Buffalo Trails | 95 |
Abrahamson | Alfred | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 107 |
Abram | Lee and Florence | Grande Cache: The People | 5 |
Abramic | Nick and Anne | Smoky Peace Triangle | 119 |
Abricosovick | Ivan | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 431 |
Acknowledgement | From Tears to Triumph | vii | |
Acknowledgements | Smoky Peace Triangle | viii | |
Acknowledgements | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | ix | |
Acknowledgments | Wagon Trails Grown Over | vii | |
Acorn Savings and Credit Union | Homesteaders' Heritage | 109 | |
Adair | Gertrude | Pioneers of the Peace | 23, 24, 98 |
Adair | Gertrude | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 88 |
Adair | Harry | The Big Horn School District | section histories, Original Settlers |
Adair | Harry | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 13,109 |
Adair | Harry | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 3,4, 13,68, 163, 219,224 |
Adair | Harry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 2, 19, 27, 28, 75, 76, 88, 103, 221, 224, 237, 244 |
Adair | Harry L | Pioneers of the Peace | 23-25, 39, 59, 79, 81, 85, 98, 100, 148, 196, 229, 296, 318 |
Adair | Harry L Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 23, 24, 98 |
Adair | Hudson and Germaine | Along the Wapiti | 74 |
Adair | Hudson and Germaine | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 874 |
Adair | L H | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 65 |
Adair | L Harry | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 11,50,52,116, 119,203 |
Adair | Miss | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Adair | Mrs R H | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 62 |
Adair | Tessa | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 88 |
Adair | William and Nellie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 873 |
Adair | Buffalo Trails | 254 | |
Adair Diane | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 207 | |
Adair's Sawmill | Pioneers of the Peace | 25, 112, 137, 222, 230, 318 | |
Adam | L | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 156 |
Adam | Laurier and Jeannine | Grande Cache: The People | 6 |
Adam | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Adam | William and Diane | Iosegun Reflections | 226 |
Adams | Charles | Pioneers of the Peace | 315 |
Adams | Charlie and Laura | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 22 |
Adams | Cliff and Laurette | Bridges to the Past | 16 |
Adams | Coleman | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 79 |
Adams | Frank | Pioneers of the Peace | 315 |
Adams | Ike | Pioneers of the Peace | 147 |
Adams | Ike | Buffalo Trails | 156 |
Adams | Nina | Pioneers of the Peace | 315 |
Adams | Norman | Across the Smoky | 63 |
Adams | R E | Pioneers of the Peace | 315 |
Adams | R J | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 548 |
Adams | Sam | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 57 |
Adams | Sgt RNWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 403 |
Adams | Simond | Pioneers of the Peace | 315 |
Adams | Viola | Pioneers of the Peace | 315 |
Adams | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 79 |
Adam's Creek | A History of Grande Cache | 16, 17, 47, 52 | |
Adamson | John | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Addison | Walter | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 258 |
Adolphson | Andrew | Where the Red Willow Grew | 15 |
Adolphson | Arthur | Where the Red Willow Grew | 15 |
Adolphson | Norman | Where the Red Willow Grew | 615 |
Adolphson | Oscar | Where the Red Willow Grew | 16, 23 |
Adoption | Grooming the Grizzly | 79 | |
Aeserud | Berger | Homesteaders' Heritage | 153, 174 |
Affleck | Archie | Burnt Embers | 207 |
Afinson | A Pastor | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 33 |
Agar | Edna, Rebecca and Stanley | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 178 |
Agar | Jennie | Pioneers of the Peace | 74 |
Agar | Rebecca | Pioneers of the Peace | 198 |
Agar | Stanley | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 279 |
Agar | Stanley | Pioneers of the Peace | 75, 188 |
Agnes | Adam | A History of Grande Cache | 17, 30 |
Agnes | Dolphus | A History of Grande Cache | 30 |
Agnes | Nancy | A History of Grande Cache | 22 |
Agnes | Washy Joe (Atkins, Sagaputera) | A History of Grande Cache | 16, 17, 23 |
Agnes | Family | A History of Grande Cache | 16, 29 |
Agnes Flats | A History of Grande Cache | 17 | |
Agnew | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 7 |
Agnoli | Father | A History of Grande Cache | 88 |
Agreement between Tomslake CGA and PRLRD | From Tears to Triumph | 354 | |
Agrey | Bob | The Big Bend | 101 |
Agrey | Bob and June | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 189 |
Agricultural Fair | The | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 56 |
Agricultural Service Board | Grooming the Grizzly | 290 | |
Agricultural Service Board | Pioneers of the Peace | 168 | |
Agriculture | Burnt Embers | 48 | |
Agriculture | Memories and Moments | 10-15, 23, 30, 35 | |
AGT | A History of Grande Cache | 68, 80, 81 | |
Agur | Reverend & Bev | A History of Grande Cache | 89 |
Aherne | Ernie | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 260 |
Ahlf | Carol | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 255 |
Aide | Harry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 329 |
Aide | Harry (Tradewinds) | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 327 |
Aide | Hugh | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 330 |
Aide | Murray | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 333 |
Aide | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 335 |
Aiken | Dr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30, 255 |
Aiken | E P | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 84 |
Aim | Carl Olson | Pioneers of the Peace | 315 |
Aim | Oscar | Where the Red Willow Grew | 26 |
Aimes and Craddock | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 30 | |
Air Cadets | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 94 | |
Airhart | Joe | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 152 |
Airstrips (Forestry) | A History of Grande Cache | 52, 67 | |
Airth | Douglas | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 307 |
Airth | J and Sons Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 485 |
Airth | Jim | Across the Smoky | 135 |
Airth | Jim - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 484 |
Airth | Les and Joan | Bridges to the Past | 214 |
Aistad | Beverley | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 95 |
Akasaka Recreation Centre | A History of Grande Cache | 74, 82 | |
Akman | Jo | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 97 |
Alac | Father | Pioneers of the Peace | 86 |
Alac | Father | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 4 |
Alac | Rev Fr | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 23, 71, 81,92 |
Alaska Highway | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 115 | |
Alaska Highway | Grooming the Grizzly | 555 | |
Albernethy | Bryce | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 165 |
Albersworth | Gordon and Aileen | Grande Cache: The People | 7 |
Albert | Ervin | Burnt Embers | 279 |
Albert | George | Burnt Embers | 280 |
Albert | Harvey | Burnt Embers | 278 |
Alberta | Our Province | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 1 |
Alberta 75th Anniversary | Burnt Embers | 502 | |
Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame | Pioneers of the Peace | 129 | |
Alberta Agriculture, Field Service Office | Smoky Peace Triangle | 90 | |
Alberta Archives | 1860 and on | The First Metis�A New Nation | 268 |
Alberta Farmers' Association | Pioneers of the Peace | 156 | |
Alberta Forest Service | Past and Present | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 80-85 |
Alberta Forest Service | Valleyview | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 85-86 |
Alberta Forest Service (AFS, Forestry) | A History of Grande Cache | 20, 52 | |
Alberta Government Telephones | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 22, 23 | |
Alberta Great Waterways Railroad | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 66,67 | |
Alberta Historical Review | The First Metis�A New Nation | 183 | |
Alberta Livestock Cooperative Ltd | Pioneers of the Peace | 128 | |
Alberta Municipal Hospitals Association | Pioneers of the Peace | 62 | |
Alberta Power | A History of Grande Cache | 59, 92 | |
Alberta Provincial Court House | Pioneers of the Peace | 412-414 | |
Alberta Provincial Police | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 57-59 | |
Alberta Resources Railroad | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 146 | |
Alberta Resources Railway | Pioneers of the Peace | 279 | |
Alberta Resources Railway | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 82 | |
Alberta Resources Railway (AAR) | A History of Grande Cache | 68, 79 | |
Alberta Rooms | Pioneers of the Peace | 131 | |
Alberta Seed Growers | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 95, 215 | |
Alberta Seed Growers' Association | Pioneers of the Peace | 103 | |
Alberta Teachers' Alliance | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33, 35 | |
Alberta Wheat Pool | Pioneers of the Peace | 62, 196, 247 | |
Alberta Wheat Pool | Burnt Embers | 445 | |
Alberta Wheat Pool | Chepi Sepe | 101 | |
Alberta Wheat Pool Seed Division | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 95 | |
Alberta Wheat Pool, Tangent | Smoky Peace Triangle | 96 | |
Albertosaurus | A History of Grande Cache | 5 | |
Albinati | Albert | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 307 |
Albinati | Germaine | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 308 |
Albinati | Louis | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 308 |
Albinati | Nellie | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 309 |
Albinati | Oscar | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 307 |
Albo | Barbra Lianne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 89 |
Albo | Cheryl | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 88 |
Albo | Frank | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 89 |
Albrecht | Albert | Buffalo Trails | 132 |
Albright | Eileen | Pioneers of the Peace | 271, 272 |
Albright | Fred | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 193 |
Albright | Jack and Minnie | Homesteaders' Heritage | 412, 414 |
Albright | W D | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 2,46 |
Albright | W D | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 193 |
Albright | W D | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 2, 3, 5, 6 |
Albright | W D | Pioneers of the Peace | 5, 11, 39, 44, 70, 214, 271-273, 282, 314, 324 |
Albright | W D | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 21, 53, 149 |
Albright | W D Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 271-273 |
Albright | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 5 | |
Albright Ball Teams | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 6 | |
Albright Community Hall | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 7 | |
Albright Store | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 8 | |
Albright Telephone | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 6 | |
Albu | Minnie | The Big Bend | 254 |
Alden | Merl and Florence | Grande Cache: The People | 8 |
Alder | Hershel | Pioneers of the Peace | 153 |
Aldergrove SD 574 | Pioneer Round-Up | 396 | |
Alderman | Al | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 117 |
Aldred | Norma | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 91 |
Alexander | A Miss | Pioneers of the Peace | 313 |
Alexander | Albert and Susan | Grande Cache: The People | 9 |
Alexander | Andy | Homesteaders' Heritage | 16 |
Alexander | Arthur | Pioneers of the Peace | 122, 123 |
Alexander | Bill | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 104 |
Alexander | Bob | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 104 |
Alexander | Bob and Bill | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 805 |
Alexander | Don and Rita | Bridges to the Past | 16 |
Alexander | Ed | Pioneers of the Peace | 122, 123 |
Alexander | Frank | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 257 |
Alexander | Frank | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 503 |
Alexander | H W | Pioneers of the Peace | 167 |
Alexander | Jean | Pioneers of the Peace | 122 |
Alexander | Margaret | Pioneers of the Peace | 122 |
Alexander | Robert (Bob) | Pioneers of the Peace | 246, 296-298 |
Alexander | Roscoe | Homesteaders' Heritage | 203 |
Alexander | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 328 |
Alexander | William | Pioneers of the Peace | 122, 296-298 |
Alexander | William and Family | Chepi Sepe | 258 |
Alexander | William Family | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 131 |
Alexander | William Jr | Pioneers of the Peace | 122, 123 |
Alexander | William Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 122 |
Alexandra | Louis | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 151 |
Alexandre | Louis, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 120 |
Alexview Cemetery | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 24 | |
Aley | Herbert | Grooming the Grizzly | 244 |
Alfred | Natalie and Jack | Chepi Sepe | 260 |
Alfred and Wickham | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 31 | |
Algar | Al and Gail | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 575 |
Algar | Verna | Burnt Embers | 436 |
All Saints Anglican Church | Pioneers of the Peace | 284 | |
Allan | Art | A History of Grande Cache | 43 |
Allan | JoAnn | A History of Grande Cache | 75 |
Allan | Jo-Ann | Grande Cache: The People | 9 |
Allan | John | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 150 |
Allan | Maureen, Sheilagh, Heather, and Mamie | Grande Cache: The People | 10 |
Allan | Paul | A History of Grande Cache | 69, 75 |
Allan | Shirley | Burnt Embers | 436 |
Allegro | A History of Grande Cache | 78 | |
Allen | Mrs and Kathleen | Buffalo Trails | 124 |
Allen | Edward | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 3 |
Allen | H W | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Allen | H W Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 5, 43, 67,124, 126,128,129, 149 |
Allen | Hugh | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 432 |
Allen | Hugh | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 64, 114 |
Allen | Hugh W | Pioneers of the Peace | 5, 6, 13, 43, 66, 124-129,130,196 |
Allen | James | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 156 |
Allen | Myrtle | The Big Bend | 256 |
Allen | Myrtle | The Big Bend | 101 |
Allers | Reverend | A History of Grande Cache | 87 |
Allert | Cornelius family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 214 |
Allert | Kornelius | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Allert | Kornelius | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 239 |
Allie | Brother A | Across the Smoky | 308 |
Allison | Edward "Len" and Margaret | Grande Cache: The People | 11 |
Allison | C B | Pioneers of the Peace | 54 |
Allison | D N | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 63 |
Allison | Dave | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 42 |
Allman | Nellie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 106 |
Allsop | Albert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 90, 91, 199 |
Allsop | Alta Mae | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 90 |
Allsop | Annie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 89 |
Allsop | Barbara | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 90 |
Allsop | Bernice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 90, 91 |
Allsop | Darrell | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 90 |
Allsop | Dorothy Jean | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 90 |
Allsop | Eva | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 90, 199 |
Allsop | John (Jack) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 90 |
Allsop | June | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 90, 91 |
Allsop | Ross | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 90 |
Allsop | Sidney | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 89, 133, 141, 212 |
Allsop | Vera | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 91 |
Allsop | Wilhemina | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 91 |
Allsops | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 137, 185 | |
Alm | Carl | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 874 |
Almond | Dianne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247 |
Almond | Robert (Bob) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247 |
Along The Trail, Wanham - Peoria | Grooming the Grizzly | 180-2 | |
Alstad | Allan | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 95 |
Alstad | Beryl | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 51, 226 |
Alstad | Candace | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 93 |
Alstad | Cheryl | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 95 |
Alstad | Cory | Pioneers of the Peace | 209 |
Alstad | Cory | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 91,92 |
Alstad | Diane | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 93 |
Alstad | Emily | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 93 |
Alstad | Gertrude (Gertie) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 92, 93 |
Alstad | Grace | Pioneers of the Peace | 130 |
Alstad | Grace | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 94 |
Alstad | Haakon | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 91, 92, 93, 133, 134 |
Alstad | Harold | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 92, 93 |
Alstad | Ingeborg | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 94 |
Alstad | Jack | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 93, 94 |
Alstad | Johan | Pioneers of the Peace | 129, 130 |
Alstad | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 92, 93, 94, 105, 107 |
Alstad | John (Jack) | Pioneers of the Peace | 130, 209 |
Alstad | Kaare | Pioneers of the Peace | 112, 129 |
Alstad | Kaare Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 153,160,179 |
Alstad | Karri | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 94 |
Alstad | Ken | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 93 |
Alstad | Lloyd | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 168 |
Alstad | Marlene | Pioneers of the Peace | 130 |
Alstad | Marlene | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 94 |
Alstad | Matilda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 94 |
Alstad | Maxene | Pioneers of the Peace | 130 |
Alstad | Maxene | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 6, 94 |
Alstad | Miller | Pioneers of the Peace | 130 |
Alstad | Miller | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 94 |
Alstad | Neil | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 95 |
Alstad | Owen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 93 |
Alstad | Raymond | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 92, 93, 196 |
Alstad | Robert (Bob) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 92, 93, 196, 223 |
Alstad | Ruth-Ann | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 92, 196 |
Alstad | Wayne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 93 |
Alstad | John | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 104 |
Alstad | John | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Alstad | Kaare | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Alstad | Lloyd | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Alstead | Karre | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 104 |
Alt | Andrew | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 35 |
Alt | P | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 34 |
Altenhof | Karl | Across the Smoky | 175 |
Altman | Jaques | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 421 |
Alton | Rev Charles | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 88 |
Alward | Lee | Homesteaders' Heritage | 8 |
Alward | Lee | Pioneers of the Peace | 118 |
Alward | Lee | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 199 |
Ambleau | Francis | Along the Wapiti | 130 |
Ambrose | Darold and Rose | Iosegun Reflections | 227 |
Amendt | Gil - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 516 |
Ames | Charles | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 309 |
Ames | Donald | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 311 |
Ames | Fred | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 311 |
Ames | George | Pioneer Round-Up | 61 |
Ames | George | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 312 |
Ames | George and Thelma | Bridges to the Past | 17 |
Ames | Robert | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 314 |
Ames | Wilfred Roy | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 315 |
Ames | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 858 | |
Amireaux | George and Lottie | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 157 |
Amundsen | Monique | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 22 |
Amundsen | Oral (Mrs ) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 22 |
Amundsen | Robert and Connie | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 197 |
Amundsen | Ron | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 22 |
Amundson | A Pastor | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 34 |
Amundson | Alfred | Grooming the Grizzly | 245 |
Amundson | Amund | Pioneer Round-Up | 435 |
Amundson | Clan | Smoky Peace Triangle | 119 |
Amundson | G | Pioneer Round-Up | 435 |
An Indian woman's dream | Pioneer Round-Up | 431 | |
Anages | A | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 20 |
Anatosaurus | A History of Grande Cache | 3 | |
Anders | Horst | Burnt Embers | 372 |
Andersen | Artur and Stephanie | From Tears to Triumph | 138 |
Andersen | H N Dean | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 38,120 |
Andersen | Henry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 156 |
Andersen | Ole | Where the Red Willow Grew | 239 |
Andersen | Peter | Where the Red Willow Grew | 27, 28 |
Anderson | "Old John" | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 130, 154, 245 |
Anderson | Alexander | From Tears to Triumph | 61 |
Anderson | Andrew | Where the Red Willow Grew | 30 |
Anderson | Anton | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 385 |
Anderson | Anton | Where the Red Willow Grew | 32 |
Anderson | Archie and Lydia | Iosegun Reflections | 227 |
Anderson | Arnold and Jenny | Iosegun Reflections | 228 |
Anderson | Arthur | Pioneers of the Peace | 131 |
Anderson | Arvid and Katie | Smoky Peace Triangle | 120 |
Anderson | August | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 306 |
Anderson | Axel | Pioneers of the Peace | 132 |
Anderson | Axel | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 44, 93, 61, 62 |
Anderson | Bill and Edna | Bridges to the Past | 17 |
Anderson | Carl | Pioneer Round-Up | 1a |
Anderson | Carl | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 806 |
Anderson | Carl | Pioneers of the Peace | 219 |
Anderson | Charles | Homesteaders' Heritage | 16 |
Anderson | Charles | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 221 |
Anderson | Charles Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 214, 213 |
Anderson | Charlie | The Big Horn School District | section histories, Original Settlers |
Anderson | Charlie | Pioneers of the Peace | 101 |
Anderson | Cliff | Pioneers of the Peace | 131 |
Anderson | Connie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Anderson | David | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Anderson | E R and son | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 117 |
Anderson | Ed | Homesteaders' Heritage | 351 |
Anderson | Ed | Pioneers of the Peace | 47, 71 |
Anderson | Elmer | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 806 |
Anderson | Elmer | Pioneers of the Peace | 219 |
Anderson | Eric | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119, 207 |
Anderson | Eric J | Pioneers of the Peace | 219 |
Anderson | Erich and Helga | Along the Wapiti | 331 |
Anderson | Eskil | Where the Red Willow Grew | 32 |
Anderson | Family | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 198-199 |
Anderson | ferryman | Pioneers of the Peace | 181 |
Anderson | Flora | The First Metis�A New Nation | 467 |
Anderson | Fred | Homesteaders' Heritage | 30 |
Anderson | Fred | Pioneers of the Peace | 219, 220 |
Anderson | George and Carrie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 388 |
Anderson | George and Ethel | Along the Wapiti | 332 |
Anderson | Gunnar and Opal | Where the Red Willow Grew | 32 |
Anderson | Henry | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 156 |
Anderson | Henry and Rose | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 389 |
Anderson | Hjalmar | Where the Red Willow Grew | 34 |
Anderson | Inga | Pioneers of the Peace | 320 |
Anderson | Ingrid | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 49 |
Anderson | Insp RNWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 410 |
Anderson | Jacob and Julia | Along the Wapiti | 20 |
Anderson | Jim and Darlene | Grande Cache: The People | 12 |
Anderson | Joe | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 156 |
Anderson | Joe | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Anderson | Joe Jr | The First Metis�A New Nation | 87 |
Anderson | John | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 76, 77 |
Anderson | John G | Buffalo Trails | 220 |
Anderson | John N | Buffalo Trails | 220 |
Anderson | Joseph | The First Metis�A New Nation | 84 |
Anderson | K F (RNWMP) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 34, 187 |
Anderson | K F S/Sgt RNWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 30, 88, 401, 402, 404, 405, 408, 410 |
Anderson | Kenneth | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 47 |
Anderson | Kenneth | Pioneers of the Peace | 130, 131 |
Anderson | Kenneth | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 18, 95, 157, 187 |
Anderson | Kenneth Jr | Pioneers of the Peace | 131 |
Anderson | Larry | Pioneers of the Peace | 220 |
Anderson | Larry and Vella | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 389 |
Anderson | Lawrence and Hermine | The First Metis�A New Nation | 85 |
Anderson | Len | Homesteaders' Heritage | 30 |
Anderson | Lida | Pioneers of the Peace | 131 |
Anderson | Lome | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 56, 173 |
Anderson | Lucile | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 101 |
Anderson | Lucille | Pioneers of the Peace | 131 |
Anderson | M H Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 130 |
Anderson | Manila | Pioneers of the Peace | 131 |
Anderson | Margaret Ellen (Kutschker - Andrus) and Gerhart | From Tears to Triumph | 93 |
Anderson | Marjorie and Ed | Chepi Sepe | 261 |
Anderson | Martin | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 95 |
Anderson | Martin | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 230 |
Anderson | Martin H | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 47 |
Anderson | Martin H | Pioneers of the Peace | 130, 131 |
Anderson | Maurice and Charlotte | Smoky Peace Triangle | 122 |
Anderson | Maurice and Elizabeth | Smoky Peace Triangle | 124 |
Anderson | Mike | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 386 |
Anderson | Mrs | Across the Smoky | 298 |
Anderson | Nels | Pioneers of the Peace | 86, 131 |
Anderson | Nels | Burnt Embers | 280 |
Anderson | Nels | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 101 |
Anderson | Nels Jr | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 156 |
Anderson | Nels Jr Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 156 |
Anderson | Nels Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 131 |
Anderson | Nels Sr | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 171 |
Anderson | Nels Sr Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 214 |
Anderson | Norm | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Anderson | Norman | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 132, 149, 152 |
Anderson | Norman | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 95, 137, 192, 222 |
Anderson | Norman "Shorty" | Pioneers of the Peace | 147 |
Anderson | Norman Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 154 |
Anderson | Norris H | Pioneers of the Peace | 131 |
Anderson | Olive | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 296 |
Anderson | Oscar | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 150, 253, 58, 87 |
Anderson | Oscar | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 306 |
Anderson | Oscar | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 147 |
Anderson | Oscar Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 62 |
Anderson | Oscar J | Pioneers of the Peace | 132, 244 |
Anderson | Oscar, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 224 |
Anderson | Paula | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 230 |
Anderson | Pauline | Pioneers of the Peace | 131 |
Anderson | Pete | Homesteaders' Heritage | 347, 350, 353 |
Anderson | Pete | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 193 |
Anderson | Phoebe | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 118, 137 |
Anderson | Rev John | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 87 |
Anderson | Robert | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 316 |
Anderson | Robert | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 199 |
Anderson | S | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 102 |
Anderson | S G Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 219, 220 |
Anderson | Seth | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 193 |
Anderson | Sverre | Pioneer Round-Up | 435 |
Anderson | Swan and Carrie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 807 |
Anderson | Swan G | Pioneers of the Peace | 219, 220 |
Anderson | Swan, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 256 |
Anderson | Tollef and Darlene | Bridges to the Past | 98 |
Anderson | Una | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 89 |
Anderson | Vic | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 807 |
Anderson | Wayne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Anderson | William (Bill) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 95, 110 |
Anderson | Jean | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 225 |
Anderson Bros | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 207 | |
Anderson Bus Lines | From Tears to Triumph | 377 | |
Anderson's Stopping Place | Pioneers of the Peace | 158, 177, 311 | |
Anderson-Twombley | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 23 | |
Anderton | Sgt | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 56 |
Andorson | Carl | Pioneer Round-Up | 169 |
Andreason | Nels | The Northfield Settlement | 35 |
Andreason | Nels | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 32, 95, 152, 245 |
Andreiuk | Hnat and Alexandria (Fedoruk) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 575 |
Andreiuk | John and Cecile | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 576 |
Andreiuk | Roger | Chepi Sepe | 782 |
Andreiuk | Wakula and Ksena | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 575 |
Andress | Charles | Pioneers of the Peace | 273 |
Andress | Ellen | Pioneers of the Peace | 273 |
Andress | Ellis | Pioneers of the Peace | 273 |
Andress | Elmer | Pioneers of the Peace | 273 |
Andress | Jessie | Pioneers of the Peace | 273 |
Andress | Martha | Pioneers of the Peace | 273 |
Andress | Merl | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Andress | Nada | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Andress | Nicholas | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 47 |
Andress | Nicholas | Pioneers of the Peace | 273, 274 |
Andress | Nicholas | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 83 |
Andress | Nicholas | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 175 |
Andress | Nicholas Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 273, 274 |
Andress | Theresa | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Andress | W J | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 103 |
Andress | William J | Pioneers of the Peace | 273, 274 |
Andrew | Jack | Across the Smoky | 211 |
Andrews | J R | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 73 |
Andrews | Peggy | Buffalo Trails | 190 |
Andrews | Rev J E | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 84 |
Andruchiw | Elizabeth | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 375 |
Andruchiw | Harry and Family | Chepi Sepe | 261 |
Andruchiw | Harry, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 6 |
Andruchiw | Lori and Lawrence | Chepi Sepe | 262 |
Anfinson | Arthur | Burnt Embers | 69 |
Angel | Colin | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 81 |
Angen | Olaf | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 244 |
Angen | Olaf and Agnes | Burnt Embers | 207 |
Angen | Olaf Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 91 |
Angen | Olaf, Cecile | Buffalo Trails | 225 |
Anglican Church | Smoky Peace Triangle | 17 | |
Anglican Church | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 9, 141, 209, 215 | |
Anglican Church at Goodwin | Across the Smoky | 307 | |
Anglican Church Van | Across the Smoky | 218, 219, 232 | |
Anglican Church Van | Across the Smoky | 218, 219, 232 | |
Anglican Mission | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 88, 140, 167, 193, 196, 228, 254 | |
Anglican Women's Auxiliary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 40, 162, 195 | |
Angstadt | Gary and Joan | Grande Cache: The People | 12 |
Angus | J | Pioneers of the Peace | 219 |
Ankwicz | John | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1081 |
Ankylosaurus | A History of Grande Cache | 3 | |
Annellen School | Pioneer Round-Up | 170 | |
Annison | Bert | Pioneer Round-Up | 172 |
Answer to a Question-poem | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 779 | |
Antcliffe | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 503 |
Ante Creek, Dunvegan, Waskihigan, North Tony Development | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 89-92 | |
Anticliffe | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 336 |
Anton | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 134 |
Anton | Pete | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Antonio | John and Anna | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 390 |
Antonio | Walter and Martha | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 117 |
Antypowich | Machelle and Gervin | Grande Cache: The People | 13 |
Antypowich | Roman and Arlene | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 200 |
Appel | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 44 |
Appelle | Henry | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 191 |
Appleton | Edwin E | Pioneers of the Peace | 220, 221 |
Appleton | Fred | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 258 |
Appleton | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 102 |
Appleton | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 41 | |
Appleton Basket Ball Team | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 43 | |
Appleton School | Pioneers of the Peace | 123, 147, 161, 282 | |
Apps | George | Where the Red Willow Grew | 34 |
Arac | Constantine | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 393 |
Arac | Dan and Dorothy | Along the Wapiti | 260 |
Arac | Danny and Dorothy | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 258 |
Arac | Emil and Margaret | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1097 |
Arac | John and Tillie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 259 |
Arcand | Bella | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 377 |
Archaic Period | A History of Grande Cache | 7 | |
Archer | Barney | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 378 |
Archer | Bill | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 27 |
Archer | Bill | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 98 |
Archer | Dave | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 216 |
Archer | Fred | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 215, 216 |
Archer | Hannah | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 380 |
Archer | J C | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 100 |
Archer | J C Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 107 |
Archer | Jessarny | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 98, 212, 215, 216, 217 |
Archer | Joe | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 215 |
Archer | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 98, 212, 216, 238 |
Archer | Joseph | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 222 |
Archer | Joseph (Jack) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 10, 21, 31, 97, 98,112, 141, 198, 216, 224, 254, 255, 256 |
Archer | Joseph C | Pioneers of the Peace | 314 |
Archer | Laurie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 216 |
Archer | Margaret | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 98 |
Archer | Mavis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 216 |
Archer | Robert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 215 |
Archer | Ruth | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 10, 97, 98, 138, 256 |
Archer | Sharon | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 216 |
Archer | William (Bill) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 216 |
Archer Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 81 | |
Archer Family | Along the Wapiti | 332 | |
Archer Mr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 187 | |
Archibald | Fred | Where the Red Willow Grew | 35 |
Archibald | Murray | A History of Grande Cache | 87 |
Archibald | Oscar S | Homesteaders' Heritage | 174 |
Archibald | Ross | Grooming the Grizzly | 245 |
Ardley | Harold and Mary | Along the Wapiti | 333 |
Area Oil and Gas | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 99 | |
Argent | Albert | Across the Smoky | 63 |
Argonaut Co Ltd | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 1,8,23,73 | |
Argonaut Co Ltd 46 | Pioneers of the Peace | 46, 67, 91, 133, 140, 170, 189 | |
Argonaut Co Mill | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 8,11,24,92 | |
Argonaut Sawmill | Pioneers of the Peace | 117,170,190,198, 207, 253, 264, 296, 298 | |
Argonaut Townsite Co | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 25 | |
Argonauts Mill | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 139 | |
Argue | Kenneth | Chepi Sepe | 263 |
Argyropoulos | Sophia Helen | Iosegun Reflections | 229 |
Arlidge | Al and Diane | Bridges to the Past | 98 |
Armagost | Edward and Betty | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 381 |
Armagost | Roy and Nora | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 382 |
Armed Forces | Across the Smoky | 345 | |
Armitage | Wally | Memories and Moments | 154 |
Armstrong | Alan | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 100 |
Armstrong | Ed | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 875 |
Armstrong | Edd | Pioneer Round-Up | 173 |
Armstrong | Edward | Buffalo Trails | 78 |
Armstrong | George | Buffalo Trails | 78 |
Armstrong | Mr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 161 |
Armstrong | Susan Maria | Pioneer Round-Up | 174 |
Arnault | Elzear and family | The First Metis�A New Nation | 94 |
Arnault | Joe and Audrey | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 201-202 |
Arndt | Hugo and Margaret | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 525 |
Arndt | Kay (Moravec) | Chepi Sepe | 264 |
Arndt | Ralph, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 117 |
Arneson | Nels | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 259 |
Arnold | John H | Buffalo Trails | 35 |
Arnold | Jack | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 231 |
Arnold | Joe | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Arnold | Monty and Eve | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 983 |
Arnold | Robert and Monty | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 475 |
Arnold Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 154 | |
Arnup | J P | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 31 |
Arrison | Arnet and Marion | Where the Red Willow Grew | 397 |
Art Club | Chepi Sepe | 202 | |
Artes | Reverend Father | Pioneers of the Peace | 87 |
Aseltine | Had and Margaret | Along the Wapiti | 230 |
Ash | Cecil | Homesteaders' Heritage | 346, 349, 356 |
Ash | Owen | Homesteaders' Heritage | 357 |
Ash | Paul | Homesteaders' Heritage | 350, 357 |
Ash | Reg | Homesteaders' Heritage | 358 |
Ash | Scan and Barbara | Homesteaders' Heritage | 12, 161, 347, 350, 359 |
Ashdown | Rev C G | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 84 |
Ashdown School | Pioneers of the Peace | 144 | |
Ashlee | Walt and Bernice | From Tears to Triumph | 3 |
Ask | Lorne and Anne | Bridges to the Past | 100 |
Asofeet | A | Homesteaders' Heritage | 30 |
Aspen Dale School | Along the Wapiti | 19 | |
Aspen Ridge School | Along the Wapiti | 37 | |
Assen | Christian | Pioneer Round-Up | 434 |
Assiniboine (Stoney) | A History of Grande Cache | 11 | |
Athabasca | A History of Grande Cache | 14 | |
Athabasca Forest | A History of Grande Cache | 51, 65 | |
Athabasca Landing RNWMP Sub District | Pioneers of the Peace | 404 | |
Athabasca Navigation Co 63 | Pioneers of the Peace | 63 | |
Athabasca RNWMP District | Pioneers of the Peace | 402, 404 | |
Athabasca Trail | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 45, 161, 450 | |
Athabasca Trail | Grooming the Grizzly | 546 | |
Athabasca Trail | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 74, 75, 142, 159, 194, 201,221, 236 | |
Athabasca Trail 400 | Pioneers of the Peace | 400 | |
Athabasca-Grouard Trail | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 43 | |
Atherstone | John and Morag | Grande Cache: The People | 14 |
Atkins | Margaret | Burnt Embers | 204 |
Atkinson | Dave | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 186 |
Atkinson | David | Buffalo Trails | 44 |
Atkinson | Doris | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 49, 92 |
Atkinson | Eunice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 259 |
Atkinson | James | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 186 |
Atkinson | James, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 35 |
Atkinson | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 168 |
Atkinson | Walter | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 316 |
Atkinson | Walter | Where the Red Willow Grew | 39 |
Atkinson | Walter | Across the Smoky | 57 |
Atkinson | Walter Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 77 |
Atkinson | William | Pioneer Round-Up | 436 |
Atkinson | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 61 |
Atkinson and Clarke | Chepi Sepe | 265 | |
Atlas Lumber Company | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 65 | |
Attrux | Laura | Where the Red Willow Grew | 40 |
Atwood | Loral and Cameron | Grande Cache: The People | 14 |
Auclair | Victor | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 316 |
Audet | Albert and Hilda | Smoky Peace Triangle | 125 |
Auger | Emil | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 197 |
Auger | Emil | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 135 |
Auger | John (S P) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 125,130, 211 |
Auger | Maria | The First Metis�A New Nation | 94 |
Auger Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 95 | |
Augsten | Toni and Frida | From Tears to Triumph | 95 |
Austin | Alf and May | From Tears to Triumph | 215 |
Austin | Benjamin (Ben) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30, 98, 257 |
Austin | Benjamin and Gertrude | Along the Wapiti | 334 |
Austin | Doris | Across the Smoky | 303 |
Austin | Gertrude | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 98, 257 |
Automobile | first | Pioneers of the Peace | 27 |
Avondale School | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 37 | |
Avramovich | George and Mrs | Homesteaders' Heritage | 412 |
Awards and Achievements | Burnt Embers | 504, 505, 506 | |
Axelson | Grandma | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 293 |
Axelson | Ruth | Across the Smoky | 300 |
Axelson | Pioneer Round-Up | 436 | |
Axon | D H | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 28,29 |
Axon | D H | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 118 |
Axon | Dave H | Pioneers of the Peace | 136,138,140,161,165,000 |
Axon | Jack | Pioneers of the Peace | 138, 140, 152, 178, 207 |
Axon | Jack | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 156 158,168 |
Ayer | Miss | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 73 |
Aylesworth | James | Along the Wapiti | 135 |
Ayling | Jim and Janet | Smoky Peace Triangle | 126 |
Ayres | Harry | Pioneers of the Peace | 275 |
B J Warren Contracting | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 106 | |
B O Flour Mill | Pioneers of the Peace | 39 | |
B P O Elks | Smoky Peace Triangle | 79 | |
B52 Article | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 167 | |
Babala | Jim | A History of Grande Cache | 46 |
Babb | Donny and Cheryl | Iosegun Reflections | 231 |
Babb | Kim and Wendy | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 203 |
Babb Family | Iosegun Reflections | 229 | |
Baber | Charmaine and Erval | Chepi Sepe | 266 |
Babett | Harry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 328 |
Babiak | Nellie | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 330 |
Babiak | Nick | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 330 |
Babington | A W | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 3 |
Babiuk | Alex and Nora Esther (Young) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 579 |
Babiuk | Nora and Alex | Chepi Sepe | 266 |
Babler | Chris and Susan | From Tears to Triumph | 62 |
Babnick | Mike and Mary | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 118 |
Babuik | Nykola (Nick) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 132 |
Babuik | Tom and Kathryn | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 387 |
Baby Clinic | first | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 100,118 |
Bachmann | Robert | A History of Grande Cache | 86, 87 |
Backelin | Oscar and Ida | Where the Red Willow Grew | 42 |
Backer | Fred and Sandra | Burnt Embers | 208 |
Backer | Henry and Elke | Burnt Embers | 372, 437 |
Backer | Jacob and Lena | Burnt Embers | 207 |
Backham | Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 221 |
Backus | Winston (M L A) | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 28, 29 |
Bacon | R C | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 526 |
Bad Heart Bush Fire | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 75 | |
Bad Heart District | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 15, 24 | |
Bad Heart Early Settlers | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 21 | |
Bad Heart Schools | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 17 | |
Bad Heart Straw Church | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 20 | |
Badger | Alex | Where the Red Willow Grew | 350 |
Badger | Dick | Pioneers of the Peace | 147 |
Badger | George, Helen, Family | Buffalo Trails | 144 |
Badger | Gordon and Ethel | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 394 |
Badger | Henry George | Where the Red Willow Grew | 398 |
Badger | Ivan and Florence | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 576 |
Badger | Norman and Alva | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 396 |
Badger | Norman and Nora | Where the Red Willow Grew | 398 |
Badger | Richard, Mabel, Family | Buffalo Trails | 144 |
Badiuk | Olga and John | Chepi Sepe | 268 |
Badiuk Family | Buffalo Trails | 104 | |
Badiuk Store | The Big Bend | 26 | |
Baduik | Sophie and Nick | Chepi Sepe | 270 |
Baduk | John | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 134 |
Baer | J | Across the Smoky | 175 |
Baergen | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Baglee | Colin | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 336 |
Baglee | James | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 336 |
Baglee | Joseph | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 336 |
Baglee | Josephine | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 336 |
Baglee | Mona | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 337 |
Baglee | Rita | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 337 |
Bagnall | H S Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 220, 221 |
Bagnall | Herbert S Rev | Pioneers of the Peace | 200, 203, 220, 221, 238 |
Bagnall | Lucy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 126 |
Bagnall | Rev Herbert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 4, 37, 126 |
Bagnall | Rev Herbert S | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 41,42, 74, 77, 84,92,117 |
Bagnall | Pioneers of the Peace | 272 | |
Bagnell | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 11 | |
Bagnell Bros | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 44 | |
Bahm | Kathy | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 356 |
Bahm | Kathy | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 356 |
Bailey | (Parks) Helen | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 505 |
Bailey | Corporal | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 53 |
Bailey | Dan | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 394 |
Bailey | Douglas, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 96 |
Bailey | George and Emma | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 89 |
Bailey | Jim | Burnt Embers | 121 |
Bailey | L | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 102 |
Bailey | Stanley Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 314 |
Bailey | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 139 | |
Bailie | Bill | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 174 |
Bailie | Charles | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 174 |
Bailie | Donna | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 174 |
Bailie Clinton | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 174 | |
Bain | Dan | Pioneer Round-Up | 179 |
Bain | Duncan and Helen | Along the Wapiti | 203 |
Bain | George and Elenor | Along the Wapiti | 242 |
Bain | Melford | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 236 |
Bain | Michael | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Bain | Steven | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Bain | Tanya | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Bain | Wilma | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Baird | Agnes RN | Pioneers of the Peace | 47-49, 66, 220, 238, 264 |
Baird | Bill | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 13 |
Baird | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 15 |
Baird | Joanne and Al | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 203 |
Baird | Miss (nurse) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 107,116,178 |
Baird | Miss Agnes (RN) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 42, 49,90,93 |
Baird | Reginald | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 16 |
Baisely | Goldsmith | Memories and Moments | 154 |
Baisley | Hilda and John Goldsmith | Chepi Sepe | 271 |
Baker | Miss | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 95 |
Baker | Amy | Pioneers of the Peace | 222 |
Baker | B O S/Sgt RCMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 415 |
Baker | Bob | Pioneer Round-Up | 4a |
Baker | Bob | Pioneer Round-Up | 177 |
Baker | Dorothy | Pioneers of the Peace | 222 |
Baker | Elsie | Pioneers of the Peace | 22 |
Baker | Joseph | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 316 |
Baker | Kathleen | Pioneers of the Peace | 222 |
Baker | N H DLS | Pioneers of the Peace | 54 |
Baker | R H Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 222 |
Baker | Richard | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 89 |
Baker | Richard H | Pioneers of the Peace | 221, 222 |
Baker | Robert John | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 48 |
Baker | Stan and Bev | Bridges to the Past | 18 |
Baker | Ted | Burnt Embers | 205, 441 |
Baker Family | Grande Cache: The People | 15 | |
Bakery Lunch 305 | Pioneers of the Peace | 305 | |
Bakhaug | Sigurd | Buffalo Trails | 17 |
Bakka | Andy | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 393 |
Bakkehaugs | Pioneer Round-Up | 439 | |
Bakken | Martin | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 307 |
Bakken | Ole | Pioneer Round-Up | 442 |
Bakko | Eunice and Nels | Pioneer Round-Up | 467 |
Bakstad | Christian | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 262 |
Bakstad | Christian, Family | Buffalo Trails | 208 |
Bakstad | Matt | Pioneers of the Peace | 242 |
Bakstad | Matt Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 244 |
Bakstad | Matt, Hilda, Family | Buffalo Trails | 208 |
Bakstad | Matthew and Hilda | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 92 |
Bakstad | Oscar | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 67 |
Bakstad | Oscar and Nora | Burnt Embers | 457 |
Bakstad | Oscar, Nora, Family | Buffalo Trails | 208 |
Bakuniuk | Dmitri and Martha | Burnt Embers | 281 |
Balanko | Mike and Mary | Smoky Peace Triangle | 127 |
Balderson | Bert | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 49 |
Balderston | Bart | Pioneer Round-Up | 179 |
Balderston | Bart, Family | Buffalo Trails | 21 |
Balderston | Bert and Irene | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 809 |
Balderston | Bert Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 254 |
Balderston | Harvey | Buffalo Trails | 121 |
Balderston | John and Annie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 90 |
Baldwin | G W (MP) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 145 |
Baldwin | Jonas, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 123 |
Baldwin | Walter | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 157 |
Baldy Red | Pioneer Round-Up | 178 | |
Baldy Red 169 | Pioneers of the Peace | 169 | |
Balfour | Harry | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 156, 211 |
Balfour | Harry E | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33, 34, 37 |
Balinsky | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 209 | |
Balisky | Alex | Buffalo Trails | 168 |
Balisky | Alexander | Pioneers of the Peace | 222 |
Balisky | Bob and Ruth | Bridges to the Past | 19 |
Balisky | Fred | Pioneers of the Peace | 222, 223 |
Balisky | Fred and Mary | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 396 |
Balisky | Fred, Mary, Family | Buffalo Trails | 168 |
Balisky | George | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 50, 105 |
Balisky | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 222, 223 |
Balisky | George Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 223 |
Balisky | George, Nellie, Family | Buffalo Trails | 127 |
Balisky | John | Pioneers of the Peace | 222 |
Balisky | John and Stacie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 397 |
Balisky | John, Olina, Family | Buffalo Trails | 139 |
Balisky | Larry | Pioneers of the Peace | 222 |
Balisky | Mary | Pioneers of the Peace | 222 |
Balisky | Nick | Pioneers of the Peace | 222 |
Balisky | Nick, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 129 |
Balisky | William and Mary | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 400 |
Ball | Jim | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 565 |
Ball | Otto | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 260 |
Ball Teams | Burnt Embers | 84 | |
Ball Teams | Smoky Peace Triangle | 114 | |
Ball Teams (early) | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 401 | |
Ballantyne | Elizabeth | Pioneers of the Peace | 276 |
Balmer | Fred | Pioneers of the Peace | 203, 205 |
Balmer | Fred and George | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 152 |
Balmer | Fred L | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 26,79 |
Balmer | George W T | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 25,49,55,99 |
Balmer | George W T | Pioneers of the Peace | 5, 6,150, 266, 291 |
Balmer | George, Olive | Buffalo Trails | 120 |
Balmer | Lyle and Lark | Grande Cache: The People | 16 |
Balmer&Gould | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 25, 41, 47 | |
Balogh | Dave and Judy | Grande Cache: The People | 16 |
Bancesco | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 260 |
Bancroft | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Bandet | Lorraine and Leon | From Tears to Triumph | 63 |
Bandet | Peter and Rita | From Tears to Triumph | 64 |
Bandusky | Jake | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 203 |
Bandzul | Joe | Across the Smoky | 91 |
Bandzul | John and Mary-Ann | Bridges to the Past | 214 |
Bangen | Alvin | The Northfield Settlement | 65 |
Bangen | Alvin | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 55,56,231,242 |
Bangen | Orlo | The Northfield Settlement | 67 |
Bangen | Orlo | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 55, 232, 242 |
Bangen | Orlo and Eileen | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 578 |
Bangen | Tollef | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 94, 242 |
Bangen | Truman | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 51, 56, 94, 242 |
Bangen | Truman | The Northfield Settlement | 66 |
Bangen | Truman Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 333 |
Bank Act | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 21 | |
Banker | Wilfred (Bud) | Homesteaders' Heritage | 176 |
Bankhead | Chris | Grooming the Grizzly | 246 |
Bankhead | Pres | Grooming the Grizzly | 246 |
Banks | Anne (Lazoruk) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 134 |
Banks | Randy | Grande Cache: The People | 16 |
Banks | Reverend | A History of Grande Cache | 89 |
Banks | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 139,141 | |
Banks - Canadian, Commerce | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 20-22 | |
Banks - Canadian-Imperial | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 20-22 | |
Banks - First | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 20 | |
Banks - Merchant | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 20,21 | |
Banks - Montreal | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 20 | |
Banks - Nova Scotia | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 22 | |
Banks - Royal | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 20,21 | |
Banks - Toronto-Dominion | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 22 | |
Banks - Treasury Branch | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 22 | |
Banks - Union | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 20,21,24 | |
Banks -Central | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 21 | |
Banks Grande Prairie | Pioneers of the Peace | 170, 190 | |
Banks Spirit River | Pioneers of the Peace | 176 | |
Banman | Abe | Along the Wapiti | 208 |
Bannister | Pioneers of the Peace | 316 | |
Banser | Don | Homesteaders' Heritage | 174 |
Banser | Herman | Homesteaders' Heritage | 160, 174 |
Banser | Sig | Homesteaders' Heritage | 158, 175 |
Banser | Wilfred (Bud) and Family | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 129 |
Banting | Clara and Doug | Chepi Sepe | 271 |
Banting | Meredith | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 29 |
Baptismal Ceremony, first | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 | |
Baptist Church | Pioneers of the Peace | 200, 220, 221 | |
Baptiste-Gouchio | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 83 | |
Bar | Jack and Annie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 91 |
Baranec | Florian | Grooming the Grizzly | 248 |
Barbarich | Nick and Barbara | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 458 |
Barber | Capt | Pioneers of the Peace | 164 |
Barber | Caroline and Bob | Chepi Sepe | 272 |
Barber | Fred | Along the Wapiti | 334 |
Barber | Muriel | Grande Cache: The People | 16 |
Barber, first | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 39,102 | |
Barber-Smith | F Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 107, 228, 229 |
Barber-Smith | Frederick | Pioneers of the Peace | 107 |
Barber-Smith | Jessamy | Pioneers of the Peace | 107 |
Barber-Smith | Mavis | Pioneers of the Peace | 107 |
Barclay | Harry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 17 |
Bardo | John | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 14 |
Barfel | Erna | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 242 |
Barich | Edith (Markovich) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 135 |
Baril | Leo | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 66 |
Barker | Al | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 503 |
Barker | B O (S/Sgt RCMP) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 62 |
Barker | Bill | A History of Grande Cache | 59 |
Barker | Bill | Across the Smoky | 266 |
Barker | Ed | Burnt Embers | 122 |
Barkman | Melvin and Gwen | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 384 |
Barley | Ann Jane | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 99 |
Barley | Cicily (Percy) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 99, 136 |
Barley | Dean | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 88, 99 |
Barley | Dorothy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 99 |
Barley | Edith | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 99 |
Barley | Ellinor | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Barley | Geraldine Carol | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100, 206 |
Barley | Glenda Darlene | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 99 |
Barley | Jason | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Barley | Kristen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Barley | Margot | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Barley | Reta | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 99 |
Barley | Robert James (Bob) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 99 |
Barley | Stanley (Scan) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 99, 117, 124 |
Barley | Thelma | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 99, 134 |
Barley | Thelma Joyce | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 99, 100, 223 |
Barlow | Constance | Burnt Embers | 274 |
Barlsch | Peter | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 34, 176, 277 |
Barmettler | AI (Alois) Paul and Sylvia Marie (Ellis) | From Tears to Triumph | 65 |
Barnard | Errol and Kay | From Tears to Triumph | 96 |
Barnard | W R | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 50 |
Barnes | Alfred | Buffalo Trails | 225 |
Barnes | Frank | Where the Red Willow Grew | 495 |
Barnes | John and Bill | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 118 |
Barnett | Paul | The Big Bend | 247 |
Barney | Alan | Grande Cache: The People | 17 |
Barnfield | Keith and Judy | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 260 |
Barnhardt | Norman and Dolly | Smoky Peace Triangle | 128 |
Baron | Margaret Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 123 |
Barr | Dave | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 153 |
Barr | Dave | Pioneers of the Peace | 297 |
Barr | Duncan | Buffalo Trails | 6 |
Barr | Harry, Nellie | Buffalo Trails | 203 |
Barr | Jack | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 105 |
Barr | Scotty | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 857 |
Barr | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 260 |
Barratt | Edward | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 393 |
Barre | Arthur | Pioneer Round-Up | 63 |
Barre | Ralph | Pioneer Round-Up | 64 |
Barren | Bill (Billy Kerplunk) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30 |
Barrett | Joe | Pioneers of the Peace | 323 |
Barrett | William | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 810 |
Barrett Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 504 | |
Barrette | Yvette and Jean-Marie | Smoky Peace Triangle | 129 |
Barrick | Ed | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 8 |
Barry | Gerald | Smoky Peace Triangle | 130 |
Barry | Gordon and Dawna | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 204 |
Bartel | Ernie - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 488 |
Bartel | Henry | Bridges to the Past | 2 |
Bartell | Henry D | Across the Smoky | 162 |
Bartlett | Wilmot and Elizabeth | Where the Red Willow Grew | 44, 399 |
Barton | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 247 |
Bartsch | Barbara | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 90, 289, 301 |
Bartsch | George | Pioneer Round-Up | 381 |
Bartsch | John | Pioneer Round-Up | 382 |
Bartsch | Mrs | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Bartusek | Ernst and Erna | From Tears to Triumph | 97 |
Bartusek | George and Theresa | From Tears to Triumph | 98 |
Barwise | Joan | A History of Grande Cache | 75 |
Barwise | Reverend | A History of Grande Cache | 89 |
Basaraba | Ernie | Grande Cache: The People | 18 |
Baschawerk | George | Burnt Embers | 122 |
Base | Beulah | Pioneers of the Peace | 131 |
Base | John | Pioneers of the Peace | 155 |
Baseball | The Northfield Settlement | 10 | |
Baseball | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 41,79 | |
Baseball | Grooming the Grizzly | 496 | |
Baseball | Grooming the Grizzly | 134-7 | |
Baseball in and around Spirit River | Chepi Sepe | 244 | |
Basisty | Jerry and Stephanie | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 507 |
Basisty | John and Katherine | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 505 |
Baskerville | Jack | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 158 |
Basketball | The Northfield Settlement | 11 | |
Basketball | From Tears to Triumph | 363 | |
Basly | Gabriel | Along the Wapiti | 243 |
Bass | George and Florence | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 255 |
Bassarab | Walter (Babe) | Where the Red Willow Grew | 350 |
Bastin | Ethel, RN | Pioneers of the Peace | 235 |
Batcheller | Fred | Homesteaders' Heritage | 8 |
Bateman | Alvin | Pioneer Round-Up | 442 |
Bateman | Art and Marie | Along the Wapiti | 22 |
Bateman | Dewey | The Big Bend | 26 |
Bateman | Grant and Carol (Clarke) | Bridges to the Past | 216 |
Bateman | Joseph | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 547 |
Bateman | Maude and Ray | Chepi Sepe | 273 |
Bateman | Pioneers of the Peace | 326 | |
Bates | Darryl and Valerie | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 130 |
Bates | Earl | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 84 |
Bates | John | Buffalo Trails | 117 |
Bates | Where the Red Willow Grew | 399 | |
Bathtub, homemade | Across the Smoky | 142 | |
Batiman | S M | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 194 |
Batten | Phil and Ruth | Grande Cache: The People | 18 |
Batter | Edward | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 83 |
Batu | Father | Across the Smoky | 308 |
Baucage | Rev Father | Across the Smoky | 308 |
Baudisch | Johann and Hedwig | From Tears to Triumph | 99 |
Bauer | Elmer | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 204-205 |
Bauer | George and Lydia | Along the Wapiti | 39 |
Bauer | Linda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 196 |
Bauer | Shelly | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 206-207 |
Baughn | Ruth | Across the Smoky | 298 |
Baum | Philip and Emilia | Burnt Embers | 209 |
Bauman | Jim | Pioneers of the Peace | 128 |
Baxter | "Buster" | Pioneers of the Peace | 47 |
Baxter | Chuck | Pioneer Round-Up | 9a |
Baxter | Clarence | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | : 29 |
Baxter | Felix | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 73 |
Baxter | Felix | Pioneers of the Peace | 47 |
Baxter | Howard | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 26 |
Baxter | Rev J M | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 84 |
Baxter | W J | The Big Bend | 169 |
Bay Tree Ball Club | Homesteaders' Heritage | 23 | |
Bay Tree District | Homesteaders' Heritage | 16 | |
Bay Tree FWUA | Homesteaders' Heritage | 24 | |
Bay Tree Hall | Homesteaders' Heritage | 20 | |
Bay Tree School | Homesteaders' Heritage | 20 | |
Bay Tree Store | Homesteaders' Heritage | 72 | |
Baycroft | Alvin | Pioneer Round-Up | 442 |
Bayens | Alphonse and Marie | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 198 |
Bayer | Alfred | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 83 |
Bayers | Mary | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 63 |
Bayers | Michael and Betty | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 508 |
Bayers | Nick Family | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 509 |
Bayers | William and Mary (Shewchiw) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 510 |
Bayhan | William | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 35 |
Bayley | George | Across the Smoky | 91 |
Bayley | George S and Ruth | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 528 |
Bayne | Bill | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | |
Bayne | Billy | Pioneers of the Peace | 60, 145 |
Baynes | R E (Magistrate) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 62,144 |
Baynton | Caroline | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 35 |
Baynton | Marie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 227, 229 |
Baynton | Marie Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 212 |
BCFP | A History of Grande Cache | 61 | |
Beade's Flour Mill | Pioneers of the Peace | 9 | |
Beadle | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 504 |
Beadman | Barry | Homesteaders' Heritage | 176 |
Beam | August | Pioneers of the Peace | 71 |
Beaman | Robert | Along the Wapiti | 406 |
Beamer | Harry | Grooming the Grizzly | 248 |
Bean | Billy and Lois | Along the Wapiti | 135 |
Bean | Lois Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 263 |
Bean | Selina | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 212, 214 |
Beany | Jean | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 101 |
Beany | Lucille | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 101 |
Bear | The First Metis�A New Nation | 343 | |
Bear Creek Valley (The) | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 252 | |
Bear Lake | Rural Municipality No 740 | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 26, 27 |
Bear Lake Hockey Team | Pioneers of the Peace | 249 | |
Beard | Ernie | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 280 |
Beard | Len | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 153 |
Beard | Lenard | Grooming the Grizzly | 249 |
Beard | Leonard | Pioneers of the Peace | 151-154 |
Beard | Leonard Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 152, 154 |
Beard | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 19 |
Beard | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 156 |
Bears | Smoky Peace Triangle | 55 | |
Bears | Smoky Peace Triangle | 55 | |
Beath | Anne | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 84 |
Beaton | Mary | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 113 |
Beattie | Jack | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 183 |
Beattie | Jack, Ada, Family | Buffalo Trails | 76 |
Beattie | Joe | Pioneers of the Peace | 328 |
Beattie | John | Pioneer Round-Up | 66 |
Beattie | Mac | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 196 |
Beatty | Bob | Homesteaders' Heritage | 360 |
Beatty | Doug - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 509 |
Beatty | Jack | Pioneers of the Peace | 242 |
Beatty | Jean | Pioneers of the Peace | 73 |
Beatty | Joe | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 119 |
Beatty | Kay | Pioneers of the Peace | 244 |
Beatty | Mack | Pioneers of the Peace | 244 |
Beatty | Mary | Pioneers of the Peace | 73 |
Beatty | Maxine (Burbee) | Homesteaders' Heritage | 136 |
Beatty | Nell | Pioneers of the Peace | 73 |
Beatty | Nell | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 101 |
Beatty | Reg | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 101 |
Beatty | Reginald | Pioneers of the Peace | 73 |
Beatty | Robert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 394 |
Beatty | Ross | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 44 |
Beatty | Ross | Pioneers of the Peace | 47, 73, 92, 142, 202 |
Beatty | Ross | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101, 117 |
Beatty | Ross | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 27, 100, 200, 238, 250 |
Beatty | Ross and Lucille | Along the Wapiti | 335 |
Beatty | Ross Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 73, 131 |
Beatty | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 101 |
Beatty's Sawmill | Pioneers of the Peace | 318 | |
Beaudet | J A | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 157 |
Beaudoin | Joseph | Smoky Peace Triangle | 131 |
Beaudoin | Leon | Smoky Peace Triangle | 131 |
Beaudry | Joseph and family | The First Metis�A New Nation | 98 |
Beaudry Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 97 | |
Beaulieu | Alphonse | Smoky Peace Triangle | 132 |
Beaupre Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 101 | |
Beaver | Harry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 184 |
Beaver | Vernon and Vivianne | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 207 |
Beaver Lodge Baseball Team | Pioneers of the Peace | 128, 244, 277, 321 | |
Beaver Lodge Girls' Hardball Team | Pioneers of the Peace | 277 | |
Beaver Lodge Industrial Co | Pioneers of the Peace | 39 | |
Beaver Lodge Sports Association | Pioneers of the Peace | 277 | |
Beaverlodge | Pioneers of the Peace | 13, 52 | |
Beaverlodge & Lake Saskatoon Agricultural Society | Pioneers of the Peace | 64 | |
Beaverlodge Agricultural Society | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 155 | |
Beaverlodge Alliance Church | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 94 | |
Beaverlodge Anglican Church | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 98 | |
Beaverlodge Artists '76 | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 29, 165 | |
Beaverlodge Band | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 84 | |
Beaverlodge Banking | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 82 | |
Beaverlodge Black Friday | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 88 | |
Beaverlodge Brass Band | Pioneers of the Peace | 43 | |
Beaverlodge Community Centre | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 103 | |
Beaverlodge Community Centre | Pioneers of the Peace | 52 | |
Beaverlodge Craft Club | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 104 | |
Beaverlodge Expo Retold | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 107 | |
Beaverlodge First Settlers | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 167 | |
Beaverlodge Hospital | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 115 | |
Beaverlodge Hospital Auxiliary | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 116 | |
Beaverlodge I O D E | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 86 | |
Beaverlodge Jehovah's Witnesses | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 98 | |
Beaverlodge Lodge BPOE No 249 | Pioneers of the Peace | 277 | |
Beaverlodge Logging Bees | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 128 | |
Beaverlodge Lutheran Church | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 98 | |
Beaverlodge Miscellany | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 153 | |
Beaverlodge Moments of Greatness | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 153 | |
Beaverlodge New Town | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 75 | |
Beaverlodge Old Townsite | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 180 | |
Beaverlodge Post Office | Pioneers of the Peace | 13, 32, 39, 61 | |
Beaverlodge Red Cross | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 138 | |
Beaverlodge Royal Canadian Legion | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 120 | |
Beaverlodge Royal Canadian Legion Auxiliary | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 122 | |
Beaverlodge School | Pioneers of the Peace | 39, 43, 52, 69,126,147, 277,313 | |
Beaverlodge Schools | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 143 | |
Beaverlodge Sports | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 139 | |
Beaverlodge Town | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 29 | |
Beaverlodge United Church | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 95 | |
Beavers | A History of Grande Cache | 8, 11, 15 | |
Bechtle | Christian | Burnt Embers | 123 |
Bechtle | Johann and Katharina | Burnt Embers | 122 |
Bechtloff | John | Homesteaders' Heritage | 177 |
Beck | Albert | Homesteaders' Heritage | 30 |
Beck | Bill | Homesteaders' Heritage | 24 |
Beck | Brian and Diane | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 578 |
Beck | Edna, Emil, Ernest | Homesteaders' Heritage | 10,31,347 |
Beck | Emil and Barbara | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 153 |
Beck | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 8 |
Beck | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 295 |
Beck | George | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 26, 123 |
Beck | Hans and Laura | Pioneer Round-Up | 443 |
Beck | Kathy and Walter | Chepi Sepe | 273 |
Beck | Leonhan | Homesteaders' Heritage | 10,32 |
Beck | Mr Justice | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 56 |
Becker | Ben | Homesteaders' Heritage | 178 |
Becker | Bill and Ellen | Grande Cache: The People | 19 |
Becker | Hans | Burnt Embers | 373 |
Becker | Stella | Across the Smoky | 294 |
Beckham family | Across the Smoky | 13 | |
Beckman | Miss Medora | Pioneer Round-Up | 348 |
Beckner | Charles F | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 30 |
Bedair Ranch | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 258 | |
Bedard | Elphege and Blanche | Smoky Peace Triangle | 133 |
Bedell | Ernest | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 337 |
Bedier | Frank | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 504 |
Bedier | Frank | Pioneer Round-Up | 67 |
Bedson | Chub and Brandi | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 208 |
Bedson | Eliza J (Johnson) and Frederick J H | Chepi Sepe | 274 |
Bedson | Fred | Memories and Moments | 76 |
Bedson | Fred | Pioneers of the Peace | 19, 38, 65 |
Bedson | J H | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 |
Beechall | Guy | Pioneer Round-Up | 68 |
Beef Ring | The Big Horn School District | ||
Beekeeping | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 106 | |
Beekeeping | Across the Smoky | 322 | |
Beet Syrup | Grooming the Grizzly | 255 | |
Beet Syrup | Grooming the Grizzly | 252 | |
Before the Present | Smoky Peace Triangle | vi | |
Before the Settlers Came | Burnt Embers | 7 | |
Begg | Frances Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 312 |
Beginning Education | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 123 | |
Behrens | Grace | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 38 |
Behrens | Sylvia | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 209-210 |
Behuncik | Charles | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 130 |
Behuncik | Charlie | Homesteaders' Heritage | 178 |
Beiferd | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 280 | |
Beilman | John | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 422 |
Beim | Ole, Annie, Family | Buffalo Trails | 103 |
Beisel | Clifford | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 7 |
Beisel | Louis | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 8 |
Bekkeheim | Ted | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 225, 260 |
Bekkeheim | Trygve (Ted) | Across the Smoky | 92 |
Bekkerus | Harvey, Dorphy, Family | Buffalo Trails | 212 |
Bekkerus | Darrel | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 35, 44, 52, 56, 64 |
Bekkerus | Esther | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 191 |
Bekkerus | Harvey | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 30, 39, 44, 49, 57, 70, 96, 97, 98, 237 |
Bekkerus | Henry | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 96, 98, 190 |
Bekkerus | The Northfield Settlement | 56 | |
Beland | Joan | A History of Grande Cache | 78 |
Beland | Vic | A History of Grande Cache | 69 |
Beland | Victor and Joan | Grande Cache: The People | 20 |
Belcher | Percy Magistrate | Pioneers of the Peace | 411 |
