Milk Delivery 1915 Style

Isabel Campbell standing in a field with a cow and her calf, ca. 1920
Isabel Campbell standing in a field with a cow and her calf, ca. 1920

Milk delivery in town ended many years ago, but way back in 1915 there was a type of milk delivery service offered by John Squires of the Empire Hotel.  For a long time, milk delivery to homes was the norm.  I remember when the milkman used to come around in an open wagon with a team of horses.  Later on, vans were used.  The “milk delivery” in the ad involved having your cows taken out of town to good pasture and returned twice a day for milking – somewhat less sophisticated than later forms of milk delivery!

Researched & written by Kathryn Auger

Frontier Signal ~ May 27, 1915
Frontier Signal ~ May 27, 1915


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