Regiment: Royal Canadian Engineer 2nd and 3rd division
Rank: Sapper (Combat Engineer)
Force: Army
Alfred Cloutier, the son of Albert and Emma (Brochu) Cloutier, was born on September 24, 1921 in St. Magloire, QC. When he was 5 years old the family moved to Pickardville AB where they farmed until 1936 or 1937, and then settled in the Girouxville area. Alfred bought his own quarter of land in 1940 (NW 30-78-22-5). He married Lucille Boisvert on June 16, 1942. Enlisting with the Army in February 1943, Alfred trained in Edmonton, Chilliwack BC, Prince Albert SK, and Kingston ON, before being posted overseas. The train took him from Edmonton to Halifax, where he went by boat and arrived in France on February 7. By April 8 he was on the Front Lines in Berlin, Germany. He served with the Occupations Army until returning home in June 1946. Since he was a veteran, Alfred was given a half section of homestead (E. ½ 12-79-23-5) and a tractor. Also he purchased his first automobile – a 1928 Chevrolet. He farmed and logged for a while, later purchasing a three-quarter section in Jean Cote. In 1953, he built a frame house on the half section, and in 1962 he built another one. His crops were damaged by hail in 1962. Due to poor health, Alfred sold his farm to 2 of his sons in 1975, and he and Lucille and the 2 youngest children moved to Edmonton. There he worked for the Separate School Board until his retirement in 1985. Alfred passed away in 1999 (possible), and Lucille died in Edmonton in 2015. Alfred and Lucille had 10 children: Liliane, Gemma, Cecile, Hector, Richard, Roger, Andre, Gilbert, Jeannine, and Guy.
Source: Reflexions p. 431 (Family photo p. 433)
AGS Obituary Index (little information on Alfred A. Cloutier)