Belchor | Percy H (Magistrate) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 59,106 |
Belcourt Family | Along the Wapiti | 132 | |
Belcourt | Barney | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 55 |
Belcourt | Frances and Phyllis | Where the Red Willow Grew | 404 |
Belcourt | Loretta | Grande Cache: The People | 21 |
Belcourt | Norman | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Belcourt | Pierre | Along the Wapiti | 130 |
Belcourt | William | The First Metis�A New Nation | 113 |
Belcourt Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 109 | |
Belcourts | 1st and 2nd Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 107 |
Belcourts | 3rd Generations, Alexis | The First Metis�A New Nation | 108 |
Belford | Joe | Across the Smoky | 63 |
Belford | T | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 99 |
Belfrey | Bill | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 174 |
Belfry | Bill | Pioneers of the Peace | 169 |
Belfry | Bill and Mrs | Along the Wapiti | 74 |
Belik | G | Buffalo Trails | 79 |
Bell | Ada | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Bell | Adam | Buffalo Trails | 45 |
Bell | Beatrice and William | Chepi Sepe | 275 |
Bell | Cecil R | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 135 |
Bell | Cecil R | Pioneers of the Peace | 142 |
Bell | George | Buffalo Trails | 44 |
Bell | James | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 46 |
Bell | James (Joe) | Buffalo Trails | 45 |
Bell | Jim | Across the Smoky | 176, 244, 206 |
Bell | Jim | Pioneers of the Peace | 25 |
Bell | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 44 |
Bell | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Bell | Mrs Cecil R | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 118 |
Bell | Oliver | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 44 |
Bell | Oliver Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 146 |
Bell | Oscar | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 434 |
Bell | Robert | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 14 |
Bell | William | Memories and Moments | 155 |
Bell | William and Hattie | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 521 |
Bellack | Kurt | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 253 |
Bellam | Howard and Jennie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 810 |
Bellamy | Howard, Jennie, Family | Buffalo Trails | 189 |
Bellerose | 1st Generation, Olivier | The First Metis�A New Nation | 114 |
Bellerose | 2nd Generation, Octave | The First Metis�A New Nation | 114 |
Bellerose | 3rd Generation, Pierre | The First Metis�A New Nation | 116 |
Bellerose | Jim | The First Metis�A New Nation | 118 |
Bellerose | Narcisse | The First Metis�A New Nation | 115 |
Belley | Willie | Smoky Peace Triangle | 134 |
Bell-Fleming Co | Pioneers of the Peace | 266 | |
Bellock | Kurt | Pioneers of the Peace | 261, 262 |
Belloy | Grooming the Grizzly | 56-67, 280 | |
Belloy | Grooming the Grizzly | 276 | |
Belloy - Looking Back | Grooming the Grizzly | 174 | |
Belloy Churches | Grooming the Grizzly | 66-7 | |
Belloy School | Grooming the Grizzly | 64-5 | |
Belloy Sports and Organizations | Grooming the Grizzly | 157-8 | |
Bellwood | Harold and Helen | Iosegun Reflections | 232 |
Bellwood | Leyster | Memories and Moments | 232 |
Bellwood | Leyster and Rosalie | Burnt Embers | 123 |
Beloin | Edmond J | Iosegun Reflections | 51, 233 |
Belshaw | Eva | Across the Smoky | 291 |
Belvedere | R G | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 383 |
Belyea | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 63 |
Bembow | Lafe and Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 528 |
Benedict | Mrs | Across the Smoky | 291 |
Benn | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 443 |
Bennett | Harold | Grooming the Grizzly | 252 |
Bennett | Stewart | Grooming the Grizzly | 250 |
Bennett Buggy | Grooming the Grizzly | 468 | |
Bennett Buggy | Grooming the Grizzly | 468 | |
Bennie | Nalalie (Solomiany) | Chepi Sepe | 278 |
Benoit | 1st and 2nd Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 304 |
Benoit | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 254 | |
Benson | Trigvie, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 92 |
Benson | Betzy | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 131 |
Benson | Campbell | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 3,5,7,25 |
Benson | Campbell | Pioneers of the Peace | 5, 14-16, 26, 98, 102, 140, 164, 176, 190, 192, 198, 207, 266, 268, 330, 405 |
Benson | Campbell | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 17, 112,118, 132, 152,158,167, 170 |
Benson | Campbell Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 14-16, 172, 238, 266, 268, 269, 295 |
Benson | Dick and Sadie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 155 |
Benson | Fred | The Big Bend | 105 |
Benson | Kathryn and Maurice | Pioneer Round-Up | 14a |
Benson | Lila | Pioneers of the Peace | 15 |
Benson | Melvin Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 149 |
Benson | Mrs Campbell | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 5, 92 |
Benson | Trygve | Pioneer Round-Up | 443 |
Benson | Yorgen | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 280 |
Benson & Roberts | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 50 | |
Benson Brothers | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 69 | |
Benson's Point | Pioneers of the Peace | 16 | |
Benson's Stopping Place | Pioneers of the Peace | 81, 135, 169, 172, 178, 264 | |
Benson's Stopping Place | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 13,102 | |
Benterud | Kris | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 85 |
Benterud | Raanvold | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 35, 44, 99 |
Bentley | Harry | Homesteaders' Heritage | 179 |
Bentley | Herbert | Homesteaders' Heritage | 161 |
Bentley | Wes | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 13,113 |
Bentley | Wes | Pioneers of the Peace | 176, 190, 208, 219 |
Bently | Mr | Pioneer Round-Up | 444 |
Bentum United Church | Pioneers of the Peace | 32, 52, 282 | |
Benturn | Rev | Pioneers of the Peace | 52 |
Benville | Alberta | Pioneers of the Peace | 158 |
Bequette | Dale | Memories and Moments | 232 |
Bequette | Louis | Memories and Moments | 232 |
Berent | Art and Bette | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 211 |
Bereska | John' | Burnt Embers | 457 |
Berg | Anton and Freda | Along the Wapiti | 287 |
Berg | Carl | Along the Wapiti | 288 |
Berg | Dave and Leafa | Where the Red Willow Grew | 47 |
Berg | David | Burnt Embers | 69 |
Berg | Eric | Along the Wapiti | 288 |
Berg | Eric P | Pioneers of the Peace | 134 |
Berg | Fridtjof, Marie Family | Buffalo Trails | 47 |
Berg | Gerhard | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 5 |
Berg | Jacob | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Berg | Jacob | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 215 |
Berg | Jacob | Grooming the Grizzly | 255 |
Berg | Lyle | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 6 |
Berg | Mikkel | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 55,85,142,233 |
Berg | Norman and Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 6 |
Berg | Ole | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 201,253,265 |
Berg | Ole | Buffalo Trails | 47 |
Berg | Sigvart | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 11, 55, 234 |
Berg | Sigvart and Gehard | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 422 |
Berg | Sigvert | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 105 |
Berg | The Northfield Settlement | 63 | |
Berg Bros | Pete, Sig, Vern | Homesteaders' Heritage | 33 |
Berge | Bennie | Pioneers of the Peace | 313 |
Berge | Halvor | Pioneer Round-Up | 444 |
Berge | Ken O | A History of Grande Cache | 69 |
Berge | Milo | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 260 |
Bergeland | Rev Daniel | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 87 |
Berger | Borger | Across the Smoky | 65 |
Bergeron | Pete | Along the Wapiti | 207 |
Bergeron | Tom | Smoky Peace Triangle | 134 |
Berget | Edwin | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 142 |
Berghs | Marcel | The Big Bend | 205 |
Bergin | E V | Pioneers of the Peace | 118 |
Bergland | Dan | Burnt Embers | 69 |
Bergquist | Ken and Cheryl | Grande Cache: The People | 21 |
Bergquist | Olaf, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 207 |
Bergsmas | Andrew and Akke | From Tears to Triumph | 216 |
Bergsten | Dan and Bill | Where the Red Willow Grew | 47 |
Bergstrom | Charles | Pioneer Round-Up | 445 |
Bergstrom | Herb and Muriel | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 721 |
Berkland | Odd | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 242 |
Berkner | Al and Pauline | From Tears to Triumph | 100 |
Berkszczuk | Dmitro (Berchuk, Matt) | Burnt Embers | 282 |
Berland | Marie | A History of Grande Cache | 19 |
Berlet | Irvin | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 337 |
Bernard | Agnes | Homesteaders' Heritage | 165 |
Bernard | Louis | The Big Bend | 29 |
Bernard | Mabel, Louis and Family | Chepi Sepe | 279 |
Bernard | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 435 |
Bernard | William | Pioneers of the Peace | 32, 39 |
Bernard | William | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 147,190 |
Bernard | Wm Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 197 |
Berner | Norman and Don | Grooming the Grizzly | 257 |
Bernie-Browne | Jack | Across the Smoky | 266 |
Bernstein | Mrs | Across the Smoky | 291 |
Berquist | Olaf | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 64, 289 |
Bert | Victor | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 170 |
Bertram | August | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 143 |
Bertrand | Arthur and Marlene | Grande Cache: The People | 22 |
Berwyn | Alberta | Pioneers of the Peace | 174 |
Berzin | Charlie | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 142 |
Bescen | Baptiste | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 100 |
Bessborough | Governor General | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 143 |
Bessent | Mrs Elsie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 221 |
Besson | Baptiste | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 257 |
Best | Bert and Rita | From Tears to Triumph | 218 |
Best | Clifford | Grooming the Grizzly | 257 |
Best Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 565 | |
Bethany Church | Pioneer Round-Up | 12a | |
Bethel Chapel | Grooming the Grizzly | 44-5 | |
Bethel Chapel | Grooming the Grizzly | 44-5 | |
Bethel Church | Buffalo Trails | 3 | |
Beth's Books | Chepi Sepe | 203 | |
Bethume | Baptiste | Along the Wapiti | 130 |
Betnaza | Anne (Guydash) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 332 |
Better Farming | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 115 | |
Better Farming | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 87 | |
Bezanson | A M | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 3,6,7,10,13,14,53, 73,145 |
Bezanson | A M | Pioneers of the Peace | 14, 25-28, 42, 92, 214, 252, 285, 291 |
Bezanson | A M | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 80 |
Bezanson | A M Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 26, 27, 192 |
Bezanson | Ancel Maynard | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 10, 18, 24, 68, 69,115, 128,244 |
Bezanson | Frank M | Pioneers of the Peace | 26, 28, 238, 253 |
Bezanson | James | Pioneers of the Peace | 27, 28 |
Bezanson | Ralph | Pioneers of the Peace | 261, 262 |
Bezanson | Ralph Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 261 |
Bezanson Consolidated School | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 400 | |
Bezanson Hamlet and Community | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 402 | |
Bezanson Picnic and Stampede | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 420 | |
Bezanson Post Office | Pioneers of the Peace | 215, 246 | |
Bezanson School History | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 75 | |
Bezanson Townsite | Pioneers of the Peace | 28, 227 | |
Bezanson's Stopping Place | Pioneers of the Peace | 61, 145, 189, 203, 253 | |
Biagen | Oden | Where the Red Willow Grew | 405 |
Bialyk | Harry | Burnt Embers | 282 |
Bice | Cecil | Smoky Peace Triangle | 134 |
Bice | Kay | Burnt Embers | 368 |
Bickel | Charlotte | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 63 |
Bickel | Rev Adolph | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 86 |
Bickel | Rev Kurt | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 86 |
Bickell | R N and John | Across the Smoky | 65 |
Bickell (John and Nettie) Family Story | Bridges to the Past | 216 | |
Bickell Families | Bridges to the Past | 217-221 | |
Bickell Family Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 480 | |
Bielecki | John and Helen | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 191 |
Bielecki | Walter Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 86 |
Biendarra | Albert | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 90 |
Biendarra | Albert | Pioneers of the Peace | 223 |
Biendarra | Albert, Mary, Family | Buffalo Trails | 181 |
Biendarra | Augusta | Pioneers of the Peace | 223, 224 |
Biendarra | Bertha | Pioneers of the Peace | 224 |
Biendarra | Charlotte | Pioneers of the Peace | 224 |
Biendarra | Fred | Pioneers of the Peace | 223, 224 |
Biendarra | Fred Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 224 |
Biendarra | Gotleib,Wilhelmina, Family | Buffalo Trails | 181 |
Biendarra | Gottlieb | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 105 |
Biendarra | Gottlieb | Pioneers of the Peace | 223, 224 |
Biendarra | Gottlieb Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 223, 224 |
Biendarra | Mary | Pioneers of the Peace | 223, 224 |
Biendarra | Orton Frederick | Pioneers of the Peace | 224 |
Biendarra | Otto | Pioneers of the Peace | 223, 224 |
Bienert | Ken and Linda | Iosegun Reflections | 234 |
Big Berland River | A History of Grande Cache | 20, 23, 61, 65 | |
Big Grave Flats | A History of Grande Cache | 16, 17, 47, 67 | |
Big Horn School | The Big Horn School District | ||
Big Horn School | Buffalo Trails | 233 | |
Big Horn School | Pioneers of the Peace | 148, 157, 196, 209 | |
Big Six Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 489 | |
Bigey | Bill | Where the Red Willow Grew | 495 |
Bighorn Golden Age Club | A History of Grande Cache | 75 | |
Bighorn Highway | A History of Grande Cache | 67 | |
Biglands | Harry | Grande Cache: The People | 23 |
Bignell | Irvin and Mickey | Iosegun Reflections | 235 |
Bihun | Harry | Grooming the Grizzly | 259 |
Bihun | Harry and Annie | Smoky Peace Triangle | 135 |
Biightwell | Gertrude | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33 |
Bilawchuk | Anne and John | Chepi Sepe | 281 |
Bilawchuk | Lena and Nick J | Chepi Sepe | 282 |
Bilawchuk | Lucy and Edward | Chepi Sepe | 283 |
Bilawchuk | Matt | The Big Bend | 149 |
Bilawchuk | Nellie and William | Chepi Sepe | 284 |
Bilecki | Petro | Burnt Embers | 282 |
Bilinski | Joe | Grooming the Grizzly | 262 |
Bilinski | Joe and Frances | Smoky Peace Triangle | 136 |
Bilke | George and Chris | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 403 |
Bilkes | Albert | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 403 |
Bill | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 80 |
Billedeau | Frenchy | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 261 |
Billey | Doris | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Billey | Ed | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Bilou | Helen | Burnt Embers | 437 |
Bilou | John and Helen | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 141 |
Bimie-Browne (Jack and Aileen) Family | Bridges to the Past | 222 | |
Bingham | Nancy | Grande Cache: The People | 24 |
Binks | Alfred | Pioneers of the Peace | 274 |
Binks | Alfred and Ellen | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 105 |
Binks | Alfred W | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 84 |
Binks | Alfred W | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 173 |
Binks | Charles and Bessie | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 105 |
Binks | Charles Henry | Pioneers of the Peace | 179, 274, 328 |
Binks | Charles Henry | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 200 |
Binks | Cyril | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 85 |
Binks | Cyril - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 489 |
Binks | Elsie | Pioneers of the Peace | 274, 275 |
Binks | Gladys | Pioneers of the Peace | 275 |
Binks | Jack | Pioneers of the Peace | 274 |
Binks | Jack | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 105 |
Binnett | Ray | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 250 |
Binns | Ellen | Burnt Embers | 437 |
Birch | Debby (poem) | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 40 |
Birch | Jack | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 394 |
Birch | Norman | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 37 |
Birch | Homesteaders' Heritage | 416 | |
Birch Hills Senior Centre | Grooming the Grizzly | 156-7 | |
Birch Hills Ski Club | Grooming the Grizzly | 158 | |
Birchall | Rev J E | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 83 |
Birchview Local U F A | Grooming the Grizzly | 120 | |
Bird | Edward | Buffalo Trails | 210 |
Bird | Jack | Homesteaders' Heritage | 346 |
Bird | Jack | The Big Bend | 31 |
Birdsall | Fred | Grooming the Grizzly | 262 |
Birnie-Browne Families | Bridges to the Past | 222-223 | |
Birt J W | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 30 | |
Birth, first white | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 | |
Bisbing | Catherine | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 218 |
Bisbing | Janet Arlene and Harry | From Tears to Triumph | 219 |
Bisbing | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 3 |
Bisgrove | Alf | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 261 |
Bisgrove | Ronnie and Hilda | Along the Wapiti | 260 |
Bishof | A Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Bishop | Cleveland | Homesteaders' Heritage | 179 |
Bishop | Dr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 35 |
Bison Industry | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 108 | |
Bisset | A R | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 84 |
Bissett | Joe | Pioneers of the Peace | 141 |
Bissett Family | Along the Wapiti | 336 | |
Bisson | Baptist | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 1, 67 |
Bisson | Baptiste | Along the Wapiti | 130 |
Bisson Family | Iosegun Reflections | 235 | |
Bixby | Frank | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 258 |
Bjerge | Helmer | Pioneers of the Peace | 320 |
Bjerke | Bennie | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 92 |
Bjerke | Benny | Pioneer Round-Up | 446 |
Bjerke | Carlyle | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 171 |
Bjerke | Mrs | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 260, 261 |
Bjerke | Thor | Pioneer Round-Up | 448 |
Bjerkes | Pioneer Round-Up | 445 | |
Bjorge | Carl, John, Louie | Homesteaders' Heritage | 164, 180 |
Bjorge | Raymond | Homesteaders' Heritage | 130 |
Bjorgufson | Sven | Pioneer Round-Up | 448 |
Bjorgulson | Birgit | Pioneer Round-Up | 23a |
Bjornson | Anne and Bud | Chepi Sepe | 285 |
Bjornson | J O | Along the Wapiti | 406 |
Bjornstrom | Lambert | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 404 |
Bjornstrom | Theador and Erick | Pioneer Round-Up | 449 |
Bjorsund | John | Buffalo Trails | 6 |
Black | "Rusty" | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 22 |
Black | Alexander | Pioneer Round-Up | 449 |
Black | Harvey | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 112 |
Black | Hubert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 330 |
Black | Hubert and Harry | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 187 |
Black | Lester | Burnt Embers | 282 |
Black | Sam | Across the Smoky | 56 |
Black | Tom | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 9 |
Black Cat Ranch | A History of Grande Cache | 42, 43, 45 | |
Black Gold | Simonette Beginnings | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 92-98 |
Blackburn | Charles | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 121 |
Blackburn | Miss | Pioneers of the Peace | 284 |
Blackburn | William | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 126 |
Blackfoot | A History of Grande Cache | 11 | |
Blackie | Douglas | Memories and Moments | 76 |
Blackies and Browns | Chepi Sepe | 285 | |
Blackmore | Gordon and Lois | Burnt Embers | 457, 458 |
Blackmore | Gordon and Lois | Along the Wapiti | 135 |
Blacksmithing | Grooming the Grizzly | 207-16 | |
Blackwell | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 254 | |
Blades | Miss L | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 32, 33 |
Blair | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 436 |
Blair | Morris - Saw:mill | Bridges to the Past | 509 |
Blair | Mrs. T. | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 118 |
Blair | William Henry "Billy" | Pioneers of the Peace | 132, 133 |
Blair Billy | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 436 | |
Blaire | Morris and Lucy | Bridges to the Past | 100 |
Blake | Pioneers of the Peace | 221 | |
Blake | Captain Gilbert | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 98 |
Blake | Mike and Carol | Grande Cache: The People | 23 |
Blake | Sgt RNWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 410 |
Blake | William | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 258 |
Blake Smith Visits Crash Site | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 171 | |
Blakeston | Robert | Burnt Embers | 124 |
Blakis | Bill, George, Jim | Homesteaders' Heritage | 10,181 |
Blakley | Thermon and Mary Lue | Smoky Peace Triangle | 137 |
Blanchard | Ada | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 102 |
Blanchard | Doris | Pioneers of the Peace | 33 |
Blanchard | Doris | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 102 |
Blanchard | Fred | Pioneers of the Peace | 33, 34 |
Blanchard | Fred | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 9, 10, 30, 37, 101, 102, 106, 219, 250, 253 |
Blanchard | Fred Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 33 |
Blanchard | Gladys | Pioneers of the Peace | 33 |
Blanchard | Gladys | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 102 |
Blanchard | Jack | Pioneers of the Peace | 33 |
Blanchard | Jack | Pioneer Round-Up | 68 |
Blanchard | Jack | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 102 |
Blanchard | James | Grande Cache: The People | 24 |
Blanchard | Mabel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 102 |
Blanchard | Mable | Pioneers of the Peace | 33 |
Blanchard | Mrs Fred | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 50, 101, 106 |
Blanchard | Rick and Jean | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 131 |
Blanchard | Steve | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 330 |
Blanchard | Viola | Pioneers of the Peace | 33 |
Blanchard | Viola | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 102 |
Blanchette | Ed and Cheryl | Grande Cache: The People | 24 |
Blanchette | Joe and Josephone | Along the Wapiti | 193 |
Blancnard | Ada | Pioneers of the Peace | 33 |
Blanco | Harry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 99 |
Blanes | Oscar | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 876 |
Blanes | Family | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 262 |
Blarey | Cpl RNWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 7, 407 |
Blask | Albert, Bessie, Family | Buffalo Trails | 255 |
Blatkewicz | Martha | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 175 |
Bleau | Don and Ann | Bridges to the Past | 20 |
Bleaul | Paul | Across the Smoky | 218 |
Bledsoe | Lewis, Hattie | Buffalo Trails | 78 |
Bledsoe | Louis | Pioneers of the Peace | 169 |
Bledsoe | William H | Buffalo Trails | 78 |
Bleke | Arae | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 64 |
Blieu | Pioneers of the Peace | 297 | |
Bligen | L O | Homesteaders' Heritage | 9 |
Blimke | Albert (Mr and Mrs) | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 198 |
Blimke | Arthur and Florence | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 199 |
Blimke | Bernard | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 199 |
Blimke | Errol and Joyce | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 529 |
Blimke | Gustaaf | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 201 |
Blimke | Herbert and Maggie | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 201 |
Blimke | John (Mr and Mrs) | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | |
Blimkie | Gustaaf | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 201 |
Bliss | John Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 449 |
Bliss | Ken and Roseanne | Iosegun Reflections | 237 |
Bliss | Roland | Where the Red Willow Grew | 495 |
Block | Edward and Jean | Grande Cache: The People | 25 |
Block | Verna and Dr Erv | Chepi Sepe | 287 |
Block Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 69 | |
Blockridge | Joe | Across the Smoky | 298 |
Blois | Allan | Grooming the Grizzly | 266 |
Blois | Leonard | Grooming the Grizzly | 264 |
Blom | Kees and Hilda | Along the Wapiti | 136 |
Blomert | Peter and Inga | Smoky Peace Triangle | 138 |
Blomley | (Hans Johnson) | Pioneer Round-Up | 26a |
Blomli | Johan, Olea, Family | Buffalo Trails | 242 |
Blondin & Cornwall | Pioneers of the Peace | 403 | |
Blonke | John | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 87 |
Blonski | Carl | Grooming the Grizzly | 266 |
Blonski | John and Annie | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 142 |
Blonski | Lena(Lazoruk) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 143 |
Blonski | Louie and Lena (Babiuk) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 523 |
Blood Donor Clinic, CRC | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 120 | |
Bloodsaw | Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 318 |
Bloom | Swen | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 7, 106 |
Blooming Valley | Pioneer Round-Up | 450 | |
Blow | E A | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 206 |
Blowers | Mark | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 214 |
Blowers | Ted and Daughne | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 117, 124,211-314 |
Blown | Harry | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 77 |
Blue Diamond Coal | A History of Grande Cache | 49 | |
Blueberry Creek 4-H Club | Chepi Sepe | 216 | |
Blueberry Mountain | The Big Bend | 25 | |
Blueberry Mountain Provincial Grazing Reserve | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 25 | |
Blum | Albert | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 812 |
Blumenschein | Izora (Marlock) | Bridges to the Past | 224 |
Boake | Mathew and Judy | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 131 |
Boake | Matt | Homesteaders' Heritage | 161,183 |
Board of Health | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 141 | |
Board of Trade | Burnt Embers | 454 | |
Board Of Trade | Grooming the Grizzly | 122-7, 177 | |
Board of Trade & Chamber of Commerce | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 48, 59,108,112-115,139,144 | |
Board of Trade, booklets | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 59,139 | |
Boat Brigades | The First Metis�A New Nation | 30 | |
Bo-Beep Inn | Pioneers of the Peace | 131 | |
Bobier | Ed | Grooming the Grizzly | 267 |
Bobrowski | Bill | Burnt Embers | 283 |
Bob's Steamin� N Cleanin� | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 109 | |
Bochner | Charles | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 30 |
Bocquene | Fr | Pioneers of the Peace | 87 |
Bocquene | Rev Fr | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 81 |
Boddy Family | Iosegun Reflections | 237 | |
Bode | Emil, Martin and Alex | Grooming the Grizzly | 269 |
Bode | Families | Buffalo Trails | 109 |
Bode Story | Grooming the Grizzly | 193-4 | |
Bodeker | Ben | Across the Smoky | 19 |
Bodeker | Ben and Lutie | Where the Red Willow Grew | 50 |
Bodeker | Eunice | Where the Red Willow Grew | 52 |
Bodeker | Graham | Where the Red Willow Grew | 51 |
Bodeker | Lutie and Peter George Bendix (Ben) | Chepi Sepe | 288 |
Boe | Art | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 260 |
Boe | Gust | Across the Smoky | 137 |
Boe | Thorny | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 237 |
Boe Carl | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 237 | |
Boeske | Dr | Grooming the Grizzly | 109 |
Boettcher | John, Martha, Family | Buffalo Trails | 105 |
Boettcher | Rudolph and Ernest | Grooming the Grizzly | 270 |
Bogdanek | John and Helen | Smoky Peace Triangle | 139 |
Bogdanek | Nick and Sophie | Smoky Peace Triangle | 139 |
Bogdanek | Steve and Caroline | Smoky Peace Triangle | 140 |
Bogoch | Manuel | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 385 |
"Bohemian Frank" | Pioneers of the Peace | 237 | |
"Bohemian Frank" | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 175 | |
Bohn | Candis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247 |
Bohn | Esther | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247 |
Bohn | Fred, Agnes, Family | Buffalo Trails | 206 |
Bohn | Jack | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247 |
Bohnke | Arthur | Burnt Embers | 458 |
Bohnke | Fredrich | Grooming the Grizzly | 271 |
Bohnke | Gus and Frieda | Burnt Embers | 459 |
Bohrn | Otto | Across the Smoky | 209, 176 |
Boisvert | Noel | Grooming the Grizzly | 273 |
Boivin | Alfred and Marie-Ange | Smoky Peace Triangle | 141 |
Boivin | Henri | Smoky Peace Triangle | 142 |
Boldt | Jacob | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Boldt | Peter | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Boldt | Philip F | Burnt Embers | 120 |
Boldts | Peter | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 216 |
Bolduc | Emil | Grooming the Grizzly | 275 |
Bolhalder | Jacob | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 192 |
Bolin Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 258 | |
Bolonget | Mae | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 31 |
Bolster | Family | Smoky Peace Triangle | 142 |
Bolt | Jake | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Bolt | Mrs | Burnt Embers | 449 |
Bolton | Frederick | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 31 |
Bolton | Lewis | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 44 |
Bolton | Melvin and Nancy | Grande Cache: The People | 26 |
Bolton Tom | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 153 | |
Boman | Eric and Irene | Where the Red Willow Grew | 406 |
Boman | Hilda | Where the Red Willow Grew | 406 |
Boman | Lloyd | Where the Red Willow Grew | 54 |
Boman | Lloyd and Ella | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 215-216 |
Boman | Merrill and Clara | Where the Red Willow Grew | 407 |
Boman | Oscar and Dorothy | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 217 |
Boman | Peter | Where the Red Willow Grew | 407 |
Boman | Ralph | Where the Red Willow Grew | 409 |
Bomback | Rob and Shirley | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 217 |
Bombier | Victor and Nettie | Burnt Embers | 283 |
Bombier | Walter | Burnt Embers | 284 |
Bomod | Johnson & Brick Sawmill | Pioneers of the Peace | 406 |
Bompas | Rev W C | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 71 |
Bonanza | Homesteaders' Heritage | 148 | |
Bonanza 4-H | Homesteaders' Heritage | 167 | |
Bonanza Ball Club | Homesteaders' Heritage | 157 | |
Bonanza Church | Homesteaders' Heritage | 154 | |
Bonanza Curling Rink | Homesteaders' Heritage | 158 | |
Bonanza First Nursing Service | Homesteaders' Heritage | 156 | |
Bonanza FWUA | Homesteaders' Heritage | 160 | |
Bonanza Hail | Homesteaders' Heritage | 153 | |
Bonanza Health Services | Homesteaders' Heritage | 156 | |
Bonanza Hillhaven Cemetery | Homesteaders' Heritage | 155 | |
Bonanza Ladies' Club | Homesteaders' Heritage | 160 | |
Bonanza Post Office | Homesteaders' Heritage | 148 | |
Bonanza School | Homesteaders' Heritage | 151 | |
Bonanza Store | Homesteaders' Heritage | 149 | |
Bonanza Surface Rights | Homesteaders' Heritage | 161 | |
Bonanza, Bay Tree R E A | Homesteaders' Heritage | 161 | |
Bond | Walter | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 89 |
Bondar | Family | The Big Bend | 149 |
Bondar | Pete | The Big Bend | |
Bondarenko | Nick | Pioneers of the Peace | 298 |
Bonderenko | Nick, Family | Buffalo Trails | 154 |
Boness | Knute | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 262 |
Boness | Knute | Pioneer Round-Up | 450 |
Boni | Ed | Grande Cache: The People | 27 |
Bonin | Edward | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 876 |
Bonin | Louis | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 876 |
Bonk | Michael | Pioneer Round-Up | 69 |
Bonn Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 44, 45, 46, 49, 64, 65,70,91,226,253 | |
Boomgaarden | Blanche | Memories and Moments | 157 |
Boomgaarden | Blanche and George | Chepi Sepe | 288 |
Boomgaarden | Pearl and Fred | Chepi Sepe | 289 |
Boone | Ronald and Frances | Grande Cache: The People | 28 |
Boorman | A Rev | Pioneers of the Peace | 119 |
Boorman | Art | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 6 |
Booth | Chet | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 483 |
Booth | James | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 191 |
Booth | James | Pioneers of the Peace | 278 |
Booth | Josh and Marjorie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 24 |
Bopp | Michael | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 67 |
Borassa | G | Homesteaders' Heritage | 2 |
Borden | Blanche | Pioneers of the Peace | 133, 134 |
Borden | Delphine | Pioneer Round-Up | 27a |
Borden | Ellis | Pioneers of the Peace | 133, 285 |
Borden | Fred | Pioneers of the Peace | 133 |
Borden | Lee | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 136 |
Borden | Lee | Pioneers of the Peace | 133 |
Borden | Lee | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 92 |
Borden | Lee and Nell | Pioneer Round-Up | 451 |
Borden | Les | Homesteaders' Heritage | 183 |
Borden | Madge | Pioneers of the Peace | 133 |
Borden | W L Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 133, 134 |
Borden | William L | Pioneers of the Peace | 133, 134 |
Borden | William L | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 149,153,181 |
Borden | Zella | Pioneers of the Peace | 134 |
Borderline History Committee | From Tears to Triumph | ix | |
Bordon | Ellis | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 68 |
Bordtz | William | The Big Bend | 256 |
Boreen | Albert and Lucy | Smoky Peace Triangle | 144 |
Boreen | Don and Leah | Smoky Peace Triangle | 145 |
Boreen | Tuffy (H M) | Smoky Peace Triangle | 146 |
Borgal | Emerson | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 16, 50 |
Borgal | Mrs Emerson | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 16 |
Borgedahl | John and Thora | Pioneer Round-Up | 26a |
Borger | Ferdinand | Pioneer Round-Up | 367 |
Borgerson | Ivor | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 265 |
Borgerson | Brothers | Pioneer Round-Up | 454 |
Borroughs Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 490 | |
Borseth | Erling and Sverre | Grooming the Grizzly | 275 |
Borsky | Alex and Anne | Where the Red Willow Grew | 497 |
Borton | Bethany | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 103 |
Borton | Elizabeth | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 103 |
Borton | Ernest | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 103 |
Borton | Lome | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 103 |
Bossaponte | G | Buffalo Trails | 78 |
Bossenberry | Sid | Homesteaders' Heritage | 185 |
Bossenberry | Sid and Kim | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 132 |
Bosser | Jean Marie | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 149 |
Bossert | Lloyd | A History of Grande Cache | 75 |
Boston Hotel Stopping Place | Pioneers of the Peace | 36 | |
Boswick | Bill | Across the Smoky | 92 |
Botham | Charles Kenneth | Grooming the Grizzly | 276 |
Bott | Connie and Bert | Chepi Sepe | 290 |
Botten | Hector | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 151 |
Bottle | Rhonda and Leonard | From Tears to Triumph | 102 |
Bouchard | Gaspard | Grooming the Grizzly | 280 |
Bouchard | Georges and Denise | Smoky Peace Triangle | 146 |
Bouchard | Mrs Adelaide | Smoky Peace Triangle | 147 |
Bouchard | Roger and Pierette | Smoky Peace Triangle | 147 |
Boucher | Family Tree | The First Metis�A New Nation | 123 |
Boucher | Pierre Jr and Sr | The First Metis�A New Nation | 122 |
Boucher | Roland and Donna | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 385 |
Boucher Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 500 | |
Boucher Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 120 | |
Bouchor | Mrs Owen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 22 |
Bouchor | Owen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 22 |
Bouck | Gordon | Homesteaders' Heritage | 33 |
Bouck | Jim | Homesteaders' Heritage | 185 |
Bouck | Lee | Homesteaders' Heritage | 185 |
Bouck | Lee and Peggy | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 133 |
Bouck | Robert | Homesteaders' Heritage | 186 |
Bouck | Robert and Leslie | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 386 |
Bouck | Roy | Homesteaders' Heritage | 186 |
Bouck | Roy and Jeanie | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 134 |
Bouck Brothers Construction Ltd | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 110 | |
Boudreau Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 125 | |
Boudreault | Cam | Smoky Peace Triangle | 149 |
Boudreault | Jos and Laure | Smoky Peace Triangle | 149 |
Boudreault | Sam | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 147 |
Bouffioux | George T | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 106 |
Boulanger | A | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 41,48 |
Boulanger | Mae | Pioneers of the Peace | 162 |
Boulianne | Alphonse | Smoky Peace Triangle | 150 |
Boulton | Alice B | Pioneers of the Peace | 177 |
Bouma | Rev D C | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 88 |
Boundary 4-H | Homesteaders' Heritage | 27,408 | |
Boundary United Church | Homesteaders' Heritage | 24 | |
Bourassa | Denis | Smoky Peace Triangle | 151 |
Bourassa Family | The First Metis�A New Nation | 124 | |
Bourassa Family | The First Metis�A New Nation | 124 | |
Bourassa Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 126 | |
Bourdon | Bill, James | Homesteaders' Heritage | 16, 20, 33 |
Bourdon | Jules | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 505 |
Bourque | Arthur | Homesteaders' Heritage | 36 |
Bourque | Emil | Homesteaders' Heritage | 37,161 |
Bourque | Henry | Homesteaders' Heritage | 20,38 |
Bourque | Rose Marie | Homesteaders' Heritage | 21 |
Bousefield | Edgar | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 261 |
Bousfield | Pioneers of the Peace | 220, 221 | |
Bousfield | Alice | Pioneers of the Peace | 325 |
Bousfield | Bill | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 233 |
Bousfield | Fannie | Pioneers of the Peace | 155 |
Bousfield | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 154, 155, 278, 325 |
Bousfield | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 233, 258 |
Bousfield | George and Mary | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 51, 106 |
Bousfield | Jack | Pioneers of the Peace | 347 |
Bousfield | Mary Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 155 |
Bousfield | Thomas | Pioneers of the Peace | 325 |
Bousfield | Tom | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 202 |
Bousfield | Tom | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 205, 233 |
Bousfield | William | Pioneers of the Peace | 347 |
Bousted | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 84 |
Bouvier | The First Metis�A New Nation | 128 | |
Bouwmeester | Gerrit and Gerda | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 388 |
Bowen | Sylvester | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 48,123 |
Bowen | Walter | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 484 |
Bowen & Clarke | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 50 | |
Bower | Scott and Leota | Across the Smoky | 176 |
Bowers | Marilyn and Kevin | Grande Cache: The People | 29 |
Bowes | David | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 51 |
Bowes | Howard | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 51 |
Bowes | James E | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 51 |
Bowes | William H | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 51 |
Bowie | Peter | Burnt Embers | 125 |
Bowles | Elsie | Pioneers of the Peace | 47 |
Bowman | H | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 258, 260 |
Bowman | Harold | Across the Smoky | 43 |
Bowman | Harold and Mattie | Bridges to the Past | 154 |
Bowman | J | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Bowman | Jim | Pioneers of the Peace | 407, 408 |
Bowman | Tim | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 122 |
Bowman | Wayne and Joan (Turner) | Bridges to the Past | 224 |
Bowman's Sawmill | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 | |
Bowtell | Arthur | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 90 |
Boy Scouts | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 44 | |
Boy Scouts of America | From Tears to Triumph | 337 | |
Boyartchuck | Martin | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 318 |
Boychuk | Dmitri | Burnt Embers | 286 |
Boychuk | John and Annie | Burnt Embers | 285 |
Boyd | Allan | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 99 |
Boyd | Anne Jane | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 99 |
Boyd | Ben | Along the Wapiti | 406 |
Boyd | Ben | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 103 |
Boyd | Benny | Pioneers of the Peace | 89, 226 |
Boyd | Bill | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 87 |
Boyd | Bill | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 23 |
Boyd | Charles | Along the Wapiti | 406 |
Boyd | Charles | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 103 |
Boyd | Charles A | Pioneers of the Peace | 89 |
Boyd | Dawson | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 106 |
Boyd | Don | Pioneers of the Peace | 219 |
Boyd | Elizabeth | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 103 |
Boyd | Elsie | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 116 |
Boyd | Elsie Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 6 |
Boyd | Emma | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Boyd | Florence | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 103, 109 |
Boyd | Frank | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 437 |
Boyd | Frank | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 103, 255 |
Boyd | Frank and Flora | Along the Wapiti | 337 |
Boyd | Fred | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 76 |
Boyd | Fred | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 87 |
Boyd | Fred | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 79 |
Boyd | Helen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 103, 109 |
Boyd | Holmes | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 437 |
Boyd | Hugh | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 106 |
Boyd | Hugh | Pioneers of the Peace | 219 |
Boyd | Jean | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 259 |
Boyd | Joe | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 102 |
Boyd | Joe | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 103, 198 |
Boyd | Joseph | Along the Wapiti | 406 |
Boyd | Joseph | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 73 |
Boyd | Joseph O | Pioneers of the Peace | 14, 47, 89, 117, 129 |
Boyd | Marguerite | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 80 |
Boyd | Marguerite (Greta) | Pioneers of the Peace | 176 |
Boyd | Matthew | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 40, 43 |
Boyd | Matthew "Scotty" Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 62 |
Boyd | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 48 |
Boyd | Mrs Elsie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 186 |
Boyd | Mrs Joe | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11 |
Boyd | R Fred | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 106 |
Boyd | Roy and Beryl | Along the Wapiti | 338 |
Boyd | Scotty and Yukola | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 578 |
Boyd | Stanley | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 36, 103, 109, 250 |
Boyd | Thomas F | Pioneers of the Peace | 89 |
Boyd | W J | Pioneers of the Peace | 219 |
Boyd | W T | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 106 |
Boyd | Wesley | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 261 |
Boyd | William | Pioneers of the Peace | 225-228 |
Boyd | Yukola and Matthew (Scotty) | Chepi Sepe | 291 |
Boyd | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 42 | |
Boyd and Cook | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 175 | |
Boyd and Johnson | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 14 | |
Boye | Brian and Jackie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 581 |
Boyer | Bob | From Tears to Triumph | 236 |
Boyer | Ike | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 106 |
Boyer | Isaac (Ike) and Bertha | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 119 |
Boyko | Arthur, Peter and Walter | Smoky Peace Triangle | 152 |
Boyko | Maria and Jacob | Chepi Sepe | 293 |
Boyko | Val and Lawrence | Chepi Sepe | 294 |
Boyle | J R | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 9 |
Boyne | Stephen | Burnt Embers | 209 |
Boynton | Bruce and Bernadette | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 150 |
Boynton | Sam | Burnt Embers | 35 |
Boys' and Girls' Camp | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 46 | |
Boys and Girls Club | A History of Grande Cache | 75, 77, 83 | |
Boytzun | Elko | Burnt Embers | 287 |
Bozarth | Carl | The Big Bend | 102 |
Bozarth | Carl and Mona | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 193 |
Bozarth | David | The Big Bend | 33 |
Bozarth | David, Nellie, Family | Buffalo Trails | 162 |
Bozarth | Dick and Family | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 268 |
Bozarth | Iner | The Big Bend | 103 |
Bozarth | Iner and Leona | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 194 |
Bozarth | James M | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 106 |
Bozarth | Jock and Lill | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 404 |
Bozko | George and Anna | Burnt Embers | 287 |
Bozko | Michael | Burnt Embers | 288 |
Bozko | William and Sonya | Burnt Embers | 288 |
Braatan | Louis | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 405 |
Braaten | Laurets (Louis) | Buffalo Trails | 169 |
Braaten | Norman | Homesteaders' Heritage | 413 |
Braaten | Raguild (Roy) | Buffalo Trails | 169 |
Braaten | William | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 86 |
Braathen | William | Pioneer Round-Up | 454 |
Brace | Sven | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 201,261 |
Brackman | Gus and Winnie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 877 |
Bradburn | Donna | Grande Cache: The People | 29 |
Braden Family | Homesteaders' Heritage | 413,416 | |
Bradford | A Dr | Pioneers of the Peace | 66, 75, 91,188,189,190, 197, 312 |
Bradford | Cameron | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Bradford | Dr | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 13 |
Bradford | Dr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 83 |
Bradford | Dr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 147 |
Bradford | Dr Andrew, Family | Buffalo Trails | 155 |
Bradford | Dr Arthur | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 12,13,90,92 |
Bradford | James | Pioneer Round-Up | 455 |
Bradford | Marjorie | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Bradley | Albert and Ella | Where the Red Willow Grew | 409 |
Bradley | Charles and Sarah | Along the Wapiti | 75 |
Bradley | Charlie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 104, 238 |
Bradley | Ed | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 217 |
Bradley | Fred | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 104, 212 |
Bradley | Henry and Madeline | Where the Red Willow Grew | 410 |
Bradley | Herbert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 104 |
Bradley | Irene | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 104, 166 |
Bradley | Jane | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 104 |
Bradley | John R | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 80 |
Bradley | Lawrence | Where the Red Willow Grew | 414 |
Bradley | Mabel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 104 |
Bradley | Miss Muriel | Across the Smoky | 153 |
Bradley | Paul | Where the Red Willow Grew | 415 |
Bradley | Robert | Where the Red Willow Grew | 56 |
Bradley | Sarah | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 104 |
Bradley | Seth | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 104 |
Bradley | Tom and Vina | Where the Red Willow Grew | 417 |
Bradshaw | Wright | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 44 |
Brady | J V | Buffalo Trails | 168 |
Brady | Ralph and Bea | Grande Cache: The People | 29 |
Brady | Jim | The First Metis�A New Nation | 132 |
Brady | Joe | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 407 |
Brady Family | The First Metis�A New Nation | 129 | |
Brainard | Ma, Whirlpool | Pioneer Round-Up | 36a |
Brainard | W L | Pioneers of the Peace | 285 |
Brainard-Henderson | (Inez) | Pioneer Round-Up | 29a |
Brainards | Pioneer Round-Up | 180 | |
Braman | Harry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 204 |
Bramner | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 100 |
Branchflower | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 260 | |
Branden | Mel and Dorleen | Iosegun Reflections | 240 |
Brandsater | John | Pioneer Round-Up | 183 |
Brandsgaard | Roy | Where the Red Willow Grew | 56 |
Brandt | (Basisty) Mary Joan | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 524 |
Branscombe | Arthuretta | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 118 |
Branter | Larry | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 250 |
Braseth | Alfred | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 43, 100 |
Bratland | Ivor | Where the Red Willow Grew | 56 |
Bratt | Birger and Alice | From Tears to Triumph | 66 |
Bratt | Johannes | Pioneer Round-Up | 456 |
Bratt | Marion (Black) | Where the Red Willow Grew | 57 |
Brattly | Julie | Smoky Peace Triangle | 152 |
Braul | Henry and Mary | Pioneer Round-Up | 408 |
Braul Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 195 | |
Braumberger | Bruno and Alice | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 407 |
Braun | Corny | Pioneer Round-Up | 427 |
Braun | Family | Buffalo Trails | 219 |
Braun | Henry | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Braun | Henry and Helen | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 66 |
Braun | Henry and Margaret | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 262 |
Braun | Jacob | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Braun | John | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Braun | John and Tina | From Tears to Triumph | 103 |
Braun | Sigvard and Margaret | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 472 |
Bray | Martha | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 174 |
Braybrook | Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 144, 220 |
Braybrooke | Sarah | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 124 |
Braybrooks | C | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 91 |
Braybrooks | Charles, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 82 |
Brazeau Archival Material | The First Metis�A New Nation | 135 | |
Brazeau Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 134 | |
Breaking | Grooming the Grizzly | 178-81 | |
Breckenridge | Pioneers of the Peace | 9 | |
Bredeson | Gus | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 421 |
Bredeson | Gus | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 202 |
Bredeson | Gus and Emma | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 407 |
Bredeson | Gustav, Family | Buffalo Trails | 143 |
Bredin | Fletcher | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 2, 30, 37, 103, 186, 259 |
Bredin | Fletcner | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 505 |
Bredin | George L | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 5,6,8,23, 25, 39, 73,102 |
Bredin | W Fletcher | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 102, 118, 132, 156, 168, 144,200 |
Bredin | W F Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 73, 74,156, 220, 228 |
Bredin | W F, Anna | Buffalo Trails | 117 |
Bredin | W Fletcher | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 2, 3, 7, 41, 53,63-66, 68, 69,74,78 |
Bredin | W Fletcher | Pioneers of the Peace | 8, 9, 12, 22, 73, 74, 113, 168, 190, 199, 201, 204, 262, 274, 275, 404 |
Bredin & Cornwall | Pioneers of the Peace | 10, 19 | |
Bredin and Cornwall | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 24, 83, 147, 159, 250 | |
Bredin Hotel | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 5,102 | |
Bredin, Cornwall & Roberts | Pioneers of the Peace | 17 | |
Breedin | George | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 19, 118 |
Breedin | George L | Pioneers of the Peace | 17, 26, 39, 102, 117, 140, 169, 190, 208 |
Breedin Hotel | Pioneers of the Peace | 14, 129, 132, 134, 152 | |
Breemer Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 475 | |
Brehmer | Beverly | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 226 |
Brehmer | Dorothy and Arvin | Chepi Sepe | 294 |
Breitkreutz | Edward | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 277 |
Breitkreutz | Edward and Olga | Along the Wapiti | 22 |
Breitkreutz | Ernest | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 278 |
Breitkreutz | Ernest and Olga | Along the Wapiti | 22 |
Breitkreutz | Herman and Emelia | Along the Wapiti | 212 |
Breitkreuz | Cliff | A History of Grande Cache | 91 |
Brekkaas | Klaus | Pioneer Round-Up | 459 |
Brekkas | Klaus | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 234 |
Brekke | Ole | Pioneer Round-Up | 457 |
Brekke | Pauline Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 62 |
Brekken | Oswald | Pioneers of the Peace | 74, 103-106 |
Brekken | Oswald Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 74, 103-106 |
Brekken | Otto | Pioneers of the Peace | 74, 103-105 |
Brekken | Rolf | Pioneers of the Peace | 74, 103-105 |
Breland | Alfred and Augustine | Smoky Peace Triangle | 152 |
Breland | Isidore | Smoky Peace Triangle | 153 |
Bremner | Jim | Chepi Sepe | 297 |
Bremner | Charles | Chepi Sepe | 297 |
Bremner | Charles | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 14 |
Bremner | Charles Sr | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 |
Bremner | Frederick | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 |
Bremner | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 307 |
Bremner | John | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 100 |
Bremner | Margaret | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 |
Brennan | Tewnis Van (Tony) | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 422 |
Brennard | James | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 24 |
Brennick | John | Buffalo Trails | 114 |
Bressler | Edward | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 331 |
Breton | Pioneers of the Peace | 213 | |
Breton | Mr and Mrs | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 233 |
Brett | Lloyd | The Big Bend | 256 |
Brett | Rev T W | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 84 |
Brewer | Charles | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 158 |
Brewer | F T | Pioneers of the Peace | 282 |
Brewer | Franklin | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 261 |
Brewer | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 240 |
Brewster | Fred & Pat | A History of Grande Cache | 24, 41, 43, 47 |
Briard | Linda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Briard | Margaret | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Briard | Philip | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Briard | Ross | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Brick | Allie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 101 |
Brick | Allie MPP | Pioneers of the Peace | 12, 35, 38, 90, 141 |
Brick | Fred | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 48 |
Brick | T Allie | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 27, 28, 48, 94 |
Bricker | Anson | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 9 |
Bricker | Mr and Mrs | Pioneer Round-Up | 68 |
Brickman | Arthur | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 105 |
Brickman | Barry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 105 |
Brickman | Carole | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 105 |
Brickman | E A (Brick) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 16, 105 |
Brickman | Gladys | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 16, 105, 106, 208 |
Bridey | Ira | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 155 |
Bridge | The First Metis�A New Nation | 362 | |
Bridge Opening Celebration | Burnt Embers | 501 | |
Bridge, "Across the Smoky" | Across the Smoky | 349 | |
Bridgebank U F W A | Along the Wapiti | 63 | |
Bridgecreek School | Along the Wapiti | 191 | |
Bridger | Gertrude | Pioneers of the Peace | 245 |
Bridges of Little Smoky | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 24-32 | |
Bridges: Across the Smoky | Bridges to the Past | 458 | |
Bridgeview School District | Burnt River Hall | Memories and Moments | 228 |
Bridgeview School District | Churches | Memories and Moments | 226-228 |
Bridgeview School District | Post Office | Memories and Moments | 228 |
Bridgeview School District | School | Memories and Moments | 217-225 |
Bridgeview School District | Unifarm | Memories and Moments | 229 |
Brierly | J S | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 97 |
Brierly | Phil | Pioneers of the Peace | 138 |
Brietzke | Dale | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 195 |
Brietzke | Gordon | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 196 |
Briggs | Bert | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1098 |
Brightwell | Gertrude | Across the Smoky | 300 |
Brighty | Miss | Grooming the Grizzly | 109 |
Brims | James A | Pioneers of the Peace | 136, 179, 275 |
Brink | Ardrin and Mrs | Along the Wapiti | 338 |
Brinkham | R | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 7 |
Brinkman | Dick | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 29, 69 |
Brinkman | Elsie and Perry | Chepi Sepe | 298 |
Brinkman | Joe | Across the Smoky | 138 |
Brinkman | R | Pioneers of the Peace | 73 |
Brinkman | Richard | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 |
Brisbin | Dave | Homesteaders' Heritage | 150, 155, 187,348 |
Bristow | Bert | Homesteaders' Heritage | 360 |
Bristow | Dudley | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 195 |
Britain | The Big Horn School District | section histories | |
Britten | William | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 75 |
Britton | Bert | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 151 |
Britton | George Garfield | Smoky Peace Triangle | 153 |
Britton | Harry | A History of Grande Cache | 75 |
Britton | Oscar | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 317 |
Britton | Oscar and Ruby | Smoky Peace Triangle | 153 |
Britton | Philip and Shirley | Bridges to the Past | 100 |
Britton | Vernon | Smoky Peace Triangle | 155 |
Broadhurst | Harry and Jessie | Along the Wapiti | 40 |
Broadway | Jack | Homesteaders' Heritage | 160, 190 |
Broadway | Walter | Homesteaders' Heritage | 157, 160, 161, 191 |
Broadway | William (Jr) | Homesteaders' Heritage | 166, 189 |
Broadway | William (Sr) | Homesteaders' Heritage | 151,157, 187,350 |
Brock | Lyvda and Frank | Chepi Sepe | 298 |
Broderick and Family | Chepi Sepe | 299 | |
Brodie | Mr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30, 34 |
Broman | John | Across the Smoky | 138 |
Brome | P A | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 81 |
Bromley | Albert | Across the Smoky | 212 |
Bromley | Bert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 63, 195 |
Bronson | Jasper T | Across the Smoky | 67 |
Bronson Families | Bridges to the Past | 154 | |
Broody | H W and Family | Chepi Sepe | 299 |
Brookbank | Pioneers of the Peace | 219 | |
Brookbanks | James | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 7 |
Brooker | Howard M | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 143 |
Brookes | Jack and Lillian | Bridges to the Past | 21 |
Brooks | Andrew | Memories and Moments | 77 |
Brooks | Andy | Pioneers of the Peace | 14 |
Brooks | Carl | Along the Wapiti | 256 |
Brooks | Carl and Agnes | Along the Wapiti | 261 |
Brooks | Clay | Along the Wapiti | 290 |
Brooks | Dr T H | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 100 |
Brooks | Dust | Pioneers of the Peace | 67 |
Brooks | Dust | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 220 |
Brooks | Dustin | Memories and Moments | 78 |
Brooks | Elizabeth and Barnum Dustin (Dust) | Chepi Sepe | 299 |
Brooks | Flavius and Charlotte | Along the Wapiti | 262 |
Brooks | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 45 |
Brooks | James | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 2 |
Brooks | James I | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 6,14 |
Brooks | Jim | Wagon Trails Grown Over | |
Brooks | Jim | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 37, 140 |
Brooks | Jim | Memories and Moments | 79 |
Brooks | Jim J | Pioneers of the Peace | 13, 14, 17, 65, 128 |
Brooks | Len | Across the Smoky | 93, 214 |
Brooks | Ralph | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 100 |
Broomball | From Tears to Triumph | 363 | |
Broomball Tupper | From Tears to Triumph | 364 | |
Broomfield | Len | Across the Smoky | 51 |
Brosseau Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 138 | |
Brotnov | Doug and Becky | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 217-218 |
Brough | Ethel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 106 |
Brough | Herb | Pioneers of the Peace | 260 |
Brough | Herbert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 106, 137, 146, 182 |
Brough | Nellie (Mrs Herb) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 106 |
Broughton | Allan and Loretta | Iosegun Reflections | 240 |
Brower | Warren and Mary | From Tears to Triumph | 220 |
Brown | Adam | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 879 |
Brown | Alf | Burnt Embers | 125 |
Brown | Alfred, Jane, Family | Buffalo Trails | 115 |
Brown | Alice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Brown | Andrew | Pioneer Round-Up | 184 |
Brown | Andy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 205 |
Brown | Beatrice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 254 |
Brown | Bill | Across the Smoky | 182 |
Brown | Bill | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 254 |
Brown | Buster | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 151 |
Brown | C G | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 37 |
Brown | Cecil | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 307 |
Brown | Cecil and Noreen | Iosegun Reflections | 241 |
Brown | Cecil Robt Douglas "Buster" | Pioneers of the Peace | 303 |
Brown | Charles and Elizabeth | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 256 |
Brown | D P, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 116 |
Brown | Debra | The Big Bend | 169 |
Brown | Don and Pat | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 984 |
Brown | Donald Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 259 |
Brown | E D and Mary | Along the Wapiti | 231 |
Brown | Edward | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 119 |
Brown | Edwin and Ethel | Where the Red Willow Grew | 58 |
Brown | Frank | A History of Grande Cache | 74 |
Brown | Frank | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 395 |
Brown | George | Memories and Moments | 79 |
Brown | George and Marie (McLeod) | Where the Red Willow Grew | 418 |
Brown | Grace | Pioneers of the Peace | 11 |
Brown | H | Pioneers of the Peace | 54 |
Brown | Harold | The Big Bend | 169 |
Brown | Harry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 331 |
Brown | Harry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 254 |
Brown | Jack | Homesteaders' Heritage | 24 |
Brown | Jack and Myrtle | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1127 |
Brown | Jim | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 8 |
Brown | John | Across the Smoky | 149 |
Brown | John Alexander | Burnt Embers | 289 |
Brown | Joshua | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 331 |
Brown | Judy and Harvey | Chepi Sepe | 300 |
Brown | Justine (Bellerose) | The First Metis�A New Nation | 116 |
Brown | Kim | Grande Cache: The People | 31 |
Brown | Lloyd | Homesteaders' Heritage | 192 |
Brown | Margo | Where the Red Willow Grew | 61 |
Brown | P G Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 289 |
Brown | Paul | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 396 |
Brown | Paul R | Pioneers of the Peace | 303 |
Brown | Peggy | Homesteaders' Heritage | 16 |
Brown | Ralph | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Brown | Robert and Kathleen | Grande Cache: The People | 32 |
Brown | Sarah and Robin | Chepi Sepe | 301 |
Brown | Sidney | Where the Red Willow Grew | 60 |
Brown | Tollef | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 246 |
Brown | Tom | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 249 |
Brown | Trace | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 94 |
Brown | W | Homesteaders' Heritage | 9 |
Brown | W A (Bill) | Where the Red Willow Grew | 63 |
Brown | Warren | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 198 |
Brown | William | Grooming the Grizzly | 281 |
Brown | William A | Pioneers of the Peace | 303 |
Brown | William and Frances | Grande Cache: The People | 34 |
Brown | William and Melanie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 156, 408 |
Brown Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 119 | |
Brownies and Guides in Spirit River | Chepi Sepe | 218 | |
Brownlee | Frank | Memories and Moments | 232 |
Brownlee | George | Memories and Moments | 233 |
Brownlee | George and Frank | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 152 |
Brownlee | Mary and George | Chepi Sepe | 301 |
Brownlee | Mr | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 812 |
Browns | Boyd and Gladys | Along the Wapiti | 76 |
Brownscombe | George and Emma | From Tears to Triumph | 4 |
Bruce | Alexander | Pioneer Round-Up | 464 |
Bruce | R D | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 30 |
Bruce | Rob and Ardella | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 389 |
Bruce | Sven | Pioneer Round-Up | 464 |
Bruce | William | Along the Wapiti | 213 |
Brucks | Jake | Grooming the Grizzly | 281 |
Bruels | Harry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 438 |
Bruels | Harry | Pioneers of the Peace | 44 |
Bruenning | Erhart | Burnt Embers | 374 |
Brule | A History of Grande Cache | 18, 20, 42 | |
Brule Lake | Grande Prairie & Peace River RR | Pioneers of the Peace | 25 |
Brumen | Layton | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 485 |
Brumlik | Joseph | From Tears to Triumph | 104 |
Brummund | Ewald | Memories and Moments | 235 |
Brumpton | Thomas and Ellen | Along the Wapiti | 78 |
Bruneau | other Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 142 |
Bruneau Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 140 | |
Brunning | Hubert (Bud) and Vera | From Tears to Triumph | 224 |
Brunning | Vera 100th Birthday | From Tears to Triumph | 224 |
Brunning | Vera and Hubert | From Tears to Triumph | 225 |
Bruntjen | Marcene and Raymond | Grande Cache: The People | 35 |
Bruntjen | Ray | A History of Grande Cache | 74 |
Bruntlett | Chris | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 22 |
Brush | Mrs Ronald | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Brush | Walter | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 383 |
Brush Buddies Art Club | Bridges to the Past | 396 | |
Bruvold | Harry and Anna | From Tears to Triumph | 68 |
Bryan | Ben | Homesteaders' Heritage | 192 |
Bryan | Gertrude | Chepi Sepe | 302 |
Bryan | Jack and Edna | Burnt Embers | 128 |
Bryan | Joyce, Stan and Family | Chepi Sepe | 302 |
Bryan | Orme and Gertrude | Burnt Embers | 120, 126, 204 |
Bryan | Orme and Gertrude | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 457 |
Bryanton | Ted | Pioneers of the Peace | 141 |
Bryenton | Arthur | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 423 |
Bryenton | Gladys | Pioneers of the Peace | 247 |
Bryenton | Mrs Minnie | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 423 |
Brymer | Dean and Brenda | Grande Cache: The People | 36 |
Bryndzak | Grooming the Grizzly | 282 | |
Bryson | W | Pioneers of the Peace | 54 |
Bryzgorni | John, Helen, Family | Buffalo Trails | 140 |
Bryzgorni | John | Where the Red Willow Grew | 499 |
Buchan | Ted and Marina | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 390 |
Buchanan | Edward and Christine | Along the Wapiti | 338 |
Buchanan | Joyce | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 197 |
Buchanan | Keith and Connie | Grande Cache: The People | 36 |
Buchanan | Kent | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 197 |
Buchanan | Kevin | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 197 |
Buchanan | Rev T C | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 10 |
Buchanan | Robert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 197 |
Buchanan | Wib | Grooming the Grizzly | 283 |
Buchanan Lumber Company | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 67 | |
Buchholdt | Erling | Pioneer Round-Up | 464 |
Buchinskas | Gary and Ina | Iosegun Reflections | 242 |
Buchinskas | Gary and Ina | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 218 |
Buchinski | Frank | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 152 |
Buck | Amon | Memories and Moments | 80 |
Buck | Charles W | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 95 |
Buck | Ethel and Walter | Chepi Sepe | 303 |
Buck | Gary | Memories and Moments | 158 |
Buck | Hazel and Robert | Chepi Sepe | 304 |
Buck | Lloyd | Memories and Moments | 81 |
Buckley | Mr and Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 78 |
Bucklow | Henry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 438 |
Budd | Bruce and Kerry | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 219 |
Budd | George and Joan | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 196 |
Budd | Wendy and Nelson | Grande Cache: The People | 37 |
Budde | Robert | Homesteaders' Heritage | 74 |
Budd's Sawmill | Pioneers of the Peace | 323 | |
Budge | R B | A History of Grande Cache | 70 |
Bue | Olaf | Pioneer Round-Up | 465 |
Bue | Ole | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 260,261 |
Buffalo | The First Metis�A New Nation | 18 | |
Buffalo Lake Sawmill Poem | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 438 | |
Buffalo Lake School | Buffalo Trails | 1 | |
Buffalo Lake United Church | Pioneers of the Peace | 56 | |
Buffalo Lakes Curling Club | Buffalo Trails | 56 | |
Buffalo Lakes Hall | Pioneers of the Peace | 249 | |
Buffalo Lakes Hockey Team | Pioneers of the Peace | 249 | |
Buffalo Lakes Ladies Club | Buffalo Trails | 2 | |
Buffalo Lakes Lumber Co | Burnt Embers | 30 | |
Buffalo Lakes Lumber Co | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 139, 140 | |
Buffalo Lakes Lumber Co Sawmill | Pioneers of the Peace | 118, 193 | |
Buffalo Lakes Presbyterian and United Churches | Buffalo Trails | 55 | |
Buffalo Lakes Sawmill | Pioneers of the Peace | 154 | |
Buffalo Lakes School | Pioneers of the Peace | 216, 243 | |
Buffalo Lakes Team | Pioneers of the Peace | 321 | |
Buffalo Lakes Tie Camp Sawmill | Pioneers of the Peace | 308 | |
Buffalo Lakes UFA | Buffalo Trails | 2 | |
Bugnet | Roger and Paulette | Smoky Peace Triangle | 155 |
Buhler | Hartley | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 52, 263 |
Buhrke | Richard | Pioneer Round-Up | 384 |
Bulford | Pioneers of the Peace | 164 | |
Bulford | Elmer | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 322 |
Bulford | Harvey | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 323 |
Bulford | Haviland | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 319 |
Bulford | Stanley | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 106 |
Bulford | Stanley | Pioneers of the Peace | 154 |
Bulford � Eleanor Bain | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 322 | |
Bulhofner | Allen and Gitte | Burnt Embers | 212 |
Bulhofner | Friedrich Carl and Amilie | Burnt Embers | 210 |
Bulhofner | Theodore and Margaret | Burnt Embers | 212 |
Bull | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 332 |
Bull Outfit | Pioneers of the Peace | 20, 34-40, 66, 68, 93, 95 | |
Bull Outfit | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 161 | |
Bull Outfit | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 21, 123 | |
Bullas | John (Jack) and Alice | Along the Wapiti | 20 |
Bulley | Arthur | From Tears to Triumph | 4 |
Bulmer | Thomas | Pioneer Round-Up | 69 |
Bulrner | Amos | Pioneer Round-Up | 185 |
Bulyea | Joe | Pioneers of the Peace | 275 |
Bulyea | Lieutenant Governor T H V | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 18, 74 |
Bums | Harry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 485 |
Bunrows | Bryson | The Big Bend | 170 |
Bunyan | Betty | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 197, 198 |
Bunyan | Gregory | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 199 |
Bunyan | Jean | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 258 |
Bunyan | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 199, 207, 241 |
Bunyan | John and Betty | Along the Wapiti | 341 |
Bunyan | Reginald | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 258 |
Bunyan | Reginald and Jean | Along the Wapiti | 342 |
Bunyan | Rhonda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 199 |
Bunyan | Rosalyn | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 199 |
Bunyan and Young | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 209 | |
Burake | Bill | Memories and Moments | 236 |
Burake | Bill and Bertha | Burnt Embers | 459 |
Burbee | Clifford | Pioneer Round-Up | 185 |
Burbee | Dollie Recalls | Homesteaders' Heritage | 135 |
Burbee | Jack | Homesteaders' Heritage | 25, 39 |
Burbee | Robert | The Big Bend | 105 |
Burbee | Robert and Jean | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 197 |
Burch | Jay | Where the Red Willow Grew | 85 |
Burdak | Luise and Karl | From Tears to Triumph | 104 |
Burdett | (and Doherty) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 88 |
Burdette | Frank | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 56, 86 |
Burdeyney | Ralph | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Burdick | Beatrice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 228 |
Burdick | Beatrice Irene | Pioneers of the Peace | 211 |
Burgess | Alfred | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 375 |
Burgess | Arnold | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 548 |
Burgess | Ernest | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 376 |
Burgess | Harry | Across the Smoky | 212 |
Burgess | Marjorie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 192 |
Burgess | Russell | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 22,143 |
Burk | Julie and Tim | Chepi Sepe | 306 |
Burke | Pioneers of the Peace | 136 | |
Burke | Jim and Donna | Grande Cache: The People | 38 |
Burke | George W | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 109,112, 155 |
Burkin | Dennis Sr and Linda | Iosegun Reflections | 243 |
Burmey | William | Homesteaders' Heritage | 193 |
Burness | John A | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 9 |
Burness | Mrs | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 50 |
Burness | Rev | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 50 |
Burnett Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 151 | |
Burnett Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 263 | |
Burns | Archie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 91 |
Burns | Bernice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 91 |
Burns | Bianca | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 91 |
Burns | Constable | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 53 |
Burns | George | Homesteaders' Heritage | 118 |
Burns | James | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 323 |
Burns | Lorene | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 133 |
Burns | Lyle | Homesteaders' Heritage | 148, 161, 193 |
Burns | Margot | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 91 |
Burnsite Association | Pioneers of the Peace | 34,44, 61, 68, 77, 95 | |
Burnstick | Noel | The First Metis�A New Nation | 332 |
Burnt Embers | Burnt Embers | viii | |
Burnt Reflections | Burnt Embers | 509 | |
Burnt River Athletic Assoc | Burnt Embers | 121 | |
Burnt River Curling Club | Burnt Embers | 87 | |
Burnt River Mutual Telephone Co | Burnt Embers | 92 | |
Burr | John | Homesteaders' Heritage | 158 |
Burrell | Robert Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 467 |
Burrett | Rev | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 84 |
Burridge | Fred and Pat | Iosegun Reflections | 244 |
Burroughs | Bert | Across the Smoky | 67 |
Burroughs | Daryl and Barb | Smoky Peace Triangle | 156 |
Burroughs | Family | Smoky Peace Triangle | 156 |
Burrows | Bryson | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 392 |
Burrows | Robert Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 422 |
Burrows | T A | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 34 |
Bursary and Award Winners | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 50 | |
Burt | Betty | Pioneers of the Peace | 213 |
Burt | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 332 |
Burt | George | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 123 |
Burt | Lillian Kirner | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 323 |
Burt | Olive Jensen | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 324 |
Burt | Rev Neil | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 87 |
Burt | Victor | Pioneers of the Peace | 128, 278 |
Burt | Vie | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 332 |
Burton | Busier | Homesteaders' Heritage | 414 |
Burton | Emma and Joe | Chepi Sepe | 306 |
Burton | Joe | Memories and Moments | 158 |
Burton | Margaret | Burnt Embers | 120 |
Burton | Tom and Alisa (Selke) | Bridges to the Past | 227 |
Busen | Mary (Baduk) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 136 |
Bush | Charles | Grooming the Grizzly | 284 |
Bush | Rev Alan | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 83 |
Bush | Rev Allan | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 9, 259 |
Bush Lake | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 235 | |
Bush Pilots | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 109 | |
Busing | A Recent History of Busing | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 127 |
Busing | Inclusion of the Fox Creek Bus Run | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 128 |
Busing | School Buses Criss-Crossing at Little Smoky | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 128 |
Busing | The Lady Behind the Wheel | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 128-129 |
Busy Bee Rebekah Lodge #79 | Chepi Sepe | 219 | |
Butchart | C G | Pioneers of the Peace | 266 |
Butcher Shops | Burnt Embers | 449 | |
Butchering day | Across the Smoky | 122 | |
Butera | John and Annie | Smoky Peace Triangle | 159 |
Butler | Captain W T | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 53 |
Butler | Cpl NWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 401, 403 |
Butler | Ernest | Homesteaders' Heritage | 193 |
Butler | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 104 |
Butler | Robert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 90 |
Butterwick | Sam | Grooming the Grizzly | 284 |
Buzikevich | Victor and Ethel | Iosegun Reflections | 244 |
Byar | C | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 8 |
Byers | Everett | Homesteaders' Heritage | 153, 194 |
Byers | Lyle and Verm | Grande Cache: The People | 38 |
Byers | Mel | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 9 |
Byler | Joe, Joni | Homesteaders' Heritage | 26, 194 |
Byrne | J H | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 26, 27, 41 |
Byrne | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30 |
Byrnes | telegrapher | Pioneers of the Peace | 47, 269 |
Bzowy | John | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 388 |
C C F Party | Pioneers of the Peace | 92, 196 | |
C G I T | Grooming the Grizzly | 133-4 | |
C O C O, Founding of | Grooming the Grizzly | 147-50 | |
Cabana | Delphis | Chepi Sepe | 307 |
Cabin Creek | A History of Grande Cache | 51 | |
Cadenhead | Douglas | Pioneers of the Peace | 310 |
Cadenhead | Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 310 |
Cadets | Chepi Sepe | 219 | |
Cady | Crofton | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 139 |
Cady | Mr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30, 34 |
Cady & Evans | Pioneers of the Peace | 118 | |
Cady and Evans | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 31, 140 | |
Caesar | Ann | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Cafe Bramlet | Nathan | Grooming the Grizzly | 280 |
Cage | Alma | Pioneers of the Peace | 295 |
Cage | Anna | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 18 |
Cage | Annie | Pioneers of the Peace | 323 |
Cage | Annie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 187 |
Cage | Earl | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247 |
Cage | Frank | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 396 |
Cage | Frank | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 18, 187 |
Cage | Lawrence | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 187 |
Cage | Wesley | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 332 |
Cage | Wesley and Amanda | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 107 |
Cage | Wesley and Amanda | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 198 |
Cahoon | Art | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 108 |
Cahoon | Bob | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 108 |
Cahoon | Charlotte | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 108 |
Cahoon | Isabella | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 108 |
Cahoon | James | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 108, 138 |
Cahoon | Jane | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 108 |
Cahoon | Jimmie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 108, 138 |
Cahoon | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 108 |
Cahoon | Marjorie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 109 |
Cahoon | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 108 |
Cahoon | Nellie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 108, 138 |
Cahoon | Roy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 108, 138 |
Cahoon | Sam | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 108, 138 |
Cahoon | Thomas | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 108 |
Cain | Boyd and Faye | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 580 |
Cairns | Alex | Memories and Moments | 236 |
Cairns | Charles | Memories and Moments | 237 |
Cairns | Daniel | Memories and Moments | 82 |
Cairns | George | Memories and Moments | 159 |
Cairns | J | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 191 |
Cairns | Mr (P O I ) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 90 |
Calais | Rev Fr | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 23 |
Calais Post Office | Pioneers of the Peace | 97, 117, 255 | |
Calberry | Clayton | Across the Smoky | 178 |
Calder | Don and Elaine | Grande Cache: The People | 39 |
Calder | H A | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 35 |
Calder | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 72 | |
Caldwell | Bessie | Where the Red Willow Grew | 63 |
Caldwell | Jack | Pioneers of the Peace | 135 |
Caldwell | Mary | Where the Red Willow Grew | 65 |
Caldwell | Nora | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 35 |
Caldwell | Nora | Pioneers of the Peace | 135 |
Caldwell | W J | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 237 |
Caldwell | W L | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 14,47,103,143 |
Caldwell | W L Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 134, 135 |
Caldwell | Wallace | Where the Red Willow Grew | 66 |
Caldwell | William L | Pioneers of the Peace | 5, 6, 134,135,155, 166, 173, 190, 265 |
Calendars | Grooming the Grizzly | 233-6, 243 | |
Calhoun | Gilbert | Burnt Embers | 440 |
Calkin | "Doc" | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 154 |
Calkin | "Doc" | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 147 |
Calkin | H | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 12, 14,29 |
Calkin | H E | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 |
Calkins | H C "Doc" | Pioneers of the Peace | 19, 259 |
Callies | Ken and Pat | Burnt Embers | 290 |
Callihoo | 1st and 2nd Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 160 |
Callihoo | Albert | The First Metis�A New Nation | 168 |
Callihoo | Berdie | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 102 |
Callihoo | Clan | The First Metis�A New Nation | 158 |
Callihoo | Elizier | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 1 |
Callihoo | name origination | The First Metis�A New Nation | 156 |
Callihoo | Patrick | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 100 |
Callihoo | Samuel | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 100 |
Callihoo | Victoria (Belcourt) | The First Metis�A New Nation | 144 |
Callihoo | W J | The First Metis�A New Nation | 150 |
Callihoo Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 166 | |
Callihou | Adam | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 1, 67 |
Callihou | Adam | Along the Wapiti | 130 |
Callihou | Louie | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 1,6 |
Callihou | Louis and son Peter John | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 118, 132, 156 |
Callihou | Oakwell | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 100 |
Callihou | William | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 1,44,78 |
Calliou | Adam | Pioneers of the Peace | 7, 18, 205 |
Calliou | Adam and Veronique | Along the Wapiti | 158, 159 |
Calliou | Archie | Pioneers of the Peace | 8 |
Calliou | Ben | Homesteaders' Heritage | 2 |
Calliou | Dave | Pioneer Round-Up | 70 |
Calliou | Dave | Pioneers of the Peace | 7, 8 |
Calliou | Dave | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 17 |
Calliou | David | Where the Red Willow Grew | 351 |
Calliou | Eddie | Pioneers of the Peace | 8 |
Calliou | Esau | Pioneers of the Peace | 7 |
Calliou | Essier | Along the Wapiti | 130 |
Calliou | Henry and Lucy | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 988 |
Calliou | Jean Felix | The First Metis�A New Nation | 169 |
Calliou | Joe | Pioneers of the Peace | 274 |
Calliou | Joe | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 201 |
Calliou | Joe and John | Across the Smoky | 92 |
Calliou | Louie | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 324 |
Calliou | Louie | Pioneers of the Peace | 22, 26, 113 |
Calliou | Louis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 4, 24 |
Calliou | Louis and Ann | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 986 |
Calliou | Louise | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 990 |
Calliou | Malcolm | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 993 |
Calliou | Norbert | The First Metis�A New Nation | 171 |
Calliou | Pete | Along the Wapiti | 130 |
Calliou | William | Pioneers of the Peace | 7, 10 |
Calliou | William | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 84 |
Calliou | William | Along the Wapiti | 130 |
Calliou Family | (Henry and Malcolm) | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 476 |
Callisier | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 19 |
Callison | Frank | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 260 |
Callison | Fred and Dora (Daisy) | From Tears to Triumph | 37 |
Callison | Fred and Dora (Norma) | From Tears to Triumph | 40 |
Callister | J | Pioneers of the Peace | 118 |
Callister | J W Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 164 |
Callister | Jack and Kitty | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 156 |
Calverley | Harold and Dorothea | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 582 |
Cameron | Pioneers of the Peace | 190 | |
Cameron | Mark and Karen | Grande Cache: The People | 40 |
Cameron | A W | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 112 |
Cameron | Ada | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 32 |
Cameron | Albert | Homesteaders' Heritage | 151, 195 |
Cameron | Alec (Jr) and Jean | Along the Wapiti | 139 |
Cameron | Alec (Sr) and Margaret | Along the Wapiti | 137 |
Cameron | Alex | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247 |
Cameron | Alex A | Pioneers of the Peace | 275 |
Cameron | Alexander | Pioneers of the Peace | 275, 276 |
Cameron | Anne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 73, 247 |
Cameron | Barbara | Pioneers of the Peace | 276 |
Cameron | Beverley | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 95 |
Cameron | Bill | Homesteaders' Heritage | 24 |
Cameron | Bob - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 516 |
Cameron | Bob (Cahoon) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 108 |
Cameron | Bruce | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 95 |
Cameron | C I (Cam) | Homesteaders' Heritage | 148, 153, 196 |
Cameron | Calvin | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 95 |
Cameron | Candis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247 |
Cameron | Carmen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 95 |
Cameron | Catherine | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 109 |
Cameron | Charlie | Homesteaders' Heritage | 195 |
Cameron | Claris | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247 |
Cameron | Curtis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247 |
Cameron | Dale | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Cameron | Darrell | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Cameron | Dennis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Cameron | Diane | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247 |
Cameron | Donald | Pioneers of the Peace | 224, 225 |
Cameron | Donald | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 109 |
Cameron | Donald | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 189 |
Cameron | Donald Jr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Cameron | Dorothy | Pioneers of the Peace | 276 |
Cameron | E | Burnt Embers | 436 |
Cameron | Edward "Ted" | Pioneers of the Peace | 275 |
Cameron | Elizabeth | Pioneers of the Peace | 224 |
Cameron | Elizabeth (Lizzie) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 109 |
Cameron | Elizabeth (Malcolm) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110, 191 |
Cameron | Ellen | Pioneers of the Peace | 224 |
Cameron | Faye | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Cameron | Flora | Pioneers of the Peace | 224 |
Cameron | Flora | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 109 |
Cameron | George and Gurtha (Umbach) | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 715 |
Cameron | Gerald | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Cameron | Gordon | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 485 |
Cameron | Gordon | Pioneers of the Peace | 224 |
Cameron | Gordon | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 109 |
Cameron | Greg | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Cameron | Ina | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Cameron | Jean | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247 |
Cameron | Jerry and Ellie | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 219 |
Cameron | Louella | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Cameron | Mabel | Pioneers of the Peace | 224 |
Cameron | Mabel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 109 |
Cameron | Mac and Elizabeth | Along the Wapiti | 343 |
Cameron | Malcolm "Mac" | Pioneers of the Peace | 224 |
Cameron | Malcolm (Mac) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 109, 137, 191, 200 |
Cameron | Margaret | Pioneers of the Peace | 276 |
Cameron | Mary | Pioneers of the Peace | 275 |
Cameron | Mrs Donald | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 109 |
Cameron | Muriel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Cameron | Pete | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 109, 137, 187, 200 |
Cameron | Pete and Kathleen | Along the Wapiti | 344 |
Cameron | Peter | Pioneers of the Peace | 224 |
Cameron | Ray | Homesteaders' Heritage | 157, 98 |
Cameron | Robert | Pioneers of the Peace | 275, 276 |
Cameron | Robert and Annie | Along the Wapiti | 139 |
Cameron | Robert Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 276 |
Cameron | Roy | Grooming the Grizzly | 285 |
Cameron | Sherry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247 |
Cameron | Ted | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 73, 247 |
Cameron | Ted and family | Along the Wapiti | 139 |
Cameron Brothers | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 88 | |
Camey | Ed | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 73 |
Camin | Reverend | A History of Grande Cache | 86 |
Camp Creek Flour Mill | Pioneers of the Peace | 77 | |
Campbeil | Anne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 112 |
Campbell | Pioneers of the Peace | 117 | |
Campbell | "Bear Lake" | Pioneers of the Peace | 98, 99 |
Campbell | (Cap) Bob and Stella | Along the Wapiti | 40 |
Campbell | Alan | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 112 |
Campbell | Alexis | Pioneers of the Peace | 8 |
Campbell | Angus | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 397 |
Campbell | Angus | Buffalo Trails | 9 |
Campbell | Angus "Scotty" | Pioneers of the Peace | 135, 237 |
Campbell | Annie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Campbell | Art | Grooming the Grizzly | 286 |
Campbell | Austin | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 334 |
Campbell | Automatic | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 439 |
Campbell | Barbara | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111 |
Campbell | Bill | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 63 |
Campbell | Bob (Robert) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 64 |
Campbell | Bryce | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 17, 110, 111 |
Campbell | C | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 22 |
Campbell | Cal | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 13 |
Campbell | Cal | Pioneers of the Peace | 263 |
Campbell | Cal | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 64, 171 |
Campbell | Cam | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111 |
Campbell | Carman | Pioneers of the Peace | 74 |
Campbell | Carmen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 236 |
Campbell | Chantel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 112 |
Campbell | Christopher | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 112 |
Campbell | Clarisse | Pioneers of the Peace | 8 |
Campbell | Clyde | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 263 |
Campbell | Colleen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111 |
Campbell | Connie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 218 |
Campbell | David | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111, 112, 113 |
Campbell | Donald | Where the Red Willow Grew | 500 |
Campbell | Donald Wilton and Kay | Smoky Peace Triangle | 159 |
Campbell | Dorleen | Burnt Embers | 442,460 |
Campbell | Doug and Marlene | Grande Cache: The People | 42 |
Campbell | Edith and Ron | Chepi Sepe | 309 |
Campbell | Edna (Bonnie) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 113 |
Campbell | Elaine | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111 |
Campbell | Ethel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 190 |
Campbell | Evelyn and Roy (Jack) | Chepi Sepe | 310 |
Campbell | Frank and Mary | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 272 |
Campbell | Frank and Veva | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 583 |
Campbell | George and Bob | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 156 |
Campbell | George W "Automatic" | Pioneers of the Peace | 149 |
Campbell | Georgie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110, 111 |
Campbell | Giselle | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11 |
Campbell | Gordon | A History of Grande Cache | 51 |
Campbell | Grace | Pioneers of the Peace | 74 |
Campbell | Grace (Murphy) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Campbell | Grace (White) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 236 |
Campbell | Harry | Pioneers of the Peace | 74 |
Campbell | Harry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 236 |
Campbell | Hugh | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 151, 254 |
Campbell | Hugh, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 124 |
Campbell | Isabel | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 260 |
Campbell | J K | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110, 190 |
Campbell | J K and Annie | Along the Wapiti | 344 |
Campbell | J M (Silvertip) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Campbell | Jack | The Big Bend | 255 |
Campbell | Jack | Grooming the Grizzly | 287 |
Campbell | Jack and Norma | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 583 |
Campbell | Jackie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Campbell | James | Memories and Moments | 82 |
Campbell | James | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111 |
Campbell | Janice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110, 111 |
Campbell | John Leason | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111, 112 |
Campbell | John Malcolm "Silver Tip" | Pioneers of the Peace | 92, 142, 203, 231, 295 |
Campbell | Karen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110, 111 |
Campbell | Kenneth and Agnes | Smoky Peace Triangle | 159 |
Campbell | Les and Sharon (Brower) | From Tears to Triumph | 226 |
Campbell | Lester | Homesteaders' Heritage | 360 |
Campbell | Lexie | Along the Wapiti | 208 |
Campbell | Lexie | Pioneers of the Peace | 91 |
Campbell | Lil and James | Chepi Sepe | 311 |
Campbell | Linda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111 |
Campbell | Louise | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111, 236 |
Campbell | Lyle | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111 |
Campbell | Malcolm | Pioneers of the Peace | 331 |
Campbell | Marie | Smoky Peace Triangle | 161 |
Campbell | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111 |
Campbell | Miss (Mrs Milton White) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 12,13 |
Campbell | Myrna | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Campbell | N | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 116 |
Campbell | Neil | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 8 |
Campbell | Neil | Pioneers of the Peace | 74 |
Campbell | Neil | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 236 |
Campbell | Nellie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111, 112 |
Campbell | Peter | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 90 |
Campbell | Piep and Colin | Chepi Sepe | 312 |
Campbell | Ray | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 100 |
Campbell | Ray | Along the Wapiti | 256 |
Campbell | Ray and family | Along the Wapiti | 344 |
Campbell | Ray Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 119 |
Campbell | Roy and Evelyn | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 155 |
Campbell | Sandra | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111 |
Campbell | Sandra (Mrs Cam) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111 |
Campbell | Signora | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 94 |
Campbell | Silvertip | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 307 |
Campbell | Ted and Julia | Smoky Peace Triangle | 161 |
Campbell | Terrence | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110, 111 |
Campbell | Viola | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 236 |
Campbell | W | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 55,135 |
Campbell | Walter | Pioneers of the Peace | 74 |
Campbell | Walter | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 218, 236 |
Campbell | Wayne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111, 112 |
Campbell | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 199 |
Campbell | William | Across the Smoky | 235 |
Campbell | William | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110, 111 |
Campbell | William H and Martha | Smoky Peace Triangle | 163 |
Campbell Bros | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 548 | |
Campbells | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 137 | |
Campiair | Curt | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 377 |
Campsall | Mame and Clarence | Chepi Sepe | 314 |
Canadian Legion Br No | Pioneers of the Peace | 292 | |
Canadian National Railroad | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 67 | |
Canadian National Railway | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 80 | |
Canadian National Railway (CNR) | A History of Grande Cache | 61, 68 | |
Canadian North Western Railway | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 80 | |
Canadian Northern Railroad | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 8,11,44 | |
Canadian Northern Railway | Pioneers of the Peace | 91,133,189 | |
Canadian Northern Railway | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 202 | |
Canadian Pacific Airlines | Pioneers of the Peace | 191 | |
Canadian Pacific Railroad | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 7,11,44 | |
Canadian Pacific Railway | Pioneers of the Peace | 133 | |
Canadian Pacific Railway | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 3, 198 | |
Canadian Seed Growers Assn | Pioneers of the Peace | 131 | |
Canadian Society for German Culture | Burnt Embers | 17 | |
Canadian Superior Oil | A History of Grande Cache | 49 | |
Candle Making | Grooming the Grizzly | 252 | |
Candle Making | Grooming the Grizzly | 254 | |
Cann | A W Rev | Pioneers of the Peace | 188 |
Cann | Rev A W | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 85 |
Canning | Calvin and Pearl | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 202 |
Canning | Dorothy | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 35 |
Canning | Leverton and Anna | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 202 |
Cannon | Datford | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 7 |
Canoes | The First Metis�A New Nation | 472 | |
Canor School | Buffalo Trails | 91 | |
Canuck Local | United Farmers of Alberta | Pioneers of the Peace | 249 |
Canuck School | Buffalo Trails | 107 | |
Can-West Grain Co | Pioneers of the Peace | 249 | |
Caouette | George - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 516 |
Cappclla | Fred | Pioneer Round-Up | 70 |
Capturing Wild Stallions | Chepi Sepe | 566 | |
Car � first High Prairie-DeBolt | Across the Smoky | 95 | |
Caraconte | Solomon | A History of Grande Cache | 20, 38 |
Caraconte Creek | A History of Grande Cache | 20 | |
Caracote Family | Along the Wapiti | 13 | |
Carbett | Frank | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 264 |
Carbone | Nickolas and Louise | Smoky Peace Triangle | 164 |
Card | Earl | Pioneers of the Peace | 276 |
Card | Frances | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 107 |
Card | Frances | Pioneers of the Peace | 276 |
Card | Harry | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 424 |
Card | Harry | Pioneers of the Peace | 298 |
Card | Hilda | Pioneers of the Peace | 276 |
Card | Ira | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 112 |
Card | Jessie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 139 |
Card | Lydia | Pioneers of the Peace | 276 |
Card | Minerva | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 107 |
Card | Minerva | Pioneers of the Peace | 276 |
Card | Nelson | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 107 |
Card | Nelson | Pioneers of the Peace | 276 |
Card | W N Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 276 |
Card | William | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 203 |
Card | William | Pioneers of the Peace | 276 |
Card | William and Elizabeth | Along the Wapiti | 79 |
Card | William Nelson | Pioneers of the Peace | 276 |
Card | William Nelson and Elizabeth | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 8, 107 |
Carder | Alfred | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 91 |
Carder | Bill and Hattie | Homesteaders' Heritage | 346, 348, 362 |
Carder | Hattie and Bill | Chepi Sepe | 314 |
Carder | Mary | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 92 |
Cardinal | Alice | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 100 |
Cardinal | Andre | A History of Grande Cache | 22 |
Cardinal | Sam Baptist | Grouard-Peace River Trail | 55 |
Cardinal | Suzan | A History of Grande Cache | 22 |
Cardinal | Victor | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 100 |
Cargill | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 265 |
Caribou Recovery Project/Wolf Slaughter | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 62 | |
Caribou School | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 338 | |
Carleton Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 70 | |
Carlin | H C Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 280 |
Carlin | Harry | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 121 |
Carlin | Harry C | Pioneers of the Peace | 280 |
Carlin | M F Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 280 |
Carlisle | A M Dr | Pioneers of the Peace | 21, 119, 216 |
Carlisle | A M Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 60 |
Carlisle | David (Dave) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 98, 112, 256 |
Carlisle | Dr A M | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 99 |
Carlisle | Dr A M and Jean | Along the Wapiti | 345 |
Carlisle | Dr Murray | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30, 35, 50, 63, 98, 99, 112, 167, 180, 187, 188, 195, 199, 218, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257 |
Carlisle | Edna (Bonnie) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 150 |
Carlisle | Jean | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 113, 180 |
Carlisle | Mrs A M | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 37 |
Carlisle | Ruth | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 256 |
Carll | fire chief | Pioneers of the Peace | 331 |
Carll | Mr | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 50 |
Carll | William | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 275 |
Carlson | Alfred | Pioneer Round-Up | 470 |
Carlson | Alfred | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 91 |
Carlson | Calvin and Cheryl | Iosegun Reflections | 245 |
Carlson | Cliff and Norma | Iosegun Reflections | 246 |
Carlson | Ed | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 202 |
Carlson | Ed | Pioneers of the Peace | 78 |
Carlson | Elsa | Grande Cache: The People | 43 |
Carlson | Irvin | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 100 |
Carlson | Oscar | Homesteaders' Heritage | 362 |
Carlson | Swede (Sven) | Across the Smoky | 93 |
Carlstad | Gloria | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 203 |
Carlstad | Hans | Pioneer Round-Up | 470 |
Carmichael | Gwen | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 198 |
Carmichael | Hugh | Pioneer Round-Up | 187 |
Carney | Edward | Buffalo Trails | 74 |
Caron | Charles and Bonnie | Grande Cache: The People | 43 |
Carpenter, Frank | Grooming the Grizzly | 195 | |
Carpentier | Bruce | Where the Red Willow Grew | 418 |
Carpentier | Charles and Alma | Where the Red Willow Grew | 418 |
Carpentier | Glen | Where the Red Willow Grew | 420 |
Carpentier | Medric and Arthur | Where the Red Willow Grew | 500 |
Carpentier | Melvin | Where the Red Willow Grew | 422 |
Carper | H P | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 88 |
Carr | A L Rev | Pioneers of the Peace | 65 |
Carr | Miss | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 19 |
Carr | Rev A | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 6, 188 |
Carr Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 90 | |
Carrel | Iva | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 16 |
Carrel | Ralph | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 63 |
Carrell | Donald | Pioneers of the Peace | 277 |
Carrell | DonaldandFrances | Pioneer Round-Up | 71 |
Carrell | Elisha S | Pioneers of the Peace | 276 |
Carrell | Gwen | Pioneers of the Peace | 277 |
Carrell | Harry | Pioneers of the Peace | 277 |
Carrell | Harry Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 62 |
Carrell | Iva | Pioneers of the Peace | 277 |
Carrell | Pat | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 200 |
Carrell | Patrick | Pioneers of the Peace | 277 |
Carrell | R F Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 62, 276, 277 |
Carrell | Ralph | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 200 |
Carrell | Ralph F | Pioneers of the Peace | 78, 276, 277, 321 |
Carrell | Ralph Flynn | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 187 |
Carriere | Urgel | Pioneer Round-Up | 5 |
Carroll & Bustard | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 | |
Carry | A J | Pioneer Round-Up | 72 |
Carson | Pioneers of the Peace | 17 | |
Carson | Frank and Gwen | Where the Red Willow Grew | 501 |
Carson | J R Rev | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 84 |
Carson | Mac | Where the Red Willow Grew | 501 |
Carson's Flour Mill | Pioneers of the Peace | 38 | |
Carter | Edward | Buffalo Trails | 220 |
Carter | John, Louise, Family | Buffalo Trails | 244 |
Carter | Adley | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Carter | Adley | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 178 |
Carter | Adley | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 251 |
Carter | Amy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 251 |
Carter | Colin and Shirley | From Tears to Triumph | 106 |
Carter | Dell W Family | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 156 |
Carter | Ed | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 155 |
Carter | Griff | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 506 |
Carter | Harry and Dorothy | Bridges to the Past | 21 |
Carter | Jack | Pioneers of the Peace | 132, 243, 244 |
Carter | Jack | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 27 |
Carter | Jack | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Carter | Jack | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 107 |
Carter | John | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 150 |
Carter | John Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 154 |
Carter | Louise | The Big Horn School District | Original Settlers |
Carter | Shirley | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 16 |
Carter | Stanley | Pioneer Round-Up | 188 |
Carter | Vernon and Veva | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 156 |
Carter | W | Pioneers of the Peace | 67 |
Carter | W H | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 8 |
Cartier | Gordon and Elizabeth | Grande Cache: The People | 43 |
Cartier | Gordon | A History of Grande Cache | 38 |
Carty | Andy | Iosegun Reflections | 246 |
Carty | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 238 |
Carty Family | George | Iosegun Reflections | 247 |
Carveth | A W | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 14,42,44,68 |
Carveth | A W | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 107 |
Carveth | A W | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 109, 152, 102,177,189 |
Carveth | A W Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 136, 138 |
Carveth | Arthur | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 112 |
Carveth | Arthur W | Pioneers of the Peace | 135-137, 238 |
Carveth | Betty | Pioneers of the Peace | 139 |
Carveth | Cecil | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 280 |
Carveth | Cecil R | Pioneers of the Peace | 136-139 |
Carveth | Edna | Pioneers of the Peace | 139 |
Carveth | G V Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 139, 309 |
Carveth | Gerald (Pat) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 64 |
Carveth | Gerald V | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 44,79 |
Carveth | Gerald V | Pioneers of the Peace | 6, 136-138, 238 |
Carveth | James | Pioneers of the Peace | 139 |
Carveth | R H Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 140 |
Carveth | Rita | Pioneers of the Peace | 136, 138, 221 |
Carveth | Rupert | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 107 |
Carveth | Rupert | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 14 |
Carveth | Rupert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 64 |
Carveth | Rupert | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 112,152 |
Carveth | Rupert H | Pioneers of the Peace | 135-140 |
Carveth Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 530 | |
Cary | Christopher | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 197 |
Cary | Darren | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 197 |
Cary | Lucille | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 197 |
Cary | Peter | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 197 |
Caryk | Family | The Big Bend | 33 |
Caryk | Helene and Tom | Chepi Sepe | 315 |
Case | Charlie and Lila | Grande Cache: The People | 44 |
Casey | Dr S P C | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 37 |
Casey | Nora | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 35 |
Cash | Dr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 36 |
Cashaback | Michael Rodney | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 461 |
Cashaback | Mike Ambrose | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 461 |
Cashaback | Nicholas (Mike) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 460 |
Cashman | E | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 127,131,132 |
Cashman | Tony | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 22 |
Casket Creek | A History of Grande Cache | 47 | |
Casper | Dale and Gina | Iosegun Reflections | 247 |
Casselman | C C | Across the Smoky | 44 |
Cassey | Jack | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 159 |
Cassidy | Edith | Pioneers of the Peace | 89 |
Cassie | Bill | Chepi Sepe | 316 |
Cassity | Clifford | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 439 |
Cassity | Harry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 171 |
Casson | George E | Pioneers of the Peace | 5 |
Castle | Phillip | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 93 |
Castleman | Jim | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 94 |
Catellier | Paul | Iosegun Reflections | 248 |
Caterer | Chris | The Big Bend | 254 |
Caterer | Jesse | The Big Bend | 35 |
Caterer | Reginald | The Big Bend | 254 |
Catholic Church | Fourth Creek and Silver Valley | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 86 |
Catholic Church | Burnt Embers | 72 | |
Catholic Church | Across the Smoky | 308 | |
Catholic Church | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 4 | |
Catholic Church � Kleskun Hill | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 153 | |
Catholic Mission | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 33, 114 | |
Catholic Mission Church (Bonanza) | Homesteaders' Heritage | 155 | |
Catholic Women's League | A History of Grande Cache | 88 | |
Catholic Women's League | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 154 | |
Caton | C R | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 22 |
Catt | Roy | Where the Red Willow Grew | 67 |
Cattle | Grooming the Grizzly | 493 | |
Cauchie | Renee and Florence | Bridges to the Past | 101 |
Causland | James | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 211 |
Cavanagh | Margaret | Burnt Embers | 436 |
Cavanagh Families | Pioneer Round-Up | 188 | |
Cave | George | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 325 |
Cave-Brown | Joyce | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33 |
Cavett | C E | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 37 |
Cavett | Claude | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 138 |
Cavett | Claude and MilHcent | Along the Wapiti | 243 |
Cavett | Frank | Across the Smoky | 68 |
Cawston | Ross | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 202 |
Cawthra | Bill and Family | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 410 |
Caywood and Robb | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 130, 240 | |
Caza | Herbert and Anne | Bridges to the Past | 22 |
CCF - CCA Hall | From Tears to Triumph | 338 | |
Ceidi | Tony | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 203 |
Cemetery | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72, 80,87,127,131,133 | |
Cemetery | Burnt Embers | 206 | |
Centennial Project | Burnt Embers | 452 | |
Central Grande Prairie Dairy Association | Pioneers of the Peace | 92 | |
Central Park High School | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33,142 | |
Central Park Lodge | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 146 | |
Central Peace Auction Ltd | Chepi Sepe | 102 | |
Central Peace Clinic | Chepi Sepe | 150 | |
Central Peace Folk Dance Club | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 95 | |
Central Peace Folk Dance Club | Chepi Sepe | 220 | |
Central Peace General Hospital | Chepi Sepe | 149 | |
Central Peace General Hospital Auxiliary | Chepi Sepe | 151 | |
Central Peace Natural Gas | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 37 | |
Central Peace Natural Gas Co-op | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 25 | |
Central Peace Saddle Club | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 96 | |
Centrosaurus | A History of Grande Cache | 3 | |
Chababa | Family | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 157 |
Chabot | Cora and Ernest | Chepi Sepe | 316 |
Chabot | Hilaire | Memories and Moments | 83 |
Chabot | Napoleon | Smoky Peace Triangle | 165 |
Chabot | Virginia and Hilaire | Chepi Sepe | 317 |
Chachich | Blaus | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 166 |
Chahley | Beth and Michael | Chepi Sepe | 317 |
Chalifoux | Adam | The First Metis�A New Nation | 178 |
Chalifoux | Napolean | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 857 |
Chalifoux Clan | The First Metis�A New Nation | 177 | |
Chalmers | Andy Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 119 |
Chalmers | Edna | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 354 |
Chalmers | Edna | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 354 |
Chalmers | T W ex-Insp NWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 401 |
Chalus | Stephan and Elena | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 158 |
Chalus | Steve | Pioneers of the Peace | 287 |
Chalus | William and Family | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 163 |
Chalus | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 78 | |
Chamaschuk | George and Katherine | Grande Cache: The People | 45 |
Chamber of Commerce | A History of Grande Cache | 74 | |
Chamberlain | Edson J | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 73, 85, 240 |
Chamberlain | Wayne | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 567 |
Chamberland | Rene and Germaine | Smoky Peace Triangle | 167 |
Chambers | Arthur | Across the Smoky | 94 |
Chambers | Dale and Dorothy | Along the Wapiti | 346 |
Chambers | Dan | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 151 |
Chambers | Daniel | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 549 |
Chambers | Jesse and Mable | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 411 |
Chambers | Mr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 114 |
Chambers | Ted | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 550 |
Champagne Joe | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 102 | |
Champlin | Frank and Peter | Buffalo Trails | 78 |
Champoux | Emery | Smoky Peace Triangle | 168 |
Chan Family | Iosegun Reflections | 248 | |
Chandler | John and Jane | Grande Cache: The People | 46 |
Chandler | Fred | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 10 |
Chandler | Jack | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 11 |
Chandler | Jeannette and Laurence | Chepi Sepe | 318 |
Chantignay Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 72 | |
Chapelle | E L | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 50 |
Chapin | Horace | Grooming the Grizzly | 287 |
Chapman | Art | Pioneers of the Peace | 316 |
Chapman | B M | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 122 |
Chapman | B N | Pioneers of the Peace | 278 |
Chapman | Bill | Across the Smoky | 264 |
Chapman | Bill - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 490, 509 |
Chapman | Bob, Bert and Gord | Across the Smoky | 215 |
Chapman | Burr | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 334 |
Chapman | Debbie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 242 |
Chapman | Jasper | Across the Smoky | 264 |
Chapman | Jasper and Laura | Bridges to the Past | 23 |
Chapman | Mr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 113 |
Chapman | Percy | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 225 |
Chapman | Roy | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 26, 27 |
Chapman | Tom and Flora | Along the Wapiti | 136 |
Chapman | Walter | Pioneers of the Peace | 197 |
Chapman | Walter | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 115 |
Chapman | Walter | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 147 |
Chapman | Homesteaders' Heritage | 347, 363 | |
Chappel | Nelson Rev | Pioneers of the Peace | 232 |
Chappel | Rev Nelson | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 85 |
Chapter 1 Schools | Smoky Peace Triangle | 1 | |
Chapter 10 Family Histories | Smoky Peace Triangle | 119 | |
Chapter 2 Churches | Smoky Peace Triangle | 15 | |
Chapter 3 Communities | Smoky Peace Triangle | 29 | |
Chapter 4 Reminiscing | Smoky Peace Triangle | 49 | |
Chapter 5 Travel | Smoky Peace Triangle | 61 | |
Chapter 6 Organizations | Smoky Peace Triangle | 67 | |
Chapter 7 Services | Smoky Peace Triangle | 89 | |
Chapter 8 Industries | Smoky Peace Triangle | 99 | |
Chapter 9 Recreation | Smoky Peace Triangle | 107 | |
Chaput | Elizabeth | Smoky Peace Triangle | 168 |
Chaput | Robert | Smoky Peace Triangle | 169 |
Charbonneau | Barry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 199 |
Charbonneau | Byron | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 199 |
Charbonneau | Lorraine | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 199 |
Charbonneau | Melonie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 199 |
Charest | Armand and Louise | Smoky Peace Triangle | 369 |
Charlebois | Arthur | Pioneer Round-Up | 73 |
Charlesn William | Pioneers of the Peace | 144, 194 | |
Charlesworth | Leonel C | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 71 |
Charlet | Ron and Amber | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 219-221 |
Charlie Saville Water Well Drilling | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 119-121 | |
Charlier | Julius | Buffalo Trails | 219 |
Charls | Bill | Homesteaders' Heritage | 153,199 |
Charlton | Jim and Nancy | Grande Cache: The People | 46 |
Charnberg | Arthur | Where the Red Willow Grew | 67 |
Charney | Bill, Jack and Steve | Across the Smoky | 139 |
Charney (Clarkson Valley) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 225 | |
Charters | Gertrude Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 11 |
Charters | J H | Pioneers of the Peace | 267 |
Charters | Mrs J H | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 119 |
Charters Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 506 | |
Chase | Carmen | Homesteaders' Heritage | 153,199 |
Chase | Webster | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 397 |
Chasmosaurus | A History of Grande Cache | 3 | |
Chatelaine | Alfred | Pioneer Round-Up | 431 |
Chatelaine | Chief Alfred | Pioneer Round-Up | 42a |
Chatelaine | Pierre (Alfred) | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 238 |
Chatelaine (Shuttler) Family | Along the Wapiti | 11 | |
Chatham School | Pioneers of the Peace | 56 | |
Chatham School District | Buffalo Trails | 51 | |
Chatwin | Jack and Lois | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 222 |
Chave | Brian and Vicki | Grande Cache: The People | 47 |
Cheese Factory, Ridgevalley | Across the Smoky | 288 | |
Chelick | Mary (Stanich) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 461 |
Chemuka | Stepan and Tatianna | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 524 |
Chenard | Aristide | Smoky Peace Triangle | 170 |
Chenard | Emile | Smoky Peace Triangle | 171 |
Chenard | Joseph and Germaine | Smoky Peace Triangle | 171 |
Chenard | Philippe | Smoky Peace Triangle | 172 |
Chene | Mr and Mrs | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 42 |
Chenoweth | Marshall and Josie | Along the Wapiti | 257 |
Cheshire | James (Monty) | Burnt Embers | 290 |
Chesser | Chuck | A History of Grande Cache | 42 |
Cheverie | Henry (Hank) and Estella | Grande Cache: The People | 47 |
Chewuk | Konstantyn | Burnt Embers | 291 |
Cheyne | Gordon | The Big Bend | 205 |
Cheyne | Patrick Gordon | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 199 |
Chiesa | Nino | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 250 |
Chilberg | John | Buffalo Trails | 143 |
Child | R M (Elder) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 87 |
Childers | Agnes (Kozuback) | Smoky Peace Triangle | 173 |
Childers | Dick and Nancy | Smoky Peace Triangle | 174 |
Childers | Lloyd and Milly | Smoky Peace Triangle | 174 |
Childhood Memories | Pioneer Round-Up | 349 | |
Childs | A | Pioneers of the Peace | 155 |
Childs | Arthur E | Buffalo Trails | 219 |
Chinook Valley | Burnt Embers | 117 | |
Chinook Valley Ball Teams | Burnt Embers | 84 | |
Chinook Valley Homemaker's Club | Burnt Embers | 92 | |
Chinook Valley Map | Burnt Embers | 118 | |
Chinook Valley School | Burnt Embers | 119 | |
Chiruk | Steve | Burnt Embers | 292 |
Chisholm | Angus | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 36 |
Chisholm | Luke | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 67 |
Chisholm | Scotty | Homesteaders' Heritage | 16 |
Chittick | Bill | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 265 |
Chizowski | Family | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 276 |
Chledowski | Walter and Nellie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 92 |
Chmara | Beth (Burroughs) | Smoky Peace Triangle | 175 |
Choi | Sung-Chul and Lara | Grande Cache: The People | 47 |
Choir | The Northfield Settlement | 22 | |
Cholach | Darrell | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 223 |
Choquet | Denise | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 120 |
Choquet | Joe | Pioneers of the Peace | 83 |
Choquet | Joe | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30, 254 |
Choquet | Judy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 113 |
Choquet | Kelly | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 113 |
Choquet | Marcel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 113 |
Choquet | Stacey | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 113 |
Choquette | Cyrian | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 473 |
Choquette | J O | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 120 |
Choral Group | A History of Grande Cache | 78 | |
Choukalos | Family | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 224-227 |
Chrapko | Victor and Elizabeth | Grande Cache: The People | 48 |
Chrenek | Bert and Sylvia | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 157 |
Chrenek | Ludvig and Anna | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 160 |
Chrenek | Matt and Jo | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 166 |
Chrenek | Matthew and Mary | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 163 |
Chrenek | Peter and Arlene | Burnt Embers | 447, 460 |
Christ Church Anglican Church | Pioneers of the Peace | 155, 167, 201, 202, 224, 229, 297 | |
Christensen | Axel, Olga, Family | Buffalo Trails | 101 |
Christensen | Chris | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 199 |
Christensen | Chris, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 94 |
Christensen | Jacqueline (Laughland) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 167 |
Christensen | Lusco | Grooming the Grizzly | 290 |
Christensen | Magnus and Thorvald | Smoky Peace Triangle | 176 |
Christensen | P | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 79 |
Christenson | Axel (Teigseie) | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 10, 107 |
Christenson | Carl | Across the Smoky | 88, 109 |
Christenson | Chris | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 315 |
Christenson | Gust | Pioneer Round-Up | 471 |
Christenson | The Big Bend | 36 | |
Christian | John | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 97 |
Christian | John | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 103 |
Christian | W P Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 191 |
Christian Association | Pioneers of the Peace | 95, 271 | |
Christian Community Church | Chepi Sepe | 132 | |
Christian Life | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 101 | |
Christiansen | Hans | Pioneer Round-Up | 472 |
Christianson | Arnold | The Northfield Settlement | 58 |
Christianson | Arnold | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 89, 190 |
Christianson | Isabelle J | The Northfield Settlement | 21 |
Christianson | Jean Wilson | Chepi Sepe | 319 |
Christianson | Johnnie | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 190 |
Christianson | Mrs Arnold | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 49, 98, 286, 301 |
Christianson Bros | Homesteaders' Heritage | 365 | |
Christie | Arnold | Pioneers of the Peace | 40, 309 |
Christie | Frank | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 63 |
Christie | Frank | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Christie | Howard and Pearl | Burnt Embers | 439, 445, 456, 461 |
Christie | John | Pioneer Round-Up | 5 |
Christie | Les | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 150 |
Christman | John and Marjorie | From Tears to Triumph | 106 |
Christmas | First Celebration | The First Metis�A New Nation | 355 |
Christmas at Eaglesham | Smoky Peace Triangle | 57 | |
Christophe | Father | A History of Grande Cache | 39 |
Christopherson | Carl | Pioneer Round-Up | 472 |
Christopherson | Clarence | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 334 |
Christopherson | Doreen Ethel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 224 |
Christopherson | Gerard | Memories and Moments | 160 |
Christopherson | Theodore | Memories and Moments | 84 |
Christopherson | Walter | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 225 |
Chrusch | Mike | Homesteaders' Heritage | 413,417 |
Chrystyn | Korny | Pioneer Round-Up | 426 |
Chubb | Annie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | |
Chubb | J D | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | |
Chubb | Roy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 6 |
Chubb | Roy C Rev | Pioneers of the Peace | 52, 282 |
Chubinski | Mike | Burnt Embers | 440 |
Chugg | Allan and Shirley | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 289 |
Chugg | Edgar and Mary | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 291 |
Chugg | Elmer and Bertha | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 533 |
Church | Henry | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 130,152,241,243,172,000,000 |
Church | Mr | Pioneers of the Peace | 139, 140 |
Church � Anglican - Christ Church | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 77, 78, 81-83 | |
Church � Anglican - St Andrews | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 | |
Church � Anglican - St Augustine | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 83 | |
Church � Anglican - St Bartholomew | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 79, 81 | |
Church � Anglican - St George's | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72, 77 | |
Church � Anglican - St John | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 81 | |
Church � Anglican - St Mark | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 81 | |
Church � Anglican - St Mathews | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 81 | |
Church � Anglican - St Paul's | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 81 | |
Church � Baptist | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 43,74,77,79, 81, 88 | |
Church � Baptist - Avondale Evangelical | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 88 | |
Church � Baptist - Bethel | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 84 | |
Church � Baptist - Clairmont | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 81 | |
Church � Baptist - McLaurin | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 84 | |
Church � Baptist - Ukrainian | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 84 | |
Church � Baptist - Deep Creek | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 43 | |
Church � Catholic, Ukrainian Greek | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 89 | |
Church - Christian & Missionary Alliance | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 87 | |
Church - Christian Reformed | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 88 | |
Church - Church of Christ | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 87 | |
Church - Jehovah Witness | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 86 | |
Church � Lutheran - Trinity | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 86 | |
Church � Lutheran Faith | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 86 | |
Church � Mennonite - Hillcrest | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 87 | |
Church - Methodist | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 73,79, 80 | |
Church - Mormon | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 87 | |
Church � Pentecostal - Zion Gospel Temple | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 85 | |
Church � Pentecostal -Buffalo Lakes | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 85 | |
Church - Presbyterian | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 8,10,14, 24,73, 81 | |
Church � Presbyterian - Glen Leslie | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 81 | |
Church � Presbyterian - McQueen's | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 71, 73, 83 | |
Church � Presbyterian -Forbes | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 83,84,145 | |
Church � Presbyterian -Spring Lake | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 78 | |
Church � Roman Catholic - St Joseph's | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 81,82 | |
Church � Roman Catholic - St Vincent's | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 41, 71,78, 81 | |
Church - Salvation Army | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 85,144 | |
Church - Seventh Day Adventist | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 87 | |
Church � United - St Pauls | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 82,84, 85 | |
Church &Weathcrly | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 40,41 | |
Church and School Bell | Chepi Sepe | 144 | |
Church and Weatherly | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 233 | |
Church- Anglican | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 42,43,71,81 | |
Church of God in Christ | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 87 | |
Church Stories | Across the Smoky | 305 | |
Church Union | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 83,84 | |
Church Union | Pioneers of the Peace | 49 | |
Church, DeBolt United | Bridges to the Past | 380 | |
Church, first Protestant | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 41,71,73 | |
Church, first Roman Catholic | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 5, 8,41, 71,81 | |
Church, Gospel Light | Bridges to the Past | 385 | |
Church, Rosedale Mennonite | Bridges to the Past | 386 | |
Church, St Pauls United | Bridges to the Past | 386 | |
Churcher | Joe and Florence | Pioneer Round-Up | 189 |
Churches � Flying shot | Along the Wapiti | 133 | |
Churches - Greek Orthodox | Burnt Embers | 73 | |
Churches � Grovedale | Along the Wapiti | 193 | |
Churches � Spring Creek | Along the Wapiti | 73 | |
Churches � St Albans Wembley | Along the Wapiti | 320 | |
Churches - St John's Lutheran | Burnt Embers | 64 | |
Churches � Wembley United | Along the Wapiti | 321 | |
Churches - Woking Catholic | Burnt Embers | 72 | |
Churches (Wanham) | Grooming the Grizzly | 44 | |
Churches Protestant | first | Pioneers of the Peace | 17, 32, 82, 200, 234 |
Churchill | Bert | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 143 |
Ciastko | Anna and Stanley | Chepi Sepe | 320 |
CIBC | A History of Grande Cache | 81 | |
Cichon | Stephen and Rhoda | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 411 |
Cieslar | Rudolph | Grooming the Grizzly | 291 |
Ciezki | Mike and Alice | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 476 |
Circlebank Hall | Pioneer Round-Up | 190 | |
Cirrel | Constable | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 53 |
Cissell | George | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 7 |
City Crest | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 145 | |
City Hall | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 145 | |
City Status | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 144,145 | |
Ciura | Jim and Barbara | Smoky Peace Triangle | 176 |
Clairmont | Pioneers of the Peace | 117,118,126, 321, 322 | |
Clairmont Baptist Church | Pioneers of the Peace | 103, 221 | |
Clairmont Hotel | Pioneers of the Peace | 319, 322 | |
Clairmont Post Office | Pioneers of the Peace | 118, 321, 322 | |
Clairmont School | Pioneers of the Peace | 101, 118 | |
Clairmont School District | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 28 | |
Clara | my friend | The First Metis�A New Nation | 356 |
Clark | Grant and Lori | Grande Cache: The People | 50 |
Clark | Colin | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Clark | Donald and Patricia | Iosegun Reflections | 249 |
Clark | Dora | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Clark | Dora | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Clark | Dorothy | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Clark | Edith | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Clark | Ernie and Willis | Across the Smoky | 44 |
Clark | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 250 |
Clark | Geraldine | Homesteaders' Heritage | 413 |
Clark | Graham | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Clark | Gwen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 123 |
Clark | Harry | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Clark | Harvey | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Clark | Helen | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Clark | J D | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 23 |
Clark | J D | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 201 |
Clark | James D | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Clark | Jean | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Clark | Jean | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Clark | John and Maud | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 26 |
Clark | Knobby , Poems - Take Me Back to the Smoky | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 33 |
Clark | Knobby, Poems - Old Timers Thoughts | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 32 |
Clark | Marjorie | Pioneers of the Peace | 149, 225 |
Clark | Melvin and Sadie | Homesteaders' Heritage | 21,163,165,199 |
Clark | Murray | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 225 |
Clark | Murray - Poetry (I Morrison) | Bridges to the Past | 198 |
Clark | Phyllis | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Clark | Phyllis | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Clark | Roy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 123 |
Clark | Stan | A History of Grande Cache | 42, 44, 5,54-55 |
Clark | Tom | Homesteaders' Heritage | 167, 199 |
Clark | W H | Pioneers of the Peace | 282 |
Clark | William | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Clark | Winnifred Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 285 |
Clark 4-H | Homesteaders' Heritage | 167 | |
Clark Busy Bees | Homesteaders' Heritage | 166 | |
Clark School | Homesteaders' Heritage | 163 | |
Clarke | Jim and Cynthia | Grande Cache: The People | 50 |
Clarke | C M | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 993 |
Clarke | Cecil B C P P ret | Pioneers of the Peace | 404 |
Clarke | Christopher | Memories and Moments | 160 |
Clarke | Con | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 238 |
Clarke | David | Memories and Moments | 163 |
Clarke | Don and Joan (Scott) | Bridges to the Past | 227 |
Clarke | Ernie | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 156 |
Clarke | Frank | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 398 |
Clarke | Graham | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Clarke | Guy | Across the Smoky | 244 |
Clarke | Guy and Olga | Bridges to the Past | 155 |
Clarke | H W | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 240 |
Clarke | Harold | Pioneers of the Peace | 140, 191 |
Clarke | Harry | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Clarke | Helen | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Clarke | Horace and Hilda | Along the Wapiti | 346 |
Clarke | J D | Pioneers of the Peace | 205 |
Clarke | J J E | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 14,24,25 |
Clarke | J J E | Pioneers of the Peace | 5, 6, 140, 141, 152, 190, 191, 207, 225, 256, 267 |
Clarke | J J E Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 47 |
Clarke | John | Memories and Moments | 165 |
Clarke | Lloyd | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 241 |
Clarke | Mary | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 199 |
Clarke | Ray | Smoky Peace Triangle | 177 |
Clarke | Roderick | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 240 |
Clarke | Vera and Chris | Chepi Sepe | 321 |
Clarke | Wally | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 242 |
Clarke family | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 257, 258 | |
Clarke J | A History of Grande Cache | 69 | |
Clarkin | Jerry and Marjorie | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 227-228 |
Clark's Crossing | A History of Grande Cache | 42, 51 | |
Clarkson | George and Pearl | Pioneer Round-Up | 75 |
Clarkson | Gladys | Pioneers of the Peace | 139, 228 |
Clarkson | Jennie | Pioneers of the Peace | 180 |
Clarkson | Martin | Pioneers of the Peace | 180 |
Clarkson | Martin and Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 90 |
Clarkson | Tom, Douglas and Martin | Across the Smoky | 46 |
Clarkson | W A Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 131 |
Clarkson Valley Post Office | Across the Smoky | 287 | |
Clarkson Valley School | Across the Smoky | 300 | |
Clarridge | George | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 102 |
Clarridge | W | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Claughton | Bob | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 393 |
Clawhammer Flats | Across the Smoky | 176 | |
Clay | Lonnie and Nancy Ellen (Hunt) | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 92 |
Clay | Margaret | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 224 |
Clay | S G (RNWMP Constable) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 53,54,57 |
Clay | Sergeant | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 31, 34, 182, 187, 224, 268 |
Clay | Sgt S S | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 168, 203, 217, 226 |
Clay | Sidney G Sgt RNWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 7, 18, 81, 402, 405, 407, 408, 415 |
Clayton | Angus and Mrs | Along the Wapiti | 346 |
Clayton | Darrell and Laural | Iosegun Reflections | 250 |
Clearing | Grooming the Grizzly | 178-81 | |
Clearing the Right-Of-Way | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 20 | |
Clearwaters | Lee | Homesteaders' Heritage | 21,24,42 |
Clease | Art | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 47 |
Clegg | Fred | Across the Smoky | 95 |
Clegg | Tom and Anne | Bridges to the Past | 155 |
Cleland | Ben | Pioneers of the Peace | 278 |
Cleland | Pearl | Pioneers of the Peace | 278 |
Cleland | Reta | Pioneers of the Peace | 278 |
Cleland | Roy | Pioneers of the Peace | 278 |
Cleland | Theodore | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 335 |
Cleland | Theodore | Pioneers of the Peace | 277, 278 |
Cleland | Theodore | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 188 |
Cleland | Theodore Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 278 |
Clemens | Harry "Clem" | Pioneers of the Peace | 24 |
Clemetson | Albert | Buffalo Trails | 143 |
Clemo | William and Betty | Smoky Peace Triangle | 177 |
Clendanan | T M Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 201 |
Clendenan | Dr Arthur | Buffalo Trails | 112 |
Clendenan | Mrs T M | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 78 |
Clendenan | Thomas, Lila, Family | Buffalo Trails | 111 |
Clesse | Fernand and Madelaine | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 122 |
Cleve | Evelyn | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 206, 210 |
Cleve | George | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 173 |
Cleve | George Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 156 |
Cleve | Matilda | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 15 |
Cleve | Phyllis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 207, 210, 229 |
Clewes | George | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Clewes | Miss Margaret (RN) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 100 |
Cliff | Andy | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 97 |
Cliff | M R | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 33 |
Cliffe | Milton | Burnt Embers | 292 |
Clifford | Eleanor | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 |
Clifford | Eleanor | Pioneers of the Peace | 16-18 |
Clifford | H B Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 14, 16-18, 27, 47, 96, 162, 403, 405, 406 |
Clifford | Harry and Maud | Along the Wapiti | 130 |
Clifford | Harry B | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 3,5,8,53,72,73 |
Clifford | Harry B | Pioneers of the Peace | 16-18, 26, 45, 403, 415 |
Clifford | Harry B | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 18, 19,74,119 |
Clifford | Hilda | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 |
Clifford | Hilda | Pioneers of the Peace | 17 |
Clifford | Mrs H B | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 5, 13,23,31,32,53, 90,117 |
Climate and Weather | Burnt Embers | 3 | |
Cline | Elmer H | Pioneers of the Peace | 6, 47 |
Clisby | John and Doris | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 135 |
Clive | Scotty | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 879 |
Clock and Calendar in Reverse | Pioneer Round-Up | 328 | |
Closs | Carl and Verna | Grande Cache: The People | 50 |
Clothing | Memories and Moments | 25-27 | |
Clough | Robert | Across the Smoky | 19 |
Clough | Rupert | Where the Red Willow Grew | 67 |
Clouston | Edith (Calloway) | Burnt Embers | 120 |
Cloutier | George | Smoky Peace Triangle | 179 |
Cloutier | Olivier and Exerina | Smoky Peace Triangle | 180 |
Clovis Point | A History of Grande Cache | 8 | |
Clow | Nelson | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 441 |
Club 4-H | Chepi Sepe | 215 | |
Clubine | P U Mrs Ill | Pioneers of the Peace | 111, 142, 144 |
Clubine | Percival and Louise | Along the Wapiti | 80 |
Clubine | Percy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 95, 174, 177 |
Clubine | Percy U | Pioneers of the Peace | 130, 141-144, 177, 225, 256 |
Clubine | Percy Ulysses | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 148,149,189 |
Clubs | 4-H | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 249, 250, 251, 252 |
Clugston | Rev Don | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 6 |
Clunas | Percy | Homesteaders' Heritage | 43 |
Cluston | Jimmy | Pioneers of the Peace | 181, 182 |
Cluston | Jimmy | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 154 |
Cly | Mrs | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 95 |
Cnristianson | H R | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 100 |
Coal Dust Days | A History of Grande Cache | 81 | |
Coates | Frank | Along the Wapiti | 406 |
Coates | Frank | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 254 |
Coates | Harry | Pioneers of the Peace | 82 |
Coates | Harry S | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 113, 114 |
Coates | Johnny | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 211 |
Coates | Mrs Harry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | |
Coates | P J | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 121 |
Coates | Percy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 48, 93, 254 |
Coates | Rev | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 107 |
Coates | Rev Harry | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 52 |
Coates | Thomas Duncan | Buffalo Trails | 44 |
Coates | Tom | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 254 |
Cochlin | Doyle | Burnt Embers | 445 |
Cochlin | Mike | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 63, 138, 207, 230 |
Cochlin | Mrs Mike | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 138 |
Cochrane | Bob | Homesteaders' Heritage | 8 |
Cochrane | Ethel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 106 |
Cochrane | Jack | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 10, 73 |
Cochrane | James | Pioneers of the Peace | 77 |
Cochrane | James (Jim) | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 281 |
Cochrane | Jean | Pioneers of the Peace | 76, 77, 199 |
Cochrane | Jean Forbes | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 285 |
Cochrane | Jimmy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 251 |
Cochrane | Robert | From Survey to Today | 3 |
Cochrane | Robert | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 107 |
Cochrane | Robert | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 1, 12-14,73,99 |
Cochrane | Robert | Pioneers of the Peace | 47, 74-77,130,137,138, 140, 152, 188, 189, 199, 205, 216, 226 |
Cochrane | Robert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 95 |
Cochrane | Robert | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 149,177 |
Cochrane | Robert Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 74-77, 198 |
Cochrane | Ruth | Pioneers of the Peace | 77 |
Cochrane | Ruth Atkins | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 288 |
Cochrante | George | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 38 |
Cocklin and English | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 151 | |
Codesa - Fox Creek School Bus | Smoky Peace Triangle | 3 | |
Codesa School #4595 | Smoky Peace Triangle | 2 | |
Coe | Captain | Across the Smoky | 178 |
Coe | Harold | Along the Wapiti | 347 |
Coe | Harold and Ruth | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 879 |
Coe | Robert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Coelen | Alfred "Chick" | Grande Cache: The People | 51 |
Coelen | Chic | A History of Grande Cache | 61 |
Coggins | Ted and Ella | Burnt Embers | 130 |
Coglan | V D | Burnt Embers | 445 |
Colburn | Dan | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 414 |
Colby | Frank | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 7 |
Colby | George and Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 8 |
Colcman | Tice | Pioneer Round-Up | 473 |
Colebrook | Charles | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30 |
Colebrook | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 114 | |
Coleman | Donald, Muriel, Family | Buffalo Trails | 166 |
Coleman | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 29, 403, 404 |
Coleman | Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 221 |
Coleman | Mrs | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30, 224 |
Coleman | Tim, Jean, Family | Buffalo Trails | 161 |
Coleman | Walter, Disa, Family | Buffalo Trails | 165 |
Coleman Murder | Pioneers of the Peace | 29, 30, 403, 404 | |
Coles | H T | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 135,139 |
Collby | Mrs Ida | Across the Smoky | 19 |
College Sawmill Camp | Bridges to the Past | 509 | |
Colletie | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 187 |
Colletie | Miss | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 131 |
Collette | Fred | Pioneers of the Peace | 242 |
Collette | Fred E, Clara, Family | Buffalo Trails | 27 |
Collette | Fred Sr, Family | Buffalo Trails | 27 |
Collette | Mrs | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 32 |
Collier | James | Buffalo Trails | 6 |
Collins | Beryl and Mel | Chepi Sepe | 323 |
Collins | Const RNWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 219, 409 |
Collins | Ed | Pioneer Round-Up | 77 |
Collins | Family | The Big Bend | 37 |
Collins | Frank | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 338 |
Collins | John Henry | The First Metis�A New Nation | 338 |
Collins | Marge and Mike | Chepi Sepe | 324 |
Collins | Mrs | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 93 |
Collins | Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 49, 294, 295 |
Collins | Peggy and Clayton | Chepi Sepe | 324 |
Collins | RNWMP Constable | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 40,54,55 |
Collins | Verna and Sherman | Chepi Sepe | 326 |
Colton | Clarence | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 265 |
Colton | Wilfred | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 167 |
Comborough | Clarence | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 996 |
Comeau | Belli | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 235 |
Comeau | Brother Alfred | A History of Grande Cache | 87 |
Comeau | Nicole | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 235 |
Comeau | Pete and Dorothy | Along the Wapiti | 194 |
Comeau | Ron | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 235 |
Comer | Les and Alice | From Tears to Triumph | 107 |
Comfort | Frank | Memories and Moments | 166 |
Coming of the Railroad | From Tears to Triumph | 377 | |
Comm | August | Grooming the Grizzly | 291 |
Communication | Memories and Moments | 42 | |
Community Club | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 405 | |
Community Efforts | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 61 | |
Community Pasture | From Tears to Triumph | 339 | |
Community Schools and Churches | Grooming the Grizzly | 17 | |
Compagnion | Norma | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 117 |
Compagnon | Gladys | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 117, 224 |
Compagnon | Jean | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 117, 118 |
Compagnon | Marion | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 117 |
Compagnon | Tom | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 117 |
Compton | Cecil and Laura | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 228 |
Comrie | Margaret (Chamberlain) | Chepi Sepe | 330 |
Conastir | Cecil | Smoky Peace Triangle | 181 |
Coney | Ed and Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 122 |
Coney | James and Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 159 |
Coney | Jock | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 325 |
Coney | John and June | Smoky Peace Triangle | 181 |
Coney | Keith and Kathleen | Bridges to the Past | 28 |
Conley | Charles and Elizabeth | Along the Wapiti | 140, 347 |
Conley | L Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 131 |
Conlin | James | Buffalo Trails | 158 |
Conmee | James | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 38 |
Connell | Alex | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 215 |
Connell | Bill | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 217 |
Connell | Jack | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 326 |
Connell | Melvin | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 215 |
Connell | Melvin, Audrey, Family | Buffalo Trails | 73 |
Connelly | Carl | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 265 |
Connelly | Deanna | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 208 |
Connelly | Edward | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 208 |
Connelly | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 208 |
Connelly | Lois | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 208 |
Conner | Jim | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 44 |
Connery | Clifton | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 326 |
Connery | Henry | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 326 |
Connery | Ken | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 122 |
Connolly | Sidney A | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 56 |
Connolly | Sidney, Family | Buffalo Trails | 261 |
Connor | Charles W | Buffalo Trails | 238 |
Connor | James | Buffalo Trails | 84 |
Connors | Clarence | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Connors | Erma | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Connors | Jim | Burnt Embers | 213 |
Connors | Lawrence | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Connors | Lawrence P | Pioneers of the Peace | 303 |
Connors | Mrs Pal | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 43 |
Connors | Thomas | Pioneers of the Peace | 303 |
Connors | Vemon | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Conrad | Harlie | Buffalo Trails | 188 |
Conrad | Harley H | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 49,55 |
Conrad | Harley H | Pioneers of the Peace | 104, 266, 291 |
Conrad | Harlie | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 108 |
Conrad | Jack and Jean | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1128 |
Conrad | Wallace and Dorothy | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1128 |
Conroy | Vince and Cheryl | Grande Cache: The People | 53 |
Conroy | Dr J H | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 132 |
Conroy | Ind Comm | Pioneers of the Peace | 407 |
Conroy | Joe | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 118, 254 |
Conroy | Miss | Grooming the Grizzly | 109 |
Conroy | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 18 |
Conservative Party | Pioneers of the Peace | 9, 118, 190, 205 | |
Conservative Party | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 41, 63 | |
Constantine | C Supt RNWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 402 |
Construction - log | building | The First Metis�A New Nation | 480 |
Coogan | Gerry and Curly | Bridges to the Past | 26 |
Coogan | Leo and Hazel | Bridges to the Past | 28 |
Coogan | Leo Edward and Hazel | Burnt Embers | 214, 368 |
Cook | A H | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 79,124 |
Cook | Alphonse | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 261 |
Cook | Ben | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 550 |
Cook | Bert | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 170 |
Cook | Bill | Memories and Moments | 166 |
Cook | Booth | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 202 |
Cook | C | Pioneers of the Peace | 235 |
Cook | Charles and Grace | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 414 |
Cook | Charles, Grace, Family | Buffalo Trails | 166 |
Cook | Charlie | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 337 |
Cook | Clarence, W E | Homesteaders' Heritage | 148, 160, 167,200 |
Cook | Curtis - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 491 |
Cook | Edmond | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 99 |
Cook | Eleanor | Pioneer Round-Up | 77 |
Cook | Esther and Gilbert | Chepi Sepe | 331 |
Cook | Gilbert | Memories and Moments | 166 |
Cook | Gordon | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 202 |
Cook | Harry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 114 |
Cook | Irene | Pioneer Round-Up | 46a |
Cook | Irvina | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 543 |
Cook | Jack and Eliza | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 584 |
Cook | Lloyd and Family | Smoky Peace Triangle | 182 |
Cook | Lyle | Burnt Embers | 293 |
Cook | Marion | Iosegun Reflections | 250 |
Cook | Mr | Across the Smoky | 39 |
Cook | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 62 |
Cook | Pat | A History of Grande Cache | 88 |
Cook | Pearl (poem) | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 275 |
Cook | Raymond | Memories and Moments | 168 |
Cook | Robert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 102 |
Cook | Ted | Pioneer Round-Up | 191 |
Cook | Thomas Edmund | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 174 |
Cook | William, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 72 |
Cook and Boyd | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 175 | |
Cooke | Boyd | Pioneers of the Peace | 228 |
Cooke | Boyd | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 134 |
Cooke | D B | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 32,33 |
Cooke | Donald R | Pioneers of the Peace | 227, 228 |
Cooke | Eunice | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33 |
Cooke | Eunice | Pioneers of the Peace | 228 |
Cooke | Herb and Effie | Along the Wapiti | 348 |
Cooke | Lois | Pioneers of the Peace | 228 |
Cooke | Ramona | Pioneers of the Peace | 228, 229 |
Cooke | T E Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 5, 225 |
Cooke | Thomas Edmund | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 91 |
Cooke | Thomas Edmund | Pioneers of the Peace | 219, 225-229 |
Cooke & Boyd | Pioneers of the Peace | 221 | |
Cooke & Boyd Sawmill | Pioneers of the Peace | 76, 219, 226-228, 230, 285, 308, 333 | |
Cooke and Boyd | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 27 | |
Cooking Methods | The First Metis�A New Nation | 484 | |
Cooksley | Alfred and Family | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 416 |
Cooksley | Alfred, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 93 |
Cooksley | Bill | Burnt Embers | 293 |
Coombs | Duane and Laura | Grande Cache: The People | 55 |
Coombs | Ron and Sheila | Grande Cache: The People | 54 |
Coombs | Sheila | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Coone | Ace and Annie | Burnt Embers | 441, 462 |
Coone | Frank and Betty | Burnt Embers | 120,442,449,462 |
Coons | Stan | Homesteaders' Heritage | 202 |
Coons | Stan and Maxine | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 137 |
Cooper | Albert (M P) Message | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | xiv |
Cooper | Alice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Cooper | Arthur | Pioneers of the Peace | 141, 142 |
Cooper | Arthur | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 53 |
Cooper | Arthur | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 53 |
Cooper | Arthur | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 100 |
Cooper | Betty | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Cooper | Carry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 73, 119, 176 |
Cooper | Cora | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Cooper | Cora (Mrs Herbert) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 40, 42, 118,168 |
Cooper | Dale | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119, 120 |
Cooper | Darlene | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119, 120 |
Cooper | David | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Cooper | Denise | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Cooper | Derald | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119, 120 |
Cooper | Dwayne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119, 120 |
Cooper | Frank | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 118, 119 |
Cooper | Fred | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 118 |
Cooper | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 13, 16, 18, 21, 36, 65, 118, 135, 187, 193, 198, 203, 244, 247 |
Cooper | Gladys | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Cooper | H C | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 44 |
Cooper | Herb | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 113, 119 |
Cooper | Herbert Sr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 65, 73, 118, 137, 252, 253, 254 |
Cooper | Jim | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 129 |
Cooper | Joe | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 118, 119, 205, 207, 209 |
Cooper | Margaret | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | |
Cooper | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Cooper | Ronald | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Coopers | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 183 | |
Corbet | Rev Fr Neil | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 82 |
Corbett | Ken | Pioneers of the Peace | 331 |
Cordwood | Burnt Embers | 33 | |
Corey | Frank | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 256 |
Corkhill | Thomas | Pioneer Round-Up | 79 |
Corlett | Thomas | Pioneers of the Peace | 6 |
Cormack | Bill and Ilene | Bridges to the Past | 102 |
Cornelius | Const RNWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 89, 410 |
Cornelius | RNWMP Constable | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 49,55 |
Corness | Rev D | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 9 |
Cornish | Art, Bill, Ken | Homesteaders' Heritage | 203, 414 |
Cornish | Lewie | Homesteaders' Heritage | 202 |
Cornish | Rev Paul | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 86 |
Cornock | Bruce and Joan | From Tears to Triumph | 227 |
Cornock | Charlie | Homesteaders' Heritage | 203 |
Cornock | Charlie and Myrtle | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 138 |
Cornock | Charlie and Myrtle | From Tears to Triumph | 230 |
Cornock | Dennis L and Anna | From Tears to Triumph | 230 |
Cornock | Ruth | From Tears to Triumph | 231 |
Cornwall | Col J K | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 2 |
Cornwall | Colonel J K | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 2, 3,11,44,63 |
Cornwall | J K | Pioneers of the Peace | 8, 9,10,12, 22, 37, 63, 65, 163, 271, 405 |
Cornwall | J K | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30, 37, 186 |
Cornwall | James K (MPP) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 6, 9,11, 29, 64,69,96, 103,116, 141,144,209, 215,232 |
Cornwall | Jim | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 2, 77 |
Cornwall School | Across the Smoky | 301 | |
Cornwall, early days | Across the Smoky | 318 | |
Corona Hotel | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 103 | |
Corpas | Jose and Christine | Iosegun Reflections | 252 |
Corregan | Emma Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 62 |
Cory | James | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 337 |
Cory | Jim | Pioneers of the Peace | 234, 278 |
Cory | Jim | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 95 |
Corythosaurus | A History of Grande Cache | 3 | |
Coste | Leon | Pioneer Round-Up | 79 |
Cote | J L (MPP) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 14,38,48 |
Cote | Leo | Where the Red Willow Grew | 606 |
Cotillion | Clinton McCoy Remembers | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 4 |
Cotillion Area | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 2 | |
Cotillion Butte Recreation Association | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 2 | |
Cotillion Campsite | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 26 | |
Cotillion Ladies' Club | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 4 | |
Cotton | Mr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 114 |
Cotton | Thomas | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 548 |
Cottons | The Big Bend | 38 | |
Coughlin | Robert and Judith | Grande Cache: The People | 55 |
Coulson | Ernest and Margaret | Iosegun Reflections | 253 |
Coulson | Helen (Nellie) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 123 |
Coulson | James | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 123 |
Coulson | Maureen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 123 |
Coulson | Tom | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 123 |
Coulter | Charlie | Across the Smoky | 140 |
Coulter | Edward | Buffalo Trails | 203 |
Coulter | Robert | Memories and Moments | 237 |
Country Stitches | Bridges to the Past | 440 | |
County of Grande Prairie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 10, 11 | |
County of Grande Prairie No | Pioneers of the Peace | 168,214, 259, 295 | |
Coupe | Ewald | Homesteaders' Heritage | 203 |
Coupiand | Kerry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 121 |
Coupland | Debbie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 120, 172 |
Coupland | Rex | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 120, 172 |
Coupland | Tara | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 120, 172 |
Court House, first | Pioneers of the Peace | 406 | |
Court, first Supreme | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 56 | |
Court, first District | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 53 | |
Courtepatte Clan | The First Metis�A New Nation | 174 | |
Courthouse | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 59, 60, 85,142,146 | |
Courtier | Louis | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 203 |
Courtereille | Louis | Grouard-Peace River Trail | 55 |
Courtrielle | Louis | The First Metis�A New Nation | 336 |
Cousins | G A | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 79 |
Couteret Family | Iosegun Reflections | 253 | |
Coutreau | Patrick | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 100 |
Coutts | James | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 91 |
Coutts | Neil | Homesteaders' Heritage | 203,412 |
Couture | John and Debbie | Grande Cache: The People | 56 |
Couture | John and Lucille | Grande Cache: The People | 56 |
Couture Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 176 | |
Couzens | Charles | The Big Bend | 254 |
Cow Camp | Pioneers of the Peace | 19 | |
Cowan | Bill | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 146 |
Cowan | Charles | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 198 |
Cowan | Jim | Burnt Embers | 131 |
Cowan | Ken | Homesteaders' Heritage | 159,162 |
Cowan | William | Pioneers of the Peace | 196 |
Cowell | Ernie and Nettie | Along the Wapiti | 80 |
Cowell | Lawrence | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 123 |
Cowell Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 122 | |
Cowen | Charles and Julia | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 167 |
Cowgar | Elmer | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 315 |
Cowgar | Ezra | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 315 |
Cowger | Elmer, Evan, William | Homesteaders' Heritage | 151, 157, 160, 164, 167, 204 |
Cowlthrop | Mayme and Earl | Chepi Sepe | 331 |
Cowpar | Anne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 122, 253 |
Cowpar | Bill | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 122 |
Cowpar | Charles | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 31, 121, 122, 183, 243, 253, 254 |
Cowpar | Charlie and Julia | Along the Wapiti | 348 |
Cowpar | Ella | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 122 |
Cowpar | Henry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 122 |
Cowpar | Joe | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 339 |
Cowpar | Joe | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 122, 253 |
Cowpar | Julia | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 121 |
Cowpar | Lilly | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 122 |
Cowpar | Louis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 122, 253 |
Cowpar | Mrs C | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 253 |
Cox | Pioneers of the Peace | 169 | |
Cox | Albert | Grooming the Grizzly | 292 |
Cox | Brian and Tammy | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 200 |
Cox | Dorothy | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33 |
Cox | Floyd | Across the Smoky | 23 |
Cox | G M | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 100 |
Cox | Gordon | Along the Wapiti | 406 |
Cox | Jack | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 102 |
Cox | Joe | Homesteaders' Heritage | 21,44 |
Cox | Molly and Ernest | Chepi Sepe | 332 |
Coxe | E W (Ted) | Burnt Embers | 215 |
Coyes | Tom | Homesteaders' Heritage | 157, 161, 166 |
Coyle | Jack | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1098 |
Crabb | Henry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 203 |
Crabb | John | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 122 |
Crabbe | Evelyn | Pioneers of the Peace | 77, 78 |
Crabbe | Henry | Pioneers of the Peace | 77, 79 |
Crabbe | Nellie | Pioneers of the Peace | 77, 80 |
Crabbe | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 203 |
Crabbe | William | Pioneers of the Peace | 34, 40, 42, 77, 78 |
Crabbe | William Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 77, 78 |
Crack | Nicholas | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 123 |
Craddock and Aimes | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 30 | |
Craig | A | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 13 |
Craig | Alex | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 44, 54 |
Craig | Alex | Pioneers of the Peace | 59, 409 |
Craig | Alex | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 19, 27, 122, 174 |
Craig | Alexander and Johan | Along the Wapiti | 81 |
Craig | Annie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 122 |
Craig | Bella | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 122, 124 |
Craig | Bill and Lyda | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 169 |
Craig | Charles | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 33, 122, 123, 124, 246 |
Craig | David | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 122 |
Craig | Ellen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247 |
Craig | Gail | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 123 |
Craig | Gavin | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 122, 247 |
Craig | Helen (Nellie) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 122, 123 |
Craig | Jack | Pioneers of the Peace | 307 |
Craig | Jack and Jean | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 167 |
Craig | James (Jim) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 122 |
Craig | James and Sibella | Along the Wapiti | 213 |
Craig | John | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 9 |
Craig | Ken and Bev | Iosegun Reflections | 254 |
Craig | Rev H O | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 88 |
Craig | Sibella | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 122 |
Craig | Steve | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 441 |
Craig | Steve | Pioneers of the Peace | 44 |
Craig | Vivian | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 174 |
Craig | W | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 44 |
Craig | William | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 27, 122 |
Craig | William and Elizabeth | Along the Wapiti | 349 |
Craig Bros | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 23 | |
Craig Bros | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 117 | |
Craigellachie School | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 398 | |
Craiger | Frank | Pioneers of the Peace | 47, 71 |
Craik | Jim | Homesteaders' Heritage | 24 |
Craik | John and Julia | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 394 |
Cramer | Bob | Homesteaders' Heritage | 45 |
Cramer | Bob and Jean | Smoky Peace Triangle | 182 |
Cramer | Gerd | Burnt Embers | 133 |
Cramer | Jamie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Cramer | Janice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Cramer | Jim | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110, 190 |
Cramer | John | Smoky Peace Triangle | 183 |
Cramer | John | The Big Bend | 207 |
Cramer | Robert | Burnt Embers | 131 |
Cramer | Robert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 205 |
Cramer | Stacey | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Cramer Family | The Big Bend | 206 | |
Cranberry Lake Ranch (Matlock) | Bridges to the Past | 296 | |
Cranberry Lake Rodeo Association | Bridges to the Past | 398 | |
Crandall | Blaire, Dalbert | Homesteaders' Heritage | 414,417 |
Crandall | F James | Homesteaders' Heritage | 204 |
Crane | Sidney H | Buffalo Trails | 203 |
Crane | Stanley W | Buffalo Trails | 203 |
Crane-Williams | G H and Mrs | Along the Wapiti | 83 |
Crane-Williams | George H | Pioneers of the Peace | 113 |
Cranshaw Family | Burnt Embers | 135,205 | |
Cranston | Pioneers of the Peace | 220 | |
Cranston | Alice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 35, 124 |
Cranston | Allan | Pioneers of the Peace | 144 |
Cranston | Allan | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Cranston | Bruce | Pioneers of the Peace | 144 |
Cranston | Bruce | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Cranston | Charles | Pioneers of the Peace | 144 |
Cranston | Charlie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 127, 128 |
Cranston | David and Irene | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Cranston | Don | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 13 |
Cranston | Don | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Cranston | Donald | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 205 |
Cranston | Donald C | Pioneers of the Peace | 32, 34, 39, 68, 128 |
Cranston | Elizabeth Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 62 |
Cranston | Fred | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 124, 128 |
Cranston | Frederick | Pioneers of the Peace | 144 |
Cranston | G T Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 144 |
Cranston | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 25, 124, 184, 201, 246 |
Cranston | George T | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 108 |
Cranston | George T | Pioneers of the Peace | 142, 144 |
Cranston | George Thomas | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 148,151 |
Cranston | Harry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 206 |
Cranston | Harry | Pioneers of the Peace | 128 |
Cranston | Harry | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 100 |
Cranston | Jean | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Cranston | Kay | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Cranston | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Cranston | Mrs Wilma | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 37 |
Cranston | Mrs Wilma | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Cranston | Peter | Pioneers of the Peace | 144 |
Cranston | Peter | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 124, 125, 127, 141 |
Cranston | Peter and Mary | Along the Wapiti | 350 |
Cranston | Sid and Aida | Burnt Embers | 134,449 |
Cranston | Velma | Pioneers of the Peace | 144 |
Cranston | Velma | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 124 |
Cranston | Will | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 184 |
Cranston | William | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Cranston | William A | Pioneers of the Peace | 144, 220 |
Cranwell | Ford and Jocelyne | Grande Cache: The People | 56 |
Craven | Michael and Jaqueline | Grande Cache: The People | 57 |
Crawford | Andy and Maggie | Grande Cache: The People | 59 |
Crawford | C. Nancy Love and Tom | Grande Cache: The People | 57 |
Crawford | Chester | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 254 |
Crawford | Const RCMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 414 |
Crawford | Dr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 255 |
Crawford | George and Carla (nee Schmidt) | Grande Cache: The People | 57 |
Crawford | J S | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 37 |
Crawford | John | Homesteaders' Heritage | 46 |
Crawford | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 254 |
Crawford | John, Rena, Family | Buffalo Trails | 241 |
Crawford | RCMP Constable | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 60 |
Crawford | Rena | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 254 |
Crawley | F A, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 219 |
Crawley | Mr | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 66 |
Crawley | Mrs | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 66 |
Crawshaw | Bessie and Tom | Chepi Sepe | 332 |
Creamery Cafe | Pioneers of the Peace | 145 | |
Crean | Rev Fr | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 81 |
Crease | Pioneers of the Peace | 331 | |
Cree | Martin and Erica | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 228, 229 |
Cree | A History of Grande Cache | 14 | |
Cree Names of Great Men | The First Metis�A New Nation | 446 | |
Cregg | Stephen and Pauline | Smoky Peace Triangle | 184 |
Creighton | Marvin 'Red" | A History of Grande Cache | 43-44 |
Creighton | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 243 |
Crerar | Alexander "Sandy" | Pioneers of the Peace | 79, 208, 209 |
Crerar | Alexander and Sarah | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 108 |
Crerar | Beth | Pioneers of the Peace | 80 |
Crerar | Charles | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 102 |
Crerar | Dorothy | Pioneers of the Peace | 79 |
Crerar | Doug | Pioneers of the Peace | 80 |
Crerar | Ed | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 114 |
Crerar | Ed and Gertie | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 108 |
Crerar | Edna | Pioneers of the Peace | 80 |
Crerar | Edward | Pioneers of the Peace | 79, 80 |
Crerar | Harold | Pioneers of the Peace | 80 |
Crerar | J A Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 79 |
Crerar | James | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 24,73 |
Crerar | James | Pioneers of the Peace | 47, 79, 207, 208, 209, 278, 293, 407 |
Crerar | James Gilbert | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 57, 108 |
Crerar | Jim and Jack | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 114, 181, 188 |
Crerar | John A | Pioneers of the Peace | 79, 80, 207, 208, 209 |
Crerar | John and Ethel | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 108 |
Crerar | M | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Crerar | Merle | Pioneers of the Peace | 79, 80 |
Crerar | Percy | Pioneers of the Peace | 79, 80 |
Crerar | Roy | Pioneers of the Peace | 80 |
Crerar | Sadie | Pioneers of the Peace | 79, 208, 209 |
Crerar | Sadie | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 114 |
Crichton | James, Ethel, Family | Buffalo Trails | 38 |
Crichton | John Cline | Buffalo Trails | 38 |
Crocker | Earl | Homesteaders' Heritage | 160,167,204 |
Crocker | Helen | Homesteaders' Heritage | 288 |
Crocker | Helen (Pasmeny) | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 138 |
Croken | Jennie Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 211 |
Croken | P V | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 35 |
Croken | P V | Pioneers of the Peace | 87, 267 |
Croken | P V Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 87 |
Croken | Pat | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 141 |
Croken | Pat, Rudolph and Eugene | Across the Smoky | 15 |
Croken | Patrick V | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 9 |
Croken-Moore Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 491 | |
Cromie | Charles | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 536 |
Cronin | Frank | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 276 |
Cronk J | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 124 | |
Crook | Reverend | A History of Grande Cache | 86 |
Crook | William James | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 38 |
Crooked Creek Community Assoc | Bridges to the Past | 399 | |
Crooked Creek Community Recreation Club | Bridges to the Past | 400 | |
Crooked Creek Good Neighbors | Bridges to the Past | 189, 401 | |
Crooked Creek Lumber (Moon's Mill) | Bridges to the Past | 491 | |
Crooked Creek Post Office | Across the Smoky | 286 | |
Crooked Creek Telephone | Across the Smoky | 287 | |
Cross | Barney | Across the Smoky | 140 |
Cross | Charles Oliver (Carl) | Where the Red Willow Grew | 503 |
Cross | Charles R Jr | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 49 |
Cross | Dick | Homesteaders' Heritage | 205 |
Cross | Hon C W | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 240 |
Cross | Jim | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 230 |
Cross | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 230 |
Cross | Millie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 230 |
Cross | Sharon | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 230 |
Cross | Tom | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 230 |
Crossfield | Reverend | A History of Grande Cache | 88 |
Crotau | Zeb | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 190 |
Croteau | Zeb | Pioneers of the Peace | 72 |
Crouse | George M | Pioneer Round-Up | 473 |
Crowe | Bert (Albert George) | Across the Smoky | 11 |
Crowe | Chester W | Pioneers of the Peace | 144, 145 |
Crowe | Clyde | Bridges to the Past | 229 |
Crowe | Clyde - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 516 |
Crowe | D Doreen | Across the Smoky | 284 |
Crowe | Edith | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Crowe | Reg | Across the Smoky | 11 |
Crowe | Tom | Across the Smoky | 11 |
Crown Land Survey | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 5 | |
Crow's Nest Pass | The First Metis�A New Nation | 348 | |
Crowther | Edward | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 86 |
Crubb | William | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 22 |
Crull | Art | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 183 |
Crummy | Barry | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 51 |
Crummy | Frank | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 85 |
Crummy | Frank | Pioneers of the Peace | 310 |
Crummy | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 293, 310, 311 |
Crummy | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 210 |
Crummy | George L | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 50,103,105,127, 131,141 |
Crummy | J M | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 107 |
Crummy | Joe | Pioneers of the Peace | 310 |
Crummy Bros | Pioneers of the Peace | 155, 285, 293, 310, 311 | |
Cryderman | Anne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 240 |
Cryderman | Gloria | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 240 |
Cryderman | Harold | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 240 |
Crystal | D | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33 |
Crystal Creek Altruist Club | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 112 | |
Crystal Creek Church, Hall and School | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 110 | |
Cubs | A History of Grande Cache | 77 | |
Cuff | C T | Homesteaders' Heritage | 2 |
Culbett | V E | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 38 |
Culp | Mr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 186 |
Culp | Norman | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 3 |
Culp | Norman | Pioneers of the Peace | 10 |
Culsungavich | W D | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33,34 |
Cultivation | Grooming the Grizzly | 178-81 | |
Cumberworth | Arthur | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 326 |
Cummings | Bill | Smoky Peace Triangle | 185 |
Cummins | Bob and Nellie | Grande Cache: The People | 61 |
Cummins | John J | Buffalo Trails | 155 |
Cummsey | John | Smoky Peace Triangle | 185 |
Cundict | Grace | Grande Cache: The People | 61 |
Cunningham | 1st Generation | The First Metis�A New Nation | 185 |
Cunningham | Alfred | Pioneers of the Peace | 323 |
Cunningham | Bert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 13 |
Cunningham | Bill | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 513 |
Cunningham | Dorothy | Pioneers of the Peace | 323 |
Cunningham | Frank | Pioneer Round-Up | 475 |
Cunningham | Henry | The First Metis�A New Nation | 186 |
Cunningham | J J | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 100 |
Cunningham | James, Samuel | The First Metis�A New Nation | 182 |
Cunningham | Joyce | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Cunningham | Olga | Burnt Embers | 436 |
Cunningham | Patrick | The First Metis�A New Nation | 187 |
Cunningham | Peter | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 117, 229 |
Cunningham | Phillip | Pioneer Round-Up | 476 |
Cunningham | R B | Pioneer Round-Up | 473 |
Cunningham | Sam | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 1 |
Cunningham | Sam | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 15 |
Cunningham Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 181 | |
Cunningham Generations (Interview) | The First Metis�A New Nation | 185 | |
Curial | Bernard and Gail | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 229 |
Curial | Todd and Tammy | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 230 |
Curling | Grooming the Grizzly | 137-139 | |
Curling | The Northfield Settlement | 13 | |
Curling | Burnt Embers | 87 | |
Curling in Spirit River | Chepi Sepe | 245 | |
Curling Rink | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 48 | |
Current Sawmills | Bridges to the Past | 515 | |
Currie | George and Harriet | Burnt Embers | 139 |
Currie | Jessie | Chepi Sepe | 336 |
Currie | Major | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 38 |
Currie | Robert J and Jessie | From Tears to Triumph | 234 |
Currie | Tom | Homesteaders' Heritage | 412 |
Curry | Francis | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 123 |
Curry | Neil | Across the Smoky | 97 |
Curry | Stewart E | Pioneers of the Peace | 332 |
Curtis | Charles | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 276 |
Curtis | Dr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 81 |
Curtis | Lee | Pioneers of the Peace | 118 |
Cushing | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 9 |
Cutbank Lake United Church | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 34 | |
Cuthbert | Harvey Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 73 |
Cuthbert | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 101 |
Cuthbert | Mary and Harvey | Chepi Sepe | 338 |
Cuthbertson | Audrey | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Cuthbertson | contractor | Pioneers of the Peace | 410 |
Cuthbertson | Edgar | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128, 132, 153 |
Cuthbertson | Gerald Rodney | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Cuthbertson | Helen Laurie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 40, 128, 132,153 |
Cuthbertson | Helen Pauline | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Cuthbertson | N | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 137 |
Cuthbertson | Norman Edgar | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Cuthbertsons | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 137 | |
Cutler | Ivor | Where the Red Willow Grew | 69 |
Cutler | Ivor and Helen | Along the Wapiti | 351 |
Cutshall | Helen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 218 |
Cutshall | Ken | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 218 |
Cutshall | Ken Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 296 |
Cutting Grain | Grooming the Grizzly | 178-81 | |
Cyr | Armand | The Big Bend | 106 |
Cyr | Armand and Ellen | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 201 |
Cyr | Levite | Smoky Peace Triangle | 187 |
Cyr (Gahagean) | Alvine | Smoky Peace Triangle | 185 |
Czaban | Anthony | Homesteaders' Heritage | 151, 158,205 |
Czaban | Anthony and Nina | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 138 |
Czaban | Nick | Homesteaders' Heritage | 47 |
Czaban | Nina and Anthony | Chepi Sepe | 339 |
Czorny | William | Homesteaders' Heritage | 47 |
Czupryk | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 327 |
Czupryk | George | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 169 |
Czupryk Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 124 | |
Dacenko | Matt, Alexandra, Family | Buffalo Trails | 178 |
Dahl | Agnes | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 101 |
Dahl | Alfred Kenneth | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 101 |
Dahl | Anders | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 101 |
Dahl | Anders J, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 15 |
Dahl | Andy | Pioneers of the Peace | 278 |
Dahl | Anna | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 182 |
Dahl | Anne | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 101 |
Dahl | Anton | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 337 |
Dahl | Anton, Elmer and Ben | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 170 |
Dahl | Ben | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 337 |
Dahl | Ben | Pioneers of the Peace | 233, 323 |
Dahl | Craig | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247 |
Dahl | Elmer | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 337 |
Dahl | Elmer | Pioneers of the Peace | 233, 278 |
Dahl | Elmer and Anna | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 109 |
Dahl | Erin | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247 |
Dahl | Hans H, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 17 |
Dahl | Joel | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 101 |
Dahl | Joel | Burnt Embers | 216 |
Dahl | Kari | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 49, 98, 101 |
Dahl | Lena | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 42 |
Dahl | Lorna | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 122, 245, 246 |
Dahl | Moses | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 261 |
Dahl | Petra | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 101 |
Dahl | Richard | The Northfield Settlement | 62 |
Dahl | Richard | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 51 |
Dahl | Robert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 246 |
Dahl | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 339 |
Dahlseide | Gilbert and Shirley | Grande Cache: The People | 62 |
Daily Herald Tribune | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 104 | |
Dairying in Tomslake | From Tears to Triumph | 383 | |
Dale | Clarence and Frances | Burnt Embers | 140 |
Dalen | Alice | Across the Smoky | 302 |
Dalen | J H | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 35 |
Dalen | Jens and Eric | Across the Smoky | 179 |
Dalen | K J | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 31 |
Dalen | Norman | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 35 |
Dalen | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 257 | |
Dalen Brickyard | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 31 | |
Dales | Rev Fr E G | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 82,83 |
Dalgleish | Alexander | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 384 |
Dalgleish | Carson Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 278 |
Dalphin | Fred C | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 22 |
Dalphin | W M | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 22 |
Daly | Gail and Earl William (Bill) | Chepi Sepe | 340 |
Dana | Dave | Across the Smoky | 23 |
Dana | Gene - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 492 |
Dana | Gene and Grace | Bridges to the Past | 156 |
Dana | Gene and Grace - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 511 |
Dana | George | Across the Smoky | 15, 23 |
Dana | Margaret and son Gene | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 260 |
Danchuk | Mary L | Burnt Embers | 204 |
Dancing | Grooming the Grizzly | 303 | |
Dancy | Tom | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 250 |
Dand | Alan | A History of Grande Cache | 28, 46 |
Dane | George | Pioneer Round-Up | 196 |
Dane | Ken and Anne | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 584 |
Daniel | Jim | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 417 |
Daniels | Harry | Smoky Peace Triangle | 187 |
Daniels | Marlin (Tiny) and Bonnie | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 231 |
Daniels | Mel | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 203 |
Danielson | Andrew | Pioneer Round-Up | 476 |
Danner | Dick and Karen | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 232 |
Danner | Kerri | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 233 |
Danner | Rick | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 235 |
Danyliuk | Harry and Mary | Where the Red Willow Grew | 504 |
Danyluk | Henry and Elvira | Iosegun Reflections | 254 |
Darbyson | Alan and Janice | From Tears to Triumph | 108 |
Darnton | Freddy | Across the Smoky | 140 |
Darrah | Mr | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 169 |
Darwin school | Across the Smoky | 298 | |
Darwin School | Pioneers of the Peace | 313 | |
Darwish & Adbo | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 50 | |
Dascalo | John | Across the Smoky | 141 |
Dascalo | John - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 485 |
Dashevsky | Jake | Pioneer Round-Up | 197 |
Daube | Joe | Across the Smoky | 182 |
Daugherty | Mr | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 59 |
Daughtery Murder | Pioneers of the Peace | 412 | |
Davey | Les and Clara | Along the Wapiti | 352 |
Davey | Mike | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
David | Alan and Bonnie-Lynn | From Tears to Triumph | 109 |
David | Alfred and Marie | From Tears to Triumph | 110 |
David | Horst and Laurel | From Tears to Triumph | 110 |
David | Ingrid E and Fred | From Tears to Triumph | 113 |
David | James | From Tears to Triumph | 115 |
David | Murray | From Tears to Triumph | 116 |
David | Tracy | From Tears to Triumph | 116 |
Davidson | Pioneers of the Peace | 407 | |
Davidson | A J | Pioneers of the Peace | 27, 285 |
Davidson | A J | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 128,159,215,231,238 |
Davidson | Charles Sr and Jr | Memories and Moments | 85 |
Davidson | Ed | Smoky Peace Triangle | 187 |
Davidson | Elmer | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 91 |
Davidson | Elsie and Charles | Chepi Sepe | 340 |
Davidson | Rev R A | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 84,99 |
Davidson | Violet | Pioneers of the Peace | 148 |
Davidson | W r (Bill) | Where the Red Willow Grew | 70 |
Davidson Family | Iosegun Reflections | 255 | |
Davidson's road camp | Pioneers of the Peace | 117 | |
Davie | A (Jr) | Homesteaders' Heritage | 24,48 |
Davie | A (Sr) | Homesteaders' Heritage | 16,17-20,24,47 |
Davie | Verna and Andy | Chepi Sepe | 341 |
Davies | Audrey | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Davies | Candis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Davies | Fred | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 22, 129 |
Davies | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 33 |
Davies | Glyn | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Davies | Jim | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 130 |
Davies | Ken and Mabel | Along the Wapiti | 142 |
Davies | Ronald | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 130 |
Davies | Rosa | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 22, 129 |
Davies | Shirley (Kerr) | Chepi Sepe | 342 |
Davies | Trevor | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Davies | William | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 86 |
Davies | William and Daisy | Along the Wapiti | 244 |
Davis | Lorne, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 78 |
Davis | Roy | Buffalo Trails | 108 |
Davis | "Twelve Foot" | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 141 |
Davis | Ada | Pioneers of the Peace | 229 |
Davis | Adolphus C | Pioneers of the Peace | 229, 230 |
Davis | Albert | Grooming the Grizzly | 293 |
Davis | Beth (Glenn) and Jeff | Chepi Sepe | 344 |
Davis | Don and Mo | Bridges to the Past | 102 |
Davis | Eileen | Pioneers of the Peace | 229 |
Davis | G | Pioneers of the Peace | 54 |
Davis | Gene | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 307 |
Davis | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 45 |
Davis | George | Pioneer Round-Up | 80 |
Davis | George and Nancy | Along the Wapiti | 351 |
Davis | George Courtney | Pioneers of the Peace | 25 |
Davis | Harry | Grooming the Grizzly | 294 |
Davis | Inez and Joseph | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 203 |
Davis | Jeff | Memories and Moments | 170 |
Davis | Laura | Pioneers of the Peace | 282 |
Davis | Lloyd | Bridges to the Past | 103 |
Davis | Lloyd - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 516 |
Davis | Louisa M | Pioneers of the Peace | 146 |
Davis | Mabel | Pioneers of the Peace | 229, 230 |
Davis | Mansell | A History of Grande Cache | 31, 56 |
Davis | Maxine, Memories | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 132 |
Davis | Naomi | Pioneers of the Peace | 229 |
Davis | Roy | Pioneers of the Peace | 229, 230, 244 |
Davis | William | Grooming the Grizzly | 293 |
Davis Family | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 236 | |
Davis;B | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 38 | |
Davison | Elmer E | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 66 |
Davison | Harold | The Big Bend | 108 |
Davisons | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 204 | |
Davls | Eric | Across the Smoky | 180 |
Dawn REA - Arlene Antypowich | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 34 | |
Dawson | Cecil | Memories and Moments | 240 |
Dawson | Geoffrey | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 103 |
Dawson | Gladys | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 103 |
Dawson | Neil | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 399 |
Day | Alex | Homesteaders' Heritage | 365 |
Day | Bernie | Homesteaders' Heritage | 366 |
Day | Cyril | Homesteaders' Heritage | 366 |
Day | Doreen, Norman | Homesteaders' Heritage | 347 |
Day | Edgar | Buffalo Trails | 67 |
Day | Harold, Isabel, Family | Buffalo Trails | 72 |
Day | Len and Linda | Iosegun Reflections | 256 |
Day | Nell | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 101 |
Day | S | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Day | Ted and Anna | Along the Wapiti | 290 |
Day | William Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 73 |
Daynes | Ted and Betty | Grande Cache: The People | 62 |
DcCiccio | Victor (Bill) and Martha | Iosegun Reflections | 258 |
DDAS - Curling | Bridges to the Past | 403 | |
DDAS - Executive | Bridges to the Past | 405 | |
DDAS - Fair | Bridges to the Past | 404 | |
DDAS - Golf | Bridges to the Past | 403 | |
DDAS - Hall | Bridges to the Past | 402 | |
De Heus | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 383 |
De la Ronde | Jockey | Homesteaders' Heritage | 62 |
De Meare | Johnny and Pearl | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 128 |
De Roaldes | James Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 130 |
De Vries | Epp, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 10 |
Deamer | Joyce and John | Grande Cache: The People | 63 |
Deamer | Terry | Grande Cache: The People | 63 |
Dean | Daniel | Along the Wapiti | 406 |
Dean | Frank | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 486 |
Dean | Rev Jerry | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 88 |
Deans | Grant and Diana | Iosegun Reflections | 256 |
Deans | Ken and Fran | Grande Cache: The People | 64 |
DeBernis | A | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 79 |
DeBolt | Alan and Lorraine | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 205 |
DeBolt | Dale | The Big Bend | 109 |
DeBolt | Dale and Joan | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 206 |
DeBolt | Elbert and family | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 257, 258 |
DeBolt | Elbert and George | Across the Smoky | 24 |
DeBolt | George and Virginia | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 257, 258 |
DeBolt | H E | Pioneers of the Peace | 196 |
DeBolt | H E (MLA) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 99 |
DeBolt | H Elbert - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 479 |
DeBolt | Laura and Elbert | Chepi Sepe | 346 |
Debolt | Virginia | Bridges to the Past | 156 |
DeBolt and District Agricultural Society | Bridges to the Past | 402 | |
DeBolt and District Pioneer Museum Soc | Bridges to the Past | 406 | |
DeBolt Beautification Committee | Bridges to the Past | 421 | |
DeBolt Cafes and General Stores | Bridges to the Past | 440 | |
DeBolt Church | Across the Smoky | 305 | |
DeBolt Field Day | Across the Smoky | 337 | |
DeBolt Fire Department | Bridges to the Past | 423 | |
DeBolt Garage | Bridges to the Past | 441 | |
DeBolt Hotel | Bridges to the Past | 442 | |
DeBolt in pictures | Across the Smoky | 289 | |
DeBolt Pioneer Centre | Bridges to the Past | 411 | |
DeBolt Post Office | Across the Smoky | 285 | |
DeBolt Public Library | Bridges to the Past | 431 | |
DeBolt School | Across the Smoky | 291 | |
DeBolt U C W | Bridges to the Past | 382 | |
DeBolt United Church | Bridges to the Past | 380 | |
DeBolt-Bickell Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 479 | |
Dechief | Marcel | Homesteaders' Heritage | 48, 161 |
DeCiccio | Neil and Velda | Iosegun Reflections | 257 |
DeCooman | Pierre | Homesteaders' Heritage | 151,158 |
Decoteau | Alex | The First Metis�A New Nation | |
DeCouta | S/Const RNWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 404 |
Dedication | Wagon Trails Grown Over | vi | |
Dedication | From Tears to Triumph | iv | |
Dedication | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | x | |
Dedio | Ed and Bertha | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1098 |
Dedio | Pete and Stella | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 586 |
Dedolph | Marta | Across the Smoky | 291 |
Deener | Ed | Memories and Moments | 86 |
Deenik | Jack | A History of Grande Cache | 91-92 |
Deenik | Lucy and Jack | Grande Cache: The People | 65 |
Deenik | Martha and Nicolaas | Grande Cache: The People | 66 |
Deep Creek Baptist Church | Pioneers of the Peace | 221 | |
Deep Creek Baseball Team | Pioneers of the Peace | 138, 140, 198, 244 | |
Deering | Dick | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 91 |
Deering | Dick | Pioneers of the Peace | 138, 199 |
Deering | Dick | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 125, 126 |
Defence Branch Letter | Grooming the Grizzly | 176 | |
Deffke | Carl | Pioneer Round-Up | 476 |
Deffner | Carl | Along the Wapiti | 207 |
Degere | Al | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 98 |
Degiano | Nellie and Louis | Chepi Sepe | 347 |
Dehnke | Lloyd and Elva | Iosegun Reflections | 260 |
Delance | David | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 22 |
Delaney | Archie Albert | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 125 |
Delaney | John and Rose | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 98 |
Delay | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 22 |
DeLeff | Vasil and Dorothy | Bridges to the Past | 29 |
Deley | George | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 495 |
Delfs | Elise and Otto | Chepi Sepe | 348 |
Delfs | Gerhart and Joyce | Burnt Embers | 376 |
Delfs | Hans and Hermine | Burnt Embers | 375 |
Delfs | Hans and Ursula | Burnt Embers | 379, 436, 447, 506 |
Delfs | Klaus | Burnt Embers | 506 |
Delfs | Otto and Elise | Burnt Embers | 377 |
Delfs | Victor and Paulette | Burnt Embers | 216 |
Delisle | Edouard, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 123 |
Delorme | Gordon | A History of Grande Cache | 32, 46 |
Delorme | Louis | A History of Grande Cache | 17, 31, 46, 47, 61, 88 |
Delorme | Marie | A History of Grande Cache | 39 |
Delorme | Mary | The First Metis�A New Nation | 189 |
Delorme | Noel | The First Metis�A New Nation | 188 |
Delorme | Phillip | A History of Grande Cache | 17 |
Delorme | Pierre | A History of Grande Cache | 16, 17, 39 |
Delorme | Pierre (Peter) | A History of Grande Cache | 17 |
Delorme Family | A History of Grande Cache | 15, 16, 17, 29 | |
Delorme Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 187 | |
Delsgaard | John | Across the Smoky | 69 |
Deluke | Family | Smoky Peace Triangle | 188 |
Delve | Rev and Mrs | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 587 |
Demaine | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 297 | |
Demaine (and Langdon) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 149 | |
Deman | Fr | Pioneers of the Peace | 87 |
Deman | Rev Fr | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 81 |
Deman Drilling | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 110 | |
Demchuk | Bohan | Smoky Peace Triangle | 188 |
Demchuk | Nellie | Pioneers of the Peace | 290 |
Demerice | James, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 210 |
Demmitt | First Settlers In | Pioneer Round-Up | 27 |
Demmitt | Industry Of | Pioneer Round-Up | 26 |
Demmitt | Pioneer Round-Up | 23 | |
Democracy In Action | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 83 | |
Dempsky | Roy | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 339 |
Demytruk | Nick | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 587 |
Denard | David Story | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 278 |
Denard | David, Hilda | Buffalo Trails | 241 |
Denard | Pat | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 150, 156, 171 |
Deneff | George | Smoky Peace Triangle | 188 |
Denis | Joe and Dorothy | Iosegun Reflections | 261 |
Denis | Tom and Pauline | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 395 |
Denis | Torn | The Big Bend | 171 |
Denis | Vicky and Ed | Chepi Sepe | 350 |
Denney | Charles | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 149 |
Denney | Elsie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 10, 255 |
Dennis | Bill and Louise | From Tears to Triumph | 117 |
Dennis | Budd | Grooming the Grizzly | 295 |
Dennis | Jack and Mazie | Across the Smoky | 69 |
Denny | Cecil ex-Insp NWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 402 |
Dentist, first | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 42,48,101 | |
Denue | B | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 260 |
DePalmas | Marc | Burnt Embers | 142 |
Department Of Lands - Community Pasture | Grooming the Grizzly | 146 | |
Depencier | J L | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 11, 25, 41,47 |
Depencier | Jack | Pioneers of the Peace | 172, 189, 198, 265 |
Depencier | Jack | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 114, 189 |
Deportre | George and Irene | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 276 |
Depression | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 142,143 | |
Depression Years | Memories and Moments | 50-54 | |
Deputan | Don and Carol | Iosegun Reflections | 261 |
Dere | Anton, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 78 |
Derewenko | Jacob | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 386 |
Derksen | Aaron | Across the Smoky | 253 |
Derksen | Aron | The Big Bend | 172 |
Derksen | Aron and Jessie | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 395 |
Derksen | Gordon and Helen | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 399 |
DeRoaldes | Brenda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 94 |
DeRoaldes | Debbie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 94 |
DeRoaldes | Grace | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 94 |
DeRoaldes | Jim | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 94 |
DeRoaldes | Terri | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 94 |
Derosier | Del | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 156 |
Derossiers | Del | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 243 |
Derow | Joyce (Duff) | From Tears to Triumph | 118 |
Desautel Family | Iosegun Reflections | 262 | |
Descalo | Louis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 172 |
DesChenes | Andre and Jill | Grande Cache: The People | 66 |
Desgagne | Antoinio | Smoky Peace Triangle | 189 |
Desjarlais | Abe | A History of Grande Cache | 18, 32 |
Desjarlais | Ambrose | Across the Smoky | 7, 178 |
Desjarlais | Bella | A History of Grande Cache | 17 |
Desjarlais | Filamin | A History of Grande Cache | 17 |
Desjarlais | Jim | Grande Cache: The People | 67 |
Desjarlais | Mary | A History of Grande Cache | 23, 61 |
Desjarlais Family | A History of Grande Cache | 15, 18 | |
Desmarais | Jean and Marry Ann | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 238 |
DesRoches | Daniel and Francine (Gallant) | Grande Cache: The People | 67 |
Detillieux | Brother Louis | A History of Grande Cache | 87 |
DeVeer | Gerhart | Bridges to the Past | 158 |
deVeer | Gerry | Across the Smoky | 142 |
Dever | J J | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 170 |
Devers | Miss | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33 |
Devils Lament | From Tears to Triumph | 238 | |
Devitt | Alex | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 14 |
Devlin | Miss Rase | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 31 |
Devlin | Rose | Pioneers of the Peace | 162, 282 |
Devy | George, Emily, Family | Buffalo Trails | 63 |
Dewar | Agnes | Pioneers of the Peace | 304 |
Dewar | Alex | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 20 |
Dewar | Ed | Pioneers of the Peace | 297 |
Dewar | Isabel | Pioneers of the Peace | 304 |
Dewar | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 45 |
Dewar | John | Pioneers of the Peace | 303, 304 |
Dewar | John | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 197 |
Dewar | John Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 303, 304 |
Dewar | Mhairi | Pioneers of the Peace | 304 |
Dewar | Murdo | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 47 |
Dewar | Robert Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 149 |
DeWetter | Frank | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 183 |
Dewhirst | Fred | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 10 |
Dewhurst | Eddy | Across the Smoky | 180 |
Dewing | James | Pioneers of the Peace | 5 |
Dewing | Buffalo Trails | 203 | |
Dewinter | Albert | Where the Red Willow Grew | 422 |
DeWinter | J A | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 87 |
Dexter | F A | Pioneers of the Peace | 54 |
Dexter | F S | Pioneers of the Peace | 69 |
Dexter | Katherine (Moore) | Chepi Sepe | 351 |
Dexter | W G | Pioneers of the Peace | 54 |
Dezan | Allan and Julie | Grande Cache: The People | 68 |
Dhenin | Edna | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 137 |
Dhenin | Rene | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 137 |
Diamond P Store | Pioneers of the Peace | 172, 281 | |
Diamond Willow Elk Ranch | From Tears to Triumph | 5 | |
Diatel | Tom and Eva | Burnt Embers | 294 |
Dick | Billy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 244 |
Dick | Cornelius (Corny) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 243, 244 |
Dick | David | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 244 |
Dick | Frank | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 14 |
Dick | Harold | Grooming the Grizzly | 297 |
Dick | Harvey | Grooming the Grizzly | 297 |
Dick | Henry | Homesteaders' Heritage | 151,153,155, 206 |
Dick | Henry Peter | Buffalo Trails | 78 |
Dick | John | Grooming the Grizzly | 295 |
Dick | Margaret Rose | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 244 |
Dick | Murdock | Homesteaders' Heritage | 161,206 |
Dick | Peter | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 243, 244 |
Dick | Sandy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 244 |
Dick | Sarah | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 243, 244 |
Dick | Terry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 244 |
Dick | Wayne and Gail | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 400 |
Dickens | C H "Punch" | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 109,111 |
Dickinson | Joe | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 266 |
Dickman | Buffalo Trails | 219 | |
Dickson | Robert and Erin | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 239 |
Dickson | Tommy | Across the Smoky | 52 |
Didow | Alex | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 173 |
Didow | Alex and Dorothy | Grande Cache: The People | 69 |
Didow | Eveline and Steve | Chepi Sepe | 352 |
Didow | Family | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 171 |
Didow | George | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 172 |
Didow | John and Anne | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 171 |
Didow | John and Lena | Smoky Peace Triangle | 190 |
Didow | Pauline and John | Chepi Sepe | 353 |
Didow | Steve and Mary | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 174 |
Diduck | John | Smoky Peace Triangle | 191 |
Diduck | Nick | Smoky Peace Triangle | 191 |
Diederich | Henry and Myrtle | Along the Wapiti | 142 |
Diederich | Joseph | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 109 |
Diederich | Michail | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 109 |
Diederich Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 129 | |
Diemert | Bruce | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Diemert | Connie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Diemert | Duane and Jean (Wilburn) | Bridges to the Past | 230 |
Diemert | Frank | Across the Smoky | 182 |
Diemert | Pete | Homesteaders' Heritage | 150 |
Diemert | Peter and Helen | Smoky Peace Triangle | 191 |
Diemert/Jantz Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 516 | |
Diepdael | Henry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 514 |
Diepdael | Marie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Dierker | Maria | Across the Smoky | 181, 182 |
Dierker | Miss Emmeline | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 36,37 |
Diesel Family | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 140 | |
Dievert | Art | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 226 |
Dievert | Art and Frances | Bridges to the Past | 30 |
Dievert | Gladys (Walega) | Bridges to the Past | 230 |
Dika | Hilda | Burnt Embers | 296 |
Dika | Jeff | Memories and Moments | 86 |
Dika | Jerry and Hilda (Dreger) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 462 |
Dika | John family | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 464 |
Dika | Mike family story | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 467 |
Dika | Nick and Norma | Burnt Embers | 295 |
Dika Construction | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 38 | |
Dill | Johann and Sophie | From Tears to Triumph | 119 |
Dill | Peter | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 159 |
Dillabough | Murray and Sharon (Jantz) | Bridges to the Past | 231 |
Diller | George | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 5,6, 8,73,102 |
Diller | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 17, 39, 102 |
Diller | George | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 118, 168 |
Dillon | Jack "Slim" | Pioneers of the Peace | 23, 24 |
Dillon | Pearl | Pioneers of the Peace | 203 |
Dillon | Ray | Pioneers of the Peace | 155 |
Dillon | Slim | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 211 |
Dillon | W | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 13 |
Dillon | W C | Pioneers of the Peace | 59 |
Dillon | W C | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 19 |
Dillon | W C and Eva | Along the Wapiti | 83 |
Dimsdale | Alberta | Pioneers of the Peace | 247 |
Dimsdale � Community Circle | Along the Wapiti | 65 | |
Dimsdale � District and Hamlet | Along the Wapiti | 63 | |
Dimsdale � Recreational Society | Along the Wapiti | 65 | |
Dimsdale � School | Along the Wapiti | 69 | |
Dimsdale � Sports | Along the Wapiti | 68 | |
Dimsdale Post Office | Pioneers of the Peace | 247 | |
dinosaurs | A History of Grande Cache | 3-5 | |
Diocese of Athabasca | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 71 | |
Dion | Armand J | Chepi Sepe | 354 |
Dion | Jeanne and Maurice | Chepi Sepe | 355 |
Dion | Joseph (Joe) | Chepi Sepe | 357 |
Dion | Joseph Francis | The First Metis�A New Nation | 189 |
Dion | Marlene and Gilbert Henri | Chepi Sepe | 360 |
Dion | Roseanna and Eugene | Chepi Sepe | 361 |
Dircks | Len and Jean | Iosegun Reflections | 263 |
Dirker | Ed and Vi (Bayley) | Bridges to the Past | 231 |
Dirkes | Amanda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 18, 130, 187 |
Dirkes | Anna | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 130 |
Dirkes | Ellie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 18, 130, 187 |
Dirkes | Henry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 130, 131 |
Dirkes | Henry Jr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 131 |
Dirkes | J A | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 44 |
Dirkes | Marie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 18, 130 |
Dirkes | Milly | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 130, 187 |
Dirkes | Pauline | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 131 |
Dirom | J P | Pioneers of the Peace | 118 |
Dirom | Jack | Pioneers of the Peace | 118, 322 |
Discer, one way | Across the Smoky | 213 | |
Disclaimer | From Tears to Triumph | vi | |
Distict Nurses | Smoky Peace Triangle | 89 | |
District Nursing | 1952-1970 | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 27 |
District Nursing | The Big Bend | 235 | |
Ditch | Stuart | Smoky Peace Triangle | 191 |
Ditter | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 104 |
Dixon | Bert | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Dixon | Bert, Nettie, Family | Buffalo Trails | 116 |
Dixon | Charles | Buffalo Trails | 117 |
Dixon | Colin | Pioneer Round-Up | 51a |
Dixon | Colin and Leona | Grande Cache: The People | 72 |
Dixon | Colin and Leona | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 239 |
Dixon | D L M | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 32 |
Dixon | Don and Eve | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 240 |
Dixon | Ern | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 551 |
Dixon | Ernest W | Pioneers of the Peace | 315, 316 |
Dixon | F B | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29, 32, 85 |
Dixon | F B Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 146, 147, 160 |
Dixon | Fred | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 47 |
Dixon | Fred B | Pioneers of the Peace | 146,147,159,160,162,000 |
Dixon | Gary | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Dixon | Howard | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 537 |
Dixon | Jack | Across the Smoky | 212 |
Dixon | James W | Pioneers of the Peace | 315, 316 |
Dixon | Jim | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 551 |
Dixon | Jimmy | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 153, 162,173, 198 |
Dixon | Ken | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Dixon | Ken | Buffalo Trails | 117 |
Dixon | Ken | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 207 |
Dixon | Marian Blanche | Pioneers of the Peace | 147 |
Dixon | Mr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 114 |
Dixon | Ronald and Elizabeth | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 241 |
Dobish | Annie and Paul | Chepi Sepe | 364 |
Dobish | Family | The Big Bend | 1 |
Dobish | Louise and Mike | Chepi Sepe | 364 |
Dobson | Cecil | Across the Smoky | 213 |
Dobson | Dr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 203 |
Dobson | Miss Rosamond | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 36 |
Docherty Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 14 | |
Docherty Story (by Jim Gault) | Pioneer Round-Up | 52a | |
Dodd | Henry, Stan and Bill | Across the Smoky | 142 |
Dodds | Elmer and Mrs | Along the Wapiti | 352 |
Dodge | Edith and James | Chepi Sepe | 365 |
Dodge | Jim | Pioneers of the Peace | 39 |
Dodge | Leland | From Tears to Triumph | 236 |
Dodge (Matthews) | Harriet | Chepi Sepe | 366 |
Dodwell | Harry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 254 |
Dodwell | Harry | Pioneer Round-Up | 424 |
Doerkson | Ike | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 157 |
Doerkson | Janet | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 157 |
Doerkson | John | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 260 |
Doerkson | John and Dorothy | Bridges to the Past | 231 |
Doerkson | Peggy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 157 |
Doerkson | Pete and Leota- Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 512 |
Doerkson | Peter Sr. | Across the Smoky | 70 |
Doetzel | John | The Big Bend | 39 |
Dofher | Gus | Grooming the Grizzly | 298 |
Doherty | W J | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 15 |
Doherty and Burdett | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 88 | |
Doherty and Richardson | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 79 | |
Dohle | Carl | Homesteaders' Heritage | 50 |
Dolan | Annie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 197 |
Dolan | Frank and Carm | Grande Cache: The People | 73 |
Dolemo | Emmanuel | Pioneer Round-Up | 56a |
Dolemo | Emmanuel | Pioneer Round-Up | 479 |
Dolemo | Rachel (Mrs Andy) | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 259 |
Dolemo Julia | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 80 | |
Dolen | Francis | The Big Bend | 112 |
Dolen | Francis and Alma | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 209 |
Dolen | Kathleen | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 215 |
Dolen | Ken and Connie | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 217 |
Dolen | Peter and Marilyn | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 218 |
Dolen | Tom | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 219 |
Dolen-Stewart | Anne | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 207 |
Dolerno | Karl | Pioneer Round-Up | 477 |
Dolgopol | Shirley | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 184 |
Dolhan | Anita and Charles | Chepi Sepe | 368 |
Dolhan | Mary and Mike | Chepi Sepe | 368 |
Dolhan | Shirley and Cliff | Chepi Sepe | 369 |
Dolhan | Steve | The Big Bend | 1 |
Doll | Robert and Connie | Iosegun Reflections | 264 |
Doll | Tony and Frances | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 538 |
Dolphin | Bill | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 442 |
Dolphin | Fred | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 442 |
Dombrova | Frank | Pioneer Round-Up | 81 |
Dombrova | Frank (Sr) and Johanna | Along the Wapiti | 41 |
Dombrowski | Eva and Artem | Chepi Sepe | 370 |
Dome Petroleum | A History of Grande Cache | 49 | |
Domerack | Pete | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 399 |
Dominion Day celebration, first | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 48 | |
Dominion Experimental Station | Pioneers of the Peace | 11, 314, 324 | |
Dominion Land Office | Pioneers of the Peace | 133,134,135,140, 141, 156, 198, 207, 225, 256, 414 | |
Dominion Land Survey Parties | Pioneers of the Peace | 405 | |
Dominion Telegraph | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 22, 23, 35 | |
Domjanich | Frank and Katie | Smoky Peace Triangle | 192 |
Dommer | Alva | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 133 |
Dommer | Alvin | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Dommer | Alvin | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 50, 119, 131, 132, 133, 135, 239 |
Dommer | Alvin Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 157 |
Dommer | Brenda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 133 |
Dommer | Hazel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 133 |
Dommer | Janet | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 133 |
Dommer | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 486 |
Dommer | John P | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 131 |
Dommer | John S | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 133 |
Dommer | Katherine | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 133 |
Dommer | Marion | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 50, 131, 135, 252, 254,256 |
Dommer | Mark | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 133 |
Dommer | Matthew | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 133 |
Domstad | Cheryl | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 133, 223 |
Domstad | Darlene | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 133, 134 |
Domstad | Gerry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 133, 134 |
Domstad | Jacquie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 133, 134, 223 |
Domstad | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100, 133, 134, 141, 176 |
Domstad | Lorene | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 134 |
Domstad | Viola | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 134 |
Domstads | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 203 | |
Donahue | Doug and Sandy | Grande Cache: The People | 73 |
Donahue | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 13 |
Donald | Francis | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 102 |
Donald | Francis | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 108 |
Donald | Frank | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 83,103,105-107, 133 |
Donald | Frank | Pioneers of the Peace | 11, 150, 266 |
Donald | Frank | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 174 |
Donald | Frank | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 32, 153, 183 |
Donald | Robert | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 1 |
Donald Hotel | Pioneers of the Peace | 131, 246 | |
Donald Hotel | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 107 | |
Donald's "Bug" | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 106 | |
Donald's Tie Camp | Burnt Embers | 32 | |
Donaldson | Annie May and Robert David | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 537 |
Donaldson | David | Homesteaders' Heritage | 26 |
Donaldson | Gordon and Anne | Smoky Peace Triangle | 192 |
Donaldson | Isabelle and Jim | Chepi Sepe | 371 |
Dong | Randy | Grande Cache: The People | 74 |
Donison | Ambrose, Jean, Family | Buffalo Trails | 64 |
Donison | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 266 |
Donison | Ken | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 56 |
Donison | Lena and Ed | Chepi Sepe | 371 |
Donly | Todd and Wanda | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 242 |
Donnisky | Abadul | Pioneers of the Peace | 132 |
Donohue | P A Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 230 |
Donohue | Peter A | Pioneers of the Peace | 230, 255 |
Donohue | Peter Albert | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 424 |
Donovan | John | A History of Grande Cache | 74 |
Dool | Alice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 230 |
Dool | Alice | Pioneers of the Peace | 146 |
Dool | Barbara | Pioneers of the Peace | 146 |
Dool | Hugh | The Big Horn School District | section histories, Original Settlers |
Dool | Hugh | Pioneers of the Peace | 100, 145, 146 |
Dool | Hugh | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 62 |
Dool | Hugh | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 13 |
Dool | Hugh Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 158 |
Dool | Hugh Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 146 |
Dool | Jean | Pioneers of the Peace | 146 |
Dool | Mrs Marvel | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 175 |
Dool | Mrs Richard | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 82 |
Dool | Richard | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Dool | Richard | Pioneers of the Peace | 146 |
Dool | Richard (Dick) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 239 |
Doole | Hugh | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Doonan | Glen | Homesteaders' Heritage | 413,418 |
Dop | Hillie and Herman | Chepi Sepe | 372 |
Doran | Adam | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 123 |
Dorcheid Brothers - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 492 | |
Dore | Joe | Smoky Peace Triangle | 194 |
Dorig | Jean and Walter | Chepi Sepe | 373 |
Dorin | Al | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 170 |
Dorin | David | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 170 |
Dorin | Jim | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 170 |
Dorin | Kelly | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 170 |
Dorin | Neil | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 170 |
Dorin | Sally | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 170 |
Doriq | Walter | The Big Bend | |
Doris | Tom and Pat | Grande Cache: The People | 75 |
Dormitories | Chepi Sepe | 129 | |
Dorocicz | John | Smoky Peace Triangle | 194 |
Dorothy's Patchwork Quilt | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 267 | |
Dorrance | Mary and Tully | Chepi Sepe | 374 |
Dorrance | Tully | Burnt Embers | 142 |
Dorscheid | Carol | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189, 190 |
Dorscheid | Darrel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Dorscheid | Darrel and Carol | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 242 |
Dorscheid | Earl | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 425 |
Dorscheid | Jim | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Dorscheid | Jim and Lisa | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 244 |
Dorscheid | John | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 426 |
Dorscheid | Troy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Doubleday | RNWMP Constable | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 56 |
Doucet | Edouard and Ozene | Smoky Peace Triangle | 194 |
Doucet | W H (Frenchie) | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 401 |
Doucette | Eugene and Cora | Where the Red Willow Grew | 505 |
Doucette | Ted and Emma | Bridges to the Past | 31 |
Douglas | Darlene | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 134 |
Douglas | Harry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 552 |
Douglas | Harry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 99 |
Douglas | J M | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 38 |
Douglas | Lennard | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 132 |
Douglas | Mr | Pioneer Round-Up | 481 |
Douglas | Mrs Ben, Family | Buffalo Trails | 117 |
Douglas | Ruth | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 78 |
Douglass | Jim and Marjorie | Bridges to the Past | 103 |
Dow | Harold | The Big Bend | 111 |
Dow | Harold and Marie | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 220 |
Dow Fred and Ella | From Tears to Triumph | 237 | |
Dowd | Carl | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 515, 516 |
Dowd | Lance | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 516 |
Dowd | Maurice | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 516 |
Dowd | Stanley | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 515 |
Dowiing | A | Pioneers of the Peace | 179 |
Dowling | D B | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 34 |
Dowling | Orvil | Across the Smoky | 213 |
Down Memory Lane | Memories and Moments | 281-295 | |
Downey | Robert and Karen | Bridges to the Past | 104 |
Downham | George | Burnt Embers | 217 |
Dowswell | Adelia | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 178 |
Dowswell | Christina | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 178 |
Dowswell William | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 178 | |
Doyle | Dora | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 478 |
DPC - 4PIex Senior Housing | Bridges to the Past | 413 | |
Dr Law Night | Chepi Sepe | 148 | |
Drake | C A | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 22,122 |
Drake | C A Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 39, 52, 69 |
Drake | Chester | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 206 |
Drake | Chester A | Pioneers of the Peace | 34, 35, 64, 69 |
Drama Club | Burnt Embers | 82 | |
Draper | Pete and Doris | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 587 |
Dreger | Frederick and Justina | Burnt Embers | 296 |
Dreger | Gus | Burnt Embers | 302 |
Dreger | Herman and Minnie | Burnt Embers | 297, 506 |
Dreger | Lloyd William | Burnt Embers | 300 |
Dreger | Nellie (Guydash) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 332 |
Dreger | Norman and Helen | Burnt Embers | 298, 506 |
Dreger | Rev Norman | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 88 |
Dreger | Wilhelm and Emilie | Burnt Embers | 299 |
Drever | Laurie | The Big Bend | 174 |
Drever | Laurie and Martha | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 403 |
Dreyer | Miss Myrtle | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 35, 36 |
Driedgcr | Dennis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 135, 136 |
Driedger | Anne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 135 |
Driedger | Bob | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Driedger | Frank | The Big Horn School District | section histories, First Mennonite Settlers |
Driedger | Frank | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 14 |
Driedger | Frank Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 216 |
Driedger | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 90, 135, 136, 141 |
Driedger | Helen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 135 |
Driedger | Thomas | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 308 |
Driggs Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 552 | |
Driscol | Joe | Across the Smoky | 67 |
Driscoll Family | Iosegun Reflections | 265 | |
Driver | Rolson | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 339 |
Dron | Dora | Pioneer Round-Up | 58a |
Dron Story | Pioneer Round-Up | 197 | |
Drozda | Mike | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 244 |
Droziek | Sam | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 219 |
Druar | Alfred and Laurette | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 245-247 |
Druary | Pioneers of the Peace | 141 | |
Drum | Anthony | Memories and Moments | 241 |
Drutinel | R | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 79 |
Dryden | C W | Pioneers of the Peace | 176 |
Dryden Lillian | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 181 | |
Dryer | Arnold | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 426 |
Drynan | William | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 204 |
Drysdale | Alice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 16 |
Drysdale | Allan | Pioneers of the Peace | 309, 322 |
Drysdale | Family | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 247 |
Drysdale | James Alien | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 541 |
Drysdale | Syd and Anna | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1128 |
Drzewicki | Josephine and Casper | Chepi Sepe | 374 |
Drzewicki | Mary and Kazimiez | Chepi Sepe | 376 |
Dube | Fred and Mary | Iosegun Reflections | 265 |
Dubord | Henri, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 104 |
Dubrule | Anne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 230 |
Dubrule | Lucian | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 230 |
Dubry | Peter | Pioneers of the Peace | 165, 278 |
Duby | Egnacy and Eunice | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 525 |
Duby | Harold | Homesteaders' Heritage | 366 |
Ducharme | Jack | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 266 |
Ducharme | Joe | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 152 |
Duchesneau | Ernie and Yvonette | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 588 |
Duda | Art and Yvonne | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 220 |
Duda | Martin, Veronica, Family | Buffalo Trails | 190 |
Duda | Mike Sr, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 121 |
Dueck | Peter | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 207 |
Duerksen | John T | Across the Smoky | 72, 73 |
Duff | Thomas | Buffalo Trails | 107 |
Dufour | Amedee | Chepi Sepe | 377 |
Dufour | Camille | Memories and Moments | 87 |
Dufour | Eugenie and Gerard | Chepi Sepe | 379 |
Dufour | Geremie, Elmire, Family | Buffalo Trails | 97 |
Dufour | Jeremie | Chepi Sepe | 381 |
Dufour | Joseph | Pioneer Round-Up | 82 |
DuFresne | Gladys | Burnt Embers | 274 |
Dufresne | Rev Fr | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 81 |
Dufresne | Rev Fr | Pioneers of the Peace | 87 |
Duggan | Edmond (Paddy) | Where the Red Willow Grew | 70 |
Dukart | Duane and Joy | Grande Cache: The People | 75 |
Duke | Cliff | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 153 |
