October 6, 2020

Thank you to all members of the South Peace Regional Archives who participated in the Archives’ 2020 Annual General Meeting and cast their votes, either by zoom or by ballot. In total, 32 members voted; 20 members via zoom and 12 members via ballot. The following are the results of all votes carried out during the AGM.


QUORUM: 23 members required (20% of 114 members). Quorum achieved.

MOTION: To adopt the agenda, as presented.
Moved by Gail Prette; Seconded by Grace Wideman. Carried.

MOTION: To accept the minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting, as presented.
Moved by Gail Prette; Seconded by Eleanor Dalen Whitling. Carried.

MOTION: To accept the President’s report, as presented.
Moved by Jan Shields; Seconded by Shawn Acton. Carried.

MOTION: To accept the Executive Director’s report, as presented.
Moved by Jan Shields; Seconded by Gail Prette. Carried.

MOTION: To accept the Treasurer’s report, as presented.
Moved by Gail Prette; Seconded by Jan Shields. Carried.

MOTION: To accept the 2019 Financial Statements of the South Peace Regional Archives, as presented.
Moved by Gail Prette; Seconded by Shawn Acton. Carried.

MOTION: To appoint Irene Nicolson and Irene Gitzel as volunteer auditors of the South Peace Regional Archives 2020 financial records and to appoint Cathy Scott as an alternate auditor, in the event that either of the two auditors are unavailable.
Moved by Jan Shields; Seconded by Maxine Maxwell. Carried.

MOTION: To accept the South Peace Regional Archives 2020 budget, as presented.
Moved by Gail Prette; Seconded by Cathy Scott. Carried.

MOTION: To complete a final review of the Draft Bylaw document to correct any spelling or grammar errors before the document is submitted to Alberta Registries.
Moved by Jan Shields; Seconded by Gail Schau. Carried.

SPECIAL RESOLUTION: Be it resolved as a special resolution of the South Peace Regional Archives Society, that the Bylaws of the South Peace Regional Archives Society be repealed; and that the Draft Bylaw document as presented at the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the South Peace Regional Archives, attached hereto, serve as the Bylaws of the Society in lieu of and to replace the current Bylaws.
Moved by Jan Shields; Seconded by Duff Crerar. Carried.

MOTION: To accept the nominations report, as presented.
Moved by Jan Shields; Seconded by Linda Murphy. Carried.

VOTE: Call for vote for GAIL PRETTE as Director.
Vote carried.

VOTE: Call for vote for ELEANOR DALEN WHITLING as Director.
Vote carried.

VOTE: Call for vote for DARYL WHITE as Director.
Vote carried.

VOTE: Call for votes for PAULINE NORTON as Director.
Vote carried.

VOTE: Call for votes for MEAGHAN PEURAMAKI-BROWN as Director.
Vote carried.

VOTE: Call for votes for SHAWN MORTON as Director.
Vote carried.

Draft minutes were completed by Duff Crerar, Secretary, with assistance from Alyssa Currie, Executive Director. Motions and votes were verified and tallied by the Secretary (Duff Crerar) and President (Jan Shields); individual voting results will remain anonymous.

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