MacDaid, Charles Edward Brendon “Ted”

Regimental Number: 781614
Rank: Lance Corporal
Branch: 49th Battalion

Ted was born in Kilcormac, Ireland on August 22, 1895. He came to Canada in 1913, and in 1916, he once again crossed the Atlantic, having enlisted in the Canadian army. Ted was living in Saskatchewan at the time of his enlistment in January of 1916. In April 1917 at Vimy Ridge, Ted received gunshot wounds to his right leg, right arm, and eye. When he returned to Canada, he filed on a homestead southwest of Eaglesham (his property was located at ?-77-5-W6; 32-77-26-W5; 33-77-26-W6). Ted also served for some time in the Second World War.

Source: Smoky Peace Triangle p. 301; (stories)