Duke | Nellie | Homesteaders' Heritage | 347, 393 |
Dumas | Frank | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 327 |
Dumas | Henry | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 327 |
Dumbeck | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 267 |
Dumbeck | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 284 |
Dumont | Charles | Where the Red Willow Grew | 603 |
Dumont | Fred | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 38 |
Dun vegan Town site | Pioneers of the Peace | 174 | |
Dunbar | Bob Sr | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 400 |
Dunbar | Henry | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 598 |
Dunbar | Herman and Shada | Along the Wapiti | 144 |
Dunbar | James | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 399 |
Dunbar | Mrs Shada Ann | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 541 |
Dunbar | Robert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 400 |
Dunbar | Warren | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 417 |
Dunbow School | The First Metis�A New Nation | 344 | |
Duncan | Alexander B | Buffalo Trails | 37 |
Duncan | Bobby | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 112 |
Duncan | Chuck | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Duncan | David, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 38 |
Duncan | Edna | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 136, 137 |
Duncan | Eva | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 136, 137, 192 |
Duncan | George | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 50, 51,135 |
Duncan | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 132, 331 |
Duncan | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 136 |
Duncan | George and Edna | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 169 |
Duncan | George M | Buffalo Trails | 116 |
Duncan | Gerald A | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 51 |
Duncan | Helen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 137, 162 |
Duncan | Hill | Across the Smoky | 185 |
Duncan | James | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 291 |
Duncan | James | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 50 |
Duncan | James | Pioneers of the Peace | 322 |
Duncan | James, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 38 |
Duncan | John, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 37 |
Duncan | Lillian | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 136, 137 |
Duncan | Rob | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Duncan | Robert (Bob) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 136, 137 |
Duncan | Robert, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 37 |
Duncan | Sandra | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111 |
Duncan | Tom | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111 |
Duncan | Tracy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 112 |
Dunfield | Anne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 137 |
Dunfield | Bill | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 138 |
Dunfield | Dick | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 137 |
Dunfield | Dorothy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 138 |
Dunham | Ernest | The Big Bend | 41 |
Dunkley | William and Em | Along the Wapiti | 143 |
Dunlap | Elizabeth | Pioneers of the Peace | 230, 231 |
Dunlap | James C | Pioneers of the Peace | 230, 231, 274, 275 |
Dunlop | Charles | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 8 |
Dunlop | Charles | Pioneers of the Peace | 231, 246 |
Dunlop | Charles | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 173 |
Dunlop | Charles, Gordon and Samuel | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 427 |
Dunlop | Elizabeth | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 114 |
Dunlop | James C | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 40,41,131 |
Dunlop | Mrs Jim (Kay) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 202, 203 |
Dunlop | Sam | Where the Red Willow Grew | 70 |
Dunlop | Sam | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 58 |
Dunlop | Sam | Pioneers of the Peace | 411 |
Dunn | Andrew | Pioneer Round-Up | 481 |
Dunn | James Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 139 |
Dunn | Tom | A History of Grande Cache | 75 |
Dunning | Pete | Pioneers of the Peace | 182 |
Dunovan | Jim | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 169 |
Dunvegan | Chepi Sepe | 9 | |
Dunvegan | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 71 | |
Dunvegan Mission | Pioneers of the Peace | 29, 38, 86 | |
Duperron | Betty | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
DuPerron | Frances | Burnt Embers | 437 |
Duperron | Jennifer | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Duperron | Laura | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Duperron | Mark | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Dupont | Wilbrod | Pioneer Round-Up | 82 |
Dupuis | Daniel | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 248 |
Dupuis | Joseph | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 219 |
Dupuis Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 193 | |
Dupuy | George | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 328 |
Duquette | Brian and Connie | Grande Cache: The People | 76 |
Durand | Philias | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 155 |
Durda | Frank | Pioneers of the Peace | 210 |
Durda | Herbert V | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 527 |
Durda | Mike | The Big Bend | 208 |
Durkin | Gertrude, William and Family | Chepi Sepe | 383 |
Durnfords | Pioneer Round-Up | 400 | |
Durocher | Alexander | The First Metis�A New Nation | 197 |
Durocher | Henry | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 881 |
Durocher | Philippe | The First Metis�A New Nation | 198 |
Durocher Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 194 | |
Durston | Bob | Along the Wapiti | 245 |
Dusang | Howard | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Dusseault | Brother Gerard | A History of Grande Cache | 87 |
Dutchak | Terry and Sharon | Grande Cache: The People | 76 |
Dwernychluk | Mary and Bill | Chepi Sepe | 384 |
Dworsky | Rudolf and Elfriede | From Tears to Triumph | 120 |
Dwyer | Jack and Maureen | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 249 |
Dwyer | Luke | Across the Smoky | 109, 112 |
Dwyer | Luke and Betty | Bridges to the Past | 232 |
Dwyer | Pat | Across the Smoky | 144 |
Dyck | Anne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 16, 132 |
Dyck | Benny and Barbara | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 481 |
Dyck | Benny and Barbara | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 480 |
Dyck | Frank | The Big Bend | 174 |
Dyck | Frank and Frances | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 404 |
Dyck | George | The Big Bend | 175 |
Dyck | Harry and Sharon | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 414 |
Dyck | Jake and Helena | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 418 |
Dyck | John | The Big Bend | 176 |
Dyck | John | Memories and Moments | 170 |
Dyck | John and Aganetha | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 420 |
Dyck | John and Sarah | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 424 |
Dyck | John and Sarah | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 422 |
Dyck | John Jr | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 422 |
Dyck | Norm and Margaret | Bridges to the Past | 31 |
Dyck | Tom | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 424 |
Dyck Families | Pioneer Round-Up | 382 | |
Dyed | Miss | Pioneers of the Peace | 228 |
Dyer | Ralph | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 3 |
Dyer | Ralph | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 255 |
Dyke | Albin | Pioneer Round-Up | 5 |
Dymintski | Peter | Pioneer Round-Up | 85 |
Dyrkach | Walter | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 15 |
Dzaman | Nick and Kathleen | Along the Wapiti | 353 |
E D & B C Railway | Pioneers of the Peace | 15, 25, 52, 56, 86, 101, 114, 140, 148, 158, 176, 269, 279, 295, 331 | |
Eady | Morris Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 209 |
Eady | Morris, Margaret, Family | Buffalo Trails | 45 |
Eady | W J Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 201 |
Eady | Wilfred, Nan, Family | Buffalo Trails | 45 |
Eagar | M D C "Pete" | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 82,143,144 |
Eagar | M W | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 53,131, 133 |
Eagar | Martin W | Pioneers of the Peace | 406, 407 |
Eaglasham Co-op Store | Smoky Peace Triangle | 93 | |
Eagle's Nest Pass | A History of Grande Cache | 22, 25, 65, 57 | |
Eaglesham and District Agricultural Society | Smoky Peace Triangle | 70 | |
Eaglesham and District Drama Club | Smoky Peace Triangle | 110 | |
Eaglesham Dramatic Society | Smoky Peace Triangle | 109 | |
Eaglesham Echoes Square Dance Club | Smoky Peace Triangle | 77 | |
Eaglesham Home and Association | Smoky Peace Triangle | 7 | |
Eaglesham Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion | Smoky Peace Triangle | 82 | |
Eaglesham Lakeside Golf and Country Club | Smoky Peace Triangle | 76 | |
Eaglesham Lodge #318 Order of the Royal Purple | Smoky Peace Triangle | 80 | |
Eaglesham Meat Market | Smoky Peace Triangle | 93 | |
Eaglesham Memorial Curling Club | Smoky Peace Triangle | 78 | |
Eaglesham Mennonite Church | Smoky Peace Triangle | 17 | |
Eaglesham Post Office | Smoky Peace Triangle | 95 | |
Eaglesham Progresive Association | Smoky Peace Triangle | 67 | |
Eaglesham Public Library | Smoky Peace Triangle | 95 | |
Eaglesham School #4474 | Smoky Peace Triangle | 4 | |
Eaglesham Streakers | Smoky Peace Triangle | 113 | |
Eaglesham Women of Unifarm, Local 1408 | Smoky Peace Triangle | 73 | |
Earl | Clarence | A History of Grande Cache | 51 |
Earl | Henry | The Big Bend | 41 |
Early Settlers | Pioneer Round-Up | 199 | |
Early Bachelors | by Young Harmon | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 857 |
Early French Canadian Settlers | Chepi Sepe | 70 | |
Early History | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 572 | |
Early Little Smoky Graduates | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 127 | |
Early Recollections of Horse Lake Reserve | Pioneer Round-Up | 432 | |
Earth | Josef and Marie | From Tears to Triumph | 97 |
Eason | Doug | Homesteaders' Heritage | 367 |
East Doe Hall | Homesteaders' Heritage | 414 | |
East Doe History | Homesteaders' Heritage | 412 | |
East Doe School | Homesteaders' Heritage | 412 | |
East Doe Sunday School | Homesteaders' Heritage | 416 | |
East Kleskun School | Pioneers of the Peace | 313 | |
East Kleskun School District No 3635 | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 151 | |
East Peoria School | Grooming the Grizzly | 74-5 | |
East Pouce Coupe-Briar Ridge | Homesteaders' Heritage | 16 | |
East Smoky Gas Coop | Bridges to the Past | 442 | |
East Smoky Legion #98 (Legion Hall) | Bridges to the Past | 416-417 | |
East Smoky Recreation Board | Bridges to the Past | 433 | |
East Smoky Rural Electrification Ltd | Bridges to the Past | 444 | |
East Smoky School | Across the Smoky | 295, 304 | |
Easterhaus | Ole Nilson | Pioneer Round-Up | 482 |
Eastern Star | Older of | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 117 |
East-European families who settled in the districts of Blueberry Creek, Ksituan, Whitburn, Yellow Creek and Devale | Chepi Sepe | 72 | |
Eastman | H John Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Eastman | James | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 340 |
Eastman | Jim | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 15 |
Eastman | Ken | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 15 |
Eaton | Pioneers of the Peace | 214 | |
Eaton | Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 17 |
Eaton | W | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 44 |
Eaton | Walter | Pioneers of the Peace | 195 |
Eaton | Walter | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Eaton | Walter | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30, 147, 175, 250, 254 |
Eben-Ebenoff | A History of Grande Cache | 45 | |
Eberle | Hazel | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Eby | Art | Homesteaders' Heritage | 412,418 |
Eckstrom | Stan and Reta | Along the Wapiti | 353 |
Eckstrom | Stanley Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 149 |
Economic Conditions | Burnt Embers | 26 | |
Ed Olanski Trap Line #890 | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 61 | |
Eddy | Pioneers of the Peace | 234 | |
Edens | Claus | Pioneer Round-Up | 85 |
Edey | Adaline and Edward (Ted) | Chepi Sepe | 385 |
Edey | Alex | Memories and Moments | 241 |
Edey | Alex | Grooming the Grizzly | 298 |
Edey | Charlie | Grooming the Grizzly | 299 |
Edey | Clarence | Memories and Moments | 244 |
Edey | Gordon | Grooming the Grizzly | 300 |
Edey | Harry and Iris | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 174 |
Edey | Iris and John Henry (Harry) | Chepi Sepe | 391 |
Edey | Jo-Anne and Ken | Chepi Sepe | 386 |
Edey | John C | Chepi Sepe | 389 |
Edey | Mavis (Mrs Rod) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 216 |
Edey | Noel | A History of Grande Cache | 76, 77, 92 |
Edey | Noel and Lois | Grande Cache: The People | 77 |
Edgar | Elva | Pioneers of the Peace | 323 |
Edgar | Gordon | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Edgar | Gordon | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 159 |
Edgar | James Lloyd | Pioneers of the Peace | 148 |
Edgar | Kenneth | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Edgar | Kenneth | Pioneers of the Peace | 148 |
Edgar | Kenneth Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 158 |
Edgar | Lance | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 239 |
Edgar | Lance Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 45 |
Edgar | Mary A | Pioneers of the Peace | 148 |
Edgar | N B Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 148 |
Edgar | Norman | The Big Horn School District | Original Settlers |
Edgar | Norman | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Edgar | Norman | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 45, 102, 153, 154,172, 175,252 |
Edgar | Norman | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 27, 95 |
Edgar | Norman B | Pioneers of the Peace | 147, 148, 157, 244 |
Edgar | Norman Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 102 |
Edgar | Roger | Pioneers of the Peace | 148 |
Edgar | Tom | Pioneers of the Peace | 147 |
Edgar | Trudy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 239 |
Edgar | Wallace | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 159 |
Edgar | Wallace | The Big Horn School District | section histories, Original Settlers |
Edgar | Wallace | Pioneers of the Peace | 147, 148, 244 |
Edgar | Wallace | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 27, 207, 257 |
Edgar | Wallace and Mabel | Along the Wapiti | 354 |
Edgar | Wallace Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 148 |
Edgerton | C F Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 149 |
Edgerton | Charles F | Pioneers of the Peace | 65, 129, 148, 149 |
Edgerton | Charlie | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 443 |
Edgerton | Dorothy | Pioneers of the Peace | 149 |
Edgerton | Kenneth | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 444 |
Edgerton | Kenneth | Pioneers of the Peace | 149 |
Edgerton | Reta | Pioneers of the Peace | 149 |
Edgerton | Viola | Pioneers of the Peace | 149 |
Edginton | Gordon and Gertie | Where the Red Willow Grew | 507 |
Edmonton Bulletin History | The First Metis�A New Nation | 176 | |
Edmonton Post Journal | The First Metis�A New Nation | 137 | |
Edmonton, Dunvegan & British Columbia Railroad | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29, 49,124,126,127 | |
Edmontosaurus | A History of Grande Cache | 3 | |
Edson Trail | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 8-Apr | |
Edson Trail | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 68, 420 | |
Edson Trail | Pioneers of the Peace | 407 | |
Edson Trail | Chepi Sepe | 24 | |
Edson Trail | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 36, 74, 75, 95, 103, 106, 109, 118, 125, 165, 166, 176, 186, 196, 213, 214, 255, 258 | |
Edson Trail Blazers | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 4 | |
Edson Trail Documentary | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 9 | |
Edson Trail school | Across the Smoky | 291 | |
Edson Trail School | Bridges to the Past | 370 | |
Edson-Grande Prairie Trail | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 41 | |
Edson-Grande Prairie Trail | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 43 | |
Education | Memories and Moments | 43-47 | |
Edward | John | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 996 |
Edwards | Brian and Mary | Iosegun Reflections | 265 |
Edwards | John | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 478 |
Edwards | Walter and Mrs | Along the Wapiti | 207 |
Edwards | The Big Horn School District | section histories | |
Edwards Family | Iosegun Reflections | 266 | |
Eeles | Sam and Joyce | Iosegun Reflections | 269 |
Egan | Detective Sgt | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 58 |
Egg Lake Ranch | Smoky Peace Triangle | 99 | |
Egge | Friedrich W | Burnt Embers | 381 |
Egge | Hans | Burnt Embers | 384 |
Eggen | Doris Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 295 |
Eggenheim | Arthur | Pioneer Round-Up | 482 |
Eggenheim | Arthur | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 103 |
Eggenheim | John | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 103 |
Eggenheim | Mathias | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 103, 143 |
Eggers | Otto and Mary | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 474 |
Egge's Stopping Place | Pioneers of the Peace | 36 | |
Eggleston | Reg | Homesteaders' Heritage | 50 |
Ehrensperger | Hans | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 244 |
Eide | Arnold | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 46, 47,57 |
Eide | Dons | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 46, 47,57 |
Eide | Johannes | The Northfield Settlement | 53 |
Eide | John | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 113,248 |
Eide | John Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 236 |
Eide | Lawritz | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 65 |
Eide | Morley | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 55, 195, 242 |
Eidse | Norm and Doris | Bridges to the Past | 233 |
Eidy | Lauritz | Buffalo Trails | 6 |
Einarson | Jan and Adakhuidur | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 812 |
Einkester | William | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 1 |
Eiseman | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 445 |
Eisenman | Bessie | Pioneers of the Peace | 299 |
Eisenman | Edith | Pioneers of the Peace | 299 |
Eisenman | John | Pioneers of the Peace | 299 |
Eisenman | John and Delia | Along the Wapiti | 87 |
Eisenman | Leonard | Pioneers of the Peace | 199 |
Eisenman Family | Along the Wapiti | 88 | |
Ekdahl | Ron and Lynda | Iosegun Reflections | 269 |
Eklund | Eric August (Gus) | Where the Red Willow Grew | 70 |
Elaschuck | Pete and Konstantine | Across the Smoky | 235 |
Elbert | Herman | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 27,40, 41 |
Elcome | Bertram | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 48 |
Elections 1913 | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 41-43, 63-70 | |
Elections 1958 | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 145 | |
Electric Light System | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 50, 105,125, 126, 131-133, 135, 137, 141, 142 | |
Electricity | Burnt Embers | 456 | |
Elford | Vie and family | Along the Wapiti | 291 |
Elgie | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 199 |
Elhorn | Al | Grooming the Grizzly | 301 |
Elkins | Elma | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 19 |
Elkins | Henry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 486 |
Elks | A History of Grande Cache | 77, 83 | |
Elks, B P O | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 117,119 | |
Ellen | Herman | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 145, 146 |
Ellifson | Ellif | Pioneer Round-Up | 482 |
Ellingboe | Art | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 49 |
Ellingson | Bryan | Homesteaders' Heritage | 161,207 |
Ellingson | Floyd | Homesteaders' Heritage | 151,158,162, 208 |
Ellingson | Ivan and Joan | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 250 |
Ellingson | Rev Peter | Pioneer Round-Up | 482 |
Ellingson | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 33 | |
Elliot | Don | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 142 |
Elliot | Dr Don | Homesteaders' Heritage | 209 |
Elliot | Irene | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 171 |
Elliott | Pioneers of the Peace | 282 | |
Elliott | George | Buffalo Trails | 137 |
Elliott | Riley, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 79 |
Elliott | Alan | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 105 |
Elliott | Alan B | Pioneers of the Peace | 277, 279 |
Elliott | Bill | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 277 |
Elliott | Ethel | Pioneers of the Peace | 184 |
Elliott | James | Along the Wapiti | 355 |
Elliott | Jessie Wishart Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 269, 279 |
Elliott | Lola, Jack and Family | Chepi Sepe | 392 |
Elliott | Percy and Margaret | Along the Wapiti | 292 |
Elliott | Riley | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 386 |
Elliott | Robert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 105 |
Ellis | Arthur Bedford and Sophie | From Tears to Triumph | 69 |
Ellis | Carmel | Pioneers of the Peace | 106 |
Ellis | Dave | Homesteaders' Heritage | 161 |
Ellis | E A Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 149 |
Ellis | Edgar A | Pioneers of the Peace | 149, 150 |
Ellis | Ewart | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 292 |
Ellis | Ewart A | Pioneers of the Peace | 149-151, 225, 255 |
Ellis | Ewart A Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 149 225 |
Ellis | Helen | Pioneers of the Peace | 151 |
Ellis | Hugh | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 98 |
Ellis | Jean | Pioneers of the Peace | 151 |
Ellis | Margaret | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 98 |
Ellis | Sheila (Martin) | Chepi Sepe | 655 |
Ellis | W F | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 56 |
Ellwood | Reg | The Big Bend | 254 |
Elmquist | Hilding and Frances | Smoky Peace Triangle | 195 |
Elmsworth First School | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 256 | |
Elmsworth Memories | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 302 | |
Elmsworth Sawmill | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 258 | |
Elmsworth Student Ministers | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 259 | |
Elmworth | Early | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 255 |
Elsender | James | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 400 |
Elsie | Fred | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 30 |
Elverum | Audrey | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 57 |
Elverum | Frances | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 35 |
Elverum | Olaf | The Northfield Settlement | 71 |
Elverum | Olav Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 103 |
Elverum | Victor | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 103 |
Elvestad | Andre | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 32 |
Elvestad | Andrew, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 12 |
Elvestad | Arnold Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 202 |
Elvestad | Arnold, Caroline, Family | Buffalo Trails | 10 |
Elvrum | Olav | Buffalo Trails | 226 |
Emard | August | Where the Red Willow Grew | 71 |
Emard | Jerry and Nancy | Where the Red Willow Grew | 72 |
Emard | Ludger (Shorty) and family | Smoky Peace Triangle | 196 |
Embury | Helen | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 40 |
Emerson | James and Leontine | Smoky Peace Triangle | 197 |
Emerson | Morton | Pioneers of the Peace | 151, 158 |
Emerson | Morton | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 113 |
Emerson | Ole and Family | Smoky Peace Triangle | 198 |
Emerson | Ray and Elsie | Smoky Peace Triangle | 200 |
Emerson Trail | Buffalo Trails | 174 | |
Emerson Trail | Pioneers of the Peace | 151 | |
Emerson's Cache | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 130,172 | |
Emery | Mrs | Homesteaders' Heritage | 51 |
Emmaus Lutheran Church | North Kleskun | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 254 |
Emmerzael Family | Iosegun Reflections | 63 | |
Empire Hotel | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 42,103,105 | |
Empson | Don and Mary | Smoky Peace Triangle | 201 |
Enchanted Cottage | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 118 | |
Enckson | Stanley | Smoky Peace Triangle | 204 |
Endall | George and Jeanne | Grande Cache: The People | 78 |
Endresen | Laurel and Doris | Smoky Peace Triangle | 202 |
Endresen | Peder and Esther | Smoky Peace Triangle | 202 |
Enevoldsen Family | Iosegun Reflections | 270 | |
Eng | Einer and Myrtle | Along the Wapiti | 294 |
Engen | James | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 86 |
Engen | Jergen | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 264 |
Engert | Hank and Sharon | Iosegun Reflections | 271 |
England | Beatrice and Edward | Chepi Sepe | 393 |
England | Edward | Memories and Moments | 170 |
Engleland | Hans | Pioneer Round-Up | 482 |
English | Annabelle | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 10 |
English | Bill and Muriel | Iosegun Reflections | 272 |
English | Billie | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 2 |
English | Billie | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 175 |
English | Brenda | Iosegun Reflections | 272 |
English | C and M | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 102 |
English | Emma | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 138 |
English | Glen | Iosegun Reflections | 273 |
English | Hazel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 138, 139 |
English | J F K | From Tears to Triumph | 294 |
English | Kathleen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 138 |
English | Lloyd | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 138, 139 |
English | Marie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 138 |
English | Melroy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 138, 151 |
English | Nellie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 108, 138 |
English | Stacey | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 138, 139 |
English | W S | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 6,12, 14, 102 |
English | W S O (Billy) | Chepi Sepe | 394 |
English | William S O "Billy" | Pioneers of the Peace | 14, 129,156, 259, 311 |
English & Calkin | Pioneers of the Peace | 39, 65, 140, 311 | |
English & Calkin Ranch | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 13 | |
English & Calkin Sawmill | Pioneers of the Peace | 99 | |
English & Calkin's Stopping Place | Pioneers of the Peace | 311 | |
English and Calkin | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 101, 157 | |
English and Calkin Store | Chepi Sepe | 20 | |
English Ethel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 138, 139 | |
English Mission | Pioneers of the Peace | 63, 140 | |
Engman | Greg and Debbie | Iosegun Reflections | 273 |
Enman | Jim | Across the Smoky | 28 |
Ennis | Harry | A History of Grande Cache | 55 |
Enns | A H | Across the Smoky | 145, 284, 311 |
Enns | Ed and Audrey | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 222 |
Enns | Ed and Lena | Bridges to the Past | 235 |
Enns | Family | Buffalo Trails | 37 |
Enns | Fred | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 225 |
Enns | Fred and Anne | Bridges to the Past | 235 |
Enns | Jacob Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 204 |
Enns Brothers - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 492 | |
Enns Family | Along the Wapiti | 25 | |
Ens | Elmer | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 226 |
Ensrived | Emil | Grooming the Grizzly | 303 |
Entertainment | Across the Smoky | 330 | |
Entertainment | From Tears to Triumph | 371 | |
Entertainment | Chepi Sepe | 203 | |
Entrance | A History of Grande Cache | 15, 17, 18, 31 | |
Entwistle | J G | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 30,31 |
Enyedy | Barney | Homesteaders' Heritage | 210 |
Epoch | Margaret Jean | Grande Cache: The People | 78 |
Epp | Ewald, Mary, Family | Buffalo Trails | 211 |
Epp | Jacob | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Epp | Jake | Grooming the Grizzly | 302 |
Epp | Pete | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Epp | Peter, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 211 |
Epps | Ronald and Margaret | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 143 |
Equity School | Buffalo Trails | 131 | |
Equity School | Pioneers of the Peace | 290 | |
Erickson | Carl | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 174 |
Erickson | Carl Sr Anna and Families | From Tears to Triumph | 238 |
Erickson | Carrie | Pioneers of the Peace | 219 |
Erickson | Ed | Pioneer Round-Up | 482 |
Erickson | Edith | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 174 |
Erickson | Jens | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 417 |
Erickson | John and Beryl | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 425 |
Erickson | Martin | Pioneer Round-Up | 485 |
Erickson | Pete | The Northfield Settlement | 58 |
Erickson | Rae and Family | Smoky Peace Triangle | 203 |
Erickson | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 59a |
Ericksons | Pioneer Round-Up | 482 | |
Ericstad | George | Across the Smoky | 75 |
Erikson | Ephram and Oscar | Where the Red Willow Grew | 74 |
Erikson | Matt | Where the Red Willow Grew | 74 |
Erikson | Oscar | Chepi Sepe | 394 |
Erlindson | Rick and Marj | Bridges to the Past | 105 |
Ernes | Leslie | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 106 |
Ernis | Peter | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 222, 278 |
Erno | Eldon and Lorna | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 881 |
Erno | Mitchel and Charlotte | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 882 |
Errington | Joe | A History of Grande Cache | 49 |
Erstad | Carl | Grooming the Grizzly | 302 |
Esau | Ed | Bridges to the Past | 236 |
Esau | Irene - Poetry | Bridges to the Past | 467 |
Esau | John | Across the Smoky | 97 |
Esch | Nicholas, Stephina, Family | Buffalo Trails | 145 |
Eshleman Family | Iosegun Reflections | 274 | |
Eskdale | Allan and Jessie | Along the Wapiti | 145 |
Eskdale | Dick and Nellie | Along the Wapiti | 145 |
Eslinger | Evan and Nancy | Bridges to the Past | 106 |
Espeseth | Fred | Pioneer Round-Up | 5 |
Espeseth Family | Iosegun Reflections | 274 | |
Espland | Andrew | Pioneer Round-Up | 488 |
Esplen | Dave | Pioneers of the Peace | 54, 85 |
Esplen | David | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 3 |
Esplen | Jack | Pioneers of the Peace | 54 |
Esplen | John | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 3 |
Esplen | John (Jack) and Dave | Chepi Sepe | 395 |
Esplen Bros | Pioneers of the Peace | 39, 54, 65 | |
Esplin Bros (Dave G and Jack D ) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 14, 29, 98, 102 | |
ESRB - Activities | Bridges to the Past | 435 | |
ESRB - Executive | Bridges to the Past | 434 | |
Esselink | George | The Big Bend | 42 |
Esselink | Harm and Family | Chepi Sepe | 396 |
Esselink | Stella | The Big Bend | 256 |
Essex | Jack | From Tears to Triumph | 41 |
Essex | John | Memories and Moments | 87 |
Esso Service Station | Bridges to the Past | 450 | |
Ethnic Origins | Burnt Embers | 13, 18 | |
ETS - Students Memories | Bridges to the Past | 377 | |
ETS - Teachers | Bridges to the Past | 373 | |
ETS - Teachers Experiences | Bridges to the Past | 374 | |
Eugene Kramps' Guiding | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 48-55 | |
Evans | "Buffalo" Jim | Burnt Embers | 30 |
Evans | Anthony | Memories and Moments | 245 |
Evans | Bill | Homesteaders' Heritage | 414,416,418 |
Evans | Cecil | Pioneers of the Peace | 176, 215, 246 |
Evans | E G | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 21 |
Evans | Francis | Memories and Moments | 172 |
Evans | Fred | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 44 |
Evans | Fred | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 118, 119, 181 |
Evans | Gerald | Pioneers of the Peace | 118 |
Evans | H E M | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 34 |
Evans | James | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 139, 140 |
Evans | Jessie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 139 |
Evans | Marion | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 139, 140 |
Evans | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 36 |
Evans | Miss | Pioneers of the Peace | 221 |
Evans | Rod and Pam | Grande Cache: The People | 79 |
Evans | Zella | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 118 |
Evans Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 204 | |
Evenrude | Ole (picture) | Where the Red Willow Grew | 75 |
Evenson | Albert | Grooming the Grizzly | 302 |
Evenson | Anton | Pioneer Round-Up | 488 |
Evenson | Ed | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 813 |
Evenson | Lloyd | Grooming the Grizzly | 302 |
Eventide Home | Pioneers of the Peace | 141, 168 | |
Everett | Robert | Burnt Embers | 303 |
Everlasting Yeast | Grooming the Grizzly | 254 | |
Everlasting Yeast | Grooming the Grizzly | 252 | |
Evertons | Pioneer Round-Up | 200 | |
Evjen | Ingebright | Pioneer Round-Up | 489 |
Evjen | Ingebrigt | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 94, 109 |
Evjen | Ingebrigt | Pioneers of the Peace | 313 |
Evjen | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 48 |
Ewing | Merle and Shirley | Bridges to the Past | 107 |
Excerpt - Wings Over the Wilderness | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 168 | |
Eyres | Reg and Family | Burnt Embers | 144, 206 |
4-H | From Tears to Triumph | 339 | |
4-H Activity | Burnt Embers | 99 | |
4-H Beef Club | Grooming the Grizzly | 143, 230, 494 | |
4-H Beef Club (DCC) Ridgevalley | Bridges to the Past | 392 | |
4-H Clubs | Bridges to the Past | 390 | |
4-H Clubs | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 94 | |
4-H Garden Clubs | Bridges to the Past | 391 | |
4-H Horse Club | Bridges to the Past | 394 | |
4-H Sewing Clubs | Bridges to the Past | 390, 396 | |
4-H Smoky River Stitchers | Bridges to the Past | 395 | |
4-H Story | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 121 | |
4H Trapping Club | Bridges to the Past | 395 | |
Facette | Dwain & Karen | Grande Cache: The People | 80 |
Fagerheirn | Mons | Pioneer Round-Up | 490 |
Fahey | Pioneers of the Peace | 266 | |
Fair | Bill | Across the Smoky | 52 |
Fair | Glen | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 30 |
Fair | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 6 |
Fairbairn | Tom | Pioneers of the Peace | 162 |
Fairbairn | Tom and Mona | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 588 |
Fairs, Agricultural | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 44,46 | |
Fairs, School | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 32 | |
Faithful Servants | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 113 | |
Falconer | Oswald | Pioneer Round-Up | 490 |
Falk | Forrest | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 156, 181 |
Falk | Forrest C | Pioneers of the Peace | 151-154, 178 |
Falk | John | Pioneers of the Peace | 47 |
Falk | Sr | Pioneers of the Peace | 151, 154 |
Fallow | Hon W A | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 248 |
Fallow | The Honorable | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 14 |
Falser | Fred | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 41 |
Fanning Mill | Pioneers of the Peace | 142 | |
Farbish | Tony | Across the Smoky | 91 |
Farewell | Irene and Stan | Chepi Sepe | 397 |
Farina | George | Homesteaders' Heritage | 210 |
Faris | Donald | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 108 |
Farm Entertainment | From Tears to Triumph | 6 | |
Farm Equipment Operating Experience | From Tears to Triumph | 5 | |
Farm Organizations | Burnt Embers | 95 | |
Farm Tools | The First Metis�A New Nation | 479 | |
Farmer | lan | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Farmers' Union & Co-op Development Association | Pioneers of the Peace | 249 | |
Farmers' Union of Alberta | Pioneers of the Peace | 45, 196 | |
Farming | St Albert | The First Metis�A New Nation | 24 |
Farming in the Early Days | Chepi Sepe | 76 | |
Farnquist | Anne and Ed | Chepi Sepe | 397 |
Farnquist | Carl | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 120 |
Farnsworth | Dan | Homesteaders' Heritage | 51 |
Farnsworth | Joe | Homesteaders' Heritage | 52, 346 |
Farnsworth | Joe | Pioneers of the Peace | 320 |
Farnsworth | John | Homesteaders' Heritage | 10, 53, 346 |
Farnsworth | Tom | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 14 |
Farnsworth | Tom Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 266 |
Farnsworth | The Northfield Settlement | 40 | |
Farnsworth Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 309 | |
Farnsworth Story | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 237 | |
Farquhar | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 188 |
Farquhar | Georgie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Farquhar | Kathleen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 188 |
Farquhar | Mary Jane | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 188 |
Farquhar Family | Along the Wapiti | 355 | |
Farr | E S | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 197 |
Farr | Guy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 174 |
Farr | school inspector | Pioneers of the Peace | 165 |
Farrar | Kenneth and Dorene | Bridges to the Past | 32 |
Farrell | Ben | Smoky Peace Triangle | 205 |
Farrell | Harvey | Across the Smoky | 221 |
Farrell | Norman and Mavis | Smoky Peace Triangle | 206 |
Farrell | Smith | Across the Smoky | 230 |
Farrow | Eleanor | Pioneers of the Peace | 245 |
Farstad | Dave and Liz | Iosegun Reflections | 277 |
Fast | Brian | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 27 |
Fast | Corny | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 179 |
Fast | Doris | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 243 |
Fast | Family | Buffalo Trails | 211 |
Fast | Pete | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Fast | Peter | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 44 |
Fast | Peter Doris Family | Buffalo Trails | 211 |
Fast | Peter Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 67 |
Fate | Helen and Ken | Grande Cache: The People | 81 |
Faul | Murray and Sheila | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 542 |
Faulk | Helen (Harrington) | Grooming the Grizzly | 109 |
Favine | Anne (Rosko) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 389 |
Fawkes | Gordon | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 487 |
Fawkes | Margaret | Burnt Embers | 120 |
Fay | Charlie and Eileen | Smoky Peace Triangle | 207 |
Fay | Chet | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 103 |
Fay | S Prescott | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 49 |
Fbss | Hans family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 218 |
FCSS and the Family Centre | A History of Grande Cache | 75 | |
Fearn | Margo | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 210 |
Fearn | Marjorie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 210 |
Fearn | Mark | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 210 |
Fearn | Rod | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 210 |
Feddema | Jay | A History of Grande Cache | 75 |
Feddema | Susan Feddema | Grande Cache: The People | 138 |
Federal Departments | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 141,146 | |
Fedoruk | John Family | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 332 |
Fedorvich | Joe | Homesteaders' Heritage | 368 |
Fee | Cliff | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 202 |
Fee | Ina | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 202, 203 |
Fee | Jessie and Ben | Chepi Sepe | 399 |
Feedmill at DeBolt | Across the Smoky | 70 | |
Feeney | John and Betty | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 590 |
Fehr | J C | Across the Smoky | 75 |
Fehr | Jake and Linda | Grande Cache: The People | 81 |
Fehr | Larry and Kathy | Iosegun Reflections | 278 |
Feist | Ted | Along the Wapiti | 423 |
Feist | W E (Ted) and Peggy | Along the Wapiti | 356 |
Feist | William | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 150 |
Feist | William and Emma | Along the Wapiti | 355 |
Felker | Jim | Smoky Peace Triangle | 208 |
Fell | Don and Kay | Where the Red Willow Grew | 75 |
Felling Axes | The First Metis�A New Nation | 476 | |
Fells | Jim | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 329 |
Felton | Mickey | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 884 |
Fenden | Anton | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 261 |
Fenton | Ace | Homesteaders' Heritage | 159 |
Fenton | Art | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 12 |
Fenton | Art and Sophie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 591 |
Fenton | Robert and Myrtle | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 130 |
Fenton | Stanley and Margaret | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 131 |
Feragen | Peter | Pioneer Round-Up | 491 |
Ferguson | Amos | Memories and Moments | 87 |
Ferguson | Amos Family | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 180 |
Ferguson | Arnold | Homesteaders' Heritage | 210 |
Ferguson | Ben | Pioneer Round-Up | 491 |
Ferguson | Benjaman Florence | Buffalo Trails | 72 |
Ferguson | Bryce | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Ferguson | Charles Cyrian | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 180 |
Ferguson | Claude | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 445 |
Ferguson | Daniel | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 |
Ferguson | David | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 5 |
Ferguson | David | Pioneers of the Peace | 14 |
Ferguson | David and Leo | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 18 |
Ferguson | Don | Where the Red Willow Grew | 77 |
Ferguson | Ernie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 140 |
Ferguson | Fergie | Grooming the Grizzly | 303 |
Ferguson | Fred | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 190 |
Ferguson | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 446 |
Ferguson | George | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 |
Ferguson | Gertie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 140 |
Ferguson | Henry | Memories and Moments | 88 |
Ferguson | Henry John | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 179 |
Ferguson | Hugh | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 112 |
Ferguson | Hugh and Mrs | Along the Wapiti | 146 |
Ferguson | James | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 180 |
Ferguson | James | Grooming the Grizzly | 302 |
Ferguson | Jim | Chepi Sepe | 399 |
Ferguson | Jim | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 140 |
Ferguson | John | Pioneers of the Peace | 154, 237, 321 |
Ferguson | John Duncan | Buffalo Trails | 71 |
Ferguson | Joseph N and Alice | Smoky Peace Triangle | 208 |
Ferguson | Leo | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 5,67 |
Ferguson | Leo | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30, 185 |
Ferguson | Leo | Along the Wapiti | 118, 130 |
Ferguson | Leon | Pioneers of the Peace | 5, 6, 7,14, 22, 51, 61,101 |
Ferguson | Leon | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 23, 37, 63, 138, 147, 250 |
Ferguson | Leon | Along the Wapiti | 16 |
Ferguson | Malcolm Wilson Paul | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 180 |
Ferguson | Marion (Christopherson) and Henry | Chepi Sepe | 401 |
Ferguson | Mary Jane | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 179 |
Ferguson | May Florence | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 180 |
Ferguson | Mr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 134 |
Ferguson | Mrs Leo | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 37, 140 |
Ferguson | Ray | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 140 |
Ferguson | St P Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 23 |
Ferguson | St Pierre | Chepi Sepe | 404 |
Ferguson | St Pierre | Memories and Moments | 91 |
Ferguson | St Pierre | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 177 |
Ferguson | St Pierre | Pioneers of the Peace | 22, 406 |
Ferguson | William | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 102 |
Ferguson Family | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 144 | |
Fernette | Miss | Across the Smoky | 298 |
Fernie | W L Const B C P P | Pioneers of the Peace | 404 |
Ferns | Wesley | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 11 |
Ferris | Agnes | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 197 |
Ferris | Agnes Robert | Buffalo Trails | 71 |
Ferris | Mrs | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 187 |
Ferris | Robert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 187 |
Ferris | W K Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 301 |
Ferry and Footbridge | A History of Grande Cache | 67 | |
Fersovitch | Brothers | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 67 |
Fertile Belt | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 1 | |
Feschuk | Homesteaders' Heritage | 160 | |
Fester | John and Alice | Bridges to the Past | 33 |
Fester | Johnny and Mabel | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 91 |
Fester | Ken and Christine | Bridges to the Past | 33 |
Fester | Rhudolph and Margaret | Bridges to the Past | 34 |
Fester | Sandra | Grande Cache: The People | 116 |
Fevang | Haldor | Where the Red Willow Grew | 77 |
Fiddler | Frank | Memories and Moments | 173 |
Field | Alex | Pioneers of the Peace | 155 |
Field | Alf | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 64, 258 |
Field | Alfred | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 109 |
Field | Alfred | Pioneers of the Peace | 6, 154, 155, 178 |
Field | Alfred Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 6, 154, 155, 156 |
Field | Charles | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 135 |
Field | Frank | Pioneers of the Peace | 155 |
Field | Jim | Pioneers of the Peace | 155 |
Field | R Insp RNWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 407, 409 |
Field | William Ewart | Pioneers of the Peace | 154, 203 |
Fields | Bobby and Helen | From Tears to Triumph | 6 |
Fields | L | Across the Smoky | 213 |
Figrado | Stanley | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 125 |
Fildes | Bella and Jack | Chepi Sepe | 406 |
Fildes | Ethel | Burnt Embers | 274 |
Fildes | Jack | Burnt Embers | 12 |
Fildes | Jack | Pioneers of the Peace | 307 |
Fimrite | A O | Burnt Embers | 501 |
Fimrite | A O | Homesteaders' Heritage | 12 |
Fimrite | A O | Pioneer Round-Up | 63a |
Fimrite | A O (MLA) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 99,145 |
Fimrite | Al | Grooming the Grizzly | 306 |
Fimrite | Martin | Pioneer Round-Up | 68a |
Fimrite | Tex | The Big Bend | 177 |
Fimrite | Tex and Karen | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 224 |
Fimrite Oilfield Services | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 110 | |
Fimrites | Pioneer Round-Up | 492 | |
Finch | Ernest | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 268 |
Finch | Fern | Along the Wapiti | 357 |
Finch | Fern | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 257 |
Finch | George "Slim" | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 109 |
Finch | George (Slim) | Along the Wapiti | 146 |
Finch | George (Slim) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30, 36, 167, 252, 254 |
Finch | James B | Pioneers of the Peace | 156 |
Finch | Jean | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Finch | Lloyd Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 275 |
Finch | Tom | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 128 |
Finden | Anton | Pioneer Round-Up | 499 |
Findlay | Alvin | A History of Grande Cache | 18 |
Findlay | Deome | A History of Grande Cache | 18 |
Findlay | Frank | A History of Grande Cache | 18 |
Findlay | Isadore | A History of Grande Cache | 14 |
Findlay | Pierre | A History of Grande Cache | 8 |
Findlay | Rose | A History of Grande Cache | 18, 61 |
Findlay Family | A History of Grande Cache | 15, 18 | |
Fink | Emil and Johanna | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 477 |
Fink | Hank and Delia | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 884 |
Fink | Jim | Homesteaders' Heritage | 23 |
Fink | Otto and Dora | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 885 |
Finke | Al and Yvonne | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 593 |
Finkelson | Ferdinand | Across the Smoky | 76 |
Finlan | J R | Pioneer Round-Up | 200 |
Finlay | Bernice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 140 |
Finlay | Gordon | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 6, 140, 257 |
Finlay | John | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 51 |
Finlay | Rev R E | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 56, 140, 141, 188, 223, 254, 255 |
Finlay | Susan | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 141 |
Finlay | Pioneer Round-Up | 28 | |
Finlayson | Duncan and Doreen | Smoky Peace Triangle | 209 |
Finley | Madeleine | A History of Grande Cache | 22 |
Finn Bros | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 504 | |
Finnigan | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 340 |
Finseth | Bennie | Buffalo Trails | 5 |
Finster | Henry | Where the Red Willow Grew | 77 |
Fire | Primitive Methods | The First Metis�A New Nation | 484 |
Fire - Dora Tansem | Grooming the Grizzly | 202-203 | |
Fire Brigade | Burnt Embers | 456 | |
Fire Department | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 50,125,126,130-132, 135,137,139,140,143,144 | |
Fire In The Peace - Sam Parlee | Grooming the Grizzly | 183-5 | |
Fire of 1943 | Chepi Sepe | 98 | |
Fires | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 28 | |
First Coal Mine | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 193 | |
First Furrows, Future Farms | Burnt Embers | 48 | |
First World War Veterans and Settlers | Chepi Sepe | 178 | |
Firsts in Northfield | The Northfield Settlement | 73 | |
Firth | Gary and Dianne | Iosegun Reflections | 278 |
Fischer | Herman | Burnt Embers | 385 |
Fish | George | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 160 |
Fish | George H | Across the Smoky | 213 |
Fish and Game Association | A History of Grande Cache | 74 | |
Fish and Wildlife | A History of Grande Cache | 81 | |
Fishbourne | Lawrence N | Pioneers of the Peace | 96 |
Fishbourne | Miss | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 50, 188 |
Fishbourne | Winifred | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 143 |
Fishburn | Lawrence | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 293 |
Fisher | Alex and Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 542 |
Fisher | Alfred (Jerry) | Smoky Peace Triangle | 209 |
Fisher | Ewen | Across the Smoky | 214 |
Fisher | John Albert | Pioneer Round-Up | 499 |
Fisher | Marion | Smoky Peace Triangle | 209 |
Fisher | Rev C E | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 84 |
Fisher | Victor | Burnt Embers | 145 |
Fishing Lake Colony | The First Metis�A New Nation | 387 | |
Fister | Harry and Linda | From Tears to Triumph | 122 |
Fitchett | Joe and Florence | Bridges to the Past | 35 |
Fitzallen | J H | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 127,131,142 |
Fitzallen | J H E | Pioneers of the Peace | 291 |
Fitzallen | Mr | Across the Smoky | 15 |
Fitzell | Francis | Across the Smoky | 147 |
Fitzer | Jill | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 248 |
Fitzgerald | Mary | The First Metis�A New Nation | 199 |
Fitzgerald | P R | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 82 |
Fitzgibbob | M J | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 594 |
Fitzgibbons | M J | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 62 |
Fitzpatrick | Alice | Pioneers of the Peace | 280 |
Fitzpatrick | Alice | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 27, 28 |
Fitzpatrick | Bill | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 109 |
Fitzpatrick | Bill | Pioneers of the Peace | 280 |
Fitzpatrick | Bill (Sr) | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 133 |
Fitzpatrick | Claude | Homesteaders' Heritage | 368 |
Fitzpatrick | Claude | The Big Bend | 117 |
Fitzpatrick | Dan | The Big Bend | 117 |
Fitzpatrick | Helen Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 211 |
Fitzpatrick | Jack | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 134 |
Fitzpatrick | Jack | Pioneers of the Peace | 279, 280 |
Fitzpatrick | Jack | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 109 |
Fitzpatrick | Pat | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 110 |
Fitzpatrick | Pat | Pioneers of the Peace | 279 |
Fitzpatrick | Phil | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 110 |
Fitzpatrick | Phil | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 259 |
Fitzpatrick | Phil | Pioneers of the Peace | 279, 280 |
Fitzpatrick | Thomas | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 110 |
Fitzpatrick | Thomas and Helen | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 260 |
Fitzpatrick | Thomas W | Pioneers of the Peace | 279, 280 |
Fitzpatrick | Thomas W | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 174,184 |
Fitzpatrick | William (Jr) | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 479 |
Fitzpatrick's Saw Mill (Jack) | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 373 | |
Fitzsimmons | Harold | The Big Bend | 44 |
Fitzsimmons | Harold | Chepi Sepe | 408 |
Fitzsimmons | Irene | Chepi Sepe | 409 |
Fitzsimmons | John and Rose | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 98 |
Fitzsimmons | Ruth and Norman | Chepi Sepe | 410 |
Fitzsimmons Bros | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 49 | |
Fitzsimmons School District No 4500 | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 189 | |
Fitzsimmons Telephone Line | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 194 | |
Five Mile Community Club � The Dizzy Dancers | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 250 | |
Five Mile Creek History | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 247 | |
Five Mile Creek School | Pioneers of the Peace | 144, 198 | |
Five Mile Distinguished Characters | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 253 | |
Five Mile Sports and Other Happenings | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 249 | |
Five Mile Stories | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 248 | |
Fjeldahl | Henry Mynard | Pioneer Round-Up | 500 |
Fjeldals | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 261 | |
Fjellner | Bruce | Where the Red Willow Grew | 79 |
Fjeseth | Brian | The Big Bend | 118 |
Fjeseth | Brian and Lana | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 225 |
Fjeseth | Doug | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 228 |
Flaaoy | John | Buffalo Trails | 100 |
Flaastad | John | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 153 |
Flaata | Ole | Pioneer Round-Up | 500 |
Flagstad | John | Pioneers of the Peace | 129, 130, 209 |
Flagstad | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 92, 93 |
Flagstadhaug | John | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 117, 204 |
Flakstadhaug | Buffalo Trails | 10 | |
Flanagan | Debbie | Grande Cache: The People | 82 |
Flanigan | J W | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 102 |
Flannery | Frank | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 330 |
Flaten | Ashley and Gertrude | Pioneer Round-Up | 500 |
Flaten | Oscar | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 63 |
Flath | Philip | Across the Smoky | 185 |
Flaumitsch | Linda | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Flaunt | Bill | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 206 |
Flea plane | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 113 | |
Fleck | Ken and Isabelle | Grande Cache: The People | 82 |
Fleetwood | Bert | Across the Smoky | 194 |
Fleming | J T | Buffalo Trails | 111 |
Fleming | C C | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33 |
Fleming | C C | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 64 |
Fleming | J T | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 76 |
Fleming | J T | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 62, 205 |
Flemming | Jim | Across the Smoky | 249 |
Flemwelling | E | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 47 |
Fletcher | "Happy" | Pioneer Round-Up | 204 |
Fletcher | "Happy" | Pioneers of the Peace | 39, 194 |
Fletcher | Alan | Homesteaders' Heritage | 214 |
Fletcher | Francis | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 16 |
Fletcher | Frank | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 16 |
Fletcher | Frank C | Pioneers of the Peace | 6 |
Fletcher | Frank C | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 149 |
Fletcher | J Bern and Pearl | Homesteaders' Heritage | 153,156, 160, 167, 214 |
Fletcher | J S (Pop) | Homesteaders' Heritage | 215 |
Fletcher | Joshua | Pioneer Round-Up | 85 |
Fletcher | Joshua | Pioneers of the Peace | 140, 155, 156, 172, 190 |
Fletcher | Joshua | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 14,67, 93 |
Fletcher | Joshua | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 108 |
Fletcher | Joshua and Ora | Along the Wapiti | 148 |
Fletcher | Terry | Burnt Embers | 437 |
Fletcher Challenge Limited | A History of Grande Cache | 62 | |
Flewelling | Jack and Annamarie | Grande Cache: The People | 82 |
Flewelling | Roy and June | Grande Cache: The People | 83 |
Flini | Frances | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 259 |
Flinn | Mickey | Memories and Moments | 245 |
Flint | Beth | Pioneers of the Peace | 44, 45, 106 |
Flint | Clarence | Pioneers of the Peace | 40 |
Flint | Clarence Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 40 |
Flint | Effie | Pioneers of the Peace | 40, 42-44, 52, 69, 277 |
Flint | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 34, 36, 39, 40, 43, 44 |
Flint | J E Prairie Trees | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 183 |
Flint | John | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 22,23 |
Flint | Madelon | Pioneers of the Peace | 44, 45 |
Flint | P | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 122 |
Flint | Paul | Pioneers of the Peace | 32, 34, 39, 40, 44, 52, 69 |
Flint | Paul Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 40, 41 |
Flint | Pauline | Pioneers of the Peace | 44, 45 |
Flint | V C Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 43-45 |
Flint | Victor | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Flint | Victor C | Pioneers of the Peace | 34, 40-45, 63, 77,126, 282 |
Flint | Homesteaders' Heritage | 160 | |
Flint Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 446 | |
Flintoff | Bonnie and George | Chepi Sepe | 410 |
Floen | Pioneers of the Peace | 243 | |
Floen | Christoffer | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 110 |
Floen | Christopher Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 502 |
Floen | Clara | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 185 |
Floen | Gunnar | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 110 |
Floen | Harold | Pioneers of the Peace | 244 |
Floen | Harold Dorthy | Buffalo Trails | 33 |
Floen | John | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 110 |
Floen | John | Pioneers of the Peace | 56, 243, 257 |
Floen | John | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 42 |
Floen | John Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 32 |
Floen | Leo | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 185 |
Floen | Marvin | Pioneers of the Peace | 244 |
Floen | Marvin | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 185 |
Floen | Marvin Clara Family | Buffalo Trails | 33 |
Floen | Mona | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 185 |
Floen | Norman | Pioneers of the Peace | 244 |
Floen | Norman Amie Family | Buffalo Trails | 33 |
Floen | Ronald | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 185 |
Floen | Thelma | Buffalo Trails | 33 |
Floen family | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 168 | |
Floener | Jean | Pioneers of the Peace | 312 |
Floener | Nicolas and Veronique | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 206 |
Flom | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 503 |
Flood | Joe | Pioneers of the Peace | 248 |
Flood | Joe | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 250 |
Flood | Joseph | Along the Wapiti | 406 |
Flood | Mrs | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 40 |
Floods | Rivers | Bridges to the Past | 460 |
Floor Curling at Savanna | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 94 | |
Flora and Fauna | Burnt Embers | 4, 5 | |
Florchuk | Pete and Jennie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1081 |
Floreani | A Mrs Family | Buffalo Trails | 100 |
Floreani | B Mrs Family | Buffalo Trails | 100 |
Flourmill | The First Metis�A New Nation | 361 | |
Floyd Family | Homesteaders' Heritage | 215 | |
Flu epidemic | A History of Grande Cache | 11, 17, 23, 30 | |
Fluhr | Carl | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 56 |
Flying Club | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 112-114,116 | |
Flying Farmers | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 116 | |
Flying Model Corps | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 112 | |
Flying School | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 114,116 | |
Flying Shot � Church | Along the Wapiti | 133 | |
Flying Shot � Lake Settlement | Along the Wapiti | 129 | |
Flying Shot � School | Along the Wapiti | 132 | |
Flying Shot Lake | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 3,71 | |
Flying Shot School | Pioneers of the Peace | 18, 275 | |
Foesenek | Corney | Bridges to the Past | 107 |
Fofonoff | John and Cleava | Bridges to the Past | 36 |
Fogel | Darrel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Fogel | Darren | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Fogel | Francis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Fogel | Jennifer | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Fogle | Frank and Ann | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 478 |
Foley | Welch and Stewart | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 35, 81, 85 |
Foley Clan | The First Metis�A New Nation | 199 | |
Folster | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 452 |
Fond Memories | From Tears to Triumph | 7 | |
Fonville | John Mrs Family | Buffalo Trails | 105 |
Food | Memories and Moments | 21-24 | |
Foore | Stettler Hazel Family | Buffalo Trails | 178 |
Foore | William Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 224 |
Foore | Wm D Lottie Wallace | Buffalo Trails | 178 |
Foore | Wm Sr Mrs Daughter | Buffalo Trails | 178 |
Foote | Thomas | Buffalo Trails | 237 |
Foote | Ernily and Joe | Chepi Sepe | 412 |
Foote | Mary and Gerald | Chepi Sepe | 413 |
Foote | Thomas | Pioneers of the Peace | 5 |
Footner | Hubert | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 139 |
For Those Who Grew Up | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 181 | |
Forberg | Ole | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 79 |
Forberg | Ole | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Forberg | Ole Christenson | Pioneers of the Peace | 209, 243 |
Forberg | Olive | Pioneers of the Peace | 209 |
Forbergs | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 160 | |
Forbes | Alexander Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 15, 45-49, 123,220 |
Forbes | Alexander Rev Dr | Pioneers of the Peace | 15, 17, 18 35, 40, 42, 45-49, 69, 79, 82, 119, 137, 138, 140, 149, 154, 180, 189, 191, 192,199, 202, 208, 221, 236, 238, 247, 294,295, 297, 312, 331, 406 |
Forbes | Gordon Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 77 |
Forbes | Harold | Pioneer Round-Up | 205 |
Forbes | Mrs | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 216, 222 |
Forbes | Mrs A S | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 8,13, 83,90, 91,99,117 |
Forbes | Rev Alex | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 5, 24, 50, 95, 98,107, 145,177,244 |
Forbes | Rev A and Agnes | Along the Wapiti | 131 |
Forbes | Rev Alexander | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 5, 53, 128, 161, 221, 222 |
Forbes | Rev Alexander S | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 8,11,13, 24-26,41,42,44, 53,71, 73, 78, 80, 83,90,145 |
Forbes Presbyterian Church | Pioneers of the Peace | 413 | |
Ford | Alexander Ireland (Sandy) | Where the Red Willow Grew | 80 |
Ford | Ben | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 41 |
Ford | Charlie | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 333 |
Ford | Elmer | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 192 |
Ford | Elmer and Irene | Along the Wapiti | 357 |
Ford | Elsie Kamila | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 333 |
Ford | Ernest | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 338 |
Ford | Fred | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 334 |
Ford | Harold | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 334 |
Ford | Harold and Julia | Bridges to the Past | 37 |
Ford | Harvey | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 335 |
Ford | Helen | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 139,142 |
Ford | Henry | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 335 |
Ford | Janet Redford | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 338 |
Ford | Jim | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 338 |
Ford | John | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 336 |
Ford | John | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 86 |
Ford | Moreen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 16, 223 |
Ford | Mrs B | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 192 |
Ford | Ross | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 336 |
Ford | Selma | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 192 |
Ford | Verna Crowe | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 337 |
Ford | Vernon | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 337 |
Fords | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 330 | |
Fordyce | Frank | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 207 |
Forefathers of the First Metis | The First Metis�A New Nation | 420 | |
Foreman | Dennis and Dawn | Iosegun Reflections | 280 |
Forester | Reginald Mrs Family | Buffalo Trails | 237 |
Forestry | Burnt Embers | 457 | |
Forestry towers | A History of Grande Cache | 52 | |
Foreward | From Tears to Triumph | v | |
Foreword | Smoky Peace Triangle | x | |
Forget | Ovila and Celina | Smoky Peace Triangle | 209 |
Forgie | Charles | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 79 |
Former | Joe and Nancy | Bridges to the Past | 38 |
Forrest | Captain | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30, 75 |
Forrest | Marion | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 139 |
Forrest | Ralph | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 139 |
Forrester "Smiling" Jack | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 111 | |
Forseth | Bert | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 40 |
Forseth | Bert | Pioneers of the Peace | 191 |
Forseth | Helga | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 229 |
Forseth | Helga | Pioneers of the Peace | 156 |
Forseth | I | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 7, 33 |
Forseth | I Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 156, 157 |
Forseth | Ingebrigt | The Big Horn School District | Original Settlers |
Forseth | Ingebrigt | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Forseth | Ingebrigt | Pioneers of the Peace | 156, 157 |
Forseth | Ingebrigt Mrs Family | Buffalo Trails | 253 |
Forseth | John | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Forseth | John | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 33 |
Forseth | John Gudrun Family | Buffalo Trails | 253 |
Forseth | Ken | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Forseth | Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 256, 257 |
Forseth | Ole | Pioneers of the Peace | 239, 257 |
Forseth | Ole Mrs Family | Buffalo Trails | 69 |
Forseth | Ole, Pastor | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 34 |
Forseth | Peder | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 161 |
Forseth | Pete | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Forseth | Pete | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Forseth | Pete | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 92 |
Forseth | Pete | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 179 |
Forseth | Peter | Pioneers of the Peace | 111 |
Forseth | Rev Ole | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 85 |
Forseth | Thor and Ruth | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 594 |
Forsgrens | Pioneer Round-Up | 505 | |
Forshner | Mort | Where the Red Willow Grew | 509 |
Forshner | Robert | Where the Red Willow Grew | 513 |
Forshner | Ted | Where the Red Willow Grew | 514 |
Forster | Reg Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 279 |
Forsythe | Clarence | Burnt Embers | 145 |
Fort Assiniboine | Pioneers of the Peace | 401 | |
Fort Carry | Pioneers of the Peace | 400 | |
Fort Chipewyan | Pioneers of the Peace | 401 | |
Fort Dunvegan | Pioneers of the Peace | 400 | |
Fort Edmonton | 1871 | The First Metis�A New Nation | 435 |
Fort Edmonton | The First Metis�A New Nation | 229 | |
Fort Edmonton | Pioneers of the Peace | 400 | |
Fort Graham | Pioneers of the Peace | 401, 402, 404 | |
Fort Mackenzie | Pioneers of the Peace | 64 | |
Fort McMurray | Pioneers of the Peace | 401 | |
Fort Norman | Pioneers of the Peace | 408 | |
Fort Porcupine | A History of Grande Cache | 39 | |
Fort Resolution | Pioneers of the Peace | 400, 401, 408 | |
Fort Saskatchewan | Pioneers of the Peace | 400, 402 | |
Fort Selkirk | Pioneers of the Peace | 134 | |
Fort St John | Pioneers of the Peace | 401, 402, 403 | |
Fort Stone | Pioneers of the Peace | 400 | |
Fort Whoop-up | Pioneers of the Peace | 400 | |
Fortier | A L | Grooming the Grizzly | 309 |
Fortier | Alfred | Grooming the Grizzly | 308 |
Fortier | Armand | Homesteaders' Heritage | 54 |
Fortier | Dawn | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 159 |
Fortier | Eddie | Grooming the Grizzly | 310 |
Fortier | George | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 208 |
Fortier | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 159 |
Fortier | Maureen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 159 |
Fortier | Sherry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 159 |
Fortier Story | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 207 | |
Fortin | Sheila and Yvon | Chepi Sepe | 414 |
Fortin Family | Smoky Peace Triangle | 211 | |
Forward | Hayden (Elder) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 87 |
Forward Pages | Wagon Trails Grown Over | v | |
Foshaug | Johannes | Pioneers of the Peace | 332 |
Foshaug | John | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Foshaug | Talbert | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 104 |
Foshaug | Talbert | The Big Bend | 120 |
Foshaug | Talbert and Alvine | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 228 |
Foshaug | Trygve | The Northfield Settlement | 44 |
Foshaug | Trygve family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 104 |
Foss | Elmer Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 68 |
Foss | Elmer Mrs Family | Buffalo Trails | 220 |
Foss | Glen | Homesteaders' Heritage | 369 |
Foss | Kaare | Smoky Peace Triangle | 213 |
Fossmo | Ivor | Buffalo Trails | 68 |
Fossmo | Ivar | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 198 |
Fossum | Anders Oliver | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 229 |
Fossum | Brian and Mary | From Tears to Triumph | 240 |
Fossum | Curtis and Jean | From Tears to Triumph | 241 |
Fossum | Gary and Kathy | From Tears to Triumph | 243 |
Fossum | Lary and Diane | From Tears to Triumph | 244 |
Fossum | Olaf and Mabel | From Tears to Triumph | 41 |
Foster | Albert and Katherine | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 33 |
Foster | Alien Lloyd | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 142 |
Foster | Andrew, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 67 |
Foster | B H | A History of Grande Cache | 70 |
Foster | Benny and Hannah | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 813 |
Foster | Bernice | Pioneers of the Peace | 158 |
Foster | Bert and Nila | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 35 |
Foster | Beverley | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 141, 142 |
Foster | C D | Pioneers of the Peace | 144 |
Foster | Carl and Eda | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 818 |
Foster | Carl, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 257 |
Foster | Carolyn | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 426 |
Foster | Charlie | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 340 |
Foster | Dick | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 167, 177 |
Foster | Dick | Along the Wapiti | 423 |
Foster | Doris | Pioneers of the Peace | 158 |
Foster | Earl | Pioneers of the Peace | 159 |
Foster | Eileen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 141 |
Foster | Eleanor | Pioneers of the Peace | 158 |
Foster | G | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 130 |
Foster | Iva | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 251 |
Foster | J B Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 158 |
Foster | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 170 |
Foster | John B | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 145, 149, 180 |
Foster | John Bernard "Benny" | Pioneers of the Peace | 112,157-159, 197, 249 |
Foster | June | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 142 |
Foster | Larry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 141, 142 |
Foster | Mava | Pioneers of the Peace | 266 |
Foster | Mervin | Pioneers of the Peace | 159 |
Foster | Myrna | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 141, 142 |
Foster | Norman | Pioneers of the Peace | 159 |
Foster | Oscar | Pioneers of the Peace | 157 |
Foster | Oscar | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 159 |
Foster | Oscar and Magna | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 818 |
Foster | Oscar Henry | Pioneers of the Peace | 159 |
Foster | Ray | Homesteaders' Heritage | 9 |
Foster | Ray | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 351 |
Foster | Raymond | Pioneers of the Peace | 157, 158 |
Foster | Roxanne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 141 |
Foster | Stanley | Pioneers of the Peace | 159 |
Foster | Andrew | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 110 |
Foster | Benny | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 111 |
Foster's Stopping Place | Pioneers of the Peace | 117 | |
Foston | John B | Buffalo Trails | 142 |
Fothergill | Rev | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 84 |
Foulson | Frank | Memories and Moments | 94 |
Four Generations of Trappers (Reber) | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 58-60 | |
Four Mile Creek School #4660 | Smoky Peace Triangle | 8 | |
Four Mile Creek Stock Improvement Association | Smoky Peace Triangle | 103 | |
Fournier | Dori and Doris | Where the Red Willow Grew | 516 |
Fournier | Edward and Diane | Grande Cache: The People | 85 |
Fournier | Joseph | Smoky Peace Triangle | 213 |
Fournier | Phillipe | Smoky Peace Triangle | 213 |
Fourth Creek | History of | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 9 |
Fourth Creek | The Big Bend | 101 | |
Fourth Creek Ball | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 95 | |
Fourth Creek Community | The Big Bend | 238 | |
Fourth Creek Community Churches | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 87 | |
Fourth Creek Community Club and Curling Rink | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 7 | |
Fourth Creek Evangelical Sunday School | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 88 | |
Fourth Creek Ladies' Club | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 11 | |
Fourth Creek School | Alma Dolen | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 71 |
Fourth Creek School | Evelyn Lambert | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 73 |
Fourth Creek School Memories | Mel Larsen | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 70 |
Fourth Creek Store | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 111 | |
Foust | Mae and Warren | Pioneer Round-Up | 73a |
Foust | Warren | Pioneer Round-Up | 28 |
Fowl | Fred | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 203 |
Fowler | Bill and Mary | Pioneer Round-Up | 76a |
Fowler | Cecil | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 57 |
Fowler | Cecil | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 150 |
Fowler | Delmer | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 59 |
Fowler | Ed | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 237 |
Fowler | Frank and Annabel | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 996 |
Fowler | Fred | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 479 |
Fowler | George | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 174 |
Fowler | George, Elsie, Family | Buffalo Trails | 240 |
Fowler | H Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 314 |
Fowler | Hector | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 76, 77 |
Fowler | Hector A | The Big Horn School District | section histories, Original Settlers |
Fowler | Hector Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 281 |
Fowler | Hector, Lelia, Family | Buffalo Trails | 239 |
Fowler | James, Sarah | Buffalo Trails | 240 |
Fowler | L L Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 231, 232 |
Fowler | Leal | Grooming the Grizzly | 312 |
Fowler | Lendsay | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 150 |
Fowler | Lewis | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 428 |
Fowler | Lewis Lee | Pioneers of the Peace | 231, 232, 246 |
Fowler | Lewis Lee | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 173 |
Fowler | Lindsay | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Fowler | Mel | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33, 36 |
Fowler | Miles | Buffalo Trails | 240 |
Fowler | Mrs Hector | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 277 |
Fowler | W E | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30 |
Fowler | William Eldridge | Buffalo Trails | 240 |
Fowley | Gordon | A History of Grande Cache | 52 |
Fox | Alvin and Nickole | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 427 |
Fox | Charlie and Donna | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 427 |
Fox | Charlie and Jean | Grande Cache: The People | 86 |
Fox | Claude | The Big Bend | 183 |
Fox | Claude and Evelyn | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 428 |
Fox | Donald | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 433 |
Fox | Harry | The Big Bend | 182 |
Fox | Harry and Ruby | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 433 |
Fox | Jean & Charlie | A History of Grande Cache | 31, 38, 78 |
Fox | Richard | The Big Bend | 182 |
Fox | Richard and Mary | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 436 |
Fox | Robert James | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 438 |
Fox Creek Airstrip | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 33 | |
Fox Creek Evangelical Church | Smoky Peace Triangle | 16 | |
Fox Creek Hospital | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 36 | |
Fox Creek Ukrainian and Polish Community Hall | Smoky Peace Triangle | 67 | |
Foy | Ellsworth | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29, 32,34 |
Foy | Ellsworth | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 50 |
Foy | Elsworth | Pioneers of the Peace | 5, 147, 159-162, 235 |
Foy | Elsworth | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 153, 162, 173, 180 |
Foy | Elsworth Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 160, 162 |
Foy | H C | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33 |
Foy | Helen | Pioneers of the Peace | 160, 162 |
Foy | Helen | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 31 |
Foy | Kenner | Pioneers of the Peace | 160, 162 |
Foy | Mona | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 31 |
Foy | Mona | Pioneers of the Peace | 160, 162 |
Foy | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 14, 15, 111 | |
Foy J L | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 37 | |
Frakes | Bob and Lou | Across the Smoky | 214 |
Frame | James | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 269 |
Frame | Rev D C | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 85 |
Frame | Robert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 269 |
Francey and Jones | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 49 | |
Francis | Cobb | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 17 |
Francis | Walter | Grooming the Grizzly | 313 |
Frank | Ben and Evelyn | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 438 |
Frank | Fritz and Anna | Burnt Embers | 146 |
Frank | Harry and Maud | Along the Wapiti | 406 |
Frank | Harry, Mr and Mrs | Pioneer Round-Up | 505 |
Frank | John | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 63 |
Frank | Ralph and Matilda | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 440 |
Franks | Max | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 260 |
Frantz | Warren | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 209 |
Frantzen | H | Homesteaders' Heritage | 9 |
Frantzen | L A | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 100 |
Frantzen | Olaf | Pioneer Round-Up | 506 |
Franz | Donna | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Franz | Henry Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 218 |
Franz | Jacob | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Franz | Jacob | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 218 |
Franz | Jacob Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 219 |
Franz | Jake | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 241 |
Franz | Robert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Franz | Rudy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Franz | Tracy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Fraser | A C | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 48 |
Fraser | Bill | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 340 |
Fraser | Burns and Winnie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 887 |
Fraser | Colin | A History of Grande Cache | 19 |
Fraser | Colin | The First Metis�A New Nation | 436 |
Fraser | Colin and Elizabeth | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 889 |
Fraser | D R | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 34 |
Fraser | Donald and Margaret | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 891 |
Fraser | G E | Pioneers of the Peace | 205 |
Fraser | George | Across the Smoky | 214, 236 |
Fraser | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 332 |
Fraser | George and Nan | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 171 |
Fraser | James | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 74,182, 214, 216 |
Fraser | Jim | Homesteaders' Heritage | 215 |
Fraser | Madeleine | A History of Grande Cache | 19 |
Fraser | Milne and Mary | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 893 |
Fraser | Miss | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 18, 187 |
Fraser | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 149 |
Fraser | Willie | The First Metis�A New Nation | 205 |
Fraser Family | Frank | Iosegun Reflections | 280 |
Fraser Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 200 | |
Frazer | Hector | Where the Red Willow Grew | 81 |
Frederick | C W | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 50,51 |
Frederick | Doug and Liz | Iosegun Reflections | 281 |
Frederickson | Fred | Pioneers of the Peace | 304 |
Frederickson | Olaf | Pioneers of the Peace | 240 |
Frederickson | Soren and Janet | Along the Wapiti | 89 |
Frederiksen | Carol | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 142 |
Frederiksen | Erland | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 142 |
Frederiksen | Greg | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 142 |
Frederiksen | Ida | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 142 |
Fredette | Dr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 62 |
Fredette | Dr L G | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 97 |
Fredland | Brian and Bonnie | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 229 |
Fredland | Darrell and Carolyn | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 230 |
Fredland | John | The Northfield Settlement | 51 |
Fredland | John | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 56 |
Fredland | John | Pioneers of the Peace | 244 |
Fredland | John Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 238 |
Fredland | Julia | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 57 |
Fredland | Julia (Johnson) | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 246 |
Fredland | Julia (nee Johnson) | The Northfield Settlement | 52 |
Fredland | Paul | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 252 |
Fredland | Paul Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 239 |
Fredland | Paul Irgens | The Northfield Settlement | 49 |
Fredland | Peter | The Northfield Settlement | 50 |
Fredland | Peter | The Big Bend | 120 |
Fredland | Peter and Asbjorg | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 231 |
Fredland | Wilfred and Serene | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 233 |
Fredrickson | Andrew, Magna, Family | Buffalo Trails | 45 |
Fredrickson | Andrew | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 11,33 |
Fredrickson | Edwin and Ruby | Pioneer Round-Up | 506 |
Fredrickson | Fred, Mary, Family | Buffalo Trails | 47 |
Fredrickson | Grace | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 57 |
Fredrickson | Olaf | Pioneer Round-Up | 507 |
Free Congregational Church | Chepi Sepe | 132 | |
Free Men | The First Metis�A New Nation | 73 | |
Freeborn | Fred | Where the Red Willow Grew | 518 |
Freeborn | William | Along the Wapiti | 257 |
Freebury | G P | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 36 |
Freeman | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 250 | |
Freeman | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 83 |
Freeman | Muriel and Alvin | Iosegun Reflections | 282 |
Freighting Grain to Spirit River Elevators | Chepi Sepe | 85 | |
Freisch | Larry | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 181 |
French | Edna (Graham) and Harry | Chepi Sepe | 414 |
French (Stopping Place) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 132 | |
Frentz | Gordon | A History of Grande Cache | 92 |
Frew | Irvin | A History of Grande Cache | 51 |
Frewer | Bishop | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 182 |
Frewer | Fred | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 77 |
Frewer | Fred | Pioneers of the Peace | 5 |
Frewer | Fred | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 199 |
Frewer | Fred | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 18, 104, 117, 131, 137, 142, 200, 250 |
Frewer | Joan | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166, 182, 200 |
Frewer | Winnie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 40, 50, 143, 188, 220 |
Friberg | Emesl Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 282 |
Friberg | Ernest | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 21, 24 |
Friberg | Ernest | Pioneers of the Peace | 232, 233 |
Friberg | Ernie | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Friberg | Fred | Pioneers of the Peace | 232, 233 |
Friberg | J P Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 232, 233 |
Friberg | Johan P | Pioneers of the Peace | 232, 233 |
Friberg | Johann | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 61 |
Friberg | Johann Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 282 |
Friberg | Tulre | Pioneers of the Peace | 232, 233 |
Friberg | Turi | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 21, 23, 24, 265 |
Friberg | Buffalo Trails | 237 | |
Fried | Julia and Albert | Chepi Sepe | 415 |
Fried Family | Along the Wapiti | 150 | |
Friedl | Carl | Where the Red Willow Grew | 81 |
Friedrich | Fritz | Burnt Embers | 385 |
Friel | James | Across the Smoky | 60 |
Friesen | Abe | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 243 |
Friesen | Abe J | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 162 |
Friesen | Abram | The Big Horn School District | section histories, First Mennonite Settlers |
Friesen | Bert and Wendy | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 441 |
Friesen | Betty | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 219 |
Friesen | Bill | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 143 |
Friesen | Blair and Theresa | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 442 |
Friesen | Brenda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Friesen | C | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 241 |
Friesen | Cornelius | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 284 |
Friesen | Cornelius, Liese, Family | Buffalo Trails | 222 |
Friesen | Corney | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 427 |
Friesen | Dan | The Big Bend | 179 |
Friesen | Dan and Carol | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 442 |
Friesen | Dave and June | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 443 |
Friesen | David and Frances | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 444 |
Friesen | David W | The Big Bend | 178 |
Friesen | Ed | The Big Bend | 179 |
Friesen | Ed | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Friesen | Gary and Vera | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 445 |
Friesen | Gerhard | Across the Smoky | 253 |
Friesen | Greg | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Friesen | Jacob | Across the Smoky | 185 |
Friesen | John | Across the Smoky | 77 |
Friesen | K | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 34 |
Friesen | Kay | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Friesen | Marion | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Friesen | Menno | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 284 |
Friesen | P W | Across the Smoky | 77 |
Friesen | Peter | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Friesen | Raymond | Homesteaders' Heritage | 55,74 |
Friesen | Rev John | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 87 |
Friesen | Wayne and Karen | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 445 |
Friesh | Larry | Buffalo Trails | 7 |
Friessen | Chad | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 219 |
Friessen | Mark and Marjorie | Bridges to the Past | 240 |
Friessen | Peter W and Anna | Bridges to the Past | 159 |
Friessen | Robert | Bridges to the Past | 241 |
Friessen | Steven and Marilyn | Bridges to the Past | 242 |
Friock | W | Pioneers of the Peace | 54 |
Frisby | Ada | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 103 |
Frisby | Frank | Along the Wapiti | 90 |
Frisby | Frank | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 103 |
Frisby | Mr | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 21 |
Fritz | John (Jack) | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 91 |
Froehlich | Leonard and Adele | From Tears to Triumph | 70 |
Frog Lake Massacre | The First Metis�A New Nation | 353 | |
Froh | Bruce and Bev (Lenes) | Bridges to the Past | 242 |
Frohberger | Sid and Jean | Where the Red Willow Grew | 82 |
Froland | Waller | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 100 |
From Dunvegan to Spirit River | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 39 | |
From Pack Trails to Highways | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 19 | |
Frome | Alex and Jessie | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 233 |
Frontier (Beaver) Lumber Company | Chepi Sepe | 104 | |
Frontier Lumber Co | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 51 | |
Froome | Violet (Vee) and Edward (Ted) | Chepi Sepe | 415 |
Frostad | Dwayne | The Big Bend | 180 |
Frostad | Earl | The Big Bend | 180 |
Frostad Family | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 446 | |
Frostead | H Pastor | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 33 |
Fruhsorge | Hans | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 102 |
Frulling | Mrs | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Frulling | Ronald | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Frunchuk | Nick | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 339 |
Fugill | Leonard | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 17 |
Fulks | Dick and Robbie | Grande Cache: The People | 87 |
Full Gospel Assembly | A History of Grande Cache | 85 | |
Fulmer | Frank | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 73, 85, 86 |
Fun and Festivities | Burnt Embers | 74 | |
Funeral Service | Chepi Sepe | 105 | |
Funk | Abraham Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 220 |
Funk | Abram A | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Funk | Abram Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 68 |
Funk | Abram N | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Funk | Albert | Grooming the Grizzly | 315 |
Funk | Albert and Jennie | Burnt Embers | 464 |
Funk | Annie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 204 |
Funk | Dave | Grooming the Grizzly | 317 |
Funk | Dave and Eva | Burnt Embers | 448, 449, 463 |
Funk | Jim and Theresa | Burnt Embers | 464 |
Funk | Mel and Linda | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 235 |
Funk | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 412 |
Funnell | Arthur H | Pioneers of the Peace | 233-235, 281, 282 |
Funnell | Bert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 62 |
Funnell | Bert | Pioneers of the Peace | 233-235, 318 |
Funnell | Bessie | Pioneers of the Peace | 235 |
Funnell | Dorothy M | Pioneers of the Peace | 235 |
Funnell | Gwendolyn R | Pioneers of the Peace | 235 |
Funnell | Kathleen M | Pioneers of the Peace | 235 |
Funnell | Marguerite E | Pioneers of the Peace | 235 |
Funnell | Thomas E | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 111 |
Funnell | Thomas E | Pioneers of the Peace | 233-235 |
Funnell | Thomas H | Pioneers of the Peace | 234, 235 |
Funnell | Tom | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 63 |
Funnell | Walter | Pioneers of the Peace | 160, 233, 234 |
Funnell | Walter (Bert and Arthur) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 153, 162, 171, 187 |
Funnell Bros | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 341 | |
Funnell Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 344 | |
Funny-money business | Across the Smoky | 337 | |
Fure | Barbra | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 245 |
Fure | Beverley | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 245 |
Fure | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 245 |
Fure | Russel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 245 |
Furgeson | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 149 |
Furnham | Louis | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 159 |
Fynn | Bill | Pioneers of the Peace | 316 |
Fysh | Audrey (Laughy) | Grooming the Grizzly | 109 |
"G" Royal North West Mounted Police Division | Pioneers of the Peace | 410, 412, 414 | |
Gaara | Halvor | Pioneer Round-Up | 507 |
Gaara | Halvor | Pioneers of the Peace | 283, 333 |
Gaarden | Halvor | Pioneers of the Peace | 240 |
Gable | Floyd | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 209 |
Gabler Family | Along the Wapiti | 195 | |
Gaboury | Adelard | Memories and Moments | 173 |
Gaboury | Adelard and Marie-Anne | Smoky Peace Triangle | 214 |
Gaboury | Bud and Lucille | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 895 |
Gaboury | Connie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Gaboury | Dominique | Smoky Peace Triangle | 216 |
Gaboury | Doug | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Gaboury | Doug and Jane | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 997 |
Gaboury | Edmund and Delia | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 160 |
Gaboury | Eugene and Mary | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 161 |
Gaboury | Frank and Claudia | Smoky Peace Triangle | 217 |
Gaboury | Gene and Mary | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 896 |
Gaboury | Irving | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 340 |
Gaboury | Irving and Anita | Where the Red Willow Grew | 520 |
Gaboury | Jane | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Gaboury | Kimberley | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Gaboury | Krysial | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Gaboury | Marie Anne and Adelord | Chepi Sepe | 419 |
Gaboury | Oliver | Memories and Moments | 175 |
Gaboury | Tammie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 189 |
Gabriel | Anneliese and Frank | From Tears to Triumph | 253 |
Gabrielson | E J (Ernie) | Burnt Embers | 385 |
Gabrielson | Einar | Homesteaders' Heritage | 215 |
Gacek | Bill and Mary | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 182 |
Gagne | Avis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 168, 170 |
Gagne | Dallas | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 170 |
Gagne | Gilberte | Smoky Peace Triangle | 219 |
Gagne | Louis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 170 |
Gagnon | Lena W (Uhryn) | Chepi Sepe | 422 |
Gagnon | Leo | Homesteaders' Heritage | 16 |
Gagnon | Margret (Landsfried) | From Tears to Triumph | 123 |
Gains | Captain Salvation Army | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 85 |
Gairdner | A G Const RNWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 404 |
Gairdner dan | The First Metis�A New Nation | 206 | |
Gairdners | Fort Edmonton Research | The First Metis�A New Nation | 216 |
Gairdners | The First Metis�A New Nation | 210 | |
Gait | J | Pioneers of the Peace | 237 |
Gajda | Steve | Homesteaders' Heritage | 55 |
Galbraith | Lloyd | The Big Bend | 45 |
Galbraith | Rev Norman | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 88 |
Galbraith | Sylvia | Chepi Sepe | 423 |
Galbraith | Vem | The Big Bend | 46 |
Gale | Marie and Esson | Grande Cache: The People | 88 |
Gale | James | Pioneer Round-Up | 87 |
Gall | Andrew | Where the Red Willow Grew | 85 |
Gall | Frederick | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 10 |
Gallagher | Frank | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 161 |
Gallagher | John | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 134 |
Gallagher | John | Across the Smoky | 46 |
Gallagher | Mary and Roy | Chepi Sepe | 423 |
Gallant | Louis and Noella | Pioneer Round-Up | 77a |
Gallant | Victor | Pioneer Round-Up | 87 |
Galletly | J | Pioneers of the Peace | 54 |
Gallivan | Henry (Village Police) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 134 |
Gallivan | Henry and Jim | Where the Red Willow Grew | 85 |
Galway | A E (Magistrate) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 60,144 |
Gamache | Father | A History of Grande Cache | 87 |
Gamble | Bill | Homesteaders' Heritage | 216 |
Gamble | Otto | Homesteaders' Heritage | 158,165, 167, 216 |
Gamey | Doctor | Burnt Embers | 58 |
Gamey | Dr L | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 73, 190 |
Gamey | Dr L R (pictures) | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 597 |
Gamey | Joe | Smoky Peace Triangle | 219 |
Gammel | William Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 146 |
Gammon | Betty and Ted | Chepi Sepe | 424 |
Gammon | Wes and Delmar | From Tears to Triumph | 43 |
Gano | Guy | The Big Bend | 122 |
Gano | Guy and Alice | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 235 |
Gano | Merle | Homesteaders' Heritage | 217 |
Gano | Merle and Family | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 147 |
Gano | Roy and Carol | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 238 |
Gano | Ted and Peggy | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 239 |
Ganz | Carl | Grooming the Grizzly | 318 |
Ganzeveld | Families | Buffalo Trails | 30 |
Ganzeveld | Alberdena | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 243 |
Ganzeveld | Jake | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 187 |
Ganzeveld | Pete | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Ganzevelt | Hilje A | Pioneers of the Peace | 118 |
Garages | Burnt Embers | 446 | |
Garbergs | Thomas | Pioneer Round-Up | 508 |
Garbett | Harry | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 2 |
Gardiner | Nancy and Rev J | Chepi Sepe | 424 |
Gardner | Billy | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 488 |
Gardner | Shorty | Across the Smoky | 194 |
Gardner | William and Violet | Along the Wapiti | 213 |
Gardner Family | Iosegun Reflections | 282 | |
Gariepy | Cleo | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 26 |
Gariepy | Cleo | Pioneers of the Peace | 172, 173, 265 |
Gariepy | J G | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 14,27 |
Gariepy | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 189 |
Garies (Koleba) | Lucy | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 251 |
Garlock | Willard and Lona | Along the Wapiti | 216 |
Garner | Colleen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 159 |
Garner | Fred and Mable | From Tears to Triumph | 71 |
Garner | Wayneand Kay | Along the Wapiti | 151 |
Garnet | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 65, 98, 259 |
Garnet | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 193 |
Garnet | George C | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 29 48 |
Garniss | John and Rita | Iosegun Reflections | 282 |
Garret | W | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 13 |
Garrett | Bill | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 428 |
Garrett | James | Pioneers of the Peace | 5 |
Garrett | John | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 210 |
Garrett | Mrs Pat | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 194 |
Garrett | Ray and Margaret | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 597 |
Garrett | Robert and Natika | Along the Wapiti | 42 |
Garrett | Stephen | Pioneers of the Peace | 182, 230, 255 |
Garrett | Steve | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 428 |
Garrett | W | Pioneers of the Peace | 214 |
Garrett | Bill | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 111 |
Garrett | John | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 111 |
Garrett | Steve | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 111 |
Garska | Adrianne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Garska | Bradley | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Garska | Bruce | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Garska | Charlotte | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Garska | David | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Garska | Gus | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Garska | Marlene | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Garska | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Garska | Michael | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Garska | Randy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Gartly | Bob and Family | Smoky Peace Triangle | 219 |
Gartly | George | Smoky Peace Triangle | 220 |
Garvin | Alvia | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Garvin | Jean | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Garvin | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Gas Boom | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 144 | |
Gascon | Rick and Laural | Iosegun Reflections | 283 |
Gaskell Family | Iosegun Reflections | 283 | |
Gass | Ignatius and Katherine | Pioneer Round-Up | 207 |
Gass | Joe | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 40 |
Gass | Josephine | Pioneers of the Peace | 236 |
Gates | Dave and Moira | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 240 |
Gates | Don and Irene | Iosegun Reflections | 284 |
Gathercole | Harry and Kay | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 597 |
Gaudin | Esdale | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 108 |
Gaudin | I E | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 44,63,64 |
Gaudin | I E | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 171 |
Gaudin | I E | Pioneers of the Peace | 32, 34-36, 39, 44, 52, 64, 69,79, 118, 304 |
Gaudin | I E | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 23 |
Gaudin | I E | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 10 14,22,50, 115,133,147, 192 |
Gaudin | Jack | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 109 |
Gault | Denny | Pioneers of the Peace | 307 |
Gault | J D | Pioneer Round-Up | 208 |
Gault | Joseph | Pioneer Round-Up | 509 |
Gaultier | Benoit and Liliane | Along the Wapiti | 24 |
Gautier | St. Pierre and Louise | Along the Wapiti | 130 |
Gautier Family | Along the Wapiti | 132 | |
Gaunt | Austin | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 387 |
Gaunt | James | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 262 |
Gautschi | Roland | Homesteaders' Heritage | 56 |
Gautz | Mike | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 487 |
Gawryluk | Edith and Fred | Chepi Sepe | 426 |
Geary | Martin Leonard | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 11 |
Gebauer | John and Rosa | From Tears to Triumph | 124 |
Gebauer | Lynnette and Jim Jacobsen | From Tears to Triumph | 127 |
Gebhart | Larry and Bernie | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 241 |
Gebhart | Nina and William | Chepi Sepe | 427 |
Gebhart | Richard and Erika | From Tears to Triumph | 129 |
Gebhart | Rudolf | Memories and Moments | 246 |
Gebhart | Rudolph | Burnt Embers | 217 |
Gebhart | William and Nina | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 242 |
Gedoz | Mike | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 453 |
Geertsema | Jake and Kathy | Grande Cache: The People | 89 |
Geertsema | Jake | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Geller | Charlie | Grooming the Grizzly | 320 |
General History | Memories and Moments | 10-60 | |
Geological Accident | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 275 | |
George | Albert (Bert) and Nellie | Along the Wapiti | 245 |
George | John and Flora | Along the Wapiti | 231 |
George | Mary (poem) | Along the Wapiti | 90 |
Gerald Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 207 | |
Gerbrandt | Henry | Burnt Embers | 147 |
Gerlinger | Jack | Pioneer Round-Up | 367 |
Germain | Joseph | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 173 |
Germain | Joseph Endore | Chepi Sepe | 428 |
Germain | Joseph Eudore | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 3, 5, 6, 8,13 |
Germain | Joseph Eudore | Pioneers of the Peace | 14 |
Germain | Joseph Eudore | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 182 |
Germain | Joseph Eudore | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 18 |
Gerow | Family | Buffalo Trails | 136 |
Gerow | Allan | Along the Wapiti | 256 |
Gerow | Allan and Florence | Along the Wapiti | 257 |
Gerow | Archie and Annie | Along the Wapiti | 294 |
Gerow | Keith and Pat | Along the Wapiti | 295 |
Gerow | Lloyd and Nellie | Along the Wapiti | 296 |
Gervais | Dale and Denise | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 251-253 |
Gervais | Don and Delma | Iosegun Reflections | 284 |
Gervais | Don and Delma | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 254-256 |
Gervais Trucking | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 111 | |
Gerwatoski | Albert and Lorna (Fornier) | Bridges to the Past | 242 |
Gerwatoski | Ed and Diane (Fornier) | Bridges to the Past | 243 |
Gerwatoski | Gene and Mary | Bridges to the Past | 160 |
Gerwatoski | Jim and Judy | Bridges to the Past | 243 |
Gerwatoski | Pete | Across the Smoky | 99 |
Gerwatoski | Stan and Violet | Bridges to the Past | 163 |
Gerwatoski | Ted | Bridges to the Past | 164 |
Gerwatoski | Tom and Bernice (Moore) | Bridges to the Past | 246 |
Gerwatoski | Walter and Georgina (Loewen) | Bridges to the Past | 248 |
Gerwatoski Family Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 485 | |
Gesler | Frank | Buffalo Trails | 79 |
Getting Animals Across the Smoky | Smoky Peace Triangle | 58 | |
Getting to School | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 124 | |
Ghostkeeper | Alvina and Phillip | Where the Red Willow Grew | 423 |
Ghostkeeper | Mr and Mrs | Chepi Sepe | 428 |
Giasson | Ignace | A History of Grande Cache | 1, 29 |
Gibb | Bert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144, 209 |
Gibb | Janet | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Gibb | Lois | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Gibb | Ronald | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Gibb | Sam | Smoky Peace Triangle | 221 |
Gibb | Thomas | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Gibbons | Len and Sadie | Along the Wapiti | 297 |
Gibbs | Shorty | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 263 |
Gibennus | Edith | Burnt Embers | 204 |
Giberson | Helen | Along the Wapiti | 90 |
Gibson | Robert | Buffalo Trails | 36 |
Gibson | Bob | The Northfield Settlement | 34 |
Gibson | Garnet | Homesteaders' Heritage | 217 |
Gibson | George and Pearl | Bridges to the Past | 107 |
Gibson | Harry | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 174 |
Gibson | Hilda (Vader) | Chepi Sepe | 428 |
Gibson | Robert | Pioneer Round-Up | 510 |
Giersch | George Sr | From Tears to Triumph | 192 |
Giesbrecht | Abraham | Memories and Moments | 177 |
Giesbrecht | Bud and Anne | Bridges to the Past | 249 |
Giesbrecht | Doris Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 299 |
Giesbrecht | Gary and Ludinellia | Bridges to the Past | 250 |
Giesbrecht | George and Katherine | Bridges to the Past | 170 |
Giesbrecht | George and Pete | Across the Smoky | 105, 149, 188 |
Giesbrecht | Ike and Fay | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 278 |
Giesbrecht | Martin | Across the Smoky | 78 |
Giesbrecht | Verden and Betty | Bridges to the Past | 250 |
Giesbrecht | Wayne | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 226 |
Giesbrecht | Wayne and Elsie (Doerkson) | Bridges to the Past | 251 |
Giesbrecht Brothers - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 495 | |
Giese | Gary and Delores | Iosegun Reflections | 285 |
Giffen | Sandy | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 243 |
Gilbertson | H | Homesteaders' Heritage | 218 |
Gilbride | Joseph and Daisy | Where the Red Willow Grew | 89 |
Gilby | Arthur | Buffalo Trails | 123 |
Gilchrist | Shirley | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 156 |
Gilchrist | Tom | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 156 |
Giles | Donald | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 142 |
Giles | Roxy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 142 |
Giles | Virginia | Chepi Sepe | 429 |
Gilge | Thorvald | Where the Red Willow Grew | 90 |
Giliberti | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 229 |
Gilkyson | Donald | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 49 |
Gilkyson | Floyd | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 13, 44, 195, 275 |
Gilkyson | Floyd | Pioneers of the Peace | 53, 168 |
Gilkyson | Floyd Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 266 |
Gilkyson | Gordon | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 44 |
Gilkyson | Stella | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 29, 49, 260, 261 |
Gilkyson | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 513 |
Gill | Pioneers of the Peace | 112 | |
Gill | Andrew and Betsy | Grande Cache: The People | 62 |
Gill | Arthur | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 8 |
Gill | Arthur | Buffalo Trails | 44 |
Gill | H | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Gill | Harley, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 107 |
Gill | Parry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 263 |
Gillam | Ed | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 897 |
Gillard | Bert Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 314 |
Gillard | Doris | Burnt Embers | 274 |
Gillard | W H | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 377 |
Gillert | Ed and Dorothy | Burnt Embers | 465 |
Gillespie | Edward and Thelma | Pioneer Round-Up | 512 |
Gillespie | Thomas and Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 134 |
Gillespie | Tom | The Big Bend | 47 |
Gillespie Grain Co | Pioneers of the Peace | 222 | |
Gillespie Story | Pioneer Round-Up | 510 | |
Gillie | Phillip | Homesteaders' Heritage | 412 |
Gillies | Don | A History of Grande Cache | 74 |
Gillies | Hugh and Kathleen | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 185 |
Gillies | Hugh and Mae | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 182 |
Gillies | Malcolm and Annie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 600 |
Gillies | Orma | Memories and Moments | 94 |
Gilliland | Floyd (MLA) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 145 |
Gillis | Wilfred and Beverly | Grande Cache: The People | 89 |
Gillon | Henri | Smoky Peace Triangle | 221 |
Gillon | Joseph | Smoky Peace Triangle | 221 |
Gillrie | Ben | Burnt Embers | 293 |
Gilmore | Ernie | Pioneers of the Peace | 83 |
Gilmore | Helen (Reid) | Where the Red Willow Grew | 425 |
Gilmore | Stanley and Sophie | Where the Red Willow Grew | 425 |
Gilmour | Bert | Pioneer Round-Up | 88 |
Gilmour | Cephas and Irene | Pioneer Round-Up | 79a |
Gilmour | George and Mabel | Along the Wapiti | 357 |
Gilmour | George Jr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 255 |
Gilmour | Ira | Grooming the Grizzly | 320 |
Gilmour | Irene | Pioneer Round-Up | 213 |
Gilmour | Ivy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 150 |
Gilmour | Kathleen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 250 |
Gilmour | Mr and Mrs | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 114, 150, 255 |
Gilmour | Priscilla | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 255 |
Gilmour | William and George | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 148 |
Gilmour | William and Priscilla | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 17 |
Gilmour | William and Priscilla | Along the Wapiti | 358 |
Gilmours | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 254 | |
Gimle | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 305 | |
Gimle Remember? | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 324 | |
Gimle Riverside Ladies' Aid | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 319 | |
Gimle School District | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 310 | |
Gimli | Pioneer Round-Up | 7 | |
Gimli Poem | Pioneer Round-Up | 7 | |
Gingles | Hugh | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 192 |
Gingras | Oliver | Chepi Sepe | 429 |
Ginter | William, Annie | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 135 |
Gionet | Jack | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 346 |
Giquel | Rene | Pioneer Round-Up | 82a |
Girard | Ernie | Homesteaders' Heritage | 350, 379 |
Girard | Lionel | Smoky Peace Triangle | 223 |
Girard | Paul and Florence | Smoky Peace Triangle | 224 |
Girard | Ray | A History of Grande Cache | 74 |
Girl Guides | Grooming the Grizzly | 134 | |
Girl Guides of Canada | Smoky Peace Triangle | 78 | |
Girlich | Carl | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 161 |
Girling | Miss | Grooming the Grizzly | 109 |
Girls Soccer | From Tears to Triumph | 366 | |
Giroux | Rene and Elizabeth | Iosegun Reflections | 286 |
Girvan | Ralph and Selma | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 428 |
Gitzel | Gus | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 278 |
Gitzel | Herb | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 111 |
Gitzel | Herb | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 282 |
Gitzel | Irene | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 260 |
Gitzel | Otta - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 487 |
Gitzel | Otto | Across the Smoky | 185 |
Gitzel | Otto and Emma | Bridges to the Past | 171 |
Gitzel | Walter and Irene (Gitzel) | Bridges to the Past | 252 |
Given | Brian | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 225 |
Given | George | Across the Smoky | 100 |
Given Family (Robert and Florence) | Bridges to the Past | 252 | |
Gjerde | Knute | Where the Red Willow Grew | 91 |
Gladu | Adam | Along the Wapiti | 130 |
Gladu | Alfred | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 24 |
Gladu | Alfred | Pioneers of the Peace | 7 |
Gladu | Alfred and St. Pierre | Along the Wapiti | 130 |
Gladu | Ben | Along the Wapiti | 130 |
Gladu | Celeste | Along the Wapiti | 130 |
Gladu | Celestin | Along the Wapiti | 152 |
Gladu | Gladys | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 29 |
Gladu | John | Pioneers of the Peace | 7, 26, 39, 202 |
Gladu | John | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 102,118 |
Gladu | Johnny | Along the Wapiti | 130 |
Gladu | Mary | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 102 |
Gladu | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 45 |
Gladu | Pascal | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 26,29 |
Gladu Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 232 | |
Gladu or Quinn | The First Metis�A New Nation | 235 | |
Gladu-Celestin | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 67,68 | |
Gladue | Peter | Grouard-Peace River Trail | 54 |
Gladue | John and Peggy | Grouard-Peace River Trail | 55 |
Gladue | from Wabasca | The First Metis�A New Nation | 234 |
Gladue Family | Along the Wapiti | 132 | |
Glas | Dr Arnold | Pioneer Round-Up | 215 |
Glaubitz | Mrs Annie | Across the Smoky | 102 |
Glawe | David | A History of Grande Cache | 86 |
Glazebrook | Norma | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 169 |
Glcndenning | Thomas | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 73 |
Gleason | Mr | Pioneer Round-Up | 515 |
Glegghorn | Billy | Across the Smoky | 47 |
Glen | John (Jack) | A History of Grande Cache | 30, 51, 55, 65 |
Glen | Maureen | Grande Cache: The People | 89 |
Glen Leslie Church and Cemetery | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 461 | |
Glen Leslie P O | Pioneers of the Peace | 247 | |
Glen Leslie Post Office | Pioneers of the Peace | 239 | |
Glenn | Adeline and Pat | Chepi Sepe | 430 |
Glenn | Alzora and Sam | Chepi Sepe | 432 |
Glenn | Etta and Jim | Chepi Sepe | 433 |
Glenn | Homer | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 155 |
Glenn | Jim | Memories and Moments | 178 |
Glenn | Joe and Harvey | Memories and Moments | 181 |
Glenn | May | Memories and Moments | 185 |
Glenn | Pat | Memories and Moments | 182 |
Glenn | Patrick | Burnt Embers | 436 |
Glenn | Robert Joe | Memories and Moments | 182 |
Glenn | Sam | Memories and Moments | 183 |
Glenton | J | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 81 |
Glessner | Jacob | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 453 |
Glessner | Jake "Dutchoven Jake" | Pioneers of the Peace | 276 |
Glidden | Vi and Harold | Chepi Sepe | 436 |
Gliege | Bob and Viola | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 258-259 |
Gliege | Edward | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 204 |
Gliege | Emil | Grooming the Grizzly | 321 |
Gliege | Eric and Rosie | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 256, 257 |
Gliege | Gilbert and Eva | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 259 |
Gliege | Jim and Clara (Frakes) | Bridges to the Past | 253 |
Gliege | Kenneth | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 204 |
Gliege | Larry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 204 |
Gliege | Robert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 204 |
Gliege | Shirley | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 204 |
Gliege | Viola | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 204 |
Glimm | Harald | Burnt Embers | 386 |
Glimm | Helmuth and Gertrud | Burnt Embers | 386 |
Glimm | Ulrich | Burnt Embers | 447 |
Glorvigen | Arthur, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 203 |
Glossary | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1182 | |
Glover | Evelyn | Grande Cache: The People | 90 |
Glover | Kathleen | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 244 |
Glowaski | Anna | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Glowaski | Corenne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Glowaski | Edward | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Glowaski | Harry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 145 |
Glowaski | Harry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 145, 146 |
Glowaski | Jean | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Glowaski | Joyce | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Glowaski | Julia | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 145, 146 |
Glowaski | Leo | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Glowaski | Marie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Glowaski | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Glowaski | Stella | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Glowaski | Ted | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Glowasky | Judy and Harry | Chepi Sepe | 436 |
Glowigen | Arthur | Pioneers of the Peace | 184 |
Goad | Bill | Where the Red Willow Grew | 427 |
Godberson | Ed and Lorraine | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 260 |
Goddard | Oliver J | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 24 |
Goddard | Rev J G | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 85 |
Godin | A | A History of Grande Cache | 49 |
Godlonton Family | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 447 | |
Godsell | Philip | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 140,227 |
Goebel | James, Family | Buffalo Trails | 225 |
Goebel | James Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 314 |
Goebel | Valentine | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 453 |
Goebel | Warren and Neicy | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 38 |
Goertz | A J Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 210 |
Goertz | Henry | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 33 |
Goertz | Henry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 239 |
Goertz | Henry | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Goertzcn | Pastor Clarence | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 87 |
Goertzen | Ann | Along the Wapiti | 359 |
Goertzen | Henry | Homesteaders' Heritage | 154,218 |
Goertzen | Henry | Pioneer Round-Up | 518 |
Goertzen | Henry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 269 |
Goertzen | Jacob | Along the Wapiti | 360 |
Goertzen | Jacob Jr | Pioneer Round-Up | 518 |
Goertzen | Jake | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Goertzen | John | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Goertzen Family | Jerry | Iosegun Reflections | 287 |
Goff | Vern and Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 342 |
Golata | Francis William | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 183 |
Gold | Herman | Homesteaders' Heritage | 369 |
Golden | Mary | Burnt Embers | 204 |
Golding | George | Buffalo Trails | 38 |
Goldring | Charlie | Across the Smoky | 19, 97 |
Golnick | Alfred and Gloria | Along the Wapiti | 24 |
Golnick | Fred and family | Along the Wapiti | 24 |
Goltz | Don | A History of Grande Cache | 86 |
Gomuwka | Gary and Heather | Iosegun Reflections | 289 |
Gomuwka | Gary and Heather | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 260 |
Gomuwka | William and Jean | Iosegun Reflections | 291 |
Goncz | Louis | Where the Red Willow Grew | 91 |
Good Neighbors Club | Across the Smoky | 230 | |
Good Will Club | The Big Bend | 240 | |
Goodale | Albert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 264 |
Goodall | Diane | Chepi Sepe | 437 |
Goodfare | Pioneer Round-Up | 88 | |
Goodfare School | Pioneer Round-Up | 93 | |
Goodhand | Dr Hadley | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 58 |
Goodland | Alex | Across the Smoky | 248 |
Goodman | Ed | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 264 |
Goodman | Herman | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 517 |
Goodrich | Bill and Elizabeth | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 898 |
Goodridge | Henry | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 35 |
Goodspeed | Clarence | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 60 |
Goodvin | Bert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 76 |
Goodvin | Bert | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 45,58 |
Goodvin | Greg and Diane | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 448 |
Goodvin | Joe and Jenny | Pioneer Round-Up | 30 |
Goodvin | John | Pioneer Round-Up | 31 |
Goodvin | John L | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 45,58 |
Goodvin | Ron and Elaine | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 449 |
Goodwin | Dave | Pioneers of the Peace | 207 |
Goodwin | Joe Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 72 |
Goodwin Bros | Pioneers of the Peace | 109, 117, 137, 142, 181,215, 275 | |
Goodwin Bros | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 7 | |
Goodwin Bros (Jim and Dave) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 68, 70, 132, 144, 148, 152, 154, 158, 159, 165, 170,172, 179,214,257,258 | |
Goodwin Bros Stopping Place | Pioneers of the Peace | 172, 181 | |
Goodwin Brothers | Across the Smoky | 10 | |
Goodwin Church (Anglican) | Across the Smoky | 307 | |
Goodwin Crossing | Pioneers of the Peace | 183 | |
Goodwin Luge Track | Bridges to the Past | 417 | |
Goodwin Post Office | Across the Smoky | 286 | |
Goodwin School, north | Across the Smoky | 268 | |
Goodwin Social Club | Bridges to the Past | 419 | |
Goossens | Omer | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 210 |
Gorden | George | Along the Wapiti | 217 |
Gordey | Mike and Elma | Where the Red Willow Grew | 522 |
Gordica | Bill | Burnt Embers | 449 |
Gordon | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 317 |
Gordon | Gerald and Barb | Where the Red Willow Grew | 428, 429 |
Gordon | Halvor | Pioneer Round-Up | 519 |
Gordon | Jim and Josie | Where the Red Willow Grew | 430 |
Gordon | Scotty | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 346 |
Gordondale | Homesteaders' Heritage | 346 | |
Gordondale Cemetery | Homesteaders' Heritage | 349 | |
Gordondale Church | Homesteaders' Heritage | 348 | |
Gordondale Farmer's Union | Homesteaders' Heritage | 350 | |
Gordondale Hall | Homesteaders' Heritage | 349 | |
Gordondale Post Office | Homesteaders' Heritage | 346 | |
Gordondale School | Homesteaders' Heritage | 347 | |
Gordondale Store | Homesteaders' Heritage | 346 | |
Gordondale Threshing | Homesteaders' Heritage | 350 | |
Gordy | Elsie and George | Chepi Sepe | 438 |
Gorgichuk | Eugene | Smoky Peace Triangle | 225 |
Gorgichuk | George and Belle | Smoky Peace Triangle | 225 |
Gorgichuk | Mel and Rose | Along the Wapiti | 361 |
Gorgichuk | Melvin and Rose | Smoky Peace Triangle | 226 |
Gorgichuk | Robert and Marigold | Smoky Peace Triangle | 227 |
Goring | Al | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Goring | Al and Jo | Grande Cache: The People | 92 |
Gorman | George and Pauline | Burnt Embers | 303 |
Gorman | J | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 134,135 |
Gorman | Tom, Family (Schmidt) | Buffalo Trails | 11 |
Gorrie | David, Family | Buffalo Trails | 121 |
Gorton A T | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 126,146 | |
Goryniuk Family | Burnt Embers | 303, 436 | |
Goscillo | Vincent | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1081 |
Gosden | Richard | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 216 |
Gosney | Bill | A History of Grande Cache | 46 |
Gospel Light Church | Bridges to the Past | 385 | |
Gossen | John | Pioneer Round-Up | 95 |
Gossen | John | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Gossen | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 17 |
Gossen | John, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 121 |
Gothard Family | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 244 | |
Gottschalk | Willi | Burnt Embers | 387 |
Gouchey | Ed (Picture) | Where the Red Willow Grew | 94 |
Gouchey | H A | Pioneers of the Peace | 168 |
Gouchey | H S | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 37 |
Gouchey | Hans and Louise | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 278 |
Gouchie | Louis | Along the Wapiti | 187 |
Gouchie | Pat | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 1 |
Gouchie | St Pierre | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 1, 55 |
Gouchier | Louis | Pioneers of the Peace | 7 |
Gouchier | St Pierre | Pioneers of the Peace | 7, 18 |
Gouchio (Baptiste) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 83 | |
Gough | Charles | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 134 |
Gould | Bill and Use | Grande Cache: The People | 93 |
Gould | Charlie | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 152 |
Gould | Christopher | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 216 |
Gould | Irving | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 216 |
Gould | Jack, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 105 |
Gould | Jim and Irene | Smoky Peace Triangle | 227 |
Gould | Ken | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 216 |
Gould | Leslie | Smoky Peace Triangle | 228 |
Gould | Lise | A History of Grande Cache | 78 |
Gould | Margaret | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 216 |
Gould | Matthew | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 216 |
Gould | Mavis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 160, 212, 216, 217 |
Gould | Mavis Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 107 |
Gould | Terry and Claudette | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 261 |
Gould | Wendy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 216 |
Gould Family | The Big Bend | 48 | |
Goulding | William | Pioneer Round-Up | 95 |
Goulet | Joan and Ronald | Chepi Sepe | 439 |
Goulet | Mariange and Denis | Chepi Sepe | 440 |
Goupil | Bill and Janie | Grande Cache: The People | 93 |
Govenlock | Margaret | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 243 |
Government | Memories and Moments | 18, 43 | |
Gow | Dave and Hattie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 38 |
Gowan | Anthony | Pioneers of the Peace | 102, 164, 189 |
Gower | Doris and (Bud) Cecil | Grande Cache: The People | 94 |
Gower | Les | Where the Red Willow Grew | 523 |
Graban | Mrs C | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 118 |
Graber | Ray and Millie | Where the Red Willow Grew | 92 |
Grabit | Joe | Along the Wapiti | 257 |
Grace Children's Home | Pioneers of the Peace | 113 | |
Grace Gospel Church | Chepi Sepe | 133 | |
Gradin | Per (Pete) | Where the Red Willow Grew | 93 |
Graf | August | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 401 |
Graf | Harold | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 207 |
Graf Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 346 | |
Graham | Pioneers of the Peace | 109 | |
Graham | Alexander Rev | Pioneers of the Peace | 49, 332 |
Graham | Alf | Along the Wapiti | 207 |
Graham | Bill | The Big Bend | 50 |
Graham | Bill and Rosie | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 162 |
Graham | Bob | A History of Grande Cache | 74 |
Graham | Dave | The Big Bend | 51 |
Graham | Delancey | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 162 |
Graham | Edna | Pioneers of the Peace | 163 |
Graham | Ella | Pioneers of the Peace | 162, 163 |
Graham | Flossie | Pioneers of the Peace | 163 |
Graham | Gregory | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 517 |
Graham | Harry | Pioneers of the Peace | 141, 142 |
Graham | James W | The Big Bend | 52 |
Graham | Jim | The Big Bend | 54 |
Graham | John Henry Tuttle | Burnt Embers | 466 |
Graham | Lura | Pioneers of the Peace | 163 |
Graham | Mat | Pioneers of the Peace | 81 |
Graham | Matt | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30, 121, 255 |
Graham | Matthew | Along the Wapiti | 217 |
Graham | Mel | A History of Grande Cache | 86 |
Graham | Merle D | Pioneers of the Peace | 162, 163 |
Graham | Milt | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 517 |
Graham | Mrs A | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 85 |
Graham | Nureddon | Pioneers of the Peace | 163 |
Graham | Rev Alexander | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 83-85 |
Graham | Richard | Buffalo Trails | 251 |
Graham | Robert and Doreen | Grande Cache: The People | 94 |
Graham | Solomon | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 293 |
Graham | Solomon | Pioneers of the Peace | 162, 163 |
Graham | Solomon and Cornelia | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 162 |
Graham | Susan | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 197 |
Graham | Tuttle | Pioneers of the Peace | 162 |
Graham | Tuttle and Minnie | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 163 |
Graham | Wayne | Iosegun Reflections | 292 |
Graham | William | Pioneers of the Peace | 163 |
Grain Elevators | Burnt Embers | 444 | |
Grain Growers Co | Pioneers of the Peace | 165 | |
Graley | Dan | Smoky Peace Triangle | 228 |
Grams | Robert and Carol | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 245 |
Grams Family | Along the Wapiti | 25 | |
Gramsch | Garry and Linda | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 261-263 |
Gran | Albin G | Homesteaders' Heritage | 56 |
Grand Prairie | B C | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 13 |
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway | Pioneers of the Peace | 25,91,133 | |
Grand Trunk Railroad | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 6, 11,44 | |
Grande Cache Community High School | A History of Grande Cache | 70 | |
Grande Cache Elementary School | A History of Grande Cache | 70, 82 | |
Grande Cache Forest Industries | A History of Grande Cache | 62 | |
Grande Cache Forest Products | A History of Grande Cache | 62 | |
Grande Cache General Hospital District #63 | A History of Grande Cache | 70, 80 | |
Grande Cache Institution | A History of Grande Cache | 63 | |
Grande Cache Lake | A History of Grande Cache | 8, 29, 30, 72 | |
Grande Cache Mountaineer | A History of Grande Cache | 79, 81 | |
Grande Cache Saddle Club | A History of Grande Cache | 78 | |
Grande Cache School District #5258 | A History of Grande Cache | 70, 72 | |
Grande Prairie | Pioneers of the Peace | 67, 134, 140, 152 | |
Grande Prairie & District Branch | Canadian Cancer Society | Pioneers of the Peace | 139 |
Grande Prairie & District Cooperative Association Ltd | Pioneers of the Peace | 53 | |
Grande Prairie & District murders | Pioneers of the Peace | 411, 412 | |
Grande Prairie & District Music Festival | Pioneers of the Peace | 107, 124, 228, 229 | |
Grande Prairie & District Old Timers' Association | Pioneers of the Peace | 5, 6, 60, 128, 135, 139 141, 292 | |
Grande Prairie Agricultural Society | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 44,125 | |
Grande Prairie Agricultural Society | Pioneers of the Peace | 60, 92, 96, 134 | |
Grande Prairie Airport | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 109,111-116,135,143,144 | |
Grande Prairie Airport | Pioneers of the Peace | 191 | |
Grande Prairie Band | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 126 | |
Grande Prairie Band | Pioneers of the Peace | 267, 331 | |
Grande Prairie Baseball Team | Pioneers of the Peace | 86, 140, 244, 283 | |
Grande Prairie Branch | Women�s Institute | Pioneers of the Peace | 269 |
Grande Prairie Business College | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33, 35-37 | |
Grande Prairie City | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 1,43, 49, 50, 139-141 | |
Grande Prairie Cooperative Livestock Marketing Association Ltd | Pioneers of the Peace | 53, 128 | |
Grande Prairie Cooperative Poultry Producers Association | Pioneers of the Peace | 62 | |
Grande Prairie County Agricultural Fair | Pioneers of the Peace | 65,139 | |
Grande Prairie Curling Club | Pioneers of the Peace | 269 | |
Grande Prairie District Old Timer's Association | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 62, 177, 258 | |
Grande Prairie Fire Department | Pioneers of the Peace | 331, 332 | |
Grande Prairie Health Unit No 20 | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 37, 100, 118, 119 | |
Grande Prairie Herald | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 39,46, 47,50,51 | |
Grande Prairie Herald | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 104 | |
Grande Prairie Herald-Tribune | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 51,144 | |
Grande Prairie High School | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 37, 144 | |
Grande Prairie Hotel | Pioneers of the Peace | 68, 179 | |
Grande Prairie Hotel | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 41, 102,105 | |
Grande Prairie Junior College | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 38,146 | |
Grande Prairie Ladies' Curling Club | Pioneers of the Peace | 269 | |
Grande Prairie Library | Pioneers of the Peace | 207 | |
Grande Prairie Livestock Shipping Assn | Pioneers of the Peace | 196 | |
Grande Prairie Milling Co | Pioneers of the Peace | 179 | |
Grande Prairie Municipal Hospital | Pioneers of the Peace | 82, 140, 166, 200, 240, 256, 282 | |
Grande Prairie Municipal Hospital Association | Pioneers of the Peace | 62 | |
Grande Prairie Municipal Hospital District No 14 | Pioneers of the Peace | 60, 198 | |
Grande Prairie Nurseries | Pioneers of the Peace | 305 | |
Grande Prairie Post Office | Pioneers of the Peace | 134, 164, 173, 190, 291, 406 | |
Grande Prairie Provincial UFA Association | Pioneers of the Peace | 82 | |
Grande Prairie RNWMP Sub District | Pioneers of the Peace | 408 | |
Grande Prairie School | Pioneers of the Peace | 91,144,147,161,266, 313 | |
Grande Prairie School Division | Pioneers of the Peace | 196,282,310 | |
Grande Trunk Railroad | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 76, 219 | |
Grande Yellowhead School Division #35 | A History of Grande Cache | 72 | |
Grandin | Bishop | The First Metis�A New Nation | 372 |
Graneng | Ole | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 33 |
Granger | Joseph and Anna | Smoky Peace Triangle | 229 |
Granger | Joseph and Olivina | Smoky Peace Triangle | 229 |
Granger | Napoleon and Bernadette | Smoky Peace Triangle | 230 |
Granger | Pauline M L | Smoky Peace Triangle | 232 |
Grannis | Gus | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 819 |
Granstrom | Victor | Pioneer Round-Up | 520 |
Grant | Allan and Pat | Along the Wapiti | 232 |
Grant | Bruce and Anne | Smoky Peace Triangle | 232 |
Grant | Dennis | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 38 |
Grant | Donald | Pioneers of the Peace | 116 |
Grant | Donald | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 82, 146, 181, 190, 219, 268 |
Grant | Ed | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 479 |
Grant | Ed and Florence | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 997 |
Grant | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 270 |
Grant | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 324 |
Grant | Grant | Grooming the Grizzly | 109 |
Grant | J | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 13 |
Grant | Jack | Across the Smoky | 55 |
Grant | Jack and Leah | Bridges to the Past | 171 |
Grant | James | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 271 |
Grant | Janet | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 147 |
Grant | Joe | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 252 |
Grant | John | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 2 |
Grant | John | Pioneers of the Peace | 17 |
Grant | John and Hannah | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 899 |
Grant | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 254 |
Grant | Miss | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 95 |
Grant | Richard | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 147 |
Grant | Robert Albert | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 38 |
Grant | Tony | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 250 |
Grant | William | Pioneers of the Peace | 10,19-21, 39, 67, 92,142,144 |
Grant | William | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 3, 8, 83,145 |
Grant | William | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 32, 33, 35, 46, 146, 148, 171 201, 220, 221, 258, 268 |
Grant | William Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 21, 116 |
Grant and Meade | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 14, 120,151 | |
Grant Pastor | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 33 | |
Grassick | Harold and Gladys | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 601 |
Grassick | Jim and Alice | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 185 |
Grauman | Frank and Bernard | Grooming the Grizzly | 270 |
Grav | Maria | Pioneers of the Peace | 232 |
Gravel | Leo and Velma | Bridges to the Past | 39 |
Gravelle | Charlie | Homesteaders' Heritage | 219 |
Gravelle | Joseph | Smoky Peace Triangle | 234 |
Graves | Marion and Frank | Chepi Sepe | 441 |
Graves | Mr | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 30 |
Gray | Floyd | Grande Cache: The People | 95 |
Gray | Ben | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 449 |
Gray | Ben and Joe | Across the Smoky | 139, 225 |
Gray | Bud | Memories and Moments | 188 |
Gray | Culver | Pioneer Round-Up | 519 |
Gray | Dixie | Burnt Embers | 120 |
Gray | Harry | Where the Red Willow Grew | 94 |
Gray | Joan and Raymond Henry | Chepi Sepe | 442 |
Gray | Mrs | Across the Smoky | 291 |
Gray | Mrs Mary | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 143, 199 |
Gray | Raymond | Memories and Moments | 189 |
Gray | Robert | The First Metis�A New Nation | 239 |
Gray | Thomas | The First Metis�A New Nation | 240 |
Gray Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 136 | |
Gray Family | Along the Wapiti | 132 | |
Gray Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 235 | |
Grearson | William, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 66 |
Grearson | W E | Pioneers of the Peace | 130, 210, 263 |
Grearson | William | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 13 |
Greasing My Machine | From Tears to Triumph | 8 | |
Greasy Bill | Across the Smoky | 268 | |
Great Slave Lake RNWMP Sub District | Pioneers of the Peace | 410 | |
Greber | Art | Pioneer Round-Up | 376 |
Grecko | Bill | Pioneers of the Peace | 327 |
Grecko | Bill | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 169 |
Greek Orthodox Church | Burnt Embers | 73 | |
Greek Orthodox Church | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 333 | |
Green | Brian, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 121 |
Green | "Shady" | Pioneers of the Peace | 23-25 |
Green | Albert and Annie | Along the Wapiti | 152 |
Green | C R A S/Sgt RCMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 400 |
Green | Dick | Grooming the Grizzly | 322 |
Green | Gladys | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 156, 211, 226 |
Green | Jimmy | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 517 |
Green | Steve | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 417 |
Green Earth Environmental Society | A History of Grande Cache | 92 | |
Green Lantern | The | Pioneers of the Peace | 131 |
Greene | Leo and Carol Ann | Grande Cache: The People | 96 |
Greenfield | Frank | Smoky Peace Triangle | 234 |
Greenfield | Frank | Grooming the Grizzly | 323 |
Greenier | Pete | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Greenshields | E R | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 79 |
Greentree | Richard (Dick) and lola | Along the Wapiti | 233 |
Greenway Catholic Church | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 384 | |
Greenway School District | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 377 | |
Greenwood | Abraham | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 260 |
Greenwood | Norman | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 260 |
Greg | Gordon | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 268 |
Gregg | Andy and Julie | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 450 |
Gregg | T Ward and Dorothy (Stevens) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 184 |
Gregg | Tom and Stella | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 184 |
Gregor | Bill and Pearl (Kramps) | Bridges to the Past | 254 |
Gregorwich | Don and Wendy | Grande Cache: The People | 96 |
Gregorwich | D | A History of Grande Cache | 69 |
Gregory | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 19 |
Greidanus | Lyke and Johan | Chepi Sepe | 445 |
Greier | Carey | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Greig | Bill and Muriel | Iosegun Reflections | 292 |
Greig | Jim and Ruth | Iosegun Reflections | 294 |
Greig | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 402 |
Grela | Vera and Walter | Chepi Sepe | 446 |
Gremmettes | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 46 |
Grenache | Family | The Big Bend | 56 |
Grenache | Mary and A J | Chepi Sepe | 447 |
Grendys | Mrs Tom | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Gresko | Henry | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 342 |
Gress | H Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Greuner | Mike | Homesteaders' Heritage | 56 |
Grey | Pierre (Gris) | A History of Grande Cache | 39 |
Grey | George and Lewis | Pioneer Round-Up | 95 |
Grey | Joseph | A History of Grande Cache | 39 |
Grey and Milliagen Bros | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 174 | |
Grier | Fred | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 500 |
Griffen | "Dad" | Pioneers of the Peace | 38, 64 |
Griffen | William and Lydia | Where the Red Willow Grew | 431 |
Griffin | Gerald | Memories and Moments | 191 |
Griffin (Dad) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 109 | |
Griffin's Stopping Place | Pioneers of the Peace | 38, 64 | |
Griffith | Betty | Grande Cache: The People | 97 |
Griffith | Maurice, Mona, Family | Buffalo Trails | 93 |
Griffith | Bill | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 210 |
Griffith | Bob | Pioneers of the Peace | 121 |
Griffith | Bob | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 165 |
Griffith | Maurice | Grooming the Grizzly | 323 |
Griffith | Maurice and Mona | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 601 |
Griffiths | George, Gwen, Family | Buffalo Trails | 260 |
Griffiths | Bill | Pioneers of the Peace | 245 |
Griffiths | Bill | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 173 |
Griffiths | Fred | Across the Smoky | 147, 279 |
Griffiths | Robert | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 111 |
Griffiths | William | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 32, 111 |
Griffiths | William | Pioneers of the Peace | 235, 236 |
Griffiths | Wm Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 236 |
Grigat | Bill and John | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 282 |
Griggs | J H | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 83,243 |
Griggs and McDougall | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 91 | |
Grigor | Margaret | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 527 |
Griko | Wasyl | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 136 |
Grimm | Asa Bryan | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 186 |
Grimm | Edith (Vader) and Ora | Chepi Sepe | 448 |
Grimm | Ora | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 187 |
Grimm | Rainier | Memories and Moments | 96 |
Grimmett | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 51 |
Grimmett | Newton | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 54 |
Grimsrud | Arthur | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 151 |
Grimsrud | Einar | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 151, 177, 189, 241, 253 |
Grimsrud | Ellef | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 151 |
Grimsrud | Gail | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 89 |
Grimsrud | Irwin | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 151 |
Grimsrud | Olive | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 40, 151 |
Grimsrud | Roy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 19, 151, 240 |
Grimsrud Olaf | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 151 | |
Grinde | Paul | Burnt Embers | 218 |
Gripick | Joe | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 185 |
Grisdale | C L | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 21 |
Grist Mill | Pioneers of the Peace | 39 | |
Gritter | Evert | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 88 |
Grittner | Ernest | Memories and Moments | 97 |
Grittners | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 470 | |
Grizzly Bear Prairie Cemetery | Grooming the Grizzly | 182 | |
Groat | Butch | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 253 |
Groat | Joe | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 252 |
Groat | Tom & Judd | A History of Grande Cache | 41 |
Grober | Ed | Burnt Embers | 68 |
Groger | Edgar and Helen | Bridges to the Past | 108 |
Gropp | Randy and Gisele | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 247 |
Grose | Victor and Colleen | Grande Cache: The People | 98 |
Gross | Elsie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Grotkowski | Adam and Edna | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 282 |
Grotkowski | Family | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1082 |
Grotowski | Barb | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 111 |
Grotty | Mrs John | Across the Smoky | 28 |
Grouard | Alberta | Pioneers of the Peace | 22, 188 |
Grouard | Bishop | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 1 |
Grouard | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 196 | |
Grouard Mission | Pioneers of the Peace | 84, 94, 103, 327 | |
Grove | Reverend Harold | Grooming the Grizzly | 325 |
Grovedale � Community Church | Along the Wapiti | 193 | |
Grovedale � Community Club | Along the Wapiti | 192 | |
Grovedale �School | Along the Wapiti | 191 | |
Grover | Ernest and Christina | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 149 |
Grover | Ernie | Homesteaders' Heritage | 219 |
Grover | Francis | Homesteaders' Heritage | 369 |
Grover | George | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 34 |
Groves | Doug | Bridges to the Past | 255 |
Groves | Gerald (Snooks) | Across the Smoky | 215 |
Groves | Herb | Bridges to the Past | 255 |
Groves | Ike and Gertrude | Bridges to the Past | 172 |
Groves | Isaac (Ike) | Across the Smoky | 254 |
Groves | S - DeBolt to Champion | Bridges to the Past | 174 |
Groves | Snooks and Betty | Bridges to the Past | 175 |
Groves | Tony | Bridges to the Past | 256 |
Growing Up on the Farm | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 363 | |
Grubb | Clarence | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 283 |
Grubb | Clarence and Alice | Along the Wapiti | 362 |
Grubb | Glen and Audrey | Along the Wapiti | 362 |
Grubert | Karl and Mrs | Along the Wapiti | 196 |
Grubisich | Charles | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 470 |
Grudniski | Al and Mary | Along the Wapiti | 152 |
Gruenke | Ewald | Homesteaders' Heritage | 153, 160,220 |
Gruenke | Paul | Homesteaders' Heritage | 163 |
Gruenke | Ray | Homesteaders' Heritage | 153, 221 |
Gruenke | Robert | Homesteaders' Heritage | 223 |
Grumbly | Sam and Bessie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 901 |
Grundforsen | Germund | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 91 |
Grundl | Alfred | From Tears to Triumph | 131 |
Gruner | Mike | Smoky Peace Triangle | 234 |
Grunski | Otto | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 454 |
Gruys | Peter and Elisabeth | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 247 |
Grymaloski | Rev A J | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 84 |
Gudlaugson | Clarence | Pioneers of the Peace | 165 |
Gudlaugson | Elma | Pioneers of the Peace | 164,165 |
Gudlaugson | Ethel | Pioneers of the Peace | 165 |
Gudlaugson | Leonard | Pioneers of the Peace | 165 |
Gudlaugson | M G Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 163 |
Gudlaugson | Magnus and Olina | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1129 |
Gudlaugson | Magnus G | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 21 |
Gudlaugson | Magnus G | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 32, 112 |
Gudlaugson | Magnus G | Pioneers of the Peace | 163-165, 408 |
Gudlaugson | Magnus G | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 151,189,201 |
Gudlaugson | Martha | Pioneers of the Peace | 164, 165 |
Gudlaugson | Martha (Callister) | Along the Wapiti | 99 |
Gudlaugson | Oscar | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 311 |
Gudlaugson | Oscar A | Pioneers of the Peace | 6, 164, 165 |
Gudlaugson | Oscar A and Fern (Keillor) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 188 |
Gudlaugson | Vera and Clarence | Chepi Sepe | 449 |
Gudlaugson | Woodrow | Pioneers of the Peace | 165 |
Guenette | Don and Agnes | Along the Wapiti | 353 |
Guertin | Felix | Buffalo Trails | 34 |
Guertin | Felix | Pioneers of the Peace | 165, 246, 278 |
Guest | Robert and Myrtle | Grande Cache: The People | 100 |
Guest | Robert | A History of Grande Cache | 65 |
Guest | Robert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 403 |
Guest | Wilfred | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 403 |
Guest Ivor | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 402 | |
Guestine | Louis | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 50 |
Guhl | John | Buffalo Trails | 44 |
Guides & Brownies | A History of Grande Cache | 77-78 | |
Guides and Brownies | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 61 | |
Guides Scholarship to Mexico | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 62 | |
Guilland | Annie May | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11 |
Guillemette | Brian | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Guise | Jarvis | Pioneer Round-Up | 356 |
Guitard | Art | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 62 |
Gulbrandson | Albert | Pioneer Round-Up | 520 |
Gulick | Dan | Grooming the Grizzly | 325 |
Gulick | Dan | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 159 |
Gulick | Dan and Elizabeth | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 481 |
Gulick | Louis (father) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 159 |
Gullberg | Homesteaders' Heritage | 163, 164, 223 | |
Gulley | Gladys | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 107 |
Gulley Ed | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 107 | |
Gullick | Dan and Elizabeth | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1001 |
Gullik | Paul | Where the Red Willow Grew | 524 |
Gullion | James | Pioneers of the Peace | 400 |
Gullion | Maggie | The First Metis�A New Nation | 347 |
Gullion Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 241 | |
Gulliver | Edna and Harold | Chepi Sepe | 451 |
Gully | A | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Gulshan | Gwen | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 149 |
Gummer | Ed, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 87 |
Gummer | Bryce | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 107 |
Gummer | Mrs Alice | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 199 |
Gummerson | Charlie | Grooming the Grizzly | 477 |
Gun | Arthur | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 157 |
Gun | Ernie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 157 |
Gun That Wouldn't Shoot Straight | Grooming the Grizzly | 197 | |
Gunby | Alva and Lila | Across the Smoky | 235 |
Gunby | Gerry and Jean | Bridges to the Past | 256 |
Gunderson | Gunner, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 12 |
Gunderson | Girls | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 35 |
Gunderson | Henry | Pioneer Round-Up | 520 |
Gunderson | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 403 | |
Gundlach | Dave | Homesteaders' Heritage | 419 |
Gundy | H W | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 97 |
Gundy Alberta | From Tears to Triumph | 1 | |
Gundy Church and Cemetery | From Tears to Triumph | 359 | |
Gundy Hall | From Tears to Triumph | 340 | |
Gundy Post Office | From Tears to Triumph | 381 | |
Gundy Ranch | From Tears to Triumph | 93 | |
Gung Hi Club and Cuisine Club | Chepi Sepe | 226 | |
Gunn | Arthur | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 293 |
Gunn | Arthur | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 117 |
Gunn | Arthur E | Pioneers of the Peace | 5,6,17,28,39,75,95, 96,138, 164, 171 |
Gunn | Charles | Where the Red Willow Grew | 432 |
Gunn | F S | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 33 |
Gunn | George | Where the Red Willow Grew | 434 |
Gunn | J A | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 117 |
Gunn | Joe and Son | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 32 |
Gunn | John and Co | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 31, 35, 191 |
Gunn | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 166 |
Gunn | Peter (MPP) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 26, 45, 46, 57 |
Gunn | Willfred | Where the Red Willow Grew | 435 |
Gunnell | Frank | Pioneers of the Peace | 259 |
Gunnell | Margaret | Pioneers of the Peace | 259 |
Gunsolley | Lee | Homesteaders' Heritage | 346, 385 |
Gunter | Aubrey and Agnes | From Tears to Triumph | 73 |
Gunter | Seth Cornelius and Mary | From Tears to Triumph | 73 |
Gurdeen | Jim | Homesteaders' Heritage | 412 |
Gurel | L L | A History of Grande Cache | 69, 70 |
Gurnett | Jay | Memories and Moments | 246 |
Gurnett | Jean and Jim | Chepi Sepe | 452 |
Gurnett | Shirley and Roger | Chepi Sepe | 454 |
Gushawa | Pioneers of the Peace | 255 | |
Gushing | Reginald | Across the Smoky | 46 |
Gushlak | Elsie and John | Chepi Sepe | 455 |
Gushlak | Lena and Nick | Chepi Sepe | 455 |
Gushwa | Harry | Buffalo Trails | 203 |
Guslafson | Mrs G | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 16 |
Gusnyck | Charlie | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 403 |
Gustafson | Charlie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 858 |
Gustafson | Gunnar | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 238 |
Gustafson | J Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 233 |
Gustav's Flats | A History of Grande Cache | 29, 30 | |
Gustavson | Gunnar | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Guthrie | Audrey | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 253 |
Guthrie | F A Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 304-306 |
Guthrie | Frank | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 50, 105 |
Guthrie | Frank Alexander | Pioneers of the Peace | 91, 304-306 |
Guthrie | Frank Alexander | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 192 |
Guthrie | Miss D | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33 |
Guthrie's Hotel | Pioneers of the Peace | 305 | |
Gutierrey | William L | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 429 |
Gutierrez | Mrs Robert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 199 |
Guy | Bishop | Across the Smoky | 308 |
Guy | Paul | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 143 |
Guydash | Bill | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 336 |
Guydash | Mary (Waschyshyn) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 334 |
Guydash | Pete | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 334 |
Gwartney | Frank and Jan | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 263 |
H R Milner Generating Station | A History of Grande Cache | 59 | |
H W Hessler General Contracting | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 111 | |
H2S Facts | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 107 | |
Haakensen | Casper | Pioneer Round-Up | 523 |
Haakstad | Chris | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 49 |
Haakstad | Eddie Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 239 |
Haakstad | Hans | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 31, 55,94,95,73, 113,232 |
Haakstad | Joey | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 56 |
Haakstad | Johanna | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 70, 73, 99, 195, 240, 251 |
Haakstad | Johanna | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 602 |
Haakstad | John | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 241 |
Haakstad | Lyman | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 56 |
Haakstad | Meyer | The Northfield Settlement | 33 |
Haakstad | Odmun Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 58, 152, 241 |
Haakstad | Simon | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 56 |
Haakstad | Simon Jr | The Northfield Settlement | 64 |
Haakstad | Simon Story | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 241 |
Haakstad | Simon, Christine, Family | Buffalo Trails | 219 |
Haakstad | The Northfield Settlement | 63 | |
Haan Family | Along the Wapiti | 208 | |
Haave | E, Pastor | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 33 |
Haave | Pastor E B R | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 86 |
Habel | M | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Hack Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 286 | |
Hackett | Johnny | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 250 |
Hacking | E T | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 20 |
Hackman | James | Homesteaders' Heritage | 26,57 |
Hackwell | John | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 430 |
Haddock | Douglas | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 272 |
Haddow | Mac | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 450 |
Hadigan | Vera | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 14 |
Hadley | Smiler | Along the Wapiti | 363 |
Hadway | George | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 11 |
Hadwen | T M | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 50 |
Hadwin | "Doc" | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 14, 73 |
Hadwin | Dr | Pioneers of the Peace | 192 |
Haeckl | Wilhelm, Marianne and Hildegard | From Tears to Triumph | 134 |
Haga | Bert | Across the Smoky | 149 |
Hagar | Rev | Pioneers of the Peace | 96, 221 |
Hagar | Rev J M | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 77 |
Hagen | Al Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 243 |
Hagen | Anton | Pioneer Round-Up | 523 |
Hagen | Bertha | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 98 |
Hagen | Clarence and Orah, George, Henry | Homesteaders' Heritage | 347, 350, 370 |
Hagen | Eric | Homesteaders' Heritage | 369 |
Hagen | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 156 |
Hagen | George | Buffalo Trails | 11 |
Hagen | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 240, 242 |
Hagen | George | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 110, 186 |
Hagen | Gilbert | Pioneer Round-Up | 83a |
Hagen | Knute | Pioneer Round-Up | 525 |
Hagen | Mabel | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 40, 49, 98 |
Hagen | Martin | Buffalo Trails | 11 |
Hagen | Martin | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 31,33,124, 110,186 |
Hagen | Martin | Pioneers of the Peace | 240, 242, 243, 333 |
Hagen | Melvin | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Hagen | Melvin | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 40 |
Hagen | Olaf | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 246 |
Hagen | Olaf | Pioneers of the Peace | 320 |
Hagen | Ole and Gilbert | Pioneer Round-Up | 524 |
Hagen | Ralph | Homesteaders' Heritage | 370 |
Hagen | Roy | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Hagen | Roy | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 173 |
Hagen | Ted Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 40, 69, 150 |
Hagen | Ted, Mabel, Family | Buffalo Trails | 217 |
Hagen George and Martin | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 176 | |
Hagen Family | Iosegun Reflections | 294 | |
Hagerman | David | The Big Bend | 123 |
Hagerman | David and Gwen | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 249 |
Hagerman | Robert | The Big Bend | 57 |
Hagg | Bob and Denise | Grande Cache: The People | 101 |
Haggart | Margaret and Ben | Chepi Sepe | 456 |
Haggart | Yvonne and Robert (Bob) | Chepi Sepe | 456 |
Hagglund | Elmer | Buffalo Trails | 162 |
Hagglund | Elmer and Anna | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 417 |
Hagland | Debbie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 135 |
Hagland | Gregory | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 135 |
Hagloch | Sherman and Augusta | Burnt Embers | 148 |
Haglock | Sherman and Augusta | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 608 |
Haglund | Cliff and Shirley | Burnt Embers | 446, 466 |
Haglund | Dennis and Judy | Burnt Embers | 446, 467 |
Hague | Carol and Rev Fred | Chepi Sepe | 457 |
Hagues | Burnt Embers | 150, 441 | |
Hailes | Iosegun Reflections | 295 | |
Hailstone | John | Pioneer Round-Up | 536 |
Hair | John | Homesteaders' Heritage | 369 |
Haire | J E Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 165 |
Haiste | Sidney James Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 235 |
Hajem | Tosten | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 19 |
Hakansson | Gustaf and Tekla | Where the Red Willow Grew | 95 |
Hakes | Elsie and William Henry | Chepi Sepe | 458 |
Hakes | William | Memories and Moments | 191 |
Halcourt | Alberta | Pioneers of the Peace | 197, 216, 234 |
Halcourt | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 325 | |
Halcourt Church | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 347 | |
Halcourt Dahl | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 349 | |
Halcourt Lighter Side | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 373 | |
Halcourt Methodist Church | Pioneers of the Peace | 278 | |
Halcourt Nostalgia | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 372 | |
Halcourt Post Office | Pioneers of the Peace | 216, 278 | |
Halcourt School | Pioneers of the Peace | 147, 216, 235 | |
Halden Brothers - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 496 | |
Hale | Jim | The Big Bend | 184 |
Hale | Jim and Irene | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 451 |
Hale | Jim and Margaret | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 452 |
Hale | Tommy | Across the Smoky | 79 |
Halen | Carl | Across the Smoky | 265 |
Halena | Hans John | Buffalo Trails | 219 |
Half-Way Motel | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 108 | |
Half-way Service Station | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 118 | |
Halfway Stopping Place | Pioneers of the Peace | 80 | |
Halikowski | Pauline | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 250 |
Hall | Arthur | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 404 |
Hall | B F | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 116 |
Hall | Ben | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Hall | Ben | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 212,225 |
Hall | Ben | Pioneers of the Peace | 23 |
Hall | Bert and Grace | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 610 |
Hall | Bill | Across the Smoky | 23 |
Hall | Bill | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 246 |
Hall | Bill and Lucy | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 608 |
Hall | Dianne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 175 |
Hall | Ed | Pioneer Round-Up | 95 |
Hall | Gordon and Emily | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 263 |
Hall | H F | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 127 |
Hall | Jack and Reta | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 610 |
Hall | Janis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 175 |
Hall | Linda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 175 |
Hall | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 175 |
Hall | Tom and Becky | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 186 |
Hall | Ward (Bunk) | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 610 |
Hall | William (Bill) | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 12 |
Hall Association (Wanham) | Grooming the Grizzly | 128-33 | |
Hall Family | F A | Iosegun Reflections | 382 |
Hallatt | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 109 |
Halldin | David | Where the Red Willow Grew | 95 |
Halldin | Joe | Where the Red Willow Grew | 97 |
Haller | Wemer | Pioneer Round-Up | 423 |
Hallet | Miss B | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 196 |
Hallick | Delmer | Where the Red Willow Grew | 98 |
Halliday | Howard | Pioneer Round-Up | 95 |
Halliday | Howard | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 174 |
Halliday | Jack | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 8 |
Halline | Art | Pioneer Round-Up | 536 |
Hallman | John and Olunda | Smoky Peace Triangle | 235 |
Hallock | Bill | Grooming the Grizzly | 327 |
Halpainen | Emil | Homesteaders' Heritage | 223 |
Halstead | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 20 |
Halverhouse | Pete | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 419 |
Halverson | Carl | Where the Red Willow Grew | 98 |
Halverson | Edward | Where the Red Willow Grew | 101 |
Halverson | Knute Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 105 |
Halverson | Knute, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 36 |
Halvorson | Henry | Where the Red Willow Grew | 101 |
Halvorson | Julius | Pioneer Round-Up | 537 |
Halvorson | Knute | Pioneer Round-Up | 33 |
Halwa | Ed and Rose | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 165 |
Halwa | MaryAnne and Roger | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 163 |
Halwa | Sophie | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 169 |
Halwa | Sophie | Across the Smoky | 303 |
Halwa | Stan - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 497 |
Hambly | J R S | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 37 |
Hamel | Paul | Chepi Sepe | 460 |
Hamel Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 160 | |
Hamelin | Blanche and Harry | Chepi Sepe | 462 |
Hamelin | Harry | Memories and Moments | 246 |
Hamelin | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 2 | |
Hamilton | Pioneers of the Peace | 164 | |
Hamilton | A W | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 40,49, 80,123,125 |
Hamilton | A W | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Hamilton | Albert and Virginia | Grande Cache: The People | 101 |
Hamilton | Arthur | Pioneers of the Peace | 96, 189 |
Hamilton | Clara and Percy | Chepi Sepe | 462 |
Hamilton | Dave | From Tears to Triumph | 372 |
Hamilton | Gordon | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 13 |
Hamilton | Gordon | Pioneers of the Peace | 102, 118, 190 |
Hamilton | J M | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 8, 29, 105,126, 127,131,132 |
Hamilton | Job | Pioneers of the Peace | 294 |
Hamilton | John | The Big Bend | 209 |
Hamilton | John | Memories and Moments | 247 |
Hamilton | Mary and John | Chepi Sepe | 463 |
Hamilton | Min and Lloyd | Chepi Sepe | 464 |
Hamilton | Mrs J | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 86 |
Hamilton | Robert | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 1 26 |
Hamilton | Robert Walter and Nucky (Hulda) | From Tears to Triumph | 47 |
Hamilton | Roy | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 157 |
Hamilton | Willard | Chepi Sepe | 465 |
Hamilton Brothers | Burnt Embers | 151 | |
Hamlet of Codesa | Smoky Peace Triangle | 29 | |
Hamm | Agnes | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 19, 151 |
Hamm | Barnard Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 105 |
Hamm | Barney | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 151 |
Hamm | Bernard | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 145 |
Hamm | Bernard, Agnes, Family | Buffalo Trails | 162 |
Hamm | Darlene | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 151 |
Hamm | Fred and Mrs | Along the Wapiti | 264 |
Hamm | Harvey | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 151 |
Hamm | Leslie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 151 |
Hamm | Martin | Buffalo Trails | 219 |
Hamm | Martin Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 286 |
Hamm | Martin, Rev | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 34 |
Hamm | Ruby | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 151 |
Hammer | Alice | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 3 |
Hammer | Ted | A History of Grande Cache | 51 |
Hammerstad Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 244 | |
Hammon | Bev and Gene | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 264 |
Hammon | Earl | Where the Red Willow Grew | 102 |
Hammonds | Tony and Rita | Iosegun Reflections | 296 |
Hampel | John and Helen (Gebauer) | From Tears to Triumph | 131 |
Hampel | Richard and Emma | From Tears to Triumph | 133 |
Hampton | Bob | The Big Bend | 59 |
Hampton | Colin and Margaret | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 600 |
Han | George F | Homesteaders' Heritage | 9 |
Hance | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 149 |
Hancharyk | Andy and Kate | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1085 |
Hand Spinning Wool | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 39 | |
Handford | Richard and Freda | Iosegun Reflections | 297 |
Hanenburg | Rev | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 88 |
Hanger | Harold | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 349 |
Hankin | Earl | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | Ill |
Hankins | Chuck and Earl | Across the Smoky | 79 |
Hanley | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 519 | |
Hanley Brothers | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 267 | |
Hanna | Bill and Polton, Smith (Smithy) | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 93 |
Hanna | Charles, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 121 |
Hanna | James | Pioneers of the Peace | 122 |
Hanna | James L | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 190 |
Hanna | Mansel | Pioneer Round-Up | 96 |
Hanna | William | Buffalo Trails | 144 |
Hannah | Betty | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 259 |
Hanrahan | Dennis and Dorothy | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 265 |
Hanrahan | Harry | The Big Bend | 62 |
Hanrahan | Tribute to Dennis | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 266 |
Hans | Matt and daughters | Chepi Sepe | 466 |
Hansen | (McPeak and Parr) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 35 |
Hansen | Allen and Marlene | Iosegun Reflections | 298 |
Hansen | Allen and Stephanie | Iosegun Reflections | 299 |
Hansen | Carl and Irene | Smoky Peace Triangle | 236 |
Hansen | Conrad | Chepi Sepe | 468 |
Hansen | Dan and Penny (Pennelope) | Iosegun Reflections | 300 |
Hansen | Emry, Gertrude, Family | Buffalo Trails | 68 |
Hansen | Fred | Buffalo Trails | 123 |
Hansen | Hans | Pioneers of the Peace | 240, 283 |
Hansen | Holger and Ruby | Smoky Peace Triangle | 239 |
Hansen | Jans, Jennie, Family | Buffalo Trails | 261 |
Hansen | John | Smoky Peace Triangle | 239 |
Hansen | John and Lorraine | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 269 |
Hansen | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 64 |
Hansen | Orve K | Smoky Peace Triangle | 239 |
Hansen | Paul | Homesteaders' Heritage | 224 |
Hansen | Paul | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 149 |
Hanson | Art Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 186 |
Hanson | Arthur, Petra, Family | Buffalo Trails | 16 |
Hanson | D O | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 87 |
Hanson | D Olaf | Pioneers of the Peace | 6 |
Hanson | D, Pastor | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 33 |
Hanson | Donald I | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 86 |
Hanson | Elinor Margaret | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Hanson | Emery | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 98 |
Hanson | Frank | Across the Smoky | 230 |
Hanson | Gene | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 261-266 |
Hanson | Gordon | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 93 |
Hanson | Gordon and Belle | Where the Red Willow Grew | 103 |
Hanson | Harold | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 39-40 |
Hanson | Harry | Smoky Peace Triangle | 236 |
Hanson | Harvey and Anita | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 270 |
Hanson | Jens and Jennie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 611 |
Hanson | Joy | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 39 |
Hanson | Karl | Pioneer Round-Up | 97 |
Hanson | Karl | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 211 |
Hanson | Les and Ellen | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 612 |
Hanson | Mary (Mullins) | Smoky Peace Triangle | 240 |
Hanson | O M | Pioneers of the Peace | 240, 250 |
Hanson | Olaf | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 11 |
Hanson | Oscar | Pioneers of the Peace | 74,105, 278 |
Hanson | Simon | Pioneers of the Peace | 240, 250 |
Hanson | Soren | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Hanson | Soren | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 162-169 |
Hanson | Soren | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 254 |
Hanson | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 525 |
Hansrud | Hellick | Pioneer Round-Up | 531 |
Hanston | Hans | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 11,39, 46,47 |
Hanston | Levina | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 46 |
Happy Valley | Pioneers of the Peace | 240 | |
Happy Valley Bachelors | Chepi Sepe | 515 | |
Happy Valley Community Club | Chepi Sepe | 229 | |
Happy Valley School | Pioneers of the Peace | 134 | |
Harasewich | Metro and Tillie | Smoky Peace Triangle | 241 |
Harback | Ingvald | Where the Red Willow Grew | 104 |
Harbaruk | Alexander | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 338 |
Harbaruk | Kalm | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 338 |
Harbaruk | Sam | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 338 |
Harbron | Charlie | Homesteaders' Heritage | 58 |
Harcourt | Jack | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 207 |
Harcourt | James | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 112 |
Harcourt | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 111 |
Harcourt | William V | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 174 |
Harder | Elmer | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 241 |
Harder | John | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 156 |
Harder | Rick, Karen and Tia | Bridges to the Past | 108 |
Harder | Shurli (Irene) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 212 |
Hardin | Ernie | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 293 |
Hardin | Jack | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 294 |
Hardin | Jack | Pioneers of the Peace | 152, 153 |
Hardin | Jack (John) and Ethel | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 12 |
Hardin | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 156 |
Hardin | Odie | Pioneers of the Peace | 153 |
Harding | Dorothy | Pioneers of the Peace | 78 |
Harding | Ed | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 282 |
Harding | Ernest | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 272 |
Harding | George and Gloria | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 271 |
Harding | Jack | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 454 |
Hardwick | Allan | Homesteaders' Heritage | 224 |
Hardy | Elizabeth (Rosko) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 390 |
Hardy | Frank | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 258 |
Hardy | Frank Ernest | Pioneers of the Peace | 236 |
Hardy | Gordon and Joan | Burnt Embers | 387 |
Hares (Stopping Place) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 130,159 | |
Hare's Stopping Place | Pioneers of the Peace | 117 | |
Hargraves | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 858 | |
Hargreaves | Roy & George | A History of Grande Cache | 42, 47 |
Harke | Elmer family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 106 |
Harker | G L | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 87 |
Harkiss | Bill | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Harlan | W E Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Harland | M | Pioneers of the Peace | 264 |
Harland | Marion | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 16 |
Harland | Mike | Pioneers of the Peace | 295 |
Harland | Mike | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 31, 151, 157, 179 |
Harle | Graham | A History of Grande Cache | 63 |
Harmer | Ben | Pioneers of the Peace | 294 |
Harmon | Young | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 192 |
Harmon | Young and Gladys | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 187 |
Harms | Manfred & Betty Lou | Grande Cache: The People | 103 |
Harold | Angus and Fannie | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 100 |
Harpe | Alex and Wollfe | Pioneer Round-Up | 34 |
Harper | Alfred Wesley | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 192 |
Harper | G S (RNWMP Sgt) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 54-57 |
Harper | Jean and Harry | Chepi Sepe | 468 |
Harper | Marguerite (Reis) | Where the Red Willow Grew | 107 |
Harper | Rex | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 203 |
Harper | S/Sgt RNWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 89, 408, 409 |
Harper | Sergeant | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 31, 35 |
Harper Creek (Stopping Place) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 132 | |
Harper's Stopping Place | Pioneers of the Peace | 281 | |
Harrington | Dave and Joe | Across the Smoky | 28, 29 |
Harrington | ''Diamond Dick" | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 54, 55 |
Harrington | Doris and Cyril | Chepi Sepe | 470 |
Harrington | Ed | Grooming the Grizzly | 328 |
Harrington | Eva and Glady | Chepi Sepe | 470 |
Harrington | Gladey | Pioneers of the Peace | 307 |
Harrington | Joe | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 225 |
Harrington | Joyce and Jim | Chepi Sepe | 470 |
Harrington | Nora and Russell | Chepi Sepe | 471 |
Harris | Arnold, Edward, Marjorie | Buffalo Trails | 220 |
Harris | Charles | Pioneers of the Peace | 166 |
Harris | Edna | Pioneers of the Peace | 229, 230 |
Harris | Evelyn | Pioneers of the Peace | 229 |
Harris | Frank and Linda | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 261 |
Harris | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 209 |
Harris | Harold | Pioneers of the Peace | 229 |
Harris | Irene | Pioneers of the Peace | 166 |
Harris | J | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 29 |
Harris | J H Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 166 |
Harris | James | The First Metis�A New Nation | 350 |
Harris | Jess | Pioneers of the Peace | 165, 166 |
Harris | John | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 46, 98 |
Harris | John | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 178 |
Harris | John Henry | Pioneers of the Peace | 76,136,163-166,180,199 |
Harris | L H | Pioneers of the Peace | 196, 282 |
Harris | Leslie | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 552 |
Harris | Lila | Pioneers of the Peace | 229, 230 |
Harris | Loren | Pioneers of the Peace | 229 |
Harris | Mable | Pioneers of the Peace | 166, 199 |
Harris | Margaret | Pioneers of the Peace | 229 |
Harris | Mary-Ann (Goodland/Groves) | Bridges to the Past | 258 |
Harris | Mr and Mrs John H and Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 295 |
Harris | O B | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 22,113 |
Harris | O B | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 63 |
Harris | O B | Pioneers of the Peace | 267 |
Harris | Percy | Pioneers of the Peace | 229, 230 |
Harris | Peter | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 112 |
Harris | Ted | A History of Grande Cache | 88 |
Harris | Ted and Marianne | Grande Cache: The People | 104 |
Harris | Tom | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 170 |
Harris | Warren | Pioneers of the Peace | 166 |
Harris | Warren and Mary | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 102 |
Harris | William | Pioneers of the Peace | 165, 166 |
Harris | Wm Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 162 |
Harris Bros | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 552 | |
Harris Brothers | Across the Smoky | 39 | |
Harris family | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 149 | |
Harrison | Bert and Faye | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 902 |
Harrison | Colleen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 154, 155 |
Harrison | D C Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 195 |
Harrison | Eleanor | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 152 |
Harrison | Eleanor Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 96 |
Harrison | Emma Elizabeth | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 180 |
Harrison | Erin | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 153 |
Harrison | Gary and Eleanor | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 904 |
Harrison | George | Buffalo Trails | 35 |
Harrison | George | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 74 |
Harrison | Joseph Henry and Family | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 544 |
Harrison | Lloyd | Burnt Embers | 440 |
Harrison | Murray | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 153, 154, 155, 156 |
Harrison | Patricia | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 153, 154, 155, 156 |
Harrison | Ray | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 153, 154, 155 |
Harrison | Raymond | Chepi Sepe | 471 |
Harrison | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 313 |
Harrison | William | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 102 |
Harrold | Alexander | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 |
Harrold | Olive | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 259 |
Harrold | Sarah | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 |
Harrop | Edward | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 554 |
Harry Merrifield Logging | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 75 | |
Harsch | Gordon and Carol (Dievert) | Bridges to the Past | 109 |
Harstad | Jon and Knute | Pioneer Round-Up | 537 |
Hart | Bill | Across the Smoky | 47 |
Hart | Bonnie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1130 |
Hart | Dick | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 203 |
Hart | Lucy Thoreson Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 127 |
Hart | Marie | Across the Smoky | 303 |
Hart | Melvin | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 454 |
Hart | Mr Louis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 208 |
Hart | Mrs Louis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 208 |
Hart | Russell | Burnt Embers | 305 |
Hart | W G | Pioneers of the Peace | 174, 176, 265 |
Hartand | Chris | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 152 |
Hartford | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 177 |
Hartford | Janet | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 177 |
Hartley | Alex | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 212 |
Hartley | Alice | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 112 |
Hartley | Edward | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 112 |
Hartley | Eric | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 112 |
Hartley | Eric and Myrtle | Pioneer Round-Up | 91a |
Hartley | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 216 |
Hartley | Harry | Pioneers of the Peace | 285 |
Hartley | Harry and Mary Ellen (Nel) | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 57, 112 |
Hartley | Joyce | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 112 |
Hartley | William and Matilda | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 190 |
Hartley's Post Office | Pioneers of the Peace | 285 | |
Hartman | Lorne and Vivian | Smoky Peace Triangle | 242 |
Hartman | Reinhold | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 313 |
Hartman | Stanley and Edna | Smoky Peace Triangle | 244 |
Hartnell | Clarence | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 273 |
Hartnell | Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 273 |
Hartnell | Fred | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 273 |
Hartrick | S | Pioneers of the Peace | 329 |
Hartubine | Mrs | Grooming the Grizzly | 109 |
Hartuhn | Henry (Hank) | Homesteaders' Heritage | 224 |
Hartuhn | Hugo | Homesteaders' Heritage | 58 |
Hartuhn | Marcus | Homesteaders' Heritage | 58 |
Hartwell | Clyde and Elizabeth (Mackay) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 190 |
Hartwick | Elzear and Sally | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 198 |
Hartz | Dale and Family | Burnt Embers | 153 |
Hartz | Sam and Family | Burnt Embers | 152, 441 |
Harvesting | Grooming the Grizzly | 178-81 | |
Harvey | C | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 145 |
Harvey | Ernest | Pioneers of the Peace | 103, 106, 146 |
Harvey | Ernest | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101, 119 |
Harvey | Ernie | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Harvey | Ernie | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 149-150, 158 |
Harvey | Ernie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 237 |
Harvey | Ernie Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 162 |
Harvey | Frank | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Harvey | Frank | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 152 |
Harvey | Frank | Pioneers of the Peace | 100 |
Harvey | Frank | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 236 |
Harvey | George | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 55 |
Harvey | Roley | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 73 |
Harvey | Shorty | Homesteaders' Heritage | 225 |
Harvie | Curtis and Rose | From Tears to Triumph | 134 |
Harwood | Justus | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 190 |
Hasell | Miss Eva | Across the Smoky | 218, 219, 232 |
Haskell | Edward | Buffalo Trails | 79 |
Haskins | Frank | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 174 |
Hassel | Mrs Nora (RN) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 100 |
Hassell | lan Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 66 |
Hassick | Hugh | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 283 |
Hastie | Rev Grant | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 88 |
Hastings | Charles | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 190 |
Hastings | Percy | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 404 |
Hatch | Bob and Bev | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 250 |
Hatch | Neil and Karol | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 274 |
Hatt | August | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 136 |
Hattie | Joy | Grande Cache: The People | 245 |
Hatton | James | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 517 |
Hatton | Raymond | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 519 |
Hatton and Gulby | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30 | |
Hauck | Anton and Shelley | Grande Cache: The People | 105 |
Hauff | Christian | Bridges to the Past | 178 |
Hauff | Christian | Across the Smoky | 103 |
Hauff | Raymond | Across the Smoky | 104 |
Hauge | Severt Sven | Buffalo Trails | 95 |
Hauge | Sivert | Pioneers of the Peace | 54 |
Hauge | Sven | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 179 |
Hauge | Sven | Pioneers of the Peace | 112 |
Haugen | Amanda | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 32, 95, 229 |
Haugen | Amanda Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 244 |
Haugen | D, Pastor | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 33 |
Haugen | Melvin | Homesteaders' Heritage | 225 |
Haugen | Oscar | Pioneer Round-Up | 86a |
Haugen | Oscar | Pioneer Round-Up | 219 |
Haugen | Pastor O O var leiet | Pioneer Round-Up | 535 |
Haugen | Pat | Homesteaders' Heritage | 414 |
Haugen | Peter | Pioneers of the Peace | 243, 320, 333 |
Haugen | Peter family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 9, 31, 40, 93, 97, 107, 128 |
Haugen | Vern | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 150 |
Haugen | Pioneer Round-Up | 531 | |
Haugens | Pete | The Northfield Settlement | 37 |
Hauger | Allan | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 14 |
Hauger | Allan | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 19 |
Hauger | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 209 |
Hauger | Laura | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 19 |
Hauger | Norman | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 210 |
Haughian | Barry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 186 |
Haughian | Glenda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 184 |
Haugland | Hans | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 43 |
Haugland | Herman and Flossie | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 251 |
Haugland | Hulda | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 43, 135 |
Haugland | Inga | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 47, 93 |
Haugland | Nelius | The Big Bend | 124 |
Haugland | Nelius and Marilyn | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 255 |
Haugland | Norma | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 42 |
Haugland | Sigurd | The Northfield Settlement | 39 |
Haugland | Sigurd | Pioneers of the Peace | 333 |
Haugland | Sigurd | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 93, 229 |
Haugland | Sigurd Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 107 |
Haugli | Magne | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 108, 203 |
Haugli | Ole family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 108 |
Haugseth | Arnold | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 140 |
Haugseth | Brothers | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 142 |
Haugseth | I S | The Northfield Settlement | 36 |
Haugseth | Ingmar | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 42, 44, 47, 110 |
Haugseth | Ingvard | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 9, 31, 96, 140 |
Haugseth | Ingward | Pioneers of the Peace | 243, 333 |
Haugseth | Juliet | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 39, 41 |
Haugseth | Marie | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 253 |
Haugseth | Morley | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 47 |
Haugseth | Mr | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 86 |
Haugseth | Simon | Pioneers of the Peace | 333 |
Haugseth | Stanley | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 47, 142 |
Haugsten | Art | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 11 |
Haukedal | Jean | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 42 |
Haukedal | Phil | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 70, 107 |
Haukedal | Phil Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 70 |
Hauling Gravel from Watino | Smoky Peace Triangle | 65 | |
Hauser | Ben | Grooming the Grizzly | 334 |
Hauser | Joe | Grooming the Grizzly | 331 |
Haussler | Joe | Smoky Peace Triangle | 245 |
Hautberg | Hank | Pioneers of the Peace | 154 |
Hautin | Rev Fr | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 12, 24, 72,74, 78-80,92 |
Hautin | Rev Fr | Pioneers of the Peace | 8, 86, 280 |
Haven School | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 405 | |
Havener | Rolly and Helen | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 904 |
Hawkenson | Ernest | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 102, 120 |
Hawkes | Darcey | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Hawkes | Darrel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Hawkes | Donald and Joyce | Along the Wapiti | 90 |
Hawkes | Donald Lewis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Hawkes | Janet | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Hawkes | Joyce | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Hawkes | Lewis | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 37, 100 |
Hawkes | Lewis | Pioneers of the Peace | 168, 247 |
Hawkes | Lewis and Olga | Along the Wapiti | 91 |
Hawkes | Louis | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 14 |
Hawkesworth | A E | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 100 |
Hawkesworth | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 14 | |
Hawkey | Pioneers of the Peace | 34 | |
Hawkins | Harold | Memories and Moments | 248 |
Hawkins | Lawrence and Laurette | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 116, 274 |
Hawkinson | Ernest | Pioneers of the Peace | 99,130 |
Hawkinson | Ernie | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 5 |
Hawkinson | Ernie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 24, 26, 30, 44, 46, 93, 98, 106, 148, 149, 151, 156, 157, 193, 254 |
Hawkinson | Mrs Ernie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 157, 254 |
Hawkinson | Myrtle | Pioneers of the Peace | 130 |
Hawksworth | Aubrey | Pioneer Round-Up | 220 |
Haworth | John and Florence | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 13 |
Hawrishuk | Steve | Smoky Peace Triangle | 245 |
Hawryluk | Annie Oe | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 343 |
Hawryluk | Bohden | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 343 |
Hawryluk | Mary Naylor | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 343 |
Hawryluk | Michael | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 343 |
Hawryluk | Olha Warm | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 345 |
Hawryluk | Peter | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 345 |
Hawthorne | Evelyn | Pioneers of the Peace | 321 |
Hawthorne | Minnie | Pioneer Round-Up | 99a |
Hawthorne | Vernon | Pioneer Round-Up | 102a |
Hawthorne | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 8 |
Hay | Earl | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 93 |
Hay | George | Pioneer Round-Up | 349 |
Hay | Robert and Agnes | From Tears to Triumph | 8 |
Hay Camp | Pioneers of the Peace | 281 | |
Hay River Mission | Pioneers of the Peace | 73 | |
Hayes | Bert and Leah | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 93 |
Hayes | Bert E | Pioneers of the Peace | 205, 283 |
Hayes | Frank | Where the Red Willow Grew | 107 |
Hayes | Joe | Across the Smoky | 149 |
Hayes | Nels | Across the Smoky | 60 |
Hayfield | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 375 | |
Hayfield School | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 378 | |
Hayfield School District | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 203 | |
Haynes | Dr | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 34 |
Haynes | Ross and Kory | Iosegun Reflections | 301 |
Hays | A L Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 301 |
Hays Elementary School and Teachers | From Tears to Triumph | 294 | |
Hays-Gundy | From Tears to Triumph | 1 | |
Hayward | Arnold | Homesteaders' Heritage | 59,158 |
Hayward | Arthur H | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 453 |
Hayward | Dave and Emma | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 275 |
Hayward | Edward | Pioneers of the Peace | 402 |
Hayward | Fred, John | Homesteaders' Heritage | 24, 26, 60 |
Hayward | John and Gwynne | Grande Cache: The People | 105 |
Hazard | Jessie | Pioneers of the Peace | 107 |
Hazards | Memories and Moments | 49, 50, 55 | |
Hazell | T C (poem) | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 107 |
Hazelmere | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 383 | |
Hazeltons | Homesteaders' Heritage | 151, 153, 155,226 | |
Hazzard | Jessie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 212 |
He Shoots He (Almost) Scores (Savanna Old Timers) | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 97 | |
Head | Alf and Martha | Along the Wapiti | 93 |
Head | Gary and Audrey | Iosegun Reflections | 301 |
Head | Jack | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 283 |
Head | Sherman | Pioneers of the Peace | 267 |
Head | Sherman and Betty | Along the Wapiti | 197 |
Head | William and May | Along the Wapiti | 152 |
Headrick | Wendell | A History of Grande Cache | 92 |
Healey | Pat and Kate | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 190, 284 |
Health | Memories and Moments | 16, 35-38 | |
Health Unit | Chepi Sepe | 154 | |
Health Services | 1970-1990 | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 28 |
Health Services | Smoky Peace Triangle | 90 | |
Hearfield | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 352 |
Hearfield | Fred | Pioneer Round-Up | 354 |
Hearn | Chad | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 158 |
Hearn | Gail | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 158 |
Hearn | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 158 |
Hearn | Kelly | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 158 |
Heart Valley | Grooming the Grizzly | 80-95, 100-1 | |
Heart Valley Churches | Grooming the Grizzly | 87-9 | |
Heart Valley F W U A | Grooming the Grizzly | 162 | |
Heart Valley School | Grooming the Grizzly | 86-7 | |
Heart Valley Women's Association | Grooming the Grizzly | 161 | |
Heartt | Paul and Ann | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 275 |
Heasler | Gordon and Isobel | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 165 |
Heath | Eric | Where the Red Willow Grew | 108 |
Heath | Ernie and Bessie | Iosegun Reflections | 301 |
Heath | Ernie and Cecile | Iosegun Reflections | 303 |
Heath | Ernie and Cecile | Iosegun Reflections | 303 |
Hebbert | A L | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 419 |
Hebert | Brian | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 280 |
Hebert | Darrell | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 282 |
Hebert | Joe and Doreen | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 276 |
Hebert's Guide Service | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 46-48 | |
Hebrada | Glenita, Alex and Family | Chepi Sepe | 472 |
Hedgin | Phillip | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 420 |
Hedlin | Karl | Burnt Embers | 69 |
Hedman | Pioneers of the Peace | 123 | |
Hees | Lorston and Joan | Grande Cache: The People | 106 |
Heffernan | W S and Co | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 78 |
Heffley | F G Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 301 |
Heft | Julian and Helen | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 419 |
Hegberg | Joseph, Ed and Charles | Pioneer Round-Up | 537 |
Hegberg | Mr | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 261 |
Hegel | Paul | Pioneer Round-Up | 221 |
Heggelund | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 104a |
Heggelund | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 538 |
Heggelund | Ingvart and Myrtle | Pioneer Round-Up | 540 |
Hegglund | Ole | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 11, 14 |
Hegland | Davis | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 157 |
Hegland | Dorothy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 157 |
Hegland | Gayle Ann | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 157 |
Hegland | Janet | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 157 |
Hegland | Michael | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 157 |
Hegland | Olaf | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 314 |
Hegland | Olaf | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 157 |
Hegland | Ole | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 315 |
Hegler | Ray | Pioneers of the Peace | 219 |
Heglund | Edilh | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 101 |
Hegna | Halvor | Grooming the Grizzly | 337 |
Heible | John | Across the Smoky | 216 |
Heidebrecht | John | The Big Horn School District | section histories, First Mennonite Settlers |
Heidebrecht | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 93 |
Heidebrecht | John | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 221 |
Heikel | Jack | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 158 |
Heikel | Jacob | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 243 |
Heikel | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 245 |
Heiken | Louis, Christie, Family | Buffalo Trails | 236 |
Heiken | Christy | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 2, 30,59,277,301 |
Heiken | John | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Heiken | John Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 45, 178 |
Heiken | Louis | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Heiken | Louis | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 30, 59, 73, 253 |
Heimdahl | Ted | Smoky Peace Triangle | 246 |
Heimdal | Pioneers of the Peace | 243 | |
Heimdal | Anna | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 32, 110 |
Heimdal | Faste family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 33, 42, 103, 109, 110,140 |
Heimdal | Faste, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 7 |
Heimdal | Hanna | Pioneers of the Peace | 306 |
Heimdal | Mrs | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 103 |
Heimdal | Theodore | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 42, 47 |
Hein | Emily and Martin | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 33 |
Hein | Martin and Emily | Along the Wapiti | 354 |
Heincke | Ben and Mary | From Tears to Triumph | 245 |
Heinrich | Marie, Josef, Anton and Eleonore | From Tears to Triumph | 135 |
Heirndal Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 110 | |
Heizelmann | Elizabeth | Where the Red Willow Grew | 109 |
Helberg | Gunner | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 554 |
Helberg | Ole | The Northfield Settlement | 34 |
Helder | John and Arlene | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 257 |
Helgason | Chris and Elma | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 820 |
Helgason | Chris, Alma, Family | Buffalo Trails | 257 |
Helgason | Helgi | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 821 |
Helgason | Helgi | Buffalo Trails | 257 |
Helgerud | Arvid family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 71, 131 |
Helgerud | Barney | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 71, 131 |
Helgerud | Berger | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 71 |
Helgrud | Arvid, Gina, Family | Buffalo Trails | 223 |
Helguson | Hannah | Pioneers of the Peace | 157 |
Heller | Beth | Burnt Embers | 61 |
Heller | Charles | Pioneers of the Peace | 248, 280 |
Heller | E J Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 282 |
Heller | Ed | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 56 |
Heller | Edward Joseph | Pioneers of the Peace | 6, 168, 280-283 |
Heller | Edward Joseph | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 186 |
Heller | Herbert, Edeltraud and Ernest | From Tears to Triumph | 136 |
Helzel | Frank | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 112 |
Hemmingsen | Helmer | Smoky Peace Triangle | 246 |
Hemmingway | Anne (Markovich) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 191 |
Hemmingway | Lester | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 196 |
Hemmingway | Lester and Anne's Family | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 195 |
Hemphill | Robert | Burnt Embers | 368 |
Henault Family | Iosegun Reflections | 304 | |
Henders | Hazel Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 143 |
Henderson | Art | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Henderson | Art | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 27 |
Henderson | Art | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 163 |
Henderson | Bert | Across the Smoky | 149 |
Henderson | Bill | Along the Wapiti | 297 |
Henderson | Bill | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Henderson | C C Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 236 |
Henderson | Carman Clifford | Pioneers of the Peace | 236 |
Henderson | Clarence | Burnt Embers | 446 |
Henderson | Cliff | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 33 |
Henderson | Dr D A | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 81 |
Henderson | Ernest Earl | Pioneers of the Peace | 237 |
Henderson | Ernie | Pioneer Round-Up | 106a |
Henderson | H H DIS | Pioneers of the Peace | 405 |
Henderson | Henry | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 103,125 |
Henderson | Henry Capt | Pioneers of the Peace | 80,166,167,174 |
Henderson | Isabel | Pioneers of the Peace | 167 |
Henderson | James | Pioneers of the Peace | 237, 321 |
Henderson | Jim | Buffalo Trails | 26 |
Henderson | Jim | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 186 |
Henderson | Miss J M | Chepi Sepe | 472 |
Henderson | R | Pioneers of the Peace | 54 |
Henderson | R P | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 185 |
Henderson | Robert "Bob" | Pioneers of the Peace | 166, 167 |
Henderson | Robert Percy | Pioneers of the Peace | 236, 242 |
Henderson | Robert Percy | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 175 |
Henderson | Robert Percy, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 26 |
Henderson | Rose (Rosko) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 391 |
Henderson | Ross | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 108 |
Henderson | Ruth | Buffalo Trails | 27 |
Henderson | Sam | The Big Bend | 255 |
Henderson | Shirley Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 66 |
Henderson | T Arthur | Buffalo Trails | 27 |
Henderson | W | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 170 |
Henderson | William H, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 26 |
Henderson | The Big Horn School District | Original Settlers | |
Henderson | Pioneer Round-Up | 223 | |
Hendricks | Bill | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 420 |
Hendrickson | Fred | A History of Grande Cache | 55 |
Hendrix | Jack | Grooming the Grizzly | 338 |
Hendry | David, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 189 |
Hendry | David | Pioneers of the Peace | 221, 223 |
Henery | Bruce | Homesteaders' Heritage | 226 |
Henn | Anna | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 175 |
Henn | Anna | Pioneers of the Peace | 81 |
Henn | Bill | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Henn | Bill | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 175 |
Henn | Bill | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 105 |
Henn | Billy | Pioneers of the Peace | 100 |
Henn | Edith | Pioneers of the Peace | 81 |
Henn | Edith | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247, 254, 255 |
Henn | Ernest | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 112 |
Henn | Ernest | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Henn | Ernest | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 62 |
Henn | Ernest and family | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 168 |
Henn | Ernest Jr | Pioneers of the Peace | 80, 81 |
Henn | Ernest Sr | Pioneers of the Peace | 80, 81, 100 |
Henn | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 175 |
Henn | Louise | Pioneers of the Peace | 81 |
Henn | Mike | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 175 |
Henn | Mike | Pioneers of the Peace | 81 |
Henn | Millie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 247, 254, 255 |
Henn | Milly | Pioneers of the Peace | 81 |
Henn | Mrs | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 255 |
Henn | Wilhelm | Pioneers of the Peace | 80, 81 |
Henn | William family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 163 |
Hennecker | Mel | Grande Cache: The People | 107 |
Hennig | Arnold | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 113 |
Hennig | Martha | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 259 |
Hennig | Philip | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 286 |
Hennig | Siegfried | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 288 |
Hennig | Siegfried and Anna | Along the Wapiti | 42 |
Hennig | Valentin Sr | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 288 |
Hennig | Valentine | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 290 |
Hennig | Valentine and Louise | Along the Wapiti | 218 |
Hennigar | Chris and Gladys | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 39 |
Henning | J L | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 37 |
Henning | Robert | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 471 |
Henning | Rudolph | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 284 |
Henricks | Jeff and Darcie | Iosegun Reflections | 305 |
Henrickson | G, Pastor | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 33 |
Henry | Bill and Alice | Smoky Peace Triangle | 246 |
Henry | David | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 74 |
Henry | Howard | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 14 |
Henry | Howard | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 455 |
Henry | Howard | Across the Smoky | 149 |
Henry | Howard | Pioneers of the Peace | 66, 125, 126 |
Henry | Ted | Grooming the Grizzly | 338 |
Hepburn | Dana (Vader) and Don | Chepi Sepe | 474 |
Herald Tribune (Over the Years) | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 404 | |
Herbs and Remedies | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 40 | |
Herbut | Joe, Mike | Homesteaders' Heritage | 61 |
Herceg | Barry and Karen | Grande Cache: The People | 107 |
Herder | Charles and Margaret | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 258 |
Heritage Day | Burnt Embers | 500 | |
Herman | Alex | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 71 |
Herman | Henry | Across the Smoky | 249 |
Hermanson | Carl and Agda | Where the Red Willow Grew | 109 |
Hermastien | Alex | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 15 |
Hermiston | James | Pioneer Round-Up | 541 |
Hermiston | Jim | Pioneers of the Peace | 240 |
Hermit Lake Post Office | Pioneers of the Peace | 144 | |
Hermit Lake School | Pioneers of the Peace | 144 | |
Herold | Adolf and Henriette | From Tears to Triumph | 138 |
Herold Family | Iosegun Reflections | 305 | |
Herrick | Clarence | Memories and Moments | 248 |
Herrick | Cliff and Harriet | Burnt Embers | 447,468 |
Herron | Max and Terry | Iosegun Reflections | 307 |
Hertel | Peter | Burnt Embers | 437 |
Hertzler | Jim | Grooming the Grizzly | 340 |
Hertzog | E Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 155 |
Hesketh | Lillian and Sidney | Chepi Sepe | 474 |
Heskin | Nels | Pioneer Round-Up | 541 |
Hess | Fred and Margaret | Burnt Embers | 154, 205 |
Hess | Gottlob | Where the Red Willow Grew | 110 |
Hessler | Ed and Kay | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 259 |
Hessler | Henry | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 260 |
Hessler | Henry | The Big Bend | 125 |
Hessler | Henry and Sofia | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 261 |
Hessler | Henry and Sofia | Burnt Embers | 219 |
Hessler | Ken and Laura | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 262 |
Hessler | Lena and Otto | Chepi Sepe | 475 |
Hessler | Otto and Lena | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 264 |
Hessler | Phyllis Anne | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 266 |
Hessler | Rick and Cheryl | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 270 |
Hetherington | S S/Sgt NWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 400 |
Hewing Axes and Adzes | The First Metis�A New Nation | 477 | |
Hewins | Howard and Audrey | Grande Cache: The People | 108 |
Hewitt | Bob | The Big Bend | 62 |
Hewitt | Gertrude | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 108, 138 |
Hewitt | Joe | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 138 |
Hewitt | Wayne and Royaleen | Iosegun Reflections | 308 |
Hewlett | Bert | Pioneer Round-Up | 231 |
Hewson | Leo and Louise | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 271 |
Heyn | Charles and Edith | Grande Cache: The People | 108 |
Hibbert | Abraham, Family | Buffalo Trails | 168 |
Hibbert | Ed | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 103 |
Hibbs | Miss Edith (RN ) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 97 |
Hick | James | Memories and Moments | 250 |
Hick | Jim | Burnt Embers | 37 |
Hick | Robert | Memories and Moments | 251 |
Hickey | Edward | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 454 |
Hickey | Jim and Lois | Along the Wapiti | 197 |
Hickey | John | Homesteaders' Heritage | 20 |
Hickey | Morris | Pioneer Round-Up | 98 |
Hickey Flats | Across the Smoky | 176 | |
Hicks | Ed and Ethel | Smoky Peace Triangle | 248 |
Hicks | Jacob | Pioneer Round-Up | 541 |
Hicks | James George | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 45 |
Hicks | Mrs | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 40 |
Hickson | Alice (Stevenson) | Bridges to the Past | 261 |
Hickson | Lawrence | Bridges to the Past | 259 |
Hickson- Lawrence - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 516 | |
Hide | Arnold | Burnt Embers | 445 |
Hidgin | Philip | Buffalo Trails | 169 |
Hidlebaugh | Bertha | Pioneer Round-Up | 109a |
Hidlebaugh Story | Pioneer Round-Up | 223 | |
Higbee | Annie Carveth Dr | Pioneers of the Peace | 15, 34, 76,136, 138, 190, 199, 231, 237-239, 253,264, 268, 312 |
Higbee | Charles and Annie | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 431 |
Higbee | Charles E Prof | Pioneers of the Peace | 34, 136, 138,228, 237-239 |
Higbee | Dr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 102 |
Higbee | Dr Annie | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 177 |
Higbee | Dr Annie | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 42,48,91,92,96,117 |
Higbee | John C | Pioneers of the Peace | 136, 138, 238 |
Higbee | Mr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 102, 186 |
Higbee | Professor C E | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 25,91 |
Higbee Professor and Jack | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 177 | |
Higginson | Fredrick (Howard) | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 546 |
Higginson | Howard | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 44 |
Higginson | Ivan | Burnt Embers | 220 |
Higginson | Ivan, Gudrun, Family | Buffalo Trails | 93 |
Higginson | Molly RN | Pioneers of the Peace | 256 |
Higginson | R | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 13 |
Higginson | Richard | Burnt Embers | 220 |
Higginson | Richard, Mrs | Buffalo Trails | 93 |
Higginson | Stan | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 44 |
Higginson | William Edgar, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 98 |
High | George | Across the Smoky | 17 |
High School Tour of Europe | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 49 | |
High School Trip to Expo | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 55 | |
"High Silk Hat" | Mr | Pioneers of the Peace | 246 |
Highway 40 | A History of Grande Cache | 67 | |
Highway 49 Motel | Chepi Sepe | 105 | |
Highway Bridge at Watino | Smoky Peace Triangle | 64 | |
Hilberg | Ole | Pioneers of the Peace | 284, 333 |
Hilberg | Ole | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 143, 229, 253 |
Hilborne | Miss Pearl (RN) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 97,98 |
Hilborne | Pearl RN | Pioneers of the Peace | 200 |
Hildebrand | Alexander and Olga | Bridges to the Past | 110 |
Hill | Albert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 267 |
Hill | Albert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 519 |
Hill | Albert | Pioneers of the Peace | 323 |
Hill | Basil and Mae | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 198 |
Hill | Bea | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 158 |
Hill | Fay (Birdsell) | Iosegun Reflections | 311 |
Hill | Finley | Pioneers of the Peace | 72 |
Hill | Gail | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 158 |
Hill | J M | Homesteaders' Heritage | 9 |
Hill | James | Pioneers of the Peace | 132, 154 |
Hill | James (Jim) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 30, 123, 138, 250, 254 |
Hill | James J | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 37 |
Hill | Maureen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 158 |
Hill | Muriel (Grant) | Grooming the Grizzly | 342 |
Hill | Murray | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 78 |
Hill | Oliver | Pioneers of the Peace | 98 |
Hill | Page | Across the Smoky | 147 |
Hill | Reg | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 158 |
Hill | T W (Billy) | Homesteaders' Heritage | 61 |
Hill | Tom | A History of Grande Cache | 88 |
Hill | Tom | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 194 |
Hill | Walter | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 520 |
Hill | Family | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 40 |
Hillar | Jack | Homesteaders' Heritage | 226 |
Hillmer | Chester | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 546 |
Hillside School | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 37 | |
Hilltop Lake Development Association | Burnt Embers | 104 | |
Hilt | S | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 9 |
Hind | Jesse (Captain Salvation Army) | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 85 |
Hindmarch | Herman | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 273 |
Hindmarch | Herman | The Big Bend | 127 |
Hindmarch | Jim and Audrey | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 275 |
Hindmarch | Ralph | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 277 |
Hindmarsch | Jim | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 245 |
Hingley | Eric | Homesteaders' Heritage | 151,160,226 |
Hingley | Harry | Homesteaders' Heritage | 153,157, 161,228 |
Hingley | Joe and Granny | Homesteaders' Heritage | 230 |
Hingley | Joe, Tom | Homesteaders' Heritage | 157, 158, 161 |
Hingley | Lon | Homesteaders' Heritage | 161,231 |
Hingley | Orville and Viola | Homesteaders' Heritage | 157,231 |
Hingley | Trent and Kathleen | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 453 |
Hinke Recollections | 298 | From Tears to Triumph | |
Hinkel | Otto and Amelia | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 905 |
Hinton | A History of Grande Cache | 18 | |
Hinton Trail | A History of Grande Cache | 22, 65 | |
Hinton Trail | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 393 | |
Hirning | Bertha and Christian | Chepi Sepe | 476 |
Hirondelle | John | Pioneers of the Peace | 110 |
Hirsch | Max and Marie | From Tears to Triumph | 139 |
Historical Account of Spirit River in 1918 | Chepi Sepe | 55 | |
History Book Committee | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | x | |
History of a War Bride | Smoky Peace Triangle | 51 | |
History of Bridges | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 22 | |
History of Highway #43 | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 21 | |
History of Home Economics in Alberta Agriculture | Chepi Sepe | 208 | |
History of Outfitting in Alberta | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 42-46 | |
History of the Cultural Development Committee of Spirit River and District� | Chepi Sepe | 207 | |
History of the Hamlet | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 14, 15 | |
History of The Peace River Country | Chepi Sepe | 55 | |
History of The Spirit River Settlement | Chepi Sepe | 12 | |
History of the Tomslake Community Groups | From Tears to Triumph | 346 | |
History of The Town Of Spirit River | Chepi Sepe | 91 | |
History of Tops Ab1887 Spirit River | Chepi Sepe | 230 | |
History of United Grain Growers #646 | Chepi Sepe | 101 | |
Hitter | Rudy | Iosegun Reflections | 395 |
Hitzlberger | Joe | Burnt Embers | 156 |
Hixon | Becky | A History of Grande Cache | 80 |
Hixson | Clifford and Rebecca | Grande Cache: The People | 108 |
Hjemland | Peter | Pioneer Round-Up | 574 |
Hloski | William | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 213 |
Hnatiuk | Mrs N | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 120 |
Hnatiuk | Nick | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 144 |
Hnidzik | Paul | Chepi Sepe | 478 |
Hoadley | George | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 9 |
Hoag | Calvin and Hannah | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 480 |
Hoag | Dick and Blanche | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 41 |
Hoag | Harry and Olive | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 480 |
Hoag | Leslie and Eileen | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 905 |
Hobbs | Rick | A History of Grande Cache | 89 |
Hockenhull | William | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 454 |
Hockey | Dorothy | Pioneers of the Peace | 134 |
Hockey | Edward | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 27,32 |
Hockey | Edward | Pioneers of the Peace | 134, 167 |
Hockey | Ethel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Hockey | Frank | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Hockey | Gayle | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Hockey | Jack Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 225 |
Hockey | Mr E | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 102, 186 |
Hockey | Robert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Hockey | Sharon | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 110 |
Hockey | The Northfield Settlement | 12 | |
Hockey | Burnt Embers | 86 | |
Hockey | 364 | From Tears to Triumph | |
Hockey | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 47 | |
Hodgens Bros | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 118 | |
Hodges | Betty | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 16 |
Hodges | Jack and Ethel | Along the Wapiti | 154 |
Hodges | Mrs | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 98, 119 |
Hodges | Ven | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 21 |
Hodges | W | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 13 |
Hodges | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 20 |
Hodgin | Dean | Pioneers of the Peace | 208 |
Hodgin | Lee | Pioneers of the Peace | 208 |
Hodgins | Cecil | Pioneers of the Peace | 195 |
Hodgins | Cecil Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 195 |
Hodgson | Colleen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Hodgson | Glenda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Hodgson | Harry and Gladys | Along the Wapiti | 264 |
Hodgson | Jack and Phebe | Where the Red Willow Grew | 525 |
Hodgson | Jim | Homesteaders' Heritage | 148 |
Hodgson | Jodi | Grande Cache: The People | 109 |
Hodgson | John | Homesteaders' Heritage | 161, 164,232 |
Hodgson | Ken | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Hodgson | Lea | Pioneer Round-Up | 225 |
Hodgson | Lea (HOP Lake) | Pioneer Round-Up | 110a |
Hodgson | Norma | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 100 |
Hodgson Family Tree | The First Metis�A New Nation | 242 | |
Hodgson Generations | The First Metis�A New Nation | 243 | |
Hodson | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 150 |
Hodson | Kathleen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 150, 181 |
Hoedl | George and Ann | Where the Red Willow Grew | 111 |
Hoeght | Louis | Grooming the Grizzly | 343 |
Hoeppner | Homesteaders' Heritage | 154 | |
Hoetmer | Case and Margie | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 278 |
Hoff | Gladys | Across the Smoky | 303 |
Hoff | Ludwig "Huff" | A History of Grande Cache | 51, 67 |
Hoff | O | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 63, 73, 206 |
Hofferd | Red and Dorothy | Where the Red Willow Grew | 113 |
Hoffman | Jimmy | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 420, 821 |
Hoffman Family | Iosegun Reflections | 312 | |
Hoflin | Albin | Pioneers of the Peace | 240, 242, 243 |
Hoflin | Albin | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 45, 96, 72, 110 |
Hoflin | Albin | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 176 |
Hoflin | Andrew Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 288 |
Hoflin | Andrew, Esther, Family | Buffalo Trails | 238 |
Hoflin | Christine | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 72 |
Hoflin | Eric | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 79 |
Hoflin | Jenner Albin | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 59, 112 |
Hoflin | John | The Northfield Settlement | 35 |
Hoflin | John | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 40, 57, 97 |
Hoflin | John (Red) | Pioneer Round-Up | 542 |
Hoflin | John (Red) | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 57 |
Hoflin | John Alexander | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 99, 112 |
Hoflin | John Mr and Mrs | Pioneer Round-Up | 542 |
Hoflin Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 72 | |
Hogan | Theresa | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Hogg | Charles | Pioneers of the Peace | 405 |
Hogg | Col | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 113 |
Hogg | Ev and Harry | Chepi Sepe | 478 |
Hogg | Jim | Across the Smoky | 236 |
Hogg | Osborne | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 315 |
Hogg | W A | Pioneer Round-Up | 98 |
Hoggarth | D M, Lillian, Family | Buffalo Trails | 142 |
Hoggarth | M E, Mrs, Mary | Buffalo Trails | 142 |
Hoggarth | Bob | Homesteaders' Heritage | 346, 370 |
Hoggarth | Clarice | Homesteaders' Heritage | 346, 371 |
Hoggarth | Winnifred (Hoagy) | Chepi Sepe | 479 |
Hogle | Bruce | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 250 |
Hoglund | Hans | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 274 |
Hoglund | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 274 |
Hoilin | J Albin | Buffalo Trails | 227 |
Hok Family | Reg | Iosegun Reflections | 312 |
Holcombe | Grove John and Leo | Across the Smoky | 104 |
Holden | Angus | Homesteaders' Heritage | 232 |
Holden | Bill | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 189 |
Holden | Gary | Burnt Embers | 437 |
Holden | Shirley and Gary | Chepi Sepe | 480 |
Holden | William "Bill" | Pioneers of the Peace | 266 |
Holfeld | Dr | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 31 |
Holgate | Bob | A History of Grande Cache | 55 |
Holiday Bound | Burnt Embers | 19 | |
Holinaty | Dave and Joan | Bridges to the Past | 40 |
Holinshead | H M (Monty) | Buffalo Trails | 224 |
Holland | Lena | Pioneer Round-Up | 225 |
Holle | Halvor family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 244 |
Holler | Colleen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 159 |
Holler | James | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 159 |
Holler | James Garner | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 159 |
Holliday | John and Eleanor | Along the Wapiti | 364 |
Hollier | Bert and Gladys | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 582 |
Hollingshead | Mont | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 253 |
Hollingworth | Norman and Shirley | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 909 |
Hollingworth | Rusty and Gladys | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 906 |
Hollingworth Family | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 283-285 | |
Hollowack | Walter and Jean | Grande Cache: The People | 109 |
Holloway | Frank | Pioneer Round-Up | 35 |
Holly | Pioneer Round-Up | 228 | |
Holm | Alfred | Pioneer Round-Up | 544 |
Holm | Mabel | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 80 |
Holman | Oscar and Phillip | Homesteaders' Heritage | 9 |
Holmberg | Arthur | Burnt Embers | 120 |
Holmberg | Helge | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 115 |
Holmberg | Maud and Ed | Chepi Sepe | 481 |
Holmen | Arnold | Where the Red Willow Grew | 114 |
Holmen | Gus and Clara | Where the Red Willow Grew | 115 |
Holmes | Aubrey | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 88 |
Holmes | Bishop | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 |
Holmes | Bishop | Pioneers of the Peace | 17, 202 |
Holmes | Bishop | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 3 |
Holmes | Bishop George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 160, 259 |
Holmes | Clarence | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 350 |
Holmes | Ernie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119, 262 |
Holmes | Eunice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 18, 88, 160, 187, 268 |
Holmes | Fred | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 350 |
Holmes | G H | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 81 |
Holmes | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 13, 159 |
Holmes | James | Memories and Moments | 98 |
Holmes | Jessie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 10, 11, 40, 88, 107, 159, 160, 173, 188, 190, 217, 259 |
Holmes | Mrs Ernie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 262 |
Holmes | Noel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 18, 187 |
Holmes | Olive | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 18, 88, 187 |
Holmes | Rev R | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 81 |
Holmes | Rev Robert | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 9, 10, 11, 107, 159, 160, 161, 188, 216, 259 |
Holmes | Robert Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 17 |
Holmes | Robert Rev | Pioneers of the Peace | 17, 107, 202 |
Holmes | Tom | Along the Wapiti | 207 |
Holmes | Will | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 387 |
Holmes" Neil | Bridges to the Past | 41 | |
Holmquist | Fred and John Thomas | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 583 |
Holowack | Walter | A History of Grande Cache | 74, 76 |
Holroyd | J A | Buffalo Trails | 178 |
Holt | Calvin | Where the Red Willow Grew | 437 |
Holt | Holver | Across the Smoky | 79 |
Holt | Mary-Jane | Where the Red Willow Grew | 437 |
Holt | Homesteaders' Heritage | 95 | |
Holter | Otto | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 350 |
Holter | Otto | Pioneers of the Peace | 278 |
Holtet | John and Louise | Iosegun Reflections | 313 |
Holtet | Roy and Marj | Iosegun Reflections | 314 |
Holthe | Larry | Homesteaders' Heritage | 414,419 |
Holtom | E J | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 46,48, 102 |
Holtom | E J family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 13 |
Holtom | E J Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 167, 168 |
Holtom | Ernest John "Cracker Jack" | Pioneers of the Peace | 5,6, 132, 153,155,167, 168,178, 207, 209,237, 276, 285 |
Holtom | Jack | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 10, 62, 64, 250 |
Holtom | John | Pioneers of the Peace | 168 |
Holtom | Margaret | Pioneers of the Peace | 168 |
Holtom | Mrs E J | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 79 |
Holtom Pioneer Memorial Scholarship | Pioneers of the Peace | 168 | |
Holton | Jack | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 156 |
Holton and Matlock | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 147 | |
Holtz | Albert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 269 |
Holubek | George | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 103 |
Holy Cross Church & Parish | A History of Grande Cache | 88 | |
Holy Cross High School | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 38 | |
Holy Cross Hospital | Chepi Sepe | 144 | |
Holy Rosary C W L (Caroline Kramps) | Bridges to the Past | 189 | |
Holy Trinity Church | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 7 | |
Home | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 455 |
Home | Rev | Pioneers of the Peace | 323 |
Home and School Association | Burnt Embers | 438 | |
Home Care | Bridges to the Past | 435 | |
Home Care Nursing Pilot Program | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 100 | |
Homecoming | Memories and Moments | 56, 60, 280 | |
Homecoming �87 | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 40 | |
Homecoming 1980 | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 158 | |
Homecoming Program | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 37 | |
Homecoming, 1979 | Grooming the Grizzly | 156 | |
Homeland | Emma | Pioneers of the Peace | 306 |
Homeland | M | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 46 |
Homeland | Maurice | Pioneer Round-Up | 557 |
Homeland | Merlin | Pioneer Round-Up | 556 |
Homeland | Olan | Pioneer Round-Up | 557 |
Homeland | Pioneer Round-Up | 555 | |
Homemaker's Club | Burnt Embers | 92 | |
Homestead | Pioneer Round-Up | 544 | |
Homestead Story Section | Across the Smoky | 312 | |
Homesteader's Hall | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 141-144 | |
Homesteader's We Remember | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 459 | |
Homesteading | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 16-17 | |
Homesteading | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 13 | |
Homeyer | Henry | Smoky Peace Triangle | 250 |
Homme | Anne Marie | Pioneer Round-Up | 118a |
Homme | Charlie | Pioneer Round-Up | 228 |
Homme | Charlie and Gunhild | Pioneer Round-Up | 1163 |
Homme | Eivind | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 9 |
Hommy | Barry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 210 |
Hommy | Betty Ann | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 210 |
Hommy | Clare and Robbie | Pioneer Round-Up | 122a |
Hommy | Franklin | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 212 |
Hommy | Hans | Pioneer Round-Up | 10 |
Hommy | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 210 |
Hommy | Kittle | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 315 |
Hommy | Linda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 212 |
Hommy | Martha | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 210 |
Hommy | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 210 |
Hommy | Myrna | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 210 |
Hommy | Olaf | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 316 |
Hommy | Olaf | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 63 |
Hommy | Sadie | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 316 |
Hommy | Sharon | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 210 |
Hone | John and Agnes | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 159 |
Honert | Violet and Dr Bruce | Chepi Sepe | 487 |
Honour Roll (Albright) | Pioneer Round-Up | 13 | |
Honour Roll (Goodfare) | Pioneer Round-Up | 100 | |
Honsker | C | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 102 |
Hood | Bob and Sheila | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 38, 124, 285 |
Hood | F | Homesteaders' Heritage | 9 |
Hood | Fred B | Pioneer Round-Up | 230 |
Hooks | Andrew | Pioneers of the Peace | 283 |
Hooks | Edith | Pioneers of the Peace | 283 |
Hooks | Edwin | Pioneers of the Peace | 283 |
Hooks | Jack | Pioneers of the Peace | 283 |
Hooks | Neva | Pioneers of the Peace | 283 |
Hooks | William | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 191 |
Hooks | William Henry | Pioneers of the Peace | 283 |
Hooks | William Henry (Jack, Andrew and Edwin) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 186 |
Hoover | Albert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 489 |
Hoover | Earl | The Big Bend | 2 |
Hoover | Robert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 520 |
Hope | Adrian Montrose | The First Metis�A New Nation | 248 |
Hope | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 243 |
Hope | Nancy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 200 |
Hope and Humble Homes | Burnt Embers | 40 | |
Hope Clan | The First Metis�A New Nation | 249 | |
Hopkin | John and Vera | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 285, 286 |
Hopkins | "Mac" | Pioneers of the Peace | 83 |
Hopkins | A B | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101, 120 |
Hopkins | Al | Pioneers of the Peace | 82 |
Hopkins | Art and Amy | Smoky Peace Triangle | 250 |
Hopkins | Arthur (Cecil) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 162 |
Hopkins | Cecil | Pioneers of the Peace | 83 |
Hopkins | Charles F Rev | Pioneers of the Peace | 6, 32, 81-83,94,134, 139, 148, 156, 157, 221, 234, 278 |
Hopkins | Ernest | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 74, 80 |
Hopkins | Ernest (Ernie) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 48, 93, 131, 137, 162, 188, 254 |
Hopkins | Ernest H | Pioneers of the Peace | 6, 82, 83 |
Hopkins | Gladys | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 161, 224 |
Hopkins | Larry | Memories and Moments | 252 |
Hopkins | Mac | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 162 |
Hopkins | Mrs | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 161, 162 |
Hopkins | Mrs Ernie | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 213 |
Hopkins | Mrs Ernie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 40, 137, 162 |
Hopkins | Rev C F | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 98,102 |
Hopkins | Rev C F | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 149, 219 |
Hopkins | Rev Charles | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 5, 24, 32, 48, 53, 107, 113, 114, 132, 143, 161, 162, 168, 187, 224, 250, 255, 256 |
Hopkins | Rev Charles F | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 44,71,74, 77, 99 |
Hoppe | Dr | A History of Grande Cache | 21, 49 |
Horan | J W | Pioneers of the Peace | 411 |
Hordichuk | Dennis and Hillary | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 262 |
Horechka | Lena and John | Chepi Sepe | 487 |
Horgan | Tom | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1098 |
Horn | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 317 |
Hornby | Bernie and Irene | Iosegun Reflections | 314 |
Horneland | Carl | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 116 |
Horneland | Ken Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 110 |
Horneland | Maurice | Pioneers of the Peace | 306 |
Horneland | Merlin | Pioneers of the Peace | 306 |
Horneland | Mikel | Pioneers of the Peace | 243, 306 |
Horneland | Mrs Olan | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 260 |
Horneland | Olan Carl | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 261 |
Horneland | Olan Lawrence | Pioneers of the Peace | 306 |
Horner | Edgar and Susan | Grande Cache: The People | 110 |
Horner | George Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 292 |
Hornick | Jean | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 31 |
Hornick | Jean | Pioneers of the Peace | 140,162 |
Hornland | Carl | Pioneer Round-Up | 553 |
Hornmy | Yvonne | Pioneer Round-Up | 229 |
Hornyansky | Mark | Iosegun Reflections | 315 |
Horrigan | Tommy and Daisy | Across the Smoky | 55 |
Horrocks | Pioneers of the Peace | 272 | |
Horse Lake Reserve | Pioneer Round-Up | 430 | |
Horse Lake Today | Pioneer Round-Up | 432 | |
Horseshoe of the Peace Historical Society | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 42 | |
Horte | Ann | Pioneers of the Peace | 240, 250 |
Horte | Anthon | Pioneers of the Peace | 239, 240 |
Horte | Anthon and Ingrid | Pioneer Round-Up | 557 |
Horte | Chris | Pioneers of the Peace | 239, 240, 283 |
Horte | Chris and Dora | Pioneer Round-Up | 562 |
Horte | Chris, Olaf | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 110 |
Horte | Gunhild | Pioneers of the Peace | 239, 257 |
Horte | Harry | Pioneers of the Peace | 240, 306 |
Horte | Harry Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 560 |
Horte | Harry Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 56, 57, 257 |
Horte | Inga | Pioneers of the Peace | 10 |
Horte | K A | Pioneers of the Peace | 239 |
Horte | Olaf | Pioneer Round-Up | 563 |
Horte | Olaf | Pioneers of the Peace | 6, 239, 240, 250, 257, 258, 283,306 |
Horte | Roderick | Pioneers of the Peace | 240 |
Horte | Thor | Pioneers of the Peace | 239 |
Horte | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 59 | |
Horte Sawmill | Pioneers of the Peace | 240 | |
Horton | John and Yvonne | Grande Cache: The People | 111 |
Horton | Spencer | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 280 |
Horyn | Peter and Linda | Iosegun Reflections | 315 |
Hosier | Reg | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 133, 135, 141 |
Hosker | Arthur | Pioneers of the Peace | 241 |
Hosker | Harold | Pioneers of the Peace | 241 |
Hosker | Harold and Myrtle | Along the Wapiti | 266 |
Hosker | Hilda | Pioneers of the Peace | 241 |
Hosker | Ralph | Pioneers of the Peace | 241 |
Hosker | William "Wapiti Bill" | Pioneers of the Peace | 73, 234,241 |
Hosker | William and Annie | Along the Wapiti | 266 |
Hosker | Wm Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 241 |
Hosker's Sawmill | Pioneers of the Peace | 241 | |
Hoskins | Bernice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 257 |
Hoskins | Ron and Christina | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 286-290 |
Hospital | first | Pioneers of the Peace | 15, 18, 47-49, 238 |
Hospital District - Beaverlodge-Hythe | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 100 | |
Hospital Aid Society | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 117 | |
Hospital Auxiliary | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 99,145 | |
Hospital District - Grande Prairie Municipal | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 96, 100,131 | |
Hospital District - Spirit River | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 100 | |
Hospital Volunteens | Chepi Sepe | 155 | |
Hospital, Emergency | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 96, 100, 133 | |
Hospital, First | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 10,41,42,73,90 | |
Hospital, Grande Prairie | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 97, 134,137, 139, 142, 143, 145 | |
Hospital, Kathryn Prittie | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 91-93,126, 141 | |
Hospital, Rates | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 95 | |
Hotel | Burnt Embers | 449 | |
Hotel, first | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 5 | |
Hothersall | M A C | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 40, 88, 159, 188, 212, 216, 217 |
Hothersall Knott | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 10, 11, 150, 259 | |
Hotte | Adelord | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 210 |
Hotte | Ed | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 211 |
Hotte | Maynard | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 145 |
Hotten | Donald | Pioneers of the Peace | 169 |
Hotten | Edwin | Pioneers of the Peace | |
Hotten | Jean | Pioneers of the Peace | 169 |
Hotten | Maureen | Pioneers of the Peace | 169 |
Hotten | Phillip | Pioneers of the Peace | 169 |
Hotten | Reginald | Pioneers of the Peace | 168, 169 |
Hotten | Valerie | Pioneers of the Peace | 169 |
Houcher | Wayne and Lois | Iosegun Reflections | 316 |
Houde | Joe, Delma and Fred | From Tears to Triumph | 49 |
Hough | Emerson | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 13 |
Hougsten | Arthur | Burnt Embers | 31,388 |
Hougston | Arthur | Buffalo Trails | 220 |
Houle | Homesteaders' Heritage | 62 | |
House | Tom | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Houseman | Virginia | Across the Smoky | 295 |
Houseworth | Pioneers of the Peace | 144 | |
Housman | Harvey, Mary, Family | Buffalo Trails | 133 |
Housman | Sid | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 112 |
Housman | Sidney, Pearl, Family | Buffalo Trails | 135 |
Houssien | Mr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 194 |
Houston | Andrew | Pioneer Round-Up | 575 |
Houston | George | The Big Bend | 254 |
Housworth | Roy and Gretta | Along the Wapiti | 93 |
Hovdebo | Jacob | Pioneers of the Peace | 169 |
Hovdebo | Mable | Pioneers of the Peace | 169 |
Hovdebo | Marie | Pioneers of the Peace | 169 |
Hovdebo | Martin | Pioneers of the Peace | 169 |
Hovdebo | Martin and Vivian | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 822 |
Hovdebo | Ole | Pioneers of the Peace | 169 |
Hovdebo | Ole and Maren | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 169 |
Hoveland | Jim | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 184 |
Hovenburg | John, Rev | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 33 |
Hovtuft | Olaf | Pioneer Round-Up | 575 |
How Happy Valley got its name | Chepi Sepe | 515 | |
How Spirit River received its name | Chepi Sepe | 2 | |
How the New Hall Came to Be | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 151-154 | |
How this book came to be written | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | iv | |
Howard | Family | The Big Bend | 64 |
Howard | J | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 117 |
Howard | James | Along the Wapiti | 406 |
Howard | Len and Florence | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 612 |
Howard | Leonard, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 261 |
Howard | Steve | Grooming the Grizzly | 344 |
Howarth | Jack | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 62 |
Howarth | James | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 350 |
Howatt | Harry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 274 |
Howatt | Percv | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 275 |
Howatt | Robert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 275 |
Howatt | Will | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 276 |
Howden | Margaret M (Peggy) | Chepi Sepe | 487 |
Howe | Arthur | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 345 |
Howe | Bob and Maria | Grande Cache: The People | 111 |
Howe | Clarence | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 136, 432 |
Howe | Clarence | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 351 |
Howell | Dennis and Joan | Along the Wapiti | 199 |
Howell | Joseph and Mary | Along the Wapiti | 199 |
Howenko | Peter and Pearl | Along the Wapiti | 155 |
Howerton | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 230 |
Howes | George and Winnifred | Along the Wapiti | 156 |
Howey | Mel | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 63 |
Howlett | Fred | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 169 |
Howrish | Annette and Ernie | Chepi Sepe | 488 |
Howrish | Olga and Mike | Chepi Sepe | 488 |
Howrish | Olga and Walter | Chepi Sepe | 489 |
Howrish | Patricia and Vern | Chepi Sepe | 490 |
Hoydebo | Ole and Maren | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 822 |
Hoyle | W D | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 32 |
Hriskow | Mike | Buffalo Trails | 153 |
Hriskow | Mike and Pearl | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 420 |
Hriskow | Thomas, Anna, Family | Buffalo Trails | 152 |
Hrisook | Sophie and John | Chepi Sepe | 491 |
Hrisook | Susan and Randy | Chepi Sepe | 493 |
Hrisook | William | The Big Bend | 4 |
Hrisook | William and Family | Chepi Sepe | 493 |
Hrychan | Anne and Matt | Chepi Sepe | 497 |
Hrychan | Matt | The Big Bend | 151 |
Hrychan | Paul | The Big Bend | 65 |
Hrychiw | Colin | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 162, 163, 165 |
Hrychiw | Colleen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 165 |
Hrychiw | Darcy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 164, 165 |
Hrychiw | Deborah | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 164, 165 |
Hrychiw | Glenda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 165 |
Hrychiw | Henry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 162 165, 190, 238, 245, 268 |
Hrychiw | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 164 |
Hrychiw | Karen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 165 |
Hrychiw | Lynette | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 165 |
Hrychiw | Melita | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 51, 164 |
Hrychiw | Paulette | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 165 |
Hrychiw | Peter | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 164, 165 |
Hrychiw | Stella | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 162, 163, 164, 165 |
Huallen | Alberta | Pioneers of the Peace | 126, 127 |
Huallen | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 429, 456 | |
Hubar | Sam | Where the Red Willow Grew | 526 |
Huber | Brenda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 144 |
Huber | Joe and Elvina | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 284 |
Huber | Joe and Hazel | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 285 |
Huber | Reverend | A History of Grande Cache | 86 |
Hubert | Alvin and Janet | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 151 |
Hubert | Frank and Elfrieda | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 153 |
Hubert | Tom | Across the Smoky | 272 |
Hubert | Tom | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 259 |
Hucul | Emil and Jean (Zamorsky) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 527 |
Hucul | Manoly (Mike) | Chepi Sepe | 498 |
Hudec | Andy and Kay | Along the Wapiti | 96 |
Hudec | Andy and Kay | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 104 |
Hudson | "Gibby" | Burnt Embers | 60 |
Hudson | Attie and Orrin | Chepi Sepe | 499 |
Hudson | Betty and Gordon | Chepi Sepe | 502 |
Hudson | Camilla and Norman | Chepi Sepe | 503 |
Hudson | Jean and Jack | Chepi Sepe | 504 |
Hudson | Juline and Harvey | Chepi Sepe | 504 |
Hudson | Lorna and Roy | Chepi Sepe | 505 |
Hudson | O Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 306, 307 |
Hudson | Orrin | Pioneers of the Peace | 306, 307 |
Hudson | Sam and Adeline | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 112 |
Hudson | Shirley and Don | Chepi Sepe | 506 |
Hudson Bay Company (HBC) | A History of Grande Cache | 11, 14, 17, 19, 29, 37 | |
Hudson Bay Post | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 2, 3, 11, 18, 37 83, 89, 100, 106, 107, 114, 118, 122, 123, 140, 157, 175, 183 186, 213, 221, 224, 231, 246, 250, 255 | |
Hudson's Bay Archival Material | The First Metis�A New Nation | 101,177,243 | |
Hudson's Bay Co | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 2, 5,6 | |
Hudson's Bay Co | Pioneers of the Peace | 7, 22,140,172, 233,260,406 | |
Hudson's Bay Company Men | The First Metis�A New Nation | 27 | |
Hudson's Bay Road | The First Metis�A New Nation | 105 | |
Hudson's Bay Wool Blankets | The First Metis�A New Nation | 466 | |
Hudyma | Sadie (Rosko) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 399 |
Hudyma | William and Anna (Deley) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 392 |
Hudz | Fred, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 175 |
Hudz | Harry, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 176 |
Hudz | Paul, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 177 |
Huette | Rudolf and Hildegard | Bridges to the Past | 42 |
Huette | Rudy and Hildegard | From Tears to Triumph | 245 |
Hufnagel | Christian | Where the Red Willow Grew | 118 |
Hug | Joe and Cecelia | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 290, 291 |
Hug-Bergey | Joanne | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 292, 293 |
Hugel | Adolph and Clarah | Along the Wapiti | 157 |
Hugel | Elsie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Huggard | Ed | Where the Red Willow Grew | 121 |
Huggett | Floyd | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 246 |
Hughes | "Banty" | Pioneers of the Peace | 236, 264 |
Hughes | Cornelius (Corny) and Ruth | Iosegun Reflections | 317 |
Hughes | Ed | Across the Smoky | 142 |
Hughes | Harry | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 289 |
Hughes | Ivor | Across the Smoky | 298 |
Hughes | J A | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 24,41 |
Hughes | J W | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 118 |
Hughes | Kay and Jack | Grande Cache: The People | 112 |
Hughes | Miss Ella | Across the Smoky | 303 |
Hughes | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 215 |
Hughes | Tali and Diane | Iosegun Reflections | 318 |
Hughs | Art | A History of Grande Cache | 43 |
Hughson | Bonnie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 203 |
Hughson | James | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 15 |
Hughson | James | Across the Smoky | 150 |
Hughson | James | Pioneers of the Peace | 196 |
Hugor | Joe | Along the Wapiti | 406 |
Hula | Dan and Jackie | Grande Cache: The People | 112 |
Hull | Corinne Constance (Hawthorne) and George | From Tears to Triumph | 296 |
Hull | Hugh | Burnt Embers | 156 |
Hull | Jean and John | Chepi Sepe | 508 |
Hulls | James and John | Memories and Moments | 99 |
Hume | Duncan | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 117 |
Humeniuk | Mike | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 142 |
Humor and Jokes | The First Metis�A New Nation | 317 | |
Humphrey | Ashton | Homesteaders' Heritage | 234 |
Humphrey | Ernie | Homesteaders' Heritage | 153, 234 |
Humphrey | Gary, Jeff, Lawrence | Homesteaders' Heritage | 151, 153, 155, 160, 161,234 |
Humphries | Mrs | Across the Smoky | 298 |
Humpries | Miss M | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33 |
Hunik | Joe and Pauline | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1086 |
Hunke | Andrew and Anne | Where the Red Willow Grew | 439 |
Hunke | Ignatz and Dorri | Where the Red Willow Grew | 439 |
Hunkin | Percy | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 351 |
Hunkin | Percy (Sailing on Williston Lake) | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 196 |
Hunkins | P Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 93 |
Hunkins | Percy | Pioneers of the Peace | 11, 95 |
Hunkler | Joe and Emily | Pioneer Round-Up | 374 |
Hunler | Samuel | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 205 |
Hunskor | A M | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 123 |
Hunskor | Anton | Pioneers of the Peace | 158, 221 |
Hunskor | Anton, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 175 |
Hunskor | Carl | Buffalo Trails | 175 |
Hunt | Beatrice | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 40 |
Hunt | Bob and Ann | Where the Red Willow Grew | 440 |
Hunt | Paul | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 40, 59 |
Hunt | Russel and Ella | Where the Red Willow Grew | 441 |
Hunt | S E Rev | Pioneers of the Peace | 163 |
Hunter | Al | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 66 |
Hunter | Archdeacon | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 71 |
Hunter | Arlene and Dale | Grande Cache: The People | 113 |
Hunter | Bob | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 231 |
Hunter | Bob | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 188 |
Hunter | Hazeldean | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 205 |
Hunter | I R | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 824 |
Hunter | J H | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 141 |
Hunter | Jack | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 137 |
Hunter | Jim | Pioneer Round-Up | 61 |
Hunter | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 219 |
Hunter | Marion | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 231 |
Hunter | Mary Alice (Mary) | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 205, 210 |
Hunter | Mrs J H | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 120 |
Hunter | Mrs Jerry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 199 |
Hunter | Nathaniel | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 15 |
Hunter | Reverend & Mrs | A History of Grande Cache | 85 |
Hunter | Samuel | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 16 |
Hunter | Walter and Marj | Iosegun Reflections | 318 |
Hunting | Asa | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 54 |
Hunting | Asa | Pioneers of the Peace | 117, 171, 197, 409 |
Hunting | Asa | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 35 |
Hunting | Asa | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 132,147,159, 166 |
Hunting | Burnt Embers | 27 | |
Hunting Trip Fatal For Two Horses | Smoky Peace Triangle | 56 | |
Hunting With Ole | Smoky Peace Triangle | 51 | |
Hunting's Stopping Place | Pioneers of the Peace | 117, 171 | |
Hurd | John | The Big Bend | 128 |
Hurd | John and Carole | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 280 |
Hurley | Donald | Pioneers of the Peace | 307 |
Hurley | Gordon Ross | Pioneers of the Peace | 307 |
Hurley | Guy | Pioneers of the Peace | 307 |
Hurley | W D | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 46 |
Hurley | Walter | Pioneers of the Peace | 307 |
Hurley | William | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 22 |
Hurley | William | Pioneers of the Peace | 307 |
Hurley | William D | Pioneers of the Peace | 307 |
Hurley | Winnie | Pioneers of the Peace | 307 |
Hurlock | Victor and Jennie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 44 |
Hurtubise | Germaine | Chepi Sepe | 509 |
Husack | Joseph, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 108 |
Husereau | George and Lenore | Grande Cache: The People | 113 |
Hussy | F S Supt B C P P | Pioneers of the Peace | 404 |
Huston | Miss Jean | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 34,36 |
Huston | Rev W J | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 6 |
Huston | Rev William and Mrs | Along the Wapiti | 364 |
Hutcheon | Fred and Frieda | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 293 |
Hutcheson | William | Pioneer Round-Up | 575 |
Hutchin | Curtis | Homesteaders' Heritage | 236 |
Hutchinson | Pioneers of the Peace | 102 | |
Hutchinson | Alex | Along the Wapiti | 298 |
Hutchinson | H | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 105 |
Hutchison | Alex | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 282 |
Hutchison | Alex | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 111 |
Hutt | Leonard | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 213 |
Hutterite Colony | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 212 | |
Huyder | John and Lois | Grande Cache: The People | 114 |
Hval | Eva | Chepi Sepe | 510 |
Hval | Jasper and Lena | Where the Red Willow Grew | 121 |
Hviid | Niels and Harriet | Pioneer Round-Up | 575 |
Hyatt | Don and Thelma & Laurel | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 294 |
Hyatt | Rick and Laura | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 295 |
Hyde | Jessie | Where the Red Willow Grew | 122 |
Hydro | From Tears to Triumph | 379 | |
Hyslop | Dr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 81 |
Hystad Brothers - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 497 | |
Hythe | Town of flowing wells | Pioneer Round-Up | 235 |
Hythe Gospel Mission | Pioneers of the Peace | 134 | |
Hythe Hospital | Pioneer Round-Up | 330 | |
Hythe Lodge BPOE No 236 | Pioneers of the Peace | 277 | |
Hythe Story year by year | Pioneer Round-Up | 231 | |
I O D E | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 117,120 | |
I O F | A History of Grande Cache | 75-76 | |
I O O F Lodge | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 141 | |
I Remember | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 279 | |
I Remember | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 273 | |
I remember | Pioneer Round-Up | 398 | |
I Remember (Independent Valley) | From Tears to Triumph | 37 | |
I Sure Told Him Off (story) | The First Metis�A New Nation | 318 | |
Ice (Putting-up) | Across the Smoky | 318 | |
Ice Free Corridor | A History of Grande Cache | 5, 6 | |
Iggulden | Brenda and Grant | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 296 |
Iggulden | Glen and Joyce | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 297, 298 |
Imes | Cheryl and Harold | Chepi Sepe | 510 |
Imes | Kaye and Jim | Chepi Sepe | 511 |
Imes | Marion and Ken | Chepi Sepe | 512 |
Imes | Pattie and Donald | Chepi Sepe | 517 |
Imes | Ruth | Chepi Sepe | 518 |
Immerslund | Chris | Pioneers of the Peace | 243 |
Immerslund | Helge | Pioneer Round-Up | 578 |
Immigration Hall | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 42,48,96,133 | |
Immigration of the Cree | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | xi | |
Imperial Oil Road | A History of Grande Cache | 65, 67 | |
Improvement District #20 Recreation Board | Burnt Embers | 106 | |
Improvement District No 20 | Chepi Sepe | 198 | |
In Appreciation to Volunteers | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 179 | |
In Service for their country | Memories and Moments | 273-279 | |
Independent | politics | Pioneers of the Peace | 200 |
Independent Liberal Party | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 63 | |
Independent Valley | settlers of | Pioneer Round-Up | 38 |
Independent Valley School and Teachers | From Tears to Triumph | 296 | |
Inderdahl | Halvor | Burnt Embers | 388 |
Index | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1186 | |
Indian People | The First Metis�A New Nation | 17 | |
Indians | Burnt Embers | 7 | |
Influenza Epidemic | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 96, 132,133 | |
Ingledew | Bob | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 407 |
Ingledew | Harry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 407 |
Ingledew | Robert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 408 |
Ingles | Mike and Karen | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 299 |
Inglis | Robert | Memories and Moments | 252 |
Inglis | Victoria and Bob | Chepi Sepe | 519 |
Ingraham | Leon and Evelyn | Bridges to the Past | 45 |
Ingram | Raymond | Burnt Embers | 248 |
Ingstrom | Charles | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 521 |
Inkin | Margaret and George | Chepi Sepe | 519 |
Innes | William, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 141 |
Innes | Alexander | Pioneers of the Peace | 176, 177 |
Innes | Bessie | Pioneers of the Peace | 176 |
Innes | Betty Jean | Pioneers of the Peace | 176 |
Innes | Bill | Homesteaders' Heritage | 8 |
Innes | Bill | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 114,165,170,228 |
Innes | Bill and Barbara | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 614 |
Innes | Don | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 63 |
Innes | Don and Mary | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 612 |
Innes | Donald M | Pioneers of the Peace | 154,176,177 |
Innes | Elolse | Pioneers of the Peace | 177 |
Innes | Llla | Pioneers of the Peace | 177 |
Innes | Margaret | Pioneers of the Peace | 176 |
Innes | Marie and Alexander | Chepi Sepe | 520 |
Innes | Mary | Pioneers of the Peace | 177 |
Innes | Mary and Donald M | Chepi Sepe | 521 |
Innes | Mrs William | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 85 |
Innes | William | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 20, 21, 24, 80 |
Innes | William | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 231 |
Innes | William "Bill" | Pioneers of the Peace | 148, 154, 169-176,190, 208, 213, 221, 225, 265, 407 |
Innes | Wm Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 175, 176 |
Introduction | Smoky Peace Triangle | xiii | |
Intscher | Martin | Burnt Embers | 68 |
Irby | Walter | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 489 |
Ireland | C Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 319 |
Ireland | Charles and Mabel (Noras) | Where the Red Willow Grew | 443 |
Ireland | Clive | Pioneers of the Peace | 216, 316-320, 323 |
Ireland | DeCourcey | Where the Red Willow Grew | 443 |
Ireland | Faye | Pioneers of the Peace | 319 |
Ireland | G Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 235 |
Ireland | Guy | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 490 |
Ireland | Guy | Pioneers of the Peace | 317, 319, 320 |
Ireland | Hazel Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 319 |
Ireland | Hilda (Netek) and Rodger | From Tears to Triumph | 140 |
Ireland | Ina | Pioneers of the Peace | 317, 319, 320 |
Ireland | J B Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 317-319 |
Ireland | John Benjamin | Pioneers of the Peace | 316-319 |
Ireland | John Benjamin (son Clive) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 202 |
Ireland | John Francis | Pioneers of the Peace | 319 |
Ireland | Lloyd | Pioneers of the Peace | 320 |
Ireland | Reg | Pioneers of the Peace | 320 |
Ireland | Reginald | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 35 |
Ireland | Reginald C "Rex" | Pioneers of the Peace | 319, 320 |
Ireland | Rex | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 555 |
Ireland | Rex and Martin | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 63 |
Ireland | Robert | Pioneers of the Peace | 319 |
Ireland | Roger | Pioneers of the Peace | 319 |
Ireland | Ruby | Pioneers of the Peace | 319 |
Ireland | Verna | Pioneers of the Peace | 317, 319, 320 |
Ireland | Clive M | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 112 |
Ireland's Stopping Place | Pioneers of the Peace | 317, 319 | |
Irene's Diary | Homesteaders' Heritage | 134 | |
Iron Creek Meteorite | The First Metis�A New Nation | 324 | |
Iroquois | names | The First Metis�A New Nation | 70 |
Iroquois | A History of Grande Cache | 11 | |
Iroquois | The First Metis�A New Nation | 57 | |
Irvin | Tom | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 858 |
Irvine | Agnes | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 258 |
Irvine | Alex | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 58 |
Irvine | Alton | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 555 |
Irvine | Bill | Across the Smoky | 212 |
Irvine | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 23 |
Irvine | Scotty | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 212 |
Irving | Jack | A History of Grande Cache | 74 |
Irving Miss | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 13 | |
Irwin | Henry | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 65, 95 |
Irwin | T G | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 352 |
Isaac | Bob and Betty | Grande Cache: The People | 114 |
Isaac | Allan and Donalda | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 283 |
Isaac | Anna | Bridges to the Past | 262 |
Isaac | Frank and Marjorie | Bridges to the Past | 263 |
Isaac | Harold and Fay | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 283 |
Isaac | Harvey and Phillis | Bridges to the Past | 263 |
Isaac | Harvey and Phyllis | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 455 |
Isaac | Henry | Across the Smoky | 255, 283 |
Isaac | Henry - Poetry | Bridges to the Past | 468 |
Isaac | Louey and Valerie | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 457 |
Isaac | Mrs Anna | Across the Smoky | 254 |
Isaac | Orland and Judy | Bridges to the Past | 267 |
Isaac | Orvel Family | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 199 |
Isaac | Phillip and Alda | Bridges to the Past | 267 |
Isaac and Esau Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 497 | |
Isaac Family - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 509 | |
Isaacs | Art Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 111 |
Isakson | John Olaf | Buffalo Trails | 219 |
Isakson | Jon and Doris | Smoky Peace Triangle | 251 |
Isakson | Richard | Where the Red Willow Grew | 122 |
Isberg | Audrey and George | Chepi Sepe | 521 |
Isberg | John and Linda | Along the Wapiti | 298 |
Isele | Otto | Burnt Embers | 220 |
Iselmoe | Ingebrigt Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 579 |
Isfelt | Walter | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 825 |
Islam | Nargis and Rabiul | Grande Cache: The People | 115 |
Island | George | Where the Red Willow Grew | 441 |
Island | Joe and Marie | Where the Red Willow Grew | 444 |
Island | Mike | Where the Red Willow Grew | 444 |
Island | Phillip | Where the Red Willow Grew | 444 |
Island | Rosie | Where the Red Willow Grew | 445 |
Isley | Day | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 221 |
Isley | Enoch | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 223 |
Ismond | Eric and Amy | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 105 |
Ismond | Eric Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 222 |
Ismond | Jack | Pioneers of the Peace | 118 |
Ismond | Jim | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 105 |
Issiac | Abe | Homesteaders' Heritage | 371 |
Itipaw School | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 225 | |
Iverson | Elmer | Homesteaders' Heritage | 9, 151, 155, 158, 238 |
Iverson | Emmett | Homesteaders' Heritage | 11,152, 157,238 |
Iverson Bros | Alben, Ingvald, Pete, Robert, William | Homesteaders' Heritage | 9, 151, 153, 157, 239 |
Ivins | Russell Mr and Mrs | Pioneer Round-Up | 581 |
Iwantchuck | Steve | Smoky Peace Triangle | 251 |
Jack | Grant and Peggy | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 284 |
Jack | Ida and Lloyd | Chepi Sepe | 522 |
Jack | Lorraine and Bruce | Chepi Sepe | 522 |
Jack | Staghound | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 34 |
Jack Bird | Blueberry Mountain | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 111 |
Jack Bird | Blueberry Mountain | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 111 |
Jack Pine Lake Indian Band | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 253 | |
Jackman | Ronald and Nancy | Grande Cache: The People | 116 |
Jackman | John | Homesteaders' Heritage | 158, 161 |
Jackson | Arthur | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 50 |
Jackson | Dick | The Big Bend | 66 |
Jackson | Eric W Rev | Pioneers of the Peace | 229, 236 |
Jackson | Jessie and Mel | Chepi Sepe | 523 |
Jackson | Ken | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 300 |
Jackson | Man7 | Bridges to the Past | 46 |
Jackson | Melvin | Memories and Moments | 101 |
Jackson | Rev Eric | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 82 |
Jackson | Robert and Mildred | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 420 |
Jackson | Robert, Mildred, Family | Buffalo Trails | 121 |
Jackson | Ross | Memories and Moments | 192 |
Jackson | Viola | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 134 |
Jacob | Anseline | Smoky Peace Triangle | 252 |
Jacob | Roch | Smoky Peace Triangle | 253 |
Jacobs | Pioneers of the Peace | 12 | |
Jacobs | Ewald and Christine | Burnt Embers | 158, 205, 442, 447 |
Jacobs | Rudolph | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 117 |
Jacobs | William and Eunice (Rudychuk) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 528 |
Jacobsen | Nels | Buffalo Trails | 117 |
Jacobsen | Alex | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 910 |
Jacobsen | Chris | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 300 |
Jacobsen | Donna | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 301 |
Jacobsen | Jack and Millie | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 302 |
Jacobsen | Jim and Elna | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 302 |
Jacobsen | John | Where the Red Willow Grew | 126 |
Jacobsen | Nels | Grooming the Grizzly | 352 |
Jacobson | Nels | Pioneers of the Peace | 322 |
Jacques | Don | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 116 |
Jakubowski | Frank | Grooming the Grizzly | 352 |
James | G A | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 20, 34,133,134,141 |
James | G A | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 178 |
James | G A | Pioneers of the Peace | 168 |
James | Kate | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 172 |
James | Mrs G A | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 119 |
James | Mrs W J | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 31 |
James | Rev Canon W J | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 82 |
James | Thomas | Across the Smoky | 88 |
Jameson | Karl | Buffalo Trails | 110 |
Jamieson | Engineer | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 131 |
Jamieson | Jim | Burnt Embers | 160 |
Jamison | Sid | The Big Bend | 210 |
Janek | John | Where the Red Willow Grew | 528 |
Janlz | Sam and Mable - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 513 |
Jansen | Leonard family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 113 |
Jansen | Thor | Buffalo Trails | 210 |
Janski | J | Across the Smoky | 170 |
Janssen | Friedrich | Burnt Embers | 388 |
Janssen | William | Burnt Embers | 388, 504 |
Jantz | Alvin and Barbara | Iosegun Reflections | 319 |
Jantz | John | Bridges to the Past | 178 |
Jantz | Katherlne | Bridges to the Past | 178 |
Jantz | Leonard and Katherine | Bridges to the Past | 179 |
Jantz | Mary �Some of my Memories" | Bridges to the Past | 46 |
Jantz | More Stories | Bridges to the Past | 181 |
Jantz | Peter | Across the Smoky | 255 |
Jantz | Peter and Katharina | Bridges to the Past | 181 |
Jantz | Sam and Viable | Bridges to the Past | 181 |
Jantz | Simon | Bridges to the Past | 182 |
Jantz/Dieinert Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 516 | |
Janz | Abe | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 65 |
Janz | Abe Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 72 |
Janz | Anna | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 225 |
Janz | Tina | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 240 |
Janzen | Aaron Sr, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 210 |
Janzen | Aron | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 34, 278 |
Janzen | Aron family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 289-290 |
Janzen | Cornelius | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Janzen | Frank | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Janzen | Henry | Grooming the Grizzly | 353 |
Janzen | Jake | Pioneer Round-Up | 124a |
Janzen | Jake Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 291 |
Jaque | Donald | Pioneers of the Peace | 64 |
Jaque | Harold | Pioneers of the Peace | 64 |
Jaque | Homer | Pioneers of the Peace | 64, 72, 128 |
Jaque | Homer | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 190 |
Jaque | Norman | Pioneers of the Peace | 91 |
Jaque | Pauline E | Pioneers of the Peace | 64 |
Jaque Family | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 457 | |
Jardi | Family | Pioneer Round-Up | 581 |
Jardie Family | Homesteaders' Heritage | 62 | |
Jardin | W | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Jardine | Bill | Pioneers of the Peace | 148, 244 |
Jardine | Mr | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 102 |
Jarvis | A M | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 53 |
Jarvis | A M Insp RNWMP | Pioneers of the Peace | 400, 401,404 |
Jarvis | Edith and Ralph | Chepi Sepe | 524 |
Jarvis | George | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 212 |
Jarvis | Harold | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 118 |
Jarvis | J W Story | Chepi Sepe | 525 |
Jarvis | Pearl and John | Chepi Sepe | 526 |
Jarvis Lake | A History of Grande Cache | 15 | |
Jaschinski | Wilf | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 304 |
Jaschinski | William and Charlotte | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 303 |
Jaschke | Ron and Loretta | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 47, 304 |
Jaskiw | Benny and Sonja | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 192 |
Jaskiw | Johnny Michael | Burnt Embers | 306 |
Jaskiw | Mike and Pearl | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 191 |
Jasper | A History of Grande Cache | 14, 19 | |
Jasper Exodus | A History of Grande Cache | 14, 19, 29, 65 | |
Jasper National Park | A History of Grande Cache | 14 | |
Jassman | Jim | Memories and Moments | 193 |
Jassman | June and Robert | Chepi Sepe | 527 |
Jassman | Yvonne and family | Chepi Sepe | 527 |
Jaster | Robert | Where the Red Willow Grew | 126 |
Jazzard | Frank, Harry, Sidney | Buffalo Trails | 28 |
Jeanneault | Eugene | Grande Cache: The People | 116 |
Jeannotte | Daryl | Homesteaders' Heritage | 74 |
Jeannotte | Rene | Homesteaders' Heritage | 239 |
Jebb | Alice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 37, 106, 165 |
Jebb | Colin | Pioneers of the Peace | 178 |
Jebb | Colin | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Jebb | Edgar | Pioneers of the Peace | 177, 178 |
Jebb | Edgar | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 165, 166 |
Jebb | Edgar and Freda | Along the Wapiti | 96 |
Jebb | Elsie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Jebb | Freda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166, 170, 171, 256 |
Jebb | G W | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 44 |
Jebb | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 5, 6, 141, 142, 177, 408 |
Jebb | George and Alice | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 112 |
Jebb | George W | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 19, 63, 106, 138, 165 |
Jebb | George Wolloscroft | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 149 |
Jebb | Harry | Pioneers of the Peace | 177, 178 |
Jebb | Harry | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 165, 166 |
Jebb | Violet | Pioneers of the Peace | 178 |
Jebb | Violet | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Jebbs | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 137 | |
Jeck | Leonard | A History of Grande Cache | 43 |
Jefcoat | Ben | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 213 |
Jeffery | Florence and Len | Chepi Sepe | 528 |
Jeffery | Len | The Big Bend | 67 |
Jeffery | Ron and Millie | Grande Cache: The People | 117 |
Jeffoway | Charles | Pioneers of the Peace | 71 |
Jeffrey | Ada | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Jeffrey | Alice Matilda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Jeffrey | Berneice | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Jeffrey | Burton | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Jeffrey | Evelyne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Jeffrey | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Jeffrey | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Jeffrey | Noah Roland | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Jeffrey | Norman | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Jeffrey | Thelma | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | |
Jeffrey | Thressa | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Jeffries Evelyne | Pioneers of the Peace | 106 | |
Jeffs | Ronald | Smoky Peace Triangle | 253 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | Grooming the Grizzly | 45-6 | |
Jehovah's Witnesses | Grooming the Grizzly | 45-6, 246 | |
Jehovah's Witnesses | Grooming the Grizzly | 245 | |
Jenkins | Gerald and Yvonne | Grande Cache: The People | 118 |
Jenner | Harry | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 113 |
Jenner | Harry | Pioneer Round-Up | 236 |
Jennings | Jack | Grooming the Grizzly | 353 |
Jensen | Anton | Pioneer Round-Up | 582 |
Jensen | Carl and Olive | Smoky Peace Triangle | 254 |
Jensen | Clara Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 299 |
Jensen | Corny | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Jensen | Didrik Nicoli | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 432 |
Jensen | Einar | Homesteaders' Heritage | 240 |
Jensen | Erik | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 206 |
Jensen | George | Pioneer Round-Up | 582 |
Jensen | Grethe and Peter | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 116, 305-307 |
Jensen | Jens | Homesteaders' Heritage | 63 |
Jensen | Jeppe | Burnt Embers | 221 |
Jensen | Jippy | Memories and Moments | 253 |
Jensen | Joe and Ollie | Along the Wapiti | 257, 406 |
Jensen | Mack and May | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1002 |
Jensen | Niels | Memories and Moments | 253 |
Jensen | Peter | Grooming the Grizzly | 354 |
Jensen | Walter | Pioneer Round-Up | 583 |
Jensen Story | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 482 | |
Jenson | Ada | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 260 |
Jenson | Brian and Darlene | Grande Cache: The People | 118 |
Jenson | George, Orville | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 197 |
Jentink | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 184 |
Jentink | John, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 98 |
Jerchel | Borodin | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 145 |
Jeremiason | Iver | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 62, 73, 110 |
Jeremiason | Ivor | Pioneers of the Peace | 54, 132 |
Jerimiason | Ivor | Buffalo Trails | 224 |
Jerlmaison | Iver | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 147 |
Jespersen | Elmer and Shirley | Iosegun Reflections | 321 |
Jespersen | Kim and Debie | Iosegun Reflections | 322 |
Jeving | Inez | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 57 |
Jevning | Clifford | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 142 |
Jevning | Ella | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 103 |
Jevning | John | Buffalo Trails | 6 |
Jevning | Luduig | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 39 |
Jevning | Ludwig | Buffalo Trails | 5 |
Jevning | Milton | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 39, 44 |
Jevning | Obert | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 103 |
Jewitt | Howard | Along the Wapiti | 257 |
Jewitt | Lloyd | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 119 |
Jickling | Don and Judy | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 614 |
Jillis | William | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 86,124,243 |
Joachim | Henry and Alice (Granny) | Grande Cache: The People | 118 |
Joachim | Adam | A History of Grande Cache | 14, 17, 19, 29, 42, 87 |
Joachim | Alexis | A History of Grande Cache | 19 |
Joachim | Alice | A History of Grande Cache | 20 |
Joachim | Dave and Adeline | Along the Wapiti | 13 |
Joachim | Flora | A History of Grande Cache | 17 |
Joachim | Henry | A History of Grande Cache | 20, 31, 46 |
Joachim | Kelly | A History of Grande Cache | 34, 36 |
Joachim | Martin | A History of Grande Cache | 20 |
Joachim | Mary | A History of Grande Cache | 18 |
Joachim Enterprises | A History of Grande Cache | 30, 36 | |
Joachim Family | A History of Grande Cache | 15, 19 | |
Joachim Tonatanhan | A History of Grande Cache | 19 | |
Jobe | Mary | A History of Grande Cache | 42 |
Joberty | Maurice and Antoinette | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 531 |
Jobson | Bob | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 167 |
Jobson | Dianne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 167 |
Jobson | Earl and Martha (Jantz) | Bridges to the Past | 182 |
Jobson | Floyd | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 167 |
Jobson | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 167 |
Jobson | Jennie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 167 |
Jobson | Julian | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 225 |
Jobson | Julian and Mildred | Bridges to the Past | 111 |
Jobson | Kathleen | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 167 |
Jobson | Leanne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 167 |
Jobson | Lester and Hazel | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 137 |
Jobson | Lloyd | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166, 167 |
Jobson | Lloyd Jr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 167 |
Jobson | Lloyd Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 327 |
Jobson | Margarette | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 166 |
Jobson | Marion | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 167 |
Jobson | Martha - Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 513 |
Jobson | Yvonne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 167 |
Jobson/Perkins Sawmill | Bridges to the Past | 510 | |
Joensen | Jacob | Bridges to the Past | 2 |
Joenson | Jack | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 45 |
Johansen | Hans and Agnes | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 192 |
Johanson | A K | Pioneer Round-Up | 583 |
John | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 58 |
Johngarrd | Ken | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 245 |
Johngarrd | Louise | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 245 |
Johns | George | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 825 |
Johnson | "Rutabaga" O H | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 76, 113 |
Johnson | A | Pioneers of the Peace | 54 |
Johnson | A M | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 122 |
Johnson | Adeline | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 57 |
Johnson | Adeline | Pioneers of the Peace | 321 |
Johnson | Allan | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 46 |
Johnson | Alma | Pioneers of the Peace | 244, 332 |
Johnson | Amanda | Pioneers of the Peace | 244 |
Johnson | Ann | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 180 |
Johnson | Anna | Pioneers of the Peace | 43, 49, 52, 69, 277 |
Johnson | Anna | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 102 |
Johnson | Anna V | Where the Red Willow Grew | 128 |
Johnson | Annie | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 32, 57, 93 |
Johnson | Arnold | Homesteaders' Heritage | 161, 167, 240 |
Johnson | Arnold | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 213 |
Johnson | Arnold | From Survey to Today | 7 |
Johnson | Arnold | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 113 |
Johnson | Arnold H | Pioneers of the Peace | 6, 49, 61 |
Johnson | Arthur | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 147 |
Johnson | Arthur | Pioneers of the Peace | 178 |
Johnson | August | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 205 |
Johnson | August | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 193 |
Johnson | August family memories | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 207 |
Johnson | Axel | Pioneer Round-Up | 583 |
Johnson | Bemice | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 94 |
Johnson | Billie and Wally | Chepi Sepe | 529 |
Johnson | Billy | Pioneers of the Peace | 128, 149 |
Johnson | Billy | Pioneers of the Peace | 39 |
Johnson | Borghild | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 32 |
Johnson | Boyd and Pauline | Along the Wapiti | 365 |
Johnson | C V | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 85 |
Johnson | Carl | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 37 |
Johnson | Carl | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 113 |
Johnson | Carl | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 254 |
Johnson | Carl Emanuel | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 38 |
Johnson | Chris | Buffalo Trails | 95 |
Johnson | Clarence and Jo | Along the Wapiti | 366 |
Johnson | Clarice | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 57 |
Johnson | Curtis and Jean | Pioneer Round-Up | 583 |
Johnson | Donald | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 44, 55, 56, 58, 69, 142 |
Johnson | Doris | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 250 |
Johnson | Doss | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 175 |
Johnson | Ed | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 276 |
Johnson | Edward and Helen | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 194 |
Johnson | Edwin | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 96 |
Johnson | Elaine | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 121 |
Johnson | Eleanor | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 246 |
Johnson | Elmer | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Johnson | Elmer, Vera, Family | Buffalo Trails | 109 |
Johnson | Elouise | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 246 |
Johnson | Elsie | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 204 |
Johnson | Erik | Where the Red Willow Grew | 128 |
Johnson | Eslher | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 65 |
Johnson | F W | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 1,29 |
Johnson | Fred | Smoky Peace Triangle | 255 |
Johnson | Fred | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 214 |
Johnson | G J | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 134 |
Johnson | G R | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 37 |
Johnson | G R | The Northfield Settlement | 68 |
Johnson | G R | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 14, 28, 47, 50, 55, 56, 93, 121, 153 |
Johnson | G R Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 113 |
Johnson | G Rudolph | Pioneers of the Peace | 320 |
Johnson | Gary and Hazel | Grande Cache: The People | 119 |
Johnson | George | Buffalo Trails | 109 |
Johnson | George and Kitty | Pioneer Round-Up | 237 |
Johnson | Gerald | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 52 |
Johnson | Gertrude | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 93 |
Johnson | Gladys | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 57 |
Johnson | Gordon | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 46 |
Johnson | Gordon Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 245 |
Johnson | Gunner Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 291 |
Johnson | Gust (foreman) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 74, 214, 237 |
Johnson | H | Pioneers of the Peace | 54 |
Johnson | H | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 118 |
Johnson | Hans | The Big Horn School District | section histories |
Johnson | Hans | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 92 |
Johnson | Hans, Kari, Family | Buffalo Trails | 240 |
Johnson | Harold | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 1,3, 55, 56, 203,238,246 |
Johnson | Harold M | The Northfield Settlement | 28 |
Johnson | Harold M | Pioneers of the Peace | 320 |
Johnson | Harry and Ann | Along the Wapiti | 43 |
Johnson | Harry and Rosa | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 195 |
Johnson | Harry B | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 195 |
Johnson | Harry Frederick | Chepi Sepe | 532 |
Johnson | Hazel | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 57 |
Johnson | Hedley | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 215 |
Johnson | Hedley | Pioneers of the Peace | 140, 178, 179 |
Johnson | Hedley | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 70 |
Johnson | Hilda | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 67, 93 |
Johnson | Hilda | Pioneers of the Peace | 242, 243, 244 |
Johnson | Hilmar A | Pioneers of the Peace | 5, 244, 320, 321, 333 |
Johnson | Hilmer | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 44, 55, 56, 93, 238 |
Johnson | Hilmer A | The Northfield Settlement | 45 |
Johnson | Hilmer Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 115 |
Johnson | Homer | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 59 |
Johnson | Hulda | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 57, 93 |
Johnson | I A | Pioneers of the Peace | 282 |
Johnson | Irene | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 46 |
Johnson | Irene | Pioneers of the Peace | 178 |
Johnson | Ivan | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 56 |
Johnson | J J | Across the Smoky | 47 |
Johnson | Jack and Anne | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 201 |
Johnson | James | Where the Red Willow Grew | 129 |
Johnson | James C | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 196 |
Johnson | James Christian | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 165 |
Johnson | Jim and Lee | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 200 |
Johnson | John | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 214 |
Johnson | John | Pioneers of the Peace | 242, 244 |
Johnson | John | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 53 |
Johnson | John | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 100 |
Johnson | John (Jack) | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 113 |
Johnson | John A | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 11, 44, 57, 84, 113, 131, 238 |
Johnson | John A | The Northfield Settlement | 43 |
Johnson | John A | Pioneers of the Peace | 240, 283 |
Johnson | John G | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 113 |
Johnson | John G | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 55, 56, 93, 229 |
Johnson | John G Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 245 |
Johnson | John George | The Northfield Settlement | 50 |
Johnson | John O | Pioneers of the Peace | 239, 240, 257 |
Johnson | John Oliver | Pioneers of the Peace | 6, 43, 49-53, 61,69,281 |
Johnson | John Oliver | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 20 |
Johnson | Johnny | Pioneer Round-Up | 584 |
Johnson | Jorgen | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 113 |
Johnson | Jorgen | Pioneer Round-Up | 13 |
Johnson | Jorgen and Olina | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 421 |
Johnson | Joseph and Gwen | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 201 |
Johnson | Kate | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 50, 57, 93, 230 |
Johnson | Larry | Pioneers of the Peace | 321 |
Johnson | Lars | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 32, 38, 76, 110, 124, 148,201,253 |
Johnson | Lars | Pioneers of the Peace | 240-244, 283, 320, 332 |
Johnson | Lars | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 176 |
Johnson | Lars Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 187 |
Johnson | Lars, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 18 |
Johnson | Laura | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 229 |
Johnson | Laura | Pioneers of the Peace | 178, 244 |
Johnson | Leonard | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 55, 195 |
Johnson | Leonard and Ruth | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 458 |
Johnson | Les and Myrile | Homesteaders' Heritage | 153, 155, 242 |
Johnson | Les and Myrtle | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 459 |
Johnson | Lester and Ella | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 911 |
Johnson | Lorne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 246 |
Johnson | Lyman | Pioneers of the Peace | 219 |
Johnson | Marie | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 32, 51 |
Johnson | Marie Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 116 |
Johnson | Marvin | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 55, 94 |
Johnson | Marvin | Pioneers of the Peace | 321 |
Johnson | Merle and Debra | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 460 |
Johnson | Mina R | Pioneers of the Peace | 60 |
Johnson | Minnie | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 93, 57 |
Johnson | Mr | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 190 |
Johnson | Mrs A | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 100 |
Johnson | Mrs H A (Inga) | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 32 |
Johnson | Mrs John A (Marie) | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 98, 242 |
Johnson | Mrs Lars | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 32 |
Johnson | Mrs William | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 254 |
Johnson | Murdoch Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 17 |
Johnson | Murdoch Rev | Pioneers of the Peace | 17, 94 |
Johnson | Muriel | Pioneers of the Peace | 49 |
Johnson | Nancy | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 41 |
Johnson | Nels | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 165,179 |
Johnson | Nels and Charlotte | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 615 |
Johnson | Nils | Where the Red Willow Grew | 129 |
Johnson | O A and Anne | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 204 |
Johnson | O B | Homesteaders' Heritage | 9 |
Johnson | O H (Rutabaga) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 52,94, 121,243 |
Johnson | O H Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 32, 49 |
Johnson | Olaf | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 46, 55, 56, 93, 229 |
Johnson | Olaf | Pioneers of the Peace | 242, 283, 321 |
Johnson | Olaf Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 117 |
Johnson | Olaf, Annie, Family | Buffalo Trails | 14 |
Johnson | Ole | Memories and Moments | 103 |
Johnson | Ole | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 59 |
Johnson | Olive | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 57 |
Johnson | Olive | Pioneers of the Peace | 321 |
Johnson | Oliver | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 123 |
Johnson | Oliver | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 215 |
Johnson | Oliver and Marie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 421 |
Johnson | Oliver H "Rutabaga" | Pioneers of the Peace | 31, 32,34, 39, 49, 60, 82, 85, 234, 277, 281 |
Johnson | Ollna | Pioneers of the Peace | 163 |
Johnson | Oscar | Pioneer Round-Up | 585 |
Johnson | Paul | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 23 |
Johnson | Pauline | Pioneers of the Peace | 43, 49, 52, 69 |
Johnson | Peder | Homesteaders' Heritage | 63 |
Johnson | Percy | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 218 |
Johnson | Percy | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 14 |
Johnson | Percy C | Pioneers of the Peace | 49 |
Johnson | Pheobe | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 202 |
Johnson | R | Pioneers of the Peace | 168 |
Johnson | Ralph | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 33, 76 |
Johnson | Ralph | Pioneers of the Peace | 242-244 |
Johnson | Ramona | Where the Red Willow Grew | 131 |
Johnson | Reuben | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 11 |
Johnson | Reuben Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 248 |
Johnson | Rev Beverly | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 6 |
Johnson | Reverend | A History of Grande Cache | 89 |
Johnson | Richard | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 29, 44, 46, 55, 56, 57, 76, 208 |
Johnson | Richard | Pioneers of the Peace | 242-244 |
Johnson | Richard | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 193 |
Johnson | Richard | Grooming the Grizzly | 355 |
Johnson | Richard Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 118 |
Johnson | Roy and Betty | Grande Cache: The People | 119 |
Johnson | Ruben | The Northfield Settlement | 43 |
Johnson | Ruth | Pioneers of the Peace | 43, 49, 52, 69, 277 |
Johnson | Ryan and Missy | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 307 |
Johnson | Selmar M | Pioneers of the Peace | 240,242-244,283,333 |
Johnson | Selmer | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 11, 40, 229 |
Johnson | Soren | Pioneers of the Peace | 152 |
Johnson | Soren and Marie | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 34, 113 |
Johnson | Soren and Marie Louise | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 204 |
Johnson | Stanton and Becky | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 461 |
Johnson | Susan | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11 |
Johnson | Terry | Where the Red Willow Grew | 131 |
Johnson | Tobias | Where the Red Willow Grew | 133 |
Johnson | Tom | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 215 |
Johnson | Tony | Homesteaders' Heritage | 152 |
Johnson | Verne | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 218 |
Johnson | W | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 44 |
Johnson | W G | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 176 |
Johnson | W G | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Johnson | W J | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 122 |
Johnson | Wally | Memories and Moments | 254 |
Johnson | Walter and Ann | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 205 |
Johnson | Wilf | Homesteaders' Heritage | 151, 242 |
Johnson | Wilf and Irene | Grande Cache: The People | 120 |
Johnson | Wilfred | Pioneers of the Peace | 178 |
Johnson | William | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 11, 219, 254 |
Johnson | William | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101 |
Johnson | William Family | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 292 |
Johnson | Wilson and Phyllis | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 288 |
Johnson | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 8 | |
Johnson and Boyd | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 14 | |
Johnson and Trach | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 71 | |
Johnson Bros | Andrew, Einar and Ovard | Homesteaders' Heritage | 242 |
Johnson-Talbot | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 203 | |
Johnston | "Deep Creek" | Pioneers of the Peace | 292 |
Johnston | A and Sons | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 116 |
Johnston | Aaron | Memories and Moments | 102 |
Johnston | Alexander J | Buffalo Trails | 100 |
Johnston | Arthur Noble | Grooming the Grizzly | 357 |
Johnston | C R | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 116 |
Johnston | C W | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 21,41,79 |
Johnston | C W Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 195 |
Johnston | Carl | Across the Smoky | 246 |
Johnston | Cecil | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 93 |
Johnston | Cecil W | Pioneers of the Peace | 136, 138, 198, 221 |
Johnston | Charles | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 113 |
Johnston | Charlie | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 18 |
Johnston | Clarence | Pioneers of the Peace | 86 |
Johnston | Dave | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 18 |
Johnston | David Alexander | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 61, 113 |
Johnston | Ed and Sue | Homesteaders' Heritage | 346, 349, 371 |
Johnston | Elliot (Red) | Buffalo Trails | 167 |
Johnston | Frank | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 193 |
Johnston | Frank A "Lacombe" | Pioneers of the Peace | 18, 83-85, 112, 145 |
Johnston | Frank and Anna | Along the Wapiti | 97 |
Johnston | George | Pioneers of the Peace | 100 |
Johnston | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 193 |
Johnston | George and Annie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 422 |
Johnston | Golda | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 193 |
Johnston | H Hugh | Pioneers of the Peace | 179 |
Johnston | H Norman | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 113 |
Johnston | Harold | Pioneers of the Peace | 86, 297 |
Johnston | Helen and Ernie | Chepi Sepe | 535 |
Johnston | J A | Along the Wapiti | 407 |
Johnston | Jim | Pioneers of the Peace | 86 |
Johnston | Joseph and Janet | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 532 |
Johnston | Keith | Homesteaders' Heritage | 372 |
Johnston | Ken | Pioneers of the Peace | 86 |
Johnston | Lena | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 193 |
Johnston | Malcolm | Chepi Sepe | 537 |
Johnston | Marguerite, Ronald (Bailey) | Buffalo Trails | 96 |
Johnston | Marvin | Pioneers of the Peace | 86 |
Johnston | Mary (Rosko) | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 400 |
Johnston | Mrs Frank | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 193 |
Johnston | Nina | Pioneers of the Peace | 100 |
Johnston | Nina | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 193 |
Johnston | R J Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 164 |
Johnston | R O Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 86, 131 |
Johnston | Ralph | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 113 |
Johnston | Ralph | Pioneers of the Peace | 84, 98 |
Johnston | Ralph | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 193 |
Johnston | Ralph Otis | Pioneers of the Peace | 85, 86 |
Johnston | Ray | Pioneers of the Peace | 98 |
Johnston | Ray | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 193 |
Johnston | Rena | Pioneers of the Peace | 100 |
Johnston | Rev G B | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 85 |
Johnston | Rev George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 9 |
Johnston | Rev Merdock | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 72 |
Johnston | Terry | Homesteaders' Heritage | 373 |
Johnston | W G | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 41 |
Johnston | William Earl | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 114 |
Johnston | Willis | Centennial Celebration Edson Trail | 114 |
Johnston Family | Lloyd | Iosegun Reflections | 322 |
Johnston Lulu Golda | Pioneers of the Peace | 98-102 | |
Johnstone | Bob | Pioneers of the Peace | 296 |
Johnstone | Bob and Kate | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 825 |
Johnstone | Dale | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 618 |
Johnstone | Daughters of George | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 423 |
Johnstone | Dr. Emma M. | Grooming the Grizzly | 109 |
Johnstone | Lizzie B | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 25 |
Johnstone | R J Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 151 |
Johnstone | Rusty | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 270 |
Johnstone | Sons of George | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 424 |
Johnstone | Steve | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 270 |
Johrrson | Elmer Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 262 |
Jolley | Julius | Memories and Moments | 256 |
Jolley Family | Chepi Sepe | 537 | |
Jolly | Richard Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 139 |
Joly Family | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 464 | |
Jonason | A | Pioneer Round-Up | 584 |
Jones | Len | Grande Cache: The People | 121 |
Jones | Rhys, Mrs, Family | Buffalo Trails | 72 |
Jones | Arthur and Lillian | Bridges to the Past | 47 |
Jones | Bill | Memories and Moments | 256 |
Jones | Bill | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 289 |
Jones | Bud | A History of Grande Cache | 80 |
Jones | Casey and Crystal | Iosegun Reflections | 323 |
Jones | Crystal and Casey | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 70, 307-309 |
Jones | Darrel and Linda | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 465 |
Jones | Dickey and Owen Gulshan 237 | Pioneer Round-Up | 237 |
Jones | Dicky | Pioneer Round-Up | 237 |
Jones | Gordon and Lillian | Homesteaders' Heritage | 153, 373 |
Jones | H B | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 40 |
Jones | Harold (Toby) | Homesteaders' Heritage | 373 |
Jones | Harry and Connie (Sullivan) | From Tears to Triumph | 52 |
Jones | J | A History of Grande Cache | 69 |
Jones | John Henry | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1004 |
Jones | Laverne | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 409 |
Jones | Leonard | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 410 |
Jones | Lewis | Beaverlodge to the Rockies Supplement | 196 |
Jones | Mark | Pioneer Round-Up | 395 |
Jones | Mr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 13, 14 |
Jones | Mrs P | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 118 |
Jones | Rev T D | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 82,83 |
Jones | Rhys | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 42 |
Jones | Richard | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 149 |
Jones | Robert | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 11 |
Jones | Stuart | Grooming the Grizzly | 359 |
Jones | Trevor | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 121 |
Jones (and Francey) | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 49 | |
Jopko | Terry and Patricia | Bridges to the Past | 112 |
Jordan | Alice | Burnt Embers | 506 |
Jordan | Archbishop | A History of Grande Cache | 88 |
Jordan | Don | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 388 |
Jordan | Doris | Burnt Embers | 204 |
Jordan | Gerald | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 521 |
Jordan | Herbert | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 389 |
Jordan | Hugh | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 289 |
Jordan | Miss Carol | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 37 |
Jordan | Robert and Myrtle | Burnt Embers | 120, 160, 436 |
Jordan | T C | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 101,121 |
Jordison | Earl and Terry | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 208 |
Jordison | Terry and Earl | Chepi Sepe | 538 |
Jordon | Henry | Smoky Peace Triangle | 256 |
Jordon | Mrs Violet | Across the Smoky | 47, 49 |
Jordon | Thomas | Along the Wapiti | 407 |
Jordon | Walter and Martha | Along the Wapiti | 366 |
Jorgensen | Hans and Grete | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 153 |
Jorgensen | Sean and Carole | Smoke Signals, Gumboots & Muddy Trails | 309 |
Jorgensen | Sigrid and Alf | From Tears to Triumph | 246 |
Jorgensen | Svend and Vina | Iosegun Reflections | 324 |
Jorgensen | Svend and Vina | Where the Red Willow Grew | 135 |
Jorry | Hill and Cleora | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 910 |
Josephison | Wally and MaryAnn | Iosegun Reflections | 325 |
Josse | A J M Rev Fr | Pioneers of the Peace | 10, 86-88, 162 |
Josse | Father | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 4 |
Josse | Rev Fr J M | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 24, 31,41,71, 74, 78,79,81,127 |
Journey to Spirit River Settlement 1912 | Chepi Sepe | 31 | |
Jousard | Bishop | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 81 |
Joy | Bob | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 250 |
Judkin | Pioneer Round-Up | 586 | |
Judson | A R | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 33, 85 |
Judson | A R | Pioneers of the Peace | 130 |
Judt | William | Burnt Embers | 69 |
Judy Brown's School of Dance | Chepi Sepe | 209 | |
Juell | Clarence | Homesteaders' Heritage | 412,414,420 |
Juell | Ralph | Homesteaders' Heritage | 412,422 |
Jumbled Memories of Bonanza 4-H | Homesteaders' Heritage | 162 | |
Juneau | Henry and Mae | Pioneer Round-Up | 133a |
Juneau | Pioneer Round-Up | 237 | |
Junior College Library Receives Boost | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 256 | |
Junior Forest Wardens | Silver Valley | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 45 |
Junior Forest Wardens | The Big Bend | 238 | |
Junior Forest Wardens | Grooming the Grizzly | 143 | |
Junior Forest Wardens; Girl Forest Guards | Fourth Creek | Tales, Trails and Gumbo | 43 |
Junior Soccer | From Tears to Triumph | 365 | |
Jury | Lynda and John | Grande Cache: The People | 122 |
Just Us Club (Of the Glen Leslie District) | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 461 | |
Juuti | Ralph and Linda | Iosegun Reflections | 326 |
Juzwishin | Vicky and John | Chepi Sepe | 541 |
Juzwshin | Mary and Anthony | Chepi Sepe | 538 |
"K" RCMP Division | Pioneers of the Peace | 414 | |
Kabinuk | Alex, Helen, Family | Buffalo Trails | 154 |
Kachaluba | Nick | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 490 |
Kachmar | Mavis and Eugene | Chepi Sepe | 542 |
Kaczkielo | Julian and Martha | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 105 |
Kadey | Ab and Wesley | Across the Smoky | 238, 54, 180 |
Kadot Resort Association | Grooming the Grizzly | 159-61 | |
Kaethled | Abram | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Kaethler | George | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Kaethler | William | The Big Horn School District | First Mennonite Settlers |
Kaethler | William | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 90, 289 |
Kaftan | Mike | Homesteaders' Heritage | 64 |
Kaftan | Walter | Homesteaders' Heritage | 65,150 |
Kaihler | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 245 |
Kaita | Fred and Carol | Grande Cache: The People | 122 |
Kakut Story | Grooming the Grizzly | 159 | |
Kakwa Valley | A History of Grande Cache | 20, 29, 31 | |
Kalahash | Marie | A History of Grande Cache | 19 |
Kalhler | Margaret | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 245 |
Kallar | Petrine | Pioneers of the Peace | 313 |
Kalutich | John and Ann | Where the Red Willow Grew | 529 |
Kaminski | Adam | Iosegun Reflections | 327 |
Kaminski | Paul and Jean | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 424 |
Kamisak (Grande Cache Lake Enterprises) | A History of Grande Cache | 30, 36 | |
Kanda | John (Jr and Sr) | Homesteaders' Heritage | 65 |
Kanda | Nick | Homesteaders' Heritage | 66 |
Kanda | Raymond | Homesteaders' Heritage | 68 |
Kanda | Robert William (Bill) | Homesteaders' Heritage | 68 |
Kandt | John | Grooming the Grizzly | 359 |
Kandt | Leo | Grooming the Grizzly | 362 |
Kane | Pioneers of the Peace | 123 | |
Kane | Bill | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 255 |
Kapalka | Clara | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Kapalka | Johan | Pioneers of the Peace | 210 |
Kapalka | Johan and Annie | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 108 |
Kaplan | Mary and Jim | Chepi Sepe | 543 |
Kapp | France P | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 249 |
Kappo | Dave and Mary | Iosegun Reflections | 329 |
Kappo | Dave and Mary | Iosegun Reflections | 329 |
Kaprawy | Steve | Iosegun Reflections | 330 |
Kapur | Subhash and Usha | Grande Cache: The People | 123 |
Kapur | Subhash | A History of Grande Cache | 77 |
Karakonte (Carconte, Caraconte, Karakuntie) | A History of Grande Cache | 15, 20, 31 | |
Karakuntie | Eric | A History of Grande Cache | 20 |
Karakuntie | Joe | A History of Grande Cache | 21, 30 |
Karakwanie | Ignace (Carconte) | A History of Grande Cache | 14, 20 |
Karbiner | Karl | Burnt Embers | 162 |
Karbowski | Joe | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 1098 |
Karhiio | Louis (Calliou) | A History of Grande Cache | 14 |
Kariga | Staphania and Pete | Chepi Sepe | 543 |
Karlson | Hugo (Poppa) | Where the Red Willow Grew | 137 |
Karpiseck | Pioneer Round-Up | 587 | |
Karpisek | Ben | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Karpisek | Gladys | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Karpisek | Lyle | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Karpisek | Tracey | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 119 |
Karpol | Sam and Nellie | Wheatfields and Wildflowers | 402 |
Karquienthe | Louis | A History of Grande Cache | 20 |
Karr | Alex | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 411 |
Karychek | Rev Fr R | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 89 |
Karyinter | Dominick | A History of Grande Cache | 20 |
Kasperson | John and Rhoda | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 425 |
Kasprow | Mr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 146 |
Kasprow | Stanley and Sophia | Along the Wapiti | 101 |
Kastner Family | Along the Wapiti | 367 | |
Kater | Robert and Annie | Along the Wapiti | 158 |
Kathan | Judy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 243 |
Kathler | Abraham | LaGlace: Yesterday and Today | 220, 222, 277 |
Kathler | Cheryl | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 245 |
Kathler | Darril | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 245 |
Kathler | Doug | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 245 |
Kathler | Dwayne | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 245 |
Kathler | George | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 245 |
Kathler | George Sr | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 243 |
Kathler | Tina | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 245 |
Kathryn Prittie Hospital | Pioneers of the Peace | 15,49,132,147, 154, 238, 294 | |
Katis | Marie | A History of Grande Cache | 20 |
Kaufman | Leonard | Along the Wapiti | 20 |
Kauppie | Matt | Beaverlodge to the Rockies | 317 |
Kaushakis | John | Homesteaders' Heritage | 69 |
Kaushakis | Pete | Homesteaders' Heritage | 160, 242 |
Kay | John | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 211 |
Kaye | Joyce | A History of Grande Cache | 75 |
Kaytor | Mary | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 210 |
Kazakawich | Verna and Walter | Chepi Sepe | 544 |
Kazakoff | Jean Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 169 |
Kearse | Bob | A History of Grande Cache | 76, 77 |
Kearse | Bob and Gina | Grande Cache: The People | 124 |
Keay | Family | The Big Bend | 68 |
Keay | Margaret and D H (Steve) | Chepi Sepe | 544 |
Kebalo | John | Pioneers of the Peace | 327, 328 |
Kebalo | Johnny | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 169 |
Kebalo | Pete and Alberta | Wagon Trails Grown Over | 912 |
Kebalo | Peter | Smoky River to Grande Prairie | 166 |
Keddie | Family | The Big Bend | 130 |
Keddie | Merl and Jean | Burnt Embers | 163 |
Keebler | Family | The Big Bend | 70 |
Keebler | Jean and Herbert C Sr | Chepi Sepe | 549 |
Keebler | Milly and Harry | Chepi Sepe | 549 |
Keebler | Olga and Herbert C | Chepi Sepe | 550 |
Keeling | Fred and Mathilda | Homesteaders' Heritage | 69 |
Keelo | Paddy | Pioneers of the Peace | 230 |
Keene | Goldie and Orlo | Chepi Sepe | 550 |
Keeping | Minter | Pioneer Round-Up | 39 |
Keevill | Ron and Margaret | Iosegun Reflections | 331 |
Kehoe | Paddy | Pioneers of the Peace | 297 |
Keillar | Robert and Kate | Where the Red Willow Grew | 138 |
Keiller's | Edson to Grande Prairie Trail | 225 | |
Keilor | W | Grande Prairie Capitol of the Peace | 57,58 |
Keith | Dorothy | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 244 |
Keith | Dorothy and Bill, Bessie and George | Chepi Sepe | 552 |
Keith | E H | Pioneers of the Peace | 157, 233 |
Keith | E H | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 222 |
Keith | E H Mrs | Pioneers of the Peace | 148 |
Keith | Elizabeth | Lake Saskatoon Reflections | 109, 254 |
Keith | Emery Harry | The Big Horn School District | section